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The Depleted Mantle Component in

Kerguelen Archipelago Basalts: Petrogenesis
of Tholeiitic–Transitional Basalts From the
Loranchet Peninsula




A geochemical study of 28 Ma tholeiitic to transitional basalts from 1 Myr after 26 Ma. Mixing of depleted asthenosphere with the
the Kerguelen Archipelago (Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine) plume in sublithospheric channels during migration of the Southeast
indicates that three distinct magma types erupted within >1 Myr. Indian Ridge axis away from the Kerguelen hotspot is proposed as
Low-MgO basalts (>4–6 wt %) in both sections are overlain a suitable explanation to account for the temporal distribution of
by high-MgO basalts (>7–13 wt %), mostly present in Mont the depleted component in basalts from the Northern Kerguelen
Fontaine. Both high- and low-MgO basalts have nearly identical Plateau and the >26 Ma Kerguelen Archipelago flood basalts;
low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd and formed from similar cessation of plume–ridge interactions may explain the absence of
parental magmas that represent mixtures between a depleted mantle depleted basalts in the youngest sections that erupted further away
component and the Kerguelen plume. The third magma type, from the ridge axis.
predominant in Mont des Ruches, is represented by high-MgO
basalts that are isotopically heterogeneous with isotopic ratios that
are intermediate between those of the stratigraphically lower basalts
and the Kerguelen plume compositions; this third magma type may KEY WORDS: Kerguelen Archipelago; basalt; geochemistry; depleted com-
have formed by mixing of similar material, but with a higher ponent; Kerguelen plume; mixing
contribution from the Kerguelen plume. The depleted component
involved in all three magma types is similar to the source for Southeast
Indian Ridge basalts and is present in Kerguelen Archipelago basalts
older than 26 Ma, which erupted when the ridge axis was <500 km INTRODUCTION
away from the Kerguelen hotspot. Depleted heterogeneities intrinsic The generation of the >119 Ma to present Kerguelen
to the plume and entrainment of depleted mantle during plume Large Igneous Province (Duncan, 2002) is related to
ascent do not explain the marked cut-off in the presence of a depleted activity of the Kerguelen mantle plume (e.g. Frey et al.,
component in the archipelago basalts within a time interval of 2000a). The Kerguelen Archipelago and part of the

∗Corresponding author. Present address: Département des Sciences de

la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université Libre de Bruxelles, B-1050
Brussels, Belgium. Telephone: +32-2-650-22-46. Fax: + 32-2-650-
37-48. E-mail:
†Present address: Department of Geology, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS 66506, USA  Oxford University Press 2002

submarine Northern Kerguelen Plateau (Weis & Frey, GEOLOGY OF THE KERGUELEN
2002) represent the last >35 Myr of plume activity.
Within this 35 Myr time interval, there is evidence for a ARCHIPELAGO AND THE
decreasing degree of melting with decreasing eruption LORANCHET PENINSULA
age (Weis et al., 1998b; Frey et al., 2000b). In an effort to The Kerguelen Archipelago (6500 km2) is the emergent
evaluate the source components and the petrogenetic part of the Northern Kerguelen Plateau (Fig. 1). Spread-
processes responsible for the various isotopic signatures ing rates on the SEIR (Royer & Sandwell, 1989) indicate
observed in basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago, that the archipelago location was along the ridge axis at
systematic studies of the spatial and temporal geochemical 40·1 Ma and subsequently evolved toward its present
variations in archipelago basalt sections have been under- intraplate location, 1400 km to the SW, as the ridge
taken (Weis et al., 1998b; Yang et al., 1998; Frey et al., moved to the NE. Flood basalts (>29–24 Ma; Nicolaysen
2000b, 2002a). These studies complement earlier survey et al., 2000) cover 85% of the surface of the archipelago
studies of basalts from diverse locations on the Kerguelen (Fig. 1a). During emplacement of the flood basalts, the
Archipelago (Gautier et al., 1990; Weis et al., 1993). distance between the archipelago and the SEIR increased
The proportion of depleted mantle contributing to from >350 to >550 km. The topography of the nearly
Kerguelen Archipelago flood basalts has been a matter horizontal flood basalts is locally perturbed by younger
of debate (Storey et al., 1988, 1989; Gautier et al., 1990; volcanic–plutonic complexes (Giret & Lameyre, 1983;
Weis et al., 1993; Yang et al., 1998). The relatively Weis & Giret, 1994). Basaltic sections up to 1000 m in
low ( 87Sr/86Sr)i (down to 0·7039, where the subscript height (Fig. 1a) have been exposed by glacial erosion
‘i’ indicates the age-corrected isotopic ratio for each and were systematically sampled during the last 10 years
individual section), ( 206Pb/204Pb)i (down to 18·2) and high of the Kerguelen Archipelago mapping programme
( 143Nd/144Nd)i (up to >0·5129) in >15% of the exposed (CartoKer programme, Université Jean Monnet).
tholeiitic to transitional basalts from the north–central Flood basalts cover the entirety of the Loranchet Pen-
29·5 Ma Mont Bureau and 29 Ma Mont Rabouillère insula (Fig. 1) and are exposed in sections of 300–800 m
sections have been interpreted as reflecting assimilation height. NW–SE and NE–SW oriented fjords and near-
of gabbroic oceanic crust (Yang et al., 1998). Mixing vertical dykes cut the basalts and follow the two main
between Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR) and Kerguelen fracture orientations reported on the peninsula (Nougier,
plume magmas is documented at Ocean Drilling Program 1970). Dykes and sills of trachyte and rhyolite, and
(ODP) Site 1140 (>34 Ma; Duncan, 2002) in the minor gabbroic intrusions also occur on the peninsula.
Plagioclase-phyric massive basalt flows, preferentially loc-
Northern Kerguelen Plateau, >300 km north of the
ated in the lower parts of the volcanic sections, and
archipelago (Weis & Frey, 2002). Finally, the nearly
olivine-phyric flows are common. The Mont des Ruches
isotopically homogeneous basalts from the 26 Ma Mont
and Mont Fontaine sections are composed of numerous
Tourmente section in the central Kerguelen Archipelago
massive basaltic flows of 2–18 m thickness, which are
have lower 87Sr/86Sr and higher 143Nd/144Nd compared
separated by weathered or oxidized horizons (Fig. 1b).
with estimates for the plume (Weis et al., 1998a, 2002);
Mont des Ruches is 497 m high and is cut by a dyke of
Frey et al. (2002a) have suggested that these basalts may 15 m thickness. A sample of this dyke was not available
reflect depleted heterogeneities intrinsic to the Kerguelen for this study but it is described as a zoned dyke with a
plume. gabbroic core and a rhyolitic border. Additional field
We have studied the Mont des Ruches and Mont descriptions (P. Camps & M. Perrin, personal com-
Fontaine basaltic sections, which are located in the north- munication) indicate the presence of numerous sills in
western part of the Kerguelen Archipelago on the Lor- the area. Mont Fontaine is a succession of subhorizontal
anchet Peninsula (Fig. 1). These lavas are considered to basaltic flows forming a section of 325 m height, located
be amongst the oldest sections exposed on the archipelago >15 km to the east of Mont des Ruches. There are no
as a result of a regional 2–5° SE dip of basaltic flows, field relationships that allow us to place relative age
which correlates with a general decrease in eruption ages constraints between the two stratigraphic sections.
from NW to SE in the archipelago (Nicolaysen et al.,
2000). In this paper we use the age and geochemical
characteristics of basalts in both sections to (1) constrain
the composition and origin of the depleted component, PETROGRAPHY AND MINERAL
(2) constrain interactions between the plume and the CHEMISTRY
depleted component reservoirs, and (3) evaluate the con- More than 80% of the examined samples from Mont
tribution, if any, of contamination by continental material des Ruches and Mont Fontaine are either plagioclase-
in the petrogenesis of basaltic lavas from the NW Ker- phyric (four of 46 samples) or olivine-phyric (34 of 46
guelen Archipelago. samples). Phenocryst contents and sizes range from 3 to


Fig. 1. (a) Simplified geological map of the Kerguelen Archipelago, after Nougier (1970), showing the distribution of flood basalts (85% of the
surface area), plutonic complexes (5%) and Quaternary deposits (10%). Χ, locations of basaltic sections sampled during the CartoKer mapping
programme. (b) The Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine sections with sample locations shown (black areas indicate massive parts of flows
where sampling was possible). All sample names studied in this paper are prefixed by ‘BY96-’. (c) Schematic map of the Indian Ocean sea floor,
after Smith & Sandwell (1997).

15 vol. % and >0·3 to 5 mm, respectively (Table 1). mineral stoichiometry. Representative compositions are
The groundmass is doleritic or subophitic and consists given in Table 2.
of fine-grained or poikilitic augite, plagioclase laths, oxides
(<1 vol. %), olivine, and locally devitrified and/or altered
brown glass. Alteration is present in >40% of the Mont Plagioclase-phyric (low-MgO) basalts
des Ruches and Mont Fontaine samples (Table 1), and
Plagioclase phenocrysts have a nearly constant size of
ranges from brown altered and devitrified groundmass,
>5 mm. They are typically characterized by a core of
to serpentinized and iddingsitized olivine, to secondary
An70–80, a strongly resorbed border and a narrow fringe
zeolites (<1 vol. % when present) and rare calcite (<1%,
(up to 0·1 mm) of >An40–50 (Table 2). They are commonly
when present, e.g. sample BY96-31). Alteration is also
isolated in a fine-grained groundmass of augite, plagio-
reflected in variable whole-rock loss on ignition (LOI)
clase and altered devitrified glass. Zoning can locally
values from 1·2 to 6·7 wt %.
be complex: a single phenocryst in BY96-44 exhibits
Olivine and plagioclase compositions were analysed
oscillatory zoning between An35 and An80 around a homo-
with a Cameca SX100 electon microprobe at the Uni-
geneous core of An80.
versité Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France, using
an accelerating voltage of 15 keV, a beam current of 15
nA, a beam size of 1 m, and natural and synthetic
standards. Compositions were determined on cores and Olivine-phyric (high-MgO) basalts
rims of multiple grains from selected thin sections. Both Olivine is abundant in the high-MgO basalts from the
the plagioclase and olivine analyses are consistent with Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine sections (Table 1)


Table 1: Petrographic characteristics of Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine samples

Sample Height Description Groundmass Phenocrysts MgO mg-no. Comment

(m) (%) (wt %)

Mont des Ruches

BY96-24 497 ol-phyric subophitic ol (15) 9·26 63 fresh
BY96-25 490 ol-phyric subophitic ol (13) 10·64 65 little altered
BY96-26 480 ol-phyric doleritic 7·80 58 fresh
BY96-27 455 ol-phyric doleritic ol (12) 10·65 66 fresh
BY96-28 455 aphyric quenched very altered
BY96-29 442 ol-phyric doleritic ol (13) 11·54 67 little altered
BY96-30 412 ol-phyric doleritic ol (8) 10·19 65 little altered
BY96-31 408 aphyric microlitic 4·31 39 very altered
BY96-32 380 ol-phyric doleritic ol (15) 11·69 68 fresh
BY96-33 350 ol-phyric doleritic ol (5) 9·63 65 altered olivine
BY96-34 328 ol-phyric doleritic ol (11) 10·87 68 fresh
BY96-35 308 ol-phyric subophitic ol (5) 7·06 55 fresh
BY96-36 300 ol-phyric doleritic ol (5) 8·91 60 fresh
BY96-37 263 ol-phyric doleritic ol (5) 6·64 50 fresh
BY96-38 230 ol-phyric subophitic 9·98 63 fresh
BY96-39 180 ol-phyric subophitic ol (5) 10·22 65 very altered
BY96-40 140 aphyric medium-grained very altered
BY96-41 165 aphyric medium-grained 5·69 52 very altered
BY96-42 60 aphyric medium-grained 5·52 51 very altered
BY96-43 30 pl-phyric fine-grained pl (15) 4·44 42 very altered
BY96-44 15 pl-phyric fine-grained pl (16) little altered
BY96-45 10 pl-phyric fine-grained pl (10) 4·16 44 little altered
BY96-46 0 aphyric trachytic 4·15 39 fresh

Mont Fontaine
BY96-80 325 ol-phyric doleritic ol (10) 10·25 66 fresh
BY96-81 320 aphyric subophitic 6·63 51 very altered
BY96-82 320 ol-phyric subophitic ol (2) 7·52 53 fresh
BY96-83 315 ol-phyric subophitic ol (10) 7·56 54 fresh
BY96-84 310 ol-phyric subophitic ol (10) 11·03 65 fresh
BY96-85 305 ol-phyric subophitic ol (11) 11·70 68 fresh
BY96-86 300 ol-phyric subophitic ol (12) 11·50 68 fresh
BY96-87 245 ol-phyric subophitic ol (5) 9·36 62 very altered
BY96-88 235 ol-phyric subophitic ol (7) 9·23 63 very altered
BY96-89 225 ol-phyric subophitic ol (11) 13·32 71 altered
BY96-90 220 ol-phyric doleritic ol (9) 10·07 65 fresh
BY96-91 215 ol-phyric doleritic ol (6·5) 9·03 63 fresh
BY96-92 205 ol-phyric doleritic ol (4) 10·06 66 very altered
BY96-93 195 ol-phyric doleritic ol (3) 8·16 61 very altered
BY96-94 185 ol-phyric doleritic ol (3) 9·69 63 very altered
BY96-95 175 ol-phyric doleritic ol (10) 11·43 67 very altered
BY96-96 170 ol-phyric subophitic ol (15) 10·82 67 very altered
BY96-97 160 ol-phyric doleritic ol (5) 11·18 68 altered
BY96-98 130 ol-phyric doleritic ol (13) 11·56 69 little altered
BY96-99 80 ol-phyric subophitic ol (13) 9·24 65 very altered
BY96-100 70 ol-phyric doleritic ol (9·5) 11·26 68 fresh
BY96-101 50 pl–cpx-phyric doleritic cpx (2·5), pl (2) 4·64 41 fresh
BY96-102 10 pl-phyric microlitic pl (10) 3·78 38 little altered

ol, olivine; pl, plagioclase; cpx, clinopyroxene. mg-number is calculated on the basis of atomic fractions [Mg2+/(Mg2++Fe2+)].

Table 2: Representative microprobe analyses of olivine and plagioclase compositions of Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts

Mont des Ruches olivines

Sample: BY96-25 BY96-25 BY96-25 BY96-29 BY96-29 BY96-30 BY96-30 BY96-32 BY96-32
core rim GM core rim core rim core rim
DOUCET et al.

SiO2 39·10 38·15 36·21 39·26 36·02 39·01 36·46 39·21 36·39
FeO 14·15 18·83 28·25 13·73 31·40 15·87 28·17 13·51 27·47
MgO 45·82 41·18 34·27 45·89 30·59 43·87 33·58 45·28 33·70
Cr2O3 0·06 0·13 0·01 0·09 0·03 0·12 0·00 0·08 0·00
MnO 0·20 0·28 0·38 0·16 0·54 0·30 0·40 0·17 0·42
CaO 0·25 0·32 0·33 0·27 0·35 0·29 0·44 0·23 0·30
NiO 0·20 0·15 0·11 0·21 0·10 0·19 0·15 0·22 0·11
Total 99·95 99·14 99·67 99·66 99·11 99·74 99·23 98·81 98·50
Fa (%) 15 20 31 14 36 17 32 14 31
Fo (%) 85 79 68 85 63 83 68 86 68

Mont des Ruches plagioclase

Sample: BY96-25 BY96-29 BY96-30 BY96-32 BY96-37 BY96-37 BY96-44 BY96-44 BY96-44
GM GM GM GM GM GM core rim GM

SiO2 51·69 48·08 49·01 49·65 54·39 50·84 49·19 53·87 54·10
Al2O3 28·50 31·50 31·02 30·33 28·02 31·13 31·30 27·82 28·33
FeO 0·71 0·71 0·73 0·56 1·38 0·79 0·56 0·77 0·87
MgO 0·11 0·11 0·11 0·07 0·15 0·09 0·19 0·10 0·15
CaO 12·28 15·56 14·92 13·97 11·88 14·77 15·07 11·59 11·56
Na2O 4·46 2·52 3·02 3·44 4·75 3·07 2·70 5·14 4·90
K 2O 0·37 0·18 0·20 0·23 0·33 0·12 0·09 0·22 0·27
Total 98·11 98·67 99·01 98·25 100·90 100·81 99·10 99·51 100·20
An (%) 59 77 72 68 57 72 75 55 56

Ab (%) 39 22 27 30 41 27 24 44 43
Or (%) 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2
Table 2: continued

Mont Fontaine olivines

Sample: BY96-83 BY96-83 BY96-83 BY96-86 BY96-86 BY96-90 BY96-90 BY96-90 BY96-98 BY96-98 BY96-100 BY96-100
core core rim core rim core rim GM core rim core rim

SiO2 40·60 38·26 35·78 39·47 37·80 40·52 37·61 36·43 39·65 37·08 39·88 38·05
FeO 9·36 20·51 36·25 14·11 24·24 15·71 20·77 31·01 13·11 21·18 14·16 25·49
MgO 49·16 41·56 28·37 46·80 37·50 44·31 40·28 31·97 46·73 40·17 45·11 35·67
Cr2O3 0·00 0·07 0·02 0·16 0·04 0·03 0·05 0·00 0·04 0·00 0·13 0·11
MnO 0·16 0·32 0·36 0·16 0·32 0·21 0·30 0·40 0·22 0·32 0·19 0·35
CaO 0·02 0·28 0·29 0·24 0·42 0·24 0·32 0·43 0·28 0·29 0·22 0·33
NiO 0·32 0·25 0·11 0·27 0·08 0·28 0·17 0·10 0·36 0·17 0·32 0·11
Total 99·67 101·29 101·29 101·29 100·46 101·42 99·64 100·46 100·47 99·23 100·25 100·28

Fa (%) 10 22 42 14 27 17 22 35 14 23 15 29
Fo (%) 90 78 58 85 73 84 77 65 86 76 85 72

Mont Fontaine plagioclase

Sample: BY96-83 BY96-86 BY96-86 BY96-90 BY96-100 BY96-101 BY96-101 BY96-101


GM GM in. cpx GM GM core rim GM

SiO2 51·59 48·46 48·01 51·24 51·30 47·42 54·85 55·62

Al2O3 30·13 31·60 31·86 30·24 29·89 32·44 27·14 27·51
FeO 0·63 0·83 0·76 0·47 0·77 0·53 0·77 0·97

MgO 0·13 0·01 0·07 0·19 0·11 0·19 0·12 0·09

CaO 13·79 15·64 15·79 14·21 13·87 16·85 10·62 10·57
Na2O 3·95 2·52 2·61 3·50 3·84 2·12 5·39 5·46
K2O 0·14 0·13 0·17 0·12 0·18 0·06 0·42 0·42
Total 100·36 99·18 99·27 99·97 99·96 99·59 99·30 100·64
JULY 2002

An (%) 65 77 76 69 66 81 51 50
Ab (%) 34 22 23 31 33 18 47 47
Or (%) 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2

GM signifies olivine or plagioclase composition in the groundmass. Fa, Fo, An, Ab and Or means molar fayalite, forsterite, anorthite, albite and orthoclase percent
proportions within the mineral.

Table 3: Summary of 40Ar/39Ar geochronology for Monts des Ruches and Fontaine

Sample Locality Plateau Arp (%) Isochron Cumulative ( 40Ar/36Ar)i MSWD
age (Ma) age (Ma) % Ar

BY96-24 Mt. des Ruches 27·95±0·66 100 28·27±0·92 91·1 284±24 1·98
BY96-80 Mt. Fontaine 27·92±0·48 97·5 28·23±0·69 100 268±13 1·86
BY96-100 Mt. Fontaine 27·4±1·0 91·1 28·0±1·1 100 260±10 1·55

The plateau ages are defined by at least three consecutive heating steps which overlap within the 2 uncertainties and the
plateau includes at least 50% of the total 39Ar released (Fleck et al., 1977). All uncertainties are reported at the 2 confidence
limit and the isochron dates are used for the eruption ages discussed in the text. MSWD, mean square weighted deviation.
Arp is the percentage of total K-derived 39Ar evolved from heating steps on the plateau.

and is of variable size (up to 3 mm diameter), abundance concentrations, were determined by inductively coupled
and habit. Skeletal or euhedral crystals may occur as plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) on an HP4500
isolated phenocrysts in a fine- or medium-grained do- system at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
leritic or subophitic groundmass. Rare rounded olivine Samples were digested in sub-boiled 22M HF and 14M
grains are observed. Olivine grains have core and rim HNO3 then dissolved in 10 ml of sub-boiled 14M HNO3.
compositions of Fo>85–80 and Fo>75–50, respectively After digestion, In (6 ppm), Tl (3·25 ppm), Re (8·6 ppm)
(Table 2). One sample (BY96-37) contains an inclusion and Rh (9·8 ppm) were added as internal standards. Li,
of fine-grained gabbro. Y, Ce and Tl were used for external HP4500 calibration.
One blank was measured for each set of five samples
and was used to correct the results for contamination
during the dissolution. Except for U, Th, Pb and Ta,
whose blank contribution can exceed 20% of the total
A total of 43 samples (200–300 cm3) were analysed for
amount in the sample, all blank contributions are
major and trace element compositions. Surface alteration
p10%, with the majority of blank contributions ranging
was removed by a diamond-embedded saw, and then
between 0·01 and 2% of the amount in the sample.
the cut surface was abraded using sandpaper to remove
Repeated measurement of the BE-N (basalt) standard
any saw traces and remaining alteration features. The
(Geostandards Newsletter, 1995) was used to calculate trace
samples were coarsely crushed in a hydraulic piston
element concentrations in the samples. The precision of
crusher (percussion method) before being reduced to
powder in an agate shatterbox. the measurements was controlled by replicate meas-
Two samples from the Mont Fontaine stratigraphic urements (eight times, on a separately dissolved sample)
section and one from Mont des Ruches were selected of a basalt from ODP Leg 183, Site 1140 (31R1-
for dating by the 40Ar/39Ar method. The results are 57–61 cm; Weis & Frey, 2002; Table 5).
summarized in Table 3. The relative paucity of plagio- Samples for Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic analyses were
clase phenocrysts within these basalts required the ana- selected to encompass the entire range of compositions
lysis of whole-rock groundmass. Each sample was crushed of the least altered samples. The chemical procedure
to Ζ1 mm in diameter and sieved to a 0·8–0·3 mm size used is that described by Weis & Frey (1991). Samples
fraction. Using a Frantz magnetic separator, the olivine were acid-leached in HCl 6N (6–8 steps) to remove
and clinopyroxene were removed to minimize excess alteration phases. The weight lost by leaching was be-
magmatic argon. The samples were acid-leached to re- tween 28 and 58%. Two complete duplicates (leached
move zeolite alteration phases, irradiated, and then ana- from separate powders) were also analysed and their
lysed in the CLAIR facility at MIT (Nicolaysen et al., values are within error (Table 6). Total blank values
2000). were p1 ng for each isotopic system considered, which
Major element oxides and some trace element con- is negligible with respect to the abundance of the elements
centrations were determined by X-ray fluorescence at in the dissolved samples (i.e. >80 000, 400 and 5000 ng
the University of Massachusetts following the analytical in average for Sr, Pb and Nd, respectively). Measurements
procedure described by Rhodes (1996). Major element were performed at Université Libre de Bruxelles on
compositions are the mean of duplicate analyses (Table a multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer
4) and LOI is the weight loss on ignition after 30 min at (Micromass VG Elemental Sector 54). Sr and Nd com-
1020°C. Trace elements, including rare earth element positions were measured in the dynamic mode on a single


Table 4: Major and trace element compositions for basaltic lavas from Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine
(major elements oxides in wt %; trace elements in ppm)

Mont des Ruches basalts

BY96-n: 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34
Type in the
study:∗ 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 3
Height (m): 497 490 480 455 442 412 408 380 350 328

SiO2 48·17 46·86 47·13 46·90 46·66 47·08 49·91 46·88 47·25 46·60
TiO2 1·31 1·87 2·13 1·86 1·88 1·22 3·38 1·79 2·02 1·85
Al2O3 15·23 14·34 15·35 14·37 13·96 14·83 13·14 14·23 15·36 14·46
Fe2O3t 12·23 12·91 12·54 12·49 12·91 12·50 15·22 12·56 11·78 11·82
MnO 0·19 0·19 0·17 0·18 0·19 0·19 0·19 0·18 0·18 0·18
MgO 9·26 10·64 7·80 10·65 11·54 10·19 4·31 11·69 9·63 10·87
CaO 10·87 9·87 10·78 10·39 10·23 10·66 8·43 9·55 10·70 10·61
Na2O 2·21 2·06 2·25 2·16 1·76 2·09 2·84 2·33 1·79 2·18
K2O 0·64 0·84 0·79 0·72 0·67 0·61 1·21 0·72 1·03 1·13
P2O5 0·19 0·26 0·31 0·26 0·29 0·16 0·42 0·26 0·33 0·36
Total 100·30 99·85 99·27 100·00 100·10 99·53 99·05 100·20 100·08 100·06
LOI† 1·75 2·73 3·36 2·01 2·98 2·67 1·82 3·05 4·45 2·26
FeO‡ 10·40 10·97 10·66 10·62 10·97 10·63 12·94 10·68 10·01 10·05
mg-no. ‡ 0·61 0·63 0·57 0·64 0·65 0·63 0·37 0·66 0·63 0·66
AI§ −0·54 −0·01 0·03 −0·04 −0·40 −0·29 0·01 0·14 −0·23 0·50
Rb 15·7 17·2 16·6 17·1 13·4 17·0 18·2 16·4 24·0 24·6
Sr 284 357 389 386 374 211 352 394 438 482
Ba 237 320 274 270 264 217 216 253 496 444
V 206 204 216 187 194 216 303 183 180 206
Cr 404 424 331 460 440 431 14 499 470 433
Ni 137 198 127 192 233 190 17 221 176 213
Zn 84 90 98 90 95 82 160 91 84 87
Ga 17 16 19 19 17 16 24 18 17 16
Y 19·3 19·2 21·7 19·4 19·1 18·6 33·8 18·1 18·6 19·0
Zr 102 114 135 135 117 97 251 130 152 159
Nb 13·2 14·5 17·9 17·9 15·7 16·5 26·6 17·5 29·7 29·1
La 14 15 19 17 16 13 27 18 29 30
Ce 29 32 40 41 37 35 62 39 54 58
La 13·84 13·68 16·57 24·92 28·52 28·80
Ce 28·99 30·78 35·60 57·41 55·26 56·55
Sc 27·09
Cs 0·08 0·06 0·15 0·02 0·73 0·22
Hf 2·45 2·67 3·10 5·89 3·53 3·55
Ta 0·87 0·93 1·18 1·75 1·84 1·99
Th 1·65 1·36 1·93 3·10 4·48 4·11
U 0·33 0·24 0·30 0·56 0·63 0·69
Pb 1·69 1·10 0·96 1·69 1·83 3·22
Nd 14·37 17·49 18·75 33·50 24·72 25·49
Sm 3·24 3·94 4·23 7·87 4·77 5·02
Eu 1·11 1·34 1·42 2·45 1·54 1·64
Tb 0·60 0·66 0·69 1·25 0·68 0·69
Yb 1·82 1·76 1·69 2·91 1·66 1·63
Lu 0·27 0·26 0·23 0·40 0·21 0·23


Mont des Ruches basalts

BY96-n: 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 46
Type in the
study:∗ 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Height (m): 308 300 263 230 180 165 60 30 10 0

SiO2 48·31 46·83 47·65 49·04 47·08 51·38 50·87 49·46 50·15 50·34
TiO2 1·68 1·65 2·39 1·52 1·25 2·49 2·44 2·62 2·51 3·69
Al2O3 14·94 14·48 14·47 13·84 15·23 15·07 15·12 15·36 16·17 13·15
Fe2O3 13·26 13·49 15·38 13·21 12·44 11·88 12·10 13·47 11·99 15·01
MnO 0·20 0·20 0·21 0·19 0·18 0·16 0·17 0·22 0·14 0·21
MgO 7·06 8·91 6·64 9·98 10·22 5·69 5·52 4·44 4·16 4·15
CaO 11·65 10·79 10·58 9·62 10·38 9·15 9·55 9·73 10·14 8·24
Na2O 2·27 2·31 2·27 2·15 1·93 2·74 2·74 3·29 2·95 2·85
K2O 0·59 0·60 0·42 0·38 0·09 1·28 1·24 0·64 0·81 1·36
P2O5 0·21 0·23 0·22 0·18 0·11 0·35 0·34 0·63 0·58 0·53
Total 100·19 99·50 100·22 100·10 98·91 100·18 100·10 99·84 99·81 99·52
LOI† 1·43 0·91 2·04 0·64 4·22 3·05 4·11 6·69 2·22 2·59
FeO‡ 0·53 0·58 0·48 0·61 0·63 0·50 0·49 0·41 0·42 0·37
mg-no.‡ 0·53 0·58 0·48 0·61 0·63 0·50 0·49 0·41 0·42 0·37
AI§ −0·58 0·01 −0·51 −1·19 −0·97 −0·56 −0·41 0·06 −0·36 0·01
Rb 16·0 16·2 8·8 9·2 1·5 29 27·9 23·7 14·2 20·1
Sr 293 274 240 232 170 428 418 403 418 354
Ba 202 203 142 131 30 206 207 258 204 230
V 249 247 246 209 173 204 216 197 193 280
Cr 251 388 270 378 417 93 94 36 46 32
Ni 81 155 155 244 288 57 55 27 34 22
Zn 85 92 118 103 99 110 90 109 114 149
Ga 19 18 21 18 18 22 22 21 22 25
Y 22·2 22·0 26·0 21·7 16·5 35·1 33·7 27·9 28·0 38·2
Zr 109 116 124 103 71 227 209 173 173 315
Nb 15·4 16·9 14·2 11·1 5·5 19·7 19·8 17·6 17·3 30·0
La 17 20 14 13 8 25 24 23 21 30
Ce 37 38 32 28 16 62 57 46 52 67
La 13·38 11·32 5·41 22·57 21·40 21·52 19·42 28·59
Ce 29·84 25·45 13·33 53·42 50·73 48·36 45·93 67·50
Sc 32·35 25·93 29·40 27·12 27·15 24·47 26·66 27·09
Cs 0·13 0·07 0·26 0·29 0·33 8·99 0·83 0·18
Hf 3·09 2·38 1·62 5·42 5·10 3·99 4·00 7·35
Ta 1·29 0·68 0·44 1·49 1·49 1·18 1·35 2·03
Th 1·50 1·18 0·58 3·01 2·84 2·57 2·46 3·41
U 0·26 0·24 0·10 0·69 0·66 0·55 0·51 0·73
Pb 1·13 1·09 0·41 2·59 3·26 2·84 1·70 2·84
Nd 17·08 14·14 8·87 30·26 28·73 28·54 27·07 38·89
Sm 4·15 3·48 2·43 7·18 6·81 6·86 6·45 9·17
Eu 1·39 1·19 0·90 2·04 1·97 2·36 2·25 2·75
Tb 0·82 0·66 0·52 1·14 1·12 1·04 1·06 1·46
Yb 2·52 1·95 1·58 3·13 3·03 2·30 2·30 3·21
Lu 0·36 0·28 0·23 0·45 0·43 0·34 0·32 0·46


Table 4: continued

Mont Fontaine basalts

BY96-n: 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 87duplicate 88 89 90
Type in
the study:∗ 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1
(m): 325 320 320 315 310 305 300 245 245 235 225 220

SiO2 46·67 47·77 46·70 46·26 46·58 45·30 45·87 48·45 48·69 47·70 46·67 48·04
TiO2 1·90 2·36 2·63 3·28 2·02 1·50 1·52 1·68 1·69 1·54 1·09 1·69
Al2O3 14·59 15·56 15·42 14·07 14·44 14·26 14·11 14·54 14·63 14·73 14·35 14·14
Fe2O3 12·17 14·62 15·31 14·60 13·57 12·73 12·62 13·25 13·30 12·89 12·61 12·57
MnO 0·19 0·19 0·20 0·18 0·19 0·19 0·19 0·19 0·19 0·18 0·17 0·17
MgO 10·25 6·63 7·52 7·56 11·03 11·70 11·50 9·36 9·43 9·23 13·32 10·07
CaO 11·08 10·25 9·91 9·86 9·32 10·43 10·70 9·95 9·99 9·89 9·06 10·16
Na2O 2·13 2·30 2·19 2·53 2·11 1·89 1·94 2·07 2·24 2·26 1·98 2·41
K2O 0·84 0·21 0·24 0·41 0·53 0·69 0·77 0·19 0·19 0·39 0·09 0·47
P2O5 0·29 0·17 0·19 0·31 0·15 0·22 0·23 0·15 0·15 0·14 0·08 0·24
Total 100·10 100·08 100·30 99·07 99·94 99·89 99·43 99·82 98·94 99·22 99·96
LOI† 1·45 2·21 4·45 1·92 3·66 2·90 2·80 1·21 4·16 3·56 1·06
FeO‡ 10·34 12·43 13·01 12·41 11·54 10·82 10·73 11·26 10·96 10·72 10·68
mg-no.‡ 0·64 0·49 0·51 0·52 0·63 0·66 0·66 0·60 0·60 0·69 0·63
AI§ 0·13 −0·73 −0·41 0·25 −0·16 0·25 0·17 −1·24 −1·16 −0·57 −0·77 −0·46
Rb 17·0 2·3 4·0 6·3 21·8 20·1 20·3 3·0 13·8 1·1 7·9
Sr 419 338 287 447 240 263 414 204 184 141 337
Ba 284 63 168 132 404 283 285 50 64 30 133
V 224 245 236 225 198 209 211 200 180 173 198
Cr 482 179 196 259 412 525 522 367 353 500 412
Ni 193 137 144 159 272 251 232 194 184 333 219
Zn 88 117 124 133 109 84 82 103 97 91 86
Ga 17 20 19 22 15 16 18 19 18 16 18
Y 20·3 24·9 24·2 27·0 19·4 17·8 17·4 20·2 17·2 15·2 19·6
Zr 140 98 104 164 97 108 112 94 81 52 114
Nb 18·9 7·3 6·8 16·2 8·1 19·4 20·5 7·3 6·4 3·5 10·7
La 20 8 8 13 9 19 19 8 8 — 13
Ce 39 21 21 39 21 38 39 20 15 10 28
La 17·33 8·25 7·59 7·19 16·81 18·20 6·69 3·50 11·10
Ce 36·83 20·25 19·71 18·22 34·28 37·06 17·19 9·16 26·33
Sc 30·88 28·85 27·94 26·64 30·80 31·24 28·34 25·80 27·01
Cs 0·15 0·11 0·05 0·05 0·07 0·08 0·04 0·05 0·08
Hf 3·10 2·71 2·89 2·48 2·41 2·53 2·31 1·29 2·59
Ta 1·39 0·54 0·47 0·55 1·24 1·33 0·46 0·19 0·64
Th 2·11 0·63 0·47 0·69 2·12 2·28 0·44 0·22 1·02
U 0·39 0·12 0·09 0·11 0·39 0·43 0·11 0·05 0·20
Pb 1·78 1·15 1·08 1·37 1·54 1·71 1·06 0·96 1·68
Nd 20·42 15·07 15·68 13·32 16·20 17·45 12·23 6·77 16·26
Sm 4·48 4·44 4·58 3·74 3·35 3·57 3·41 2·00 3·99
Eu 1·52 1·61 1·66 1·33 1·14 1·19 1·19 0·78 1·36
Tb 0·71 0·83 0·85 0·67 0·56 0·58 0·64 0·44 0·67
Yb 1·84 2·22 2·10 1·79 1·65 1·66 1·81 1·43 1·76
Lu 0·26 0·31 0·29 0·24 0·24 0·24 0·26 0·21 0·25


Mont Fontaine basalts

BY96-n: 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
Type in
the study:∗ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(m): 215 205 195 185 175 170 160 130 80 70 50 10

SiO2 48·47 48·86 48·00 47·78 46·17 48·24 46·46 47·25 48·17 47·59 49·98 50·94
TiO2 1·87 1·90 1·98 1·32 1·93 1·22 1·96 1·77 1·82 1·83 3·73 2·86
Al2O3 14·88 14·90 15·86 15·70 14·24 15·10 14·43 13·79 15·46 13·89 13·14 14·78
Fe2O3 12·46 12·15 12·22 13·15 12·84 12·08 12·83 12·04 11·90 12·03 14·92 14·33
MnO 0·17 0·16 0·17 0·22 0·19 0·18 0·20 0·18 0·17 0·17 0·22 0·21
MgO 9·03 10·06 8·16 9·69 11·43 10·82 11·18 11·56 9·24 11·26 4·64 3·78
CaO 9·13 8·79 9·89 10·00 9·31 10·52 9·51 10·54 9·67 10·11 8·93 8·97
Na2O 2·74 2·39 2·65 1·99 2·16 2·02 2·18 1·97 2·30 2·10 2·97 3·01
K2O 0·60 0·62 0·45 0·33 0·54 0·19 0·54 0·57 0·75 0·73 0·58 0·80
P2O5 0·27 0·28 0·30 0·15 0·22 0·12 0·22 0·26 0·21 0·26 0·47 0·41
Total 99·62 100·12 99·69 100·34 99·02 100·49 99·53 99·93 99·68 99·98 99·57 100·09
LOI† 4·10 4·41 3·76 3·78 3·89 4·25 3·73 4·41 4·97 3·23 1·58 3·28
FeO‡ 10·59 10·33 10·39 11·18 10·91 10·27 10·91 10·23 10·12 10·23 12·68 12·18
mg-no.‡ 0·60 0·63 0·58 0·61 0·65 0·65 0·65 0·67 0·62 0·66 0·39 0·36
AI§ −0·16 −0·63 −0·23 −0·93 0·05 −1·21 −0·04 −0·51 −0·34 −0·35 −0·51 −0·60
Rb 11·2 12·2 5·5 7·1 12·6 2·3 12·7 9·6 22·6 14·3 21·5 8·9
Sr 320 311 352 192 266 207 272 433 467 352 368 356
Ba 142 145 122 101 164 87 168 173 212 194 187 237
V 183 178 199 189 204 180 206 179 166 198 316 232
Cr 334 338 228 313 445 480 430 467 351 475 62 13
Ni 214 224 115 149 236 221 219 275 177 269 34 18
Zn 93 95 94 91 96 85 96 86 96 92 144 119
Ga 19 19 19 17 17 17 17 17 19 17 24 23
Y 19·2 19·5 22·1 20·7 21·4 17 21·6 19·2 18·5 19·6 35·4 32·1
Zr 141 143 141 88 127 74 129 126 114 134 283 217
Nb 14·0 14·3 12·1 8·6 13·1 5·9 13·6 12·4 10·3 13·3 28·5 22·1
La 14 15 15 11 12 9 11 13 12 15 23 25
Ce 34 30 31 22 30 19 30 32 28 32 69 56
La 13·42 13·70 6·46 12·87 13·13 26·29 22·05
Ce 30·78 31·78 15·07 29·86 29·93 60·94 49·32
Sc 25·19 26·04 27·47 27·95 27·64 28·65 27·45
Cs 0·02 0·09 — 0·09 0·09 0·33 0·08
Hf 3·12 3·19 1·77 2·91 3·08 6·66 5·02
Ta 0·94 0·83 0·44 0·81 0·88 1·88 1·51
Th 1·38 1·41 0·68 1·37 1·32 2·87 2·96
U 0·32 0·33 0·15 0·30 0·29 0·67 0·63
Pb 1·50 1·52 0·67 1·66 2·01 2·98 2·07
Nd 18·35 18·65 9·50 17·76 18·01 36·04 28·63
Sm 4·32 4·37 2·51 4·34 4·28 8·43 6·76
Eu 1·45 1·47 0·93 1·43 1·47 2·63 2·18
Tb 0·69 0·70 0·51 0·68 0·71 1·32 1·14
Yb 1·69 1·71 1·61 1·67 1·70 2·92 2·75
Lu 0·24 0·24 0·23 0·24 0·24 0·42 0·39

∗Groups: Group 1 for depleted low-MgO and high-MgO basalt, and Groups 2 and 3 for enriched high-MgO basalt (a local
classification explained in the text).
†LOI is weight loss on ignition after 30 min at 1020°C.
‡FeO and Fe2O3 recalculated on the basis Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) = 0·85; mg-number is calculated on the basis of atomic
fractions [Mg2+/(Mg2+ + Fe2+)].
§AI is alkalinity index and represents the distance of the lava from the alkalic–tholeiitic boundary defined for Hawaiian lavas
(MacDonald & Katsura, 1964).


Table 5: Average trace element mass fractionation by 0·12 ± 0·04% per a.m.u., on the
basis of 72 analyses of the NBS 981 Pb standard.
concentration (all in ppm, except P2O5
in wt %) and standard deviations
deduced from eight runs (separately 40
dissolved powders) of Leg ODP 183, For all three samples dated by the 40Ar/39Ar technique,
Site 1140, 31R1-57–61 cm sample >90% of the released argon defined plateaux (Fleck et
al., 1977), which yield ages of >28 Ma (Fig. 2, Table
Trace element Average concentration SD 3). Isochronal and plateau ages agree within error (Table
3). The ages for the top and basal samples from Mont
P2O5 0·24 0·01 Fontaine overlap within error, suggesting that this 325 m
Sc 36·61 0·96
section of basalt erupted rapidly (<1 Myr). These new
Ga 18·35 0·28
data fall within the range of ages previously reported for
Ge 1·37 0·03
Kerguelen flood basalts (Nicolaysen et al., 2000) and are
comparable with the >29 Ma Mont Bureau and Mont
Rb 5·96 0·07
Rabouillère tholeiitic to transitional flood basalts from
Sr 191·36 3·37
the north–central archipelago (Yang et al., 1998; Fig. 1a).
Y 33·97 0·3
This suggests that the emplacement of tholeiitic to alkalic
Zr 154·25 1·85
flood basalts exposed on the archipelago occurred within
Nb 12·07 0·15
5 Myr, from >29 Ma in the north–central part of the
Ba 100·43 2·83
archipelago to >24–25 Ma for mildly alkalic basalts from
La 13·08 0·41 the Southeast Province (Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al.,
Ce 31·3 0·74 2000b).
Pr 4·42 0·13
Nd 20·25 0·49
Sm 5·35 0·1
Eu 1·78 0·05 RESULTS
Tb 1·02 0·01 Major element chemistry
Dy 6·23 0·11 Basalts from Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine are
Ho 1·27 0·01 tholeiitic to transitional (Fig. 3) and overlap in a plot of
Er 3·34 0·03 total alkalis vs silica with the >29 Ma Mont Bureau and
Tm 0·52 0·01 Mont Rabouillère basalts. Two groups of >29 Ma basalts
Yb 3·01 0·04 were defined by Yang et al. (1998): Group D (‘depleted’)
Lu 0·43 0 represents basalts with high MgO contents (6·3–
Hf 3·89 0·21 13·4 wt %), relatively low incompatible element abund-
Ta 0·82 0·07 ances, and relatively low 87Sr/86Sr; and Group P (‘plume’)
Pb 1·45 0·87 represents basalts with low MgO contents (3·4–5·9 wt %),
Th 1·51 0·05 relatively high incompatible element abundances, and
U 0·34 0·02 relatively high 87Sr/86Sr. In Fig. 3, two groups are clearly
shown in the Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine
samples. As with the >29 Ma basalts, they are also
distinguished on the basis of their MgO contents (Figs 4
and 6). The low-MgO basalts (<6 wt %) of Mont des
Ta and triple Re–Ta filament, respectively. Sr and Nd Ruches and Mont Fontaine overlap with the >29 Ma
isotopic ratios were normalized to 86Sr/88Sr = 0·1194 Group P incompatible element-enriched basalts from
and 146Nd/144Nd = 0·7219, respectively. The average Mont Bureau and Mont Rabouillère. The high-MgO
Sr/86Sr of the NBS 987 and 143Nd/144Nd of the Rennes basalts (>6 wt %) partly overlap with the >29 Ma Group
Nd standards (Chauvel & Blichert-Toft, 2001) during the D basalts of Yang et al. (1998), but have more tholeiitic
period of our analyses are 0·710279 ± 7 (2m on 12 compositions on average. In Mont des Ruches and Mont
samples) and 0·511967 ± 10 (2m on 27 samples), Fontaine, the low-MgO basalts systematically form the
respectively. Pb isotopic compositions were measured in lower flows (Fig. 4), except for one sample in Mont des
the static mode, at temperatures between 1090 and Ruches (BY96-31). The most alkalic sample (BY96-34)
1150°C, on a single Re filament using the H3PO4 silica- is most probably a sill; it is intersected by a dyke in the
gel technique. All Pb isotopic ratios were corrected for section (Fig. 1b). Despite the presence of low-temperature

Table 6: Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions for Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts

87 147 238 235 232

Sample Type Rb/ ( 87Sr/ 2m ( 87Sr/ Sm/ ( 143Nd/ 2m ( 143Nd/ U/ U/ Th/ ( 206Pb/ ( 207Pb/ ( 208Pb/ ( 206Pb/ ( 207Pb/ ( 208Pb/
86 86 86 144 144 144 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204
Sr Sr)m Sr)i Nd Nd)m Nd)i Pb Pb Pb Pb)m Pb)m Pb)m Pb)i Pb)i Pb)i

BY96-24 2 0·160 0·705069 8 0·70501 0·1363 0·512643 10 0·51262 12·2 0·089 64 18·219 15·526 38·81 18·17 15·52 38·73
BY96-25 2 0·139 0·705031 10 0·70498 0·1362 0·512647 10 0·51262 13·8 0·100 81 18·284 15·535 38·81 18·22 15·53 38·70
DOUCET et al.

BY96-27 2 0·128 0·705179 7 0·70513 0·1364 0·512630 10 0·51261 19·8 0·143 131 18·251 15·519 38·77 18·16 15·52 38·59
BY96-31 1 0·150 0·705416 7 0·70536 0·1421 0·512588 9 0·51256 21·0 0·152 121 18·519 15·578 39·34 18·43 15·57 39·17
BY96-33 3 0·159 0·705561 7 0·70550 0·1166 0·512485 9 0·51246 22·0 0·160 162 18·519 15·578 39·34 18·42 15·57 39·12
BY96-34 3 0·148 0·705679 8 0·70562 0·1191 0·512487 9 0·51247 13·7 0·099 84 18·345 15·566 39·11 18·29 15·56 39·00
BY96-37 2 0·106 0·705031 7 0·70499 0·1469 0·512664 9 0·51264 14·6 0·106 87 18·293 15·518 38·81 18·23 15·51 38·69
BY96-38 2 0·115 0·705020 8 0·70497 0·1486 0·512665 12 0·51264 13·8 0·100 71 18·331 15·535 38·88 18·27 15·53 38·78
BY96-39 1 0·026 0·704414 8 0·70440 0·1659 0·512770 8 0·51274
BY96-41 1 0·196 0·704670 8 0·70459 0·1435 0·512768 9 0·51274 16·9 0·122 76 18·208 15·501 38·52 18·13 15·50 38·41
BY96-42 1 0·193 0·704678 9 0·70460 0·1433 0·512767 9 0·51274 12·9 0·0935 57 18·204 15·491 38·48 18·15 15·49 38·41
BY96-43 1 0·170 0·704463 7 0·70440 0·1453 0·512733 9 0·51271
BY96-43d∗ 1 0·704467 7 0·512722 9 18·346 15·523 38·71 18·35 15·52 38·71
BY96-45 1 0·098 0·704431 8 0·70439 0·1441 0·512752 10 0·51273 19·2 0·139 95·5 18·471 15·546 38·94 18·39 15·54 38·80
BY96-46 1 0·164 0·704919 7 0·70485 0·1426 0·512675 10 0·51265 16·4 0·119 79 18·348 15·525 38·77 18·28 15·52 38·66

BY96-80 2 0·117 0·704881 7 0·70483 0·1326 0·512693 4 0·51267 14·0 0·101 78 18·360 15·561 38·90 18·30 15·56 38·79
BY96-81 1 0·020 0·704906 6 0·70490 0·1782 0·512735 8 0·51270 6·4 0·0461 35·9 18·313 15·542 38·78 18·28 15·54 38·73
BY96-82 1 0·040 0·704862 8 0·70485 0·1767 0·512722 8 0·51269
BY96-82d∗ 1 0·704848 6 0·512738 9
BY96-84 1 0·263 0·704763 6 0·70466 0·1697 0·512754 9 0·51272
BY96-85 3 0·221 0·705142 8 0·70505 0·1251 0·512649 10 0·51263 16·3 0·118 90·5 18·339 15·522 38·92 18·27 15·52 38·79
BY96-86 3 0·142 0·705147 8 0·70509 0·1237 0·512619 11 0·51260
BY96-87 1 0·043 0·704435 7 0·70442 0·1686 0·512751 8 0·51272
BY96-89 1 0·023 0·704348 9 0·70434 0·1784 0·512803 12 0·51277 3·3 0·0239 15·4 18·521 15·559 38·86 18·51 15·56 38·84
BY96-90 1 0·068 0·704736 7 0·70471 0·1484 0·512746 10 0·51272 7·7 0·0561 39·8 18·342 15·535 38·78 18·31 15·53 38·72
BY96-91 1 0·101 0·704544 7 0·70450 0·1425 0·512747 8 0·51272 13·6 0·098 61 18·347 15·529 38·75 18·29 15·53 38·67
BY96-92 1 0·113 0·704516 6 0·70447 0·1417 0·512774 8 0·51275 13·7 0·0993 61 18·334 15·516 38·69 18·27 15·51 38·61
BY96-96 1 0·032 0·704534 7 0·70452 0·1597 0·512712 9 0·51268 14·0 0·102 66·4 18·399 15·528 38·82 18·34 15·52 38·73
BY96-98 1 0·064 0·704602 6 0·70458 0·1478 0·512761 7 0·51273 11·6 0·0840 54 18·309 15·523 38·71 18·26 15·52 38·64
BY96-100 1 0·118 0·704591 6 0·70454 0·1438 0·512759 6 0·51273 9·3 0·0676 43·0 18·302 15·523 38·73 18·26 15·52 38·67
BY96-101 1 0·169 0·704744 5 0·70468 0·1413 0·512706 7 0·51268 14·3 0·104 63 18·448 15·523 38·83 18·39 15·52 38·74
BY96-102 1 0·072 0·704491 7 0·70446 0·1427 0·512726 10 0·51270 19·5 0·142 95 18·589 15·558 39·07 18·50 15·55 38·94

∗d, complete duplicate (separate acid-leached).

Initial isotopic ratios have been calculated on the basis of the 39Ar/40Ar eruption age of 28 Ma measured on three basalts from the sections.

Fig. 2. Step-heating plateau and inverse isochron plots for two samples from Mont Fontaine (BY96-80 and BY96-100). Seven and six steps
were used to obtain the plateau age for BY96-80 and -100, respectively. All steps were used to define the inverse isochron age. Both the ages
for the bottom (BY96-100) and the top (BY96-80) flows are consistent within error with an age of 28 Ma, which indicates that the Mont Fontaine
section erupted within 1 Myr.

alteration products (Table 1), the alkali abundances do alteration, such as Ba, Sr and Rb, is correlated with Nb
not seem to have been significantly disturbed, as there concentration (Fig. 7). This suggests that the Mont des
is an overall positive correlation between the alkalinity Ruches and Mont Fontaine samples have trace element
index (AI) and ratios of incompatible elements such as concentrations that have not been significantly disturbed
Nb/Zr (Fig. 4). by post-magmatic alteration.
The Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine sections The Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts
are dominated by relatively high-MgO basalts (6·6– show positive correlations between MgO and Ni and Cr
13·3 wt %) (Fig. 5), in contrast to the 3–5 wt % MgO (Fig. 8) that are consistent with both olivine (± Cr-
basalts that cover most of the archipelago (Gautier et al., spinel) fractionation to form the low-MgO basalts and
1990; Weis et al., 1993, 1998b; Frey et al., 2000b). For olivine accumulation in high-MgO basalts.
many of the Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine high- Zr and Nb concentrations in the studied basalts are
MgO basalts, the whole-rock mg-number is too high well correlated and show three distinctive groups, which
relative to the olivine-basaltic liquid equilibrium curve we call Groups 1, 2 and 3 (Fig. 9):
(Roeder & Emslie, 1970) to be in equilibrium with Group 1: the low-MgO basalts, one high-MgO sample
the forsterite content of the olivine cores (Fig. 6). The (BY96-39) from Mont des Ruches and most of the basalts
equilibrium liquid compositions (see arrows in Fig. 6) from Mont Fontaine (samples BY96-80, -85 and -86 are
were calculated by systematically removing olivine (5– the exceptions) have Nb/Zr ratios (Nb/Zr >0·07–0·10)
10%) from the whole-rock composition. Relative to the similar to the 29–26 Ma tholeiitic to transitional basalts
whole-rock composition, these equilibrium liquids are from the archipelago (Fig. 9b; Yang et al., 1998; Frey et
2 wt % lower in MgO, i.e. they change from 9–11 to al., 2002a).
7–9 wt % MgO. This decrease clearly does not bring (2) Group 2: the relatively high-MgO basalts from
these samples back to the 3–5 wt % MgO range of most Mont des Ruches (BY96-24 to -38, except BY96-30 and
archipelago basalts. the low-MgO sample BY96-31), plus BY96-80 from Mont
Fontaine, have higher Nb/Zr (>0·13) that overlaps
with the mildly alkalic basaltic lavas from the southern
Trace element chemistry archipelago (Fig. 9; Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al., 2000b).
With a few exceptions, such as BY96-31, -46, -84 and (3) Group 3: two high-MgO basalts from Mont Fon-
-101, the abundance of elements sensitive to secondary taine (BY96-85 and -86) and three high-MgO basalts


Fig. 3. Total alkalis vs SiO2 (all in weight percent with 85% of total iron calculated as FeO) classification diagram with the alkalic–tholeiitic
boundary from MacDonald & Katsura (1964). The Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts are shown as squares and circles, respectively.
High-MgO (>6 wt %) and low-MgO (<6 wt %) basalts are distinguished by filled and open symbols, respectively. The older >29–28 Ma basalts
from the northwestern archipelago (Mont Bureau and Mont Rabouillère, Yang et al., 1998; Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine, this study)
are tholeiitic to transitional, in contrast to the younger 24–25 Ma mildly alkalic basalts from the SE archipelago (Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al.,
2000b). The Group P and D fields for Mont Bureau and Mont Rabouillère basalts (Yang et al., 1998) refer to the ‘plume’ and ‘depleted’
signatures, respectively (see text for explanation). The 26 Ma Mont Tourmente basalts are plotted for comparison and straddle the alkalic–tholeiitic
boundary (Frey et al., 2002a).

Fig. 4. Stratigraphic distribution of phenocrysts (vol. %), MgO (wt %), alkalinity index (AI), Nb/Zr, Sr/Ce, ( 87Sr/86Sr)i, ( 143Nd/144Nd)i, ( 206Pb/
Pb)i and ( 208Pb/204Pb)i in the Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine sections. Alkalinity index [(Na2O + K2O) − 0·37SiO2 + 14·43] is the
deviation from the MacDonald & Katsura (1964) line. Initial isotopic ratios are calculated using the 40Ar/39Ar age of 28 Ma (Fig. 2). Symbols
as in Fig. 3.


Fig. 5. SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, Al2O3/CaO, Al2O3 and CaO vs MgO diagrams (all oxides in wt %) for Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine
basalts. No clear fractionation trends are observed and the scatter probably reflects differences in parental magma compositions. Symbols as in
Fig. 3.

from Mont des Ruches (BY96-30, -33 and -34), have Nd)i (<0·7049 and >0·5126, respectively; Fig. 10).
distinctly higher Nb/Zr (>0·17–0·19). Group 2 basalts have higher ( 87Sr/86Sr)i and lower ( 143Nd/
Nd)i (0·7048–0·7051 and 0·5126–0·5127, respectively)
and basalts from Group 3 have much higher ( 87Sr/
Isotope geochemistry 86
Sr)i and lower ( 143Nd/144Nd)i values (0·7050–0·7056
( 87Sr/86Sr)i values correlate well with ( 143Nd/144Nd)i and and 0·5125–0·5126, respectively). There is an evolution
indicate that Sr isotopic ratios of the acid-leached samples upwards in the Mont des Ruches section from ( 87Sr/
were not affected by alteration (Fig. 10). Consistent with 86
Sr)i >0·7045 in the lower part (Fig. 4) to relatively
their relatively depleted incompatible element abundance high ratios of >0·7056 at >340 m. The uppermost three
(low Nb/Zr), the Group 1 basalts (BY96-31 is the ex- flows have a nearly constant and lower ratio of >0·7050,
ception) have relatively low ( 87Sr/86Sr)i and high ( 143Nd/ which is closer to the average value of the basalts for


Fig. 6. Whole-rock mg-number vs olivine forsterite content in Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts. The mg-number is molar Mg2+/
(Mg2+ + Fe2+) calculated for Fe3+/Fe2+ = 0·15. Most of the whole-rock mg-numbers fall outside the equilibrium field for Fe/Mg exchange
between olivine and basaltic melt (0·30 ± 0·03, Roeder & Emslie, 1970) and reflect olivine accumulation. Arrow-ends indicate the equilibrium
liquid compositions that have been recalculated. The equilibrium melt composition was obtained by removal of 5–10 wt % olivine, which is
consistent with the petrographic observations. The name of the samples is indicated.

the section (0·7052). The Mont Fontaine Sr isotopic incompatible element-depleted high-MgO basalts). Also,
compositions are much more homogeneous with average the studied basalts define trends in 208Pb/204Pb vs 206Pb/
initial ratios of >0·7046, except for three of the seven 204
Pb that lie above the trend for SEIR mid-ocean ridge
upper flows, which range up to >0·7049. basalt (MORB) (Mahoney et al., 2002).
In a Nd vs Sr isotopic ratio plot (Fig. 10), the Group
1 basalts, i.e. all of the Mont Fontaine basalts (except
BY96-80, -85 and -86) and the low-MgO basalts (except
BY96-31 from Mont des Ruches upper section), overlap
with the >29 Ma tholeiitic to transitional Group D Stratigraphic geochemical evolution in the
basalts (Yang et al., 1998). Group 2 basalts, i.e. mostly Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine
the Mont des Ruches high-MgO basalts, show limited tholeiitic–transitional basalts
variation and overlap the field of the enriched 24–25 Ma Three groups of compositionally distinct basalts are pres-
mildly alkalic basalts ratios field (i.e. 87Sr/86Sr>0·7052; ent in the Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine sections.
Nd/144Nd>0·5126), representative of the Kerguelen They do not show simple correlation between radiogenic
plume signature (Weis et al., 1993, 2002; Frey et al., isotopic ratios and MgO content. They were erupted
2000b). Excluding BY96-33 and -34 from Group 3, sequentially in the following order:
which have extremely high ( 87Sr/86Sr)i (>0·7056) and (1) Group 1. Low-MgO plagioclase-rich tholeiitic to
low ( 143Nd/144Nd)i (>0·5125), the Mont des Ruches and transitional basalts are characterized by relatively low
Mont Fontaine basalts form a field that ranges from that ( 87Sr/86Sr)i (0·7044–0·7048) and Nb/Zr>0·10, except
for metagabbro xenoliths found in alkalic dykes and flows the low-MgO sample BY96-31 located higher in Mont
on the archipelago (Mattielli et al., 1996) to the field for des Ruches section (0·7054 and 0·11, respectively).
the 24–25 Ma mildly alkalic basalts. Tholeiitic to transitional olivine-rich high-MgO basalts,
The studied basalts form fairly well-defined trends overlying the low-MgO basalts, have ( 87Sr/86Sr)i
in 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb vs 206Pb/204Pb plots that >0·7043–0·7049 and Nb/Zr>0·07–0·10, and are rel-
overlap with the fields for other Kerguelen Archipelago atively less enriched in incompatible elements. Only one
basalts (Fig. 11). All Group 2 samples, together with the basalt of this type is present in the Mont des Ruches
low-MgO sample located higher up in the Mont des section (BY96-39), whereas 18 of the 21 high-MgO basalts
Ruches section (BY96-31), have distinctly higher 208Pb/ in Mont Fontaine section belong to this group.
Pb and 207Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb than the (2) Groups 2 and 3. Transitional to slightly alkalic,
Group 1 samples (i.e. low-MgO basalts and the relatively olivine-rich, high-MgO basalts are slightly more enriched


Fig. 7. Ce, Rb, Ba and Sr vs Nb concentrations (all in ppm). Except for some of the low-MgO basalts that have relatively low Rb, Sr and Ba
(BY96-31, -46 and -101), or high Rb and Ba (BY96-84), the Ba/Rb and K/Rb variations (from 4·6 to 42 and from 202 to 776, respectively)
are limited. The good correlation with Nb of these elements sensitive to secondary alteration suggests that the Mont des Ruches and Mont
Fontaine samples have trace element concentrations that have not been significantly disturbed by post-magmatic alteration. Symbols and legend
as in Fig. 3.

in incompatible elements than high-MgO basalts from Temporal evolution in tholeiitic to

Group 1 (Fig. 9). Their isotopic composition is variable transitional basalts from the Kerguelen
[e.g. ( 87Sr/86Sr)i >0·7048–0·7056 and Nb/Zr>0·13– Archipelago
0·19]. These groups contain 13 of the 14 high-MgO A general temporal decrease in the proportion of a
samples from Mont des Ruches but only three of the 21 depleted component in the source of the Kerguelen
high-MgO samples from Mont Fontaine. Together with Archipelago basalts was interpreted by Gautier et al.
the low-MgO sample from Mont des Ruches located (1990) and Weis et al. (1993) as reflecting the decreasing
higher in the section (Fig. 4), these groups have more contribution of a MORB source-related asthenospheric
radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/ component with time, as the ridge moved away from the
Pb than Group 1 basalts. The lead isotopic stratigraphic archipelago. In contrast, the coeval eruption at 29 Ma
variations (Fig. 4) are consistent with Sr and Nd isotopic of depleted (Group D) and enriched (Group P) basalts,
variations and show enrichment upwards in the Mont the latter with isotopic ratios similar to those proposed
des Ruches and Mont Fontaine sections. The trace for the Kerguelen plume, led Yang et al. (1998) to argue
element and isotopic compositions of Group 1 basalts that there was no systematic temporal geochemical trend
suggest that both low-MgO and high-MgO basalts from in the archipelago. On the basis of high Ba/Th and Sr/
this group had similar parental magmas. The Group 2 Nd, reflecting a plagioclase-rich component despite the
and 3 basalts are slightly more enriched in alkalis (Figs absence of plagioclase phenocrysts, Yang et al. (1998)
3 and 4) and may have formed by a lower extent inferred that Group D basalts had interacted with a
of melting as supported by their higher La/Yb (5–18 gabbroic SEIR crust component. The positive correlation
compared with 3–10, respectively) on average. of 143Nd/144Nd with MgO content in high-MgO basalts


Fig. 8. Ni and Cr abundance (in ppm) vs MgO (wt %) in Mont des

Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts. The positive correlations between
MgO and Ni and Cr are consistent with olivine (± Cr-spinel) frac- Fig. 9. (a) Abundance of Zr vs Nb (all in ppm) showing three groups
tionation. Fields for Groups 1, 2 and 3, which are defined in the text, of lavas in Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine. Group 1 represents
are shown. Symbols and legend as in Fig. 3. the low-MgO basalts (Nb/Zr >0·10), the high-MgO BY96-39 from
Mont des Ruches and most of the basalts (samples BY96-80, -85 and
-86 are the exceptions) from Mont Fontaine (Nb/Zr >0·07–0·10).
Group 1 basalts have Nb/Zr ratios similar to the 29–26 Ma tholeiitic
from Mont Fontaine Group 1 suggests interaction of the to transitional basalts from the archipelago (pale grey field; Yang et al.,
1998; Frey et al., 2002a). Group 2 represents the relatively high-MgO
ascending magmas with the lithosphere. In contrast, the basalts from Mont des Ruches (BY96-24 to -38, except BY96-30 and
Pb and Sr isotopic composition enrichment upwards in the low-MgO BY96-31), plus BY96-80 from Mont Fontaine, and have
28 Ma Mont des Ruches basalts is independent of MgO higher Nb/Zr >0·13 that overlap with the mildly alkalic basaltic lavas
content and is not consistent with combined assimilation from the southern archipelago (Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al., 2000b).
Group 3 represents two high-MgO basalts from Mont Fontaine (BY96-
and fractional crystallization. 85 and -86) and three high-MgO basalts from Mont des Ruches (BY96-
A MORB source-like component was present only 30, -33 and -34), which have distinctly higher Nb/Zr >0·17–0·19.
during the formation of the oldest >29–28 Ma flood The differences in the slope of the three trends reflect different parental
magma compositions and do not reflect different fractionating phases.
basalts and Yang et al. (1998) noted that a plume com- (b) Histogram of Nb/Zr in the Kerguelen Archipelago flood basalts
ponent was present throughout the growth of the Ker- showing (in black) the three populations in Mont des Ruches and Mont
guelen Archipelago. The Sr and Nd isotopic data for the Fontaine basalts. The fields for SEIR MORB are from D. Christie
(personal communication, 2002). The fields for Northern Kerguelen
28 Ma Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts are Plateau, Site 1140, are from Weis & Frey (2002). The fields for
consistent with these observations. A plot of 8/4 vs Kerguelen Archipelago basalts are from Weis et al. (1993), Yang et al.
( 87Sr/86Sr)i (Fig. 12) shows the important variations of (1998) and Frey et al. (2000b). Symbols as in Fig. 3.


Ruches and Mont Fontaine are distributed along a mixing

trend (Fig. 13), located along the lower boundary of the
Iceland Neovolcanic Zone basalt field (Fitton et al., 1997),
between the Kerguelen plume inferred composition (Weis
et al., 1993, 2002; Frey et al., 2000b) and SEIR N-MORB.
The high-MgO basalts in Group 1 have lower Nb/Y
and Zr/Y than the low-MgO basalts and may represent
higher extents of partial melting of a similar source.
Group 2 and 3 basalts plot mostly within the Iceland
plume array (Fig. 13).
The temporal geochemical trend observed from 29 to
24 Ma in the archipelago flood basalts shows a decreasing
role for a depleted component as the SEIR moved from
350 to 550 km away from the archipelago. There are
several possible origins for such a component, such as
entrained asthenosphere at the periphery of the plume,
migration of MORB material from the SEIR axis, and
a depleted component within the plume itself. Below we
Fig. 10. ( 87Sr/86Sr)i vs ( 143Nd/144Nd)i in Mont des Ruches and Mont address each of these possibilities using isotopic and
Fontaine basalts. Labelled fields are SEIR MORB (Mahoney et al., geochemical systematics of the Kerguelen Archipelago
2002); Northern Kerguelen Plateau (NKP) Site 1140 (Weis & Frey,
2002); Mont Tourmente tholeiitic to transitional basalts (Frey et al., flood basalts and we use Fig. 14 to illustrate a possible
2002a); Group D and P Mont Bureau and Mont Rabouillère tholeiitic scenario.
to transitional basalts (Yang et al., 1998); 24–25 Ma mildly alkalic basalts
(Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al., 2000b); metagabbro xenoliths (Mattielli et
al., 1996). Groups 1, 2 and 3 (dashed fields) are labelled. Crosses
represent binary mixtures (space between crosses represents 20% frac-
tion) between average SEIR N-MORB and the Kerguelen plume Is a depleted component intrinsic to the
end-members, the fields for which are highlighted in pale grey. Sr Kerguelen mantle plume?
concentrations of 122 and 559 ppm and Nd concentrations of 10 and
37 ppm have been used for the compositions of the SEIR and plume
There has been much discussion about the origin of a
end-members, respectively. Symbols as in Fig. 3. depleted component in the petrogenesis of Icelandic
plume-related basalts (e.g. Fitton et al., 1997; Hanan
et al., 2000; Kempton et al., 2000) and the need for
Pb isotopic compositions in these tholeiitic to transitional heterogeneities intrinsic to the Icelandic plume has be-
sections. In such a diagram, where 8/4 represents the come widely accepted. The heterogeneity of the Ga-
deviation of 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb from the lápagos plume has been related to both shallow mixing
Northern Hemisphere Reference Line (Hart, 1984), Mont with local asthenosphere and intrinsic heterogeneity
des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts define a mixing within the plume (White et al., 1993; Kurz & Geist,
trend between the inferred composition of the Kerguelen 1999; Harpp & White, 2001). In general, the Kerguelen
plume (Weis et al., 1993, 1998b, 2002) and the SEIR N- Archipelago flood basalts, especially the younger alkalic
MORB field (Mahoney et al., 2002). We suggest that the flood basalts, have nearly uniform Sr and Nd isotopic
compositions observed in Mont des Ruches and Mont ratios and these have been attributed to the Kerguelen
Fontaine basalts are consistent with simple binary mixing plume (Weis et al., 1998b, 2002; Frey et al., 2000b) without
between an SEIR-like component and the Kerguelen any contribution from a depleted component. It has been
plume component, and infer that the absence of a de- suggested that the 28–29 Ma Kerguelen Archipelago
pleted SEIR-like component in the <26 Ma basalts in flood basalts with lower 87Sr/86Sr and higher 143Nd/144Nd
the archipelago reflects decreasing contribution of an contain a proportion of an SEIR-related component
SEIR-like source component. (Yang et al., 1998; and this study). A MORB-source
depleted mantle component appears to be required from
the Hf and Nd isotopic systematics of the Kerguelen
Nature of the depleted component in Archipelago basalts (Mattielli et al., 2002). Frey et al.
tholeiitic to transitional basalts from the (2002a) have noted that the 26 Ma basalts from Mont
Kerguelen Archipelago Tourmente are nearly homogeneous in Sr and Nd iso-
A Nb/Y vs Zr/Y diagram has been useful in dis- topic compositions, but that they have ratios distinct from
criminating between source components contributing to those proposed for the Kerguelen plume (Figs 10 and
Icelandic plume-related magmatism (Fitton et al., 1997). 12). They considered the possibility that these different
In such a diagram, Group 1 basalts from both Mont des isotopic ratios reflect plume heterogeneity. As the Mont


Fig. 11. Lead isotopic compositions for Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts, showing that the studied basalts form well-defined trends
in 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb vs 206Pb/204Pb plots that overlap with the fields for other Kerguelen Archipelago basalts. All Group 2 samples
together with the low-MgO sample located higher in the Mont des Ruches section (BY96-31), have distinctly higher 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb
for a given 206Pb/204Pb than the Group 1 samples. Also, the Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts define trends in 208Pb/204Pb vs 206Pb/
Pb that lie above the trend for SEIR MORB. Labelled fields and crosses as in Fig. 10. Pb concentrations of 0·5 and 4·6 ppm have been used
for the compositions of the SEIR and plume end-members, respectively. Symbols as in Fig. 3.

Tourmente basalts straddle the isotopic gap that exists located at the top of the section (Yang et al., 1998). These
between the Mont Fontaine samples (Figs 10–12), an stratigraphic changes in the 29–28 Ma basaltic sections
alternative explanation is that the Mont Tourmente may reflect replenishment in the magma plumbing sys-
basalts reflect a homogeneous source formed by efficient tem, with replenishing magmas resulting from a higher
mixing of plume and MORB-source components. If this contribution of the Kerguelen plume component and
interpretation is valid, an explanation is required for the providing more heterogeneous compositions than those
absence of such efficient mixing in the Mont Bureau, observed in the 26 Ma Mont Tourmente basalts. In
Rabouillère, Ruches and Fontaine sections. We have summary, we propose that depleted heterogeneities in-
demonstrated a stratigraphic evolution in the 28 Ma trinsic to the plume are not necessary to account for the
Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basaltic com- abrupt decrease in the role of a depleted component at
positions with enrichment upwards in the sections (Fig. 25 Ma (see Weis & Frey, 2002, fig. 15); the cessation of
4). This is also true for the 29 Ma Mont Bureau section, sampling of depleted heterogeneities within 1 Myr seems
where most enriched basalts (Group P) are preferentially unlikely as the increase in lithosphere thickness within


which formed by melting of the head of the Kerguelen

plume, where most of the entrained depleted mantle may
have mingled with the upwelling plume (e.g. Campbell
& Griffiths, 1990). Only one ODP Leg 120 site shows
the important involvement of a depleted component (Site
749; Frey et al., 2002b). Alternatively, melting of plume
and entrained depleted mantle may occur in ponded
plume material areas, which can reach lateral extensions
of thousands of kilometres (Nataf, 2000), and where
mingling is more efficient. On the basis of the geochemical
data we are unable to determine if the depleted com-
ponent was depleted mantle entrained during plume
ascent or depleted material associated with the SEIR.

Is the depleted component the upwelling

asthenospheric source for SEIR basalts?
Rare earth element patterns of lower-crustal metagabbro
xenoliths found in the alkalic dykes and flows on the
archipelago are similar to those of gabbroic dykes related
to MORB and to plagioclase-rich cumulates sampled at
Indian Ocean ridges (Grégoire et al., 1998). Although
the isotopic compositions of the Kerguelen metagabbro
xenoliths, with 143Nd/144Nd >0·5127–0·5129 and 87Sr/
Sr >0·70425–0·70475 (Mattielli et al., 1996), do not
overlap with SEIR MORB, they overlap with the
29–28 Ma depleted basalts from the Kerguelen Ar-
chipelago [e.g. low ( 87Sr/86Sr)i of 0·7040–0·7048; Fig.
10]. Hence an SEIR component may be present in these
Plume–ridge interactions involving asymmetric spread-
ing along the south Mid-Atlantic Ridge and subsequent
sublithospheric channelling of plume material to the
ridge axis have been proposed, based on geochemical
observations of short-wavelength variations in the ratios
of incompatible elements, such as La/Sm and Nb/Zr
(Schilling et al., 1985). Locally, the isotopic compositions
Fig. 12. 8/4 Pb vs ( 87Sr/86Sr)i and Nb/Zr. 8/4 represents the
deviation of 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb from the Northern of lavas from the Easter seamount chain have been used
Hemisphere Reference Line (Hart, 1984). Mont des Ruches and Mont to argue for bidirectional flow between the spreading
Fontaine basalts clearly belong to the Dupal anomaly (Hart, 1984) and ridge axis and the Easter plume (Haase, 1996). Geo-
define a general mixing trend between the Kerguelen plume inferred
composition (Weis et al., 1993, 1998a; Frey et al., 2000b) and SEIR N-
chemical evidence of mixing between plume- and ridge-
MORB-like compositions. UCC and the associated arrow indicate the derived material is observed as far as 400 km away
effect of upper continental crust contamination on magma compositions. from the ridge axis in the Foundation chain, where the
Labelled fields and crosses as in Fig. 10. Nb concentrations of 3 and Pacific–Antarctic Ridge moves towards the Foundation
47 ppm and Zr concentrations of 95 and 285 ppm have been used for
the compositions of the SEIR and plume end-members, respectively. hotspot (Maia et al., 2000). In the opposite case, when a
Symbols as in Fig. 3. ridge moves away from a hotspot location, as is the case
for the SEIR relative to the Kerguelen hotspot, numerical
this short time interval would not be important enough experiments (e.g. Ito et al., 1997) show that hotspot–ridge
to abruptly limit the extent of partial melting. interaction will be enhanced and active at larger distances
than when the ridge moves towards the hotspot. Nu-
merical experiments from Yale & Phipps Morgan (1998)
Is the depleted component entrained, show the important effect of asymmetric spreading on
depleted upper mantle? flow of plume-related material toward a ridge. Also,
An entrained, depleted upper mantle component should seismicity along the 81–85°E fracture zone on the Ant-
be mostly present in the Kerguelen plateau lithosphere, arctic plate between the Kerguelen Plateau and the


Fig. 13. Log (Nb/Y) vs log (Zr/Y) diagram showing upper and lower boundaries defined for the Iceland Neovolcanic Zone basalts (continuous
lines) (Fitton et al., 1997). Samples from Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine are distributed along distinct mixing lines between the Kerguelen
plume (Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al., 2000b) and the SEIR N-MORB compositions. This reflects distinct source components and variable degrees
of partial melting as shown with inset arrows. A line of constant Nb/Zr (0·5) is shown for reference. Labelled field for SEIR MORB is from D.
Christie (personal communication, 2002). Labelled fields and crosses as in Fig. 10. Nb and Zr concentrations used for the compositions of the
two end-members as in Fig. 12. Y concentrations of 32 and 28 ppm have been used for the compositions of the SEIR and plume end-members,
respectively. Symbols as in Fig. 3.

Amsterdam–Saint Paul Plateau (Fig. 1) has been in- in the plume stem (Fig. 14) to form the heterogeneous
terpreted as thermal and bending stresses in the litho- coeval depleted and enriched compositions observed in
sphere overlying a thermal anomaly resulting from the 29–28 Ma flood basalts from the northwestern Ker-
channelled flow between the Kerguelen hotspot and the guelen Archipelago. This scenario best resolves the tem-
SEIR axis (Bergman et al., 1984). poral decreasing contribution of SEIR mantle source in
The 34 Ma basalts from the Northern Kerguelen Plat- the Northern Kerguelen Plateau and the Kerguelen
eau at Site 1140, which was >200 km away from the Archipelago, as the ridge moved from 200 km to 560 km
SEIR at its formation (Fig. 14), show evidence of plume– away from the Kerguelen hotspot. This interpretation
and upwelling depleted mantle–magma mixing (Weis & could also explain the presence of enigmatic topographic
Frey, 2002). The Kerguelen hotspot was >350–450 km highs observed on the ocean floor between the Northern
away from the ridge axis when the compositionally Kerguelen Plateau and the SEIR axis [see global topo-
heterogeneous 29–28 Ma flood basalts erupted (Fig. 14); graphic map of Smith & Sandwell (1997)].
these 29–28 Ma basalt compositions also reflect mixing
of plume and SEIR material, but with a significantly
higher contribution of the Kerguelen plume component
than for depleted basalts from Site 1140 (Figs 10–13).
These differences may indicate that mixtures of plume Did continental crust contaminate Mont
and upwelling asthenosphere material formed during des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts?
asymmetric spreading of the SEIR (oval labelled 1+4 Contrary to the Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau, which
in Fig. 14). We propose that plume and ridge source records significant continental contamination in the early
material mingled below the lithosphere and that these products of Kerguelen plume activity (Mahoney et al.,
heterogeneous mixtures of upwelling plume and depleted 1995; Weis et al., 2001; Frey et al., 2002b; Ingle et al.,
mantle source for SEIR basalts have subsequently melted 2002), the Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine basalts


Fig. 14. Schematic diagram illustrating the temporal evolution of the Kerguelen plume, the Kerguelen Plateau lithosphere and the Kerguelen
Archipelago relative to the SEIR, from 40 Ma, when the ridge and the Kerguelen hotspot were coincident, to 24 Ma, when basalts with isotopic
characteristics of the Kerguelen plume erupted. In this figure the position of the SEIR is fixed, with the location of the plume relative to the
ridge changing with time. We used a crust thickness of >20 km according to Charvis et al. (1995), a minimum lithospheric thickness of >120 km,
and a minimum 100 km plume stem diameter, according to Wolfe et al. (1997). The triangle below the SEIR axis represents upwelling
asthenosphere, with melt segregating at the top of the triangle (black area). The thick black and white opposing arrows between 40 and 34 Ma
represent movement of MORB-related asthenosphere and plume material, respectively. The oval labelled 1+4 represents a mixture of the two
materials, which are subsequently melted to form basalts in the Kerguelen Archipelago. Different proposals for the nature of the depleted
component involved in the Kerguelen Archipelago basalts are represented (2–5) and discussed in the text. We favour an interpretation where
physical mingling of horizontally migrating depleted asthenosphere and the upwelling Kerguelen mantle plume form a mixed source (labelled
1+4) in a sublithospheric channel that partially melts to form Kerguelen Archipelago basalts. Although this process occurs at a distance of
450 km between the SEIR and plume (location of Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine), the absence of depleted material in 24 Ma Mont
Crozier basalts indicates that the flux of depleted asthenosphere decreases with increasing distance from the ridge.

have isotopic compositions that do not reflect con- >0·7052, Weis et al., 1993; Frey et al., 2000b) are con-
tamination by lower or upper continental crust (e.g. Fig. sistent with variable amounts of mixing between a upwel-
12). The positive correlation of their Sr isotopic ratios ling depleted mantle asthenospheric component and the
with Nb/Zr (Fig. 4) is inconsistent with the potential Kerguelen plume source. Evidence for mixing between
involvement of continental crust, which has high 87Sr/ plume and ridge-related material from 34 Ma in the
Sr and low Nb/Zr. The relative enrichment in Nb Northern Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 1140) to at least
compared with Kerguelen Plateau basalts argues against 28 Ma, i.e. from >200 km to >400 km away from the
continental contamination because continental crust is ridge axis, suggest that plume–ridge interactions occurred
depleted in Nb (e.g. Sun & McDonough, 1989). On a as the SEIR migrated away from the Kerguelen hotspot
larger scale, there is also no continental contamination (as far as 450 km away from the SEIR axis). This is
documented at ODP Site 1140, >300 km north of the consistent with previous interpretation of seismicity on
archipelago, in the Northern Kerguelen Plateau (Weis & the oceanic floor between the Northern Kerguelen Plat-
Frey, 2002). eau and the SEIR that could reflect the existence of
a sublithospheric channel flow between the Northern
Kerguelen Plateau and the SEIR. We propose that during
asymmetric spreading along the SEIR, a two-way channel
CONCLUSIONS flow permitted an efficient mingling of the upwelling
Strong geochemical and isotopic heterogeneities in the depleted mantle with the Kerguelen plume. Mixtures of
28 Ma Kerguelen Archipelago basalts [e.g. ( 87Sr/86Sr)i the enriched and depleted sources, which are still present
>0·7043–0·7056], compared with the relative homo- in the top of the plume stem, were subsequently melted
geneity and enriched composition of 24–25 Ma mildly and the resulting magmas ascended through the Ker-
alkaline basalts on the archipelago (e.g. 87Sr/86Sr guelen Plateau lithosphere. Entrained depleted mantle


during plume ascent is an unlikely explanation by itself archipelago basalts: evidence for decreasing magma supply from the
for the temporal geochemical trends observed in the Kerguelen plume. Chemical Geology 164, 61–80.
Frey, F. A., Nicolaysen, K., Kubit, B. K., Weis, D. & Giret, A. (2002a).
Kerguelen Archipelago; depleted heterogeneities intrinsic
Flood basalt from Mont Tourmente in the Central Kerguelen
to the plume source also seem unlikely to explain the Archipelago: the change from transitional to alkalic basalt at
marked cut-off in the presence of depleted basalts on the >25 Ma. Journal of Petrology 43, 1367–1387.
Kerguelen Archipelago after 26 Ma. Frey, F. A., Weis, D., Borisova, A. Yu. & Xu, G. (2002b). Involvement
of continental crust in the formation of the Cretaceous Kerguelen
Plateau: new perspectives from ODP Leg 120 Sites. Journal of Petrology
43, 1207–1239.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gautier, I., Weis, D., Mennessier, J.-P., Vidal, P., Giret, A. & Loubet,
We are grateful to D. Christie for providing fields for M. (1990). Petrology and geochemistry of Kerguelen basalts (South
Indian Ocean): evolution of the mantle sources from ridge to an
Nb–Zr–Y compositions for the SEIR MORB shown in
intraplate position. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 100, 59–76.
Figs 9 and 13. We thank G. Michon, B. Quemeneur Geostandards Newsletter (1995). Special Issue, 19.
and Y. Julliot for their field descriptions of the Loranchet Giret, A. & Lameyre, J. (1983). A Study of Kerguelen Plutonism: Petrology,
Peninsula geology. We also thank the captain and crew Geochronology and Geological Implications. Antarctic Earth Science. Cam-
of the Marion Dufresne II, the IFRTP and the TAAF for bridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 646–651.
logistical support. We are especially grateful to J. Her- Grégoire, M., Cottin, J. Y., Giret, A., Mattielli, N. & Weis, D. (1998).
togen and J. Mareels for their help in trace element ICP- The meta-igneous granulite xenoliths from Kerguelen Archipelago:
evidence of a continent nucleation in an oceanic setting. Contributions
MS data acquisition. M. Veschambre is thanked for
to Mineralogy and Petrology 133, 259–283.
technical assistance during the microprobe analyses, and Haase, K. M. (1996). Two-way exchange between the Easter mantle
C. Maerschalk for technical assistance for mass spec- plume and the Easter microplate spreading axis. Nature 382, 344–346.
trometry. This paper benefited from very constructive Hanan, B. B., Blichert-Toft, J., Kingsley, R. & Schilling, J.-G. (2000).
reviews from H. J. Yang, A. Pietruszka and J. F. Allan. Depleted Iceland mantle plume geochemical signature: artifact of
This work was supported by an ARC grant (Actions de multicomponent mixing? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 1,
Recherches Concertées) from the Communauté Fran- 1999GC000009.
Harpp, K. S. & White, W. M. (2001). Tracing a mantle plume: isotopic
çaise de Belgique, ARC 98/03-233), and by a grant from and trace element variations of Galápagos seamounts. Geochemistry,
the Région Rhône-Alpes (Eurodoc). X-ray fluorescence Geophysics, Geosystems 2, 2000GC000137.
major and trace element acquisition was financed by US Hart, S. R. (1984). A large-scale isotope anomaly in the Southern
NSF EAR Grant 9814313 (F.A.F.). Hemisphere mantle. Nature 309, 753–757.
Ingle, S., Weis, D. & Frey, F. A. (2002). Indian continental crust
recovered from Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Leg 183, Site
1137). Journal of Petrology 43, 1241–1257.
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