A-Math Sec 3 Sa1 2014 Beatty Sec - p1 PDF

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BEATTYSECONDARY SCHOOL. PI onlay ‘ MID-YEAREXAMINATION 2014 SUBJECT : Additional Mathematics LEVEL : Sec 3Express PAPER : 4047/1 DURATION : 2 hours SETTER : MdmRashimaSidik DATE 215 May 2014 CLASS : NAME : REG NO: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your name, class and index number in the spaces on the top of this page. ‘Write in dark blue or black pen. ‘You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid Answer all questions. Give non exact numerical answers conect to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question, ‘The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate. You ate reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. ‘The number of marks is given in brackets { } at the end of each question or part question. ‘The total number of marks for this paper is 80. This paper consists of 3 printed pages (including this cover page) [Turn over M 1 The line 2y-1=.x intersects the curve x?+ y? =19—axy at the points A and B. Find thecoordinates of A and of B. (4) 2 (a) Find the smallest integer value of a for which a(x? +5x)—3x-+4a is always positive forall real values of x. 5) (b) Show that the equation x? +bx=3(3—b) has real roots for all real values of x. GB) © Find the range of values of c for which the line y+x-+¢=0 intersects the curve y=12x" +3cx—1 at two distinct points (5) 3 (@)Express y=-2x7 -12x—9 in the form y=a(x—h)? +k (2) (b) Hence sketch the curve y=~2x? -12x-9, labeling clearly the coordinates of the turning point and the y-intercept. 2 4(@)_ Without using a calculator, find the value of p such that 2 _Via7), 5 se |+ V2 = pve (4) (AS) ta (b) Express (3+.V7)? - 3 = in thé form q +rV7, where q and r are integers to be determined (4) 5 (a)Given that 3°? x2"? = 3x4", evaluate 67, B) (b)Using an appropriate substitution, solve 3° +81 * =36 4) ee oe . Express 8% — 74-1416 ial fractions. (6) (2x+1)2-1* 10 n ‘The function f(x)=2x’+7x? +ax+b, where a and b are constants, has a factor of x-2 and leaves a remainder of 15 when divided by x +3, (a) Find the value of a and of b. (4) (b) Solve the equation f(x) = 0. G) (QHence solve2y* +7y* tay? +b=0. 2) ‘The roots of the equation x’ —4x+2=0 are a@and # . Find (a) the value of a? + 6” p) (b) the quadratic equation in x whose roots are @” and f° B) (a) Solve [2x—5|-7x=4 B) (b) Sketch the graph of y ? _3,| for -20. (2) 1 Find the x-coordinate of the intersection point of the curves y and y= 8V¥ in this interval 2) Obtain the binomial expansion of (4—x)(1+ aa in ascending powers of x, as faras the term in x” (4) Hence, estimate the value of 3.25x(1.15)* BI In the expansion of (1+2x)" in ascending powers of x, the coefficient of the ~ third term is 60. Find thevalue of n, where nis a positive integer. 14) ~End of Paper~ \3 Answer Key 2 a2 7), B= (3,2) 2a) 1 (by +Ox-9436=0 D=b? -4(-9+3b) =b?-12b436 = (b-6 20 Since D2 0, the equation has real roots for all values of x (©) True for all values of c except c= i Ba) -2(x +3) +9 ) (a) (b) sa) 22 - 25 é a + - + 3(2x+1) 3(x-1) (x-1)? Ta) a=-10,b=-24 (b) © (a) 12 ob) ox Ma) x Range of y: 0S y<10 (©) Number of solutions = 3 (s oa 11(a)(i) rele + 5° °5 Gi) 1.525 (by n=6 AM_MYE_P1_2014 Solutions 1 The line 2y-1= xintersects the curve x? + y* =19—xy at the points A and B. Find thecoordinates of A and of B. (4) (2y-I)* +y*+(2y-Dy-19=0 MI 4y?-4ytl+y? +2? — y-19=0 Ty? -Sy-18=0 (Ty+9(y~2)=0 MI ,ys2 2213-1 x=2(2)-1 42 A=(-32,-15), B= 3,2) A2 (37 ,-1D) B= G2) 2 (a)Find the smallest integer value of a for which a(x? +5x)-3x+4a is always positive forall real values of x. (5) a(x? +5x)-3x+4a= ax? +(Sa—3)x+4a MI Always positive D0>@c+1)?—4(12(e-1)>0 MI 9c? +6c4+1—48e+48>0 9c? ~42¢+49 >0 (Ge-7)" >0 ‘My 707 em sess Al Or True for all values of c except c= 2 (a) Express y=~—2x*-12x—9 in the form. yea(x-hy +k (2) (b) Hence sketch the curve y=~2x" -12x-9, labeling clearly the coordinates of the turning point and the y-intercept 2) (a) ~2x7 -12x-9 -2(x? +6x)-9 nal =-A(x4 3)? -9]-9 = 2x43) 49 Al Shape of curveand y-intercept Gl Label turing point G1 (b) 4 (a) Without using a calculator, find the value of p such that 2M) 5 ag vis 3 i} (4) MI simplify surd Micombine into 1 fraction M1 rationalise Al (b) Express +7)? - in the form g+rV7, where q and r are integers to be determined, [4] alt G+v7y = 2) Ti vi) MI = 16+ 6)7 202 15N7 MI 4-7 ~ . =16+6V7-(-10-5¥7) = 26+1N7 q=26,r=11 A2 (a) Given that 3°72"? =3*1 4", evaluate 6%. GB) y oye eae (9) x 4 MI 9(3")x— = x2" MI FOG x MKT ES 9 gx _ 36% MI 9 ery _ OF 2 6)= =(6)= aacaas o gOr>5 MI Ya eat rn Al Al 2 (b) Using an appropriate substitution, solve 3°° +81 * =36 | - [4] 34814 -36=0 (VY +3"? -36=0 MI Let3*= y y+9y-36=0 MI (7412-3) F=-12, 7 =3 MI nax =1 Al Express S©=7X

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