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Jenny Juniora Ajoc

Jinky Mora Ginete Jenina

Beatriz Hernandez Julia
Patrisha Pastrana
Sabina Quizon
Mika Soria
Marice Sta Maria
Sofia Alexandria F. Ubay


Contact Information: call us at 09298633705 or email us at

August 18, 2017


Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………… 1

The Enterprise ………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Mission, Vision and Core Values
Company Description
Organizational Plan …………………………………………………………………………… 3
Organizational Chart
Job Specification
Marketing Plan …………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Target Market
Business Competition
Marketing Strategies
Business/Product Image
SWOT Analysis
Advertising and Promotion
Customer Service
Advertising and Promotion
Production Plan ……………………………………………………………………………… 10
Product and Packaging design
Product Description
Description of Production Process
Production Schedule
Raw Materials
Equipments and Tools
Waste Disposal
Financial Analysis and Projection ……………………………………………………………. 15
Project Cost
Project Pricing
Projected Financial Statements
Source of Capital
I. Executive Summary

When we hear the word “science”, a large number of us envision ourselves at a

classroom, struggling to keep our eyes open and alert, our bodies tempted to do nothing but
sleep. We can’t help but think of learning as a requirement, and as long as that perception of
science remains, school and science will always be boring. Cookiecules turns that whole view
around, putting a fun and sweet spin on science and giving it a whole new meaning.

A Cookiecule is a set of cookie balls connected to each other using pretzel sticks in order
to represent different molecular structures. It is the perfect combination for those who are
looking for a quick snack and are struggling to understand science, or are just plain fascinated by
its concept. Instead of the conventional way of how cookies are made, we aim to create eye-
catching products that capture the attention of customers by not only being aesthetically pleasing
to the eyes but also very intriguing at first glance. Various models of molecules that include
oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and more would be offered in different sizes in terms of the
complexity of the molecule (simple, moderate, complex) in order to cater to the preferences of
the customers. Perfect for craving satisfaction and snack breaks while studying.

Tinducksitas is the company behind Cookiecules. It consists of a group of students who

are goal-oriented in helping others turn learning into a fun experience that is enjoyable for people
of all ages. The company operates under three committees, all led by a General Manager who
answers everyone’s concerns if any arises and ensures that every member is being productive
along with the Assistant General Manager, who works with the finance head to manage the funds
of the company while assisting the General Manager into ensuring that there is progress and that
everyone is doing the right job. The duty of the Production Committee is to make the product
itself and to ensure that it meets the standard quality and is presented well. The committee also
handles the functional aspect of the booth layout, ensuring that all the elements in the booth are
functional and/or ensures efficient production. They also make sure that the product packaging is
functional and is designed in such a way that minimizes wastage, space, and cost-efficient.
Comparably, the Marketing Committee’s role is to empathize with and define the target
market by obtaining information about them. They are also in charge of making sure that the
product gets thorough exposure through promotions and advertisements leave an impact on the
audience and in turn attracting more customers. Lastly, the Finance Committee is in charge of
providing financial oversight over the company. The committee manages all the funds, assets,
and transactions then computes to ensure that the budget is kept under control and that profit
from the product is guaranteed.

The venue of where Cookiecules will be sold is at the Miriam College High School
Sports Complex. The company will ensure that our booth is decorated to suit our theme and
catch the attention of others and that the manner of lining up during the period of selling would
be systematic and orderly to avoid crowded lanes. However, given our limited time for selling
our product, we plan to avail delivery not only within the campus but also to different schools in
Metro Manila to encourage more people to buy our product.
The business will achieve its goal by making sure that all the members work efficiently
and effectively to fulfil their respective responsibilities to achieve the company’s mission.
Internal affairs aside, the interaction between employees and customers must also operate
flawlessly, with the Marketing committee effectively communicating with the audience and the
Production committee displaying excellent customer service. The Finance committee also has to
be meticulous in calculating the company’s profits and budgeting the money properly. The
committees have to be handled and organized well under the GM and the AGM.

II. The Enterprise

A. Mission, Vision and Core Values

Cookiecukes intends to add a scientific twist into the conventional manner of how
cookies are made by imitating them to look like molecular structures; a fusion of sweet delights
and science for those who are interested will be offered various models of molecules which could
help make their experience in consuming treats fun and at the same time educational.
This company aims for its sweets being widely received within different schools
inside and outside Metro Manila for its unique way of turning cookies into something
informational and enjoyable, with its target market expanding not only to high school students
but to all people who like science.

Core Values
This company values providing educational information in an fun and entertaining
way for individuals who have a sweet tooth and who are eager to learn in an unconventional

B. Company Description

Tinducksitas was found in the year 2017 by a group of students who wanted to fix a
problem about “boring-looking” cookies and decided to put their strand, STEM, to good use by
creating the product Cookiecule. They will debut their product in the annual “Tindisitas” Fair of
Miriam College where it will gain some exposure from students.
III. Organizational Plan

A. Organizational Chart

Sofia Alexandria F. Ubay

General Manager

Mika Soria
Assistant General Manager

Patricia Pastrana Jinky Mora Ginete Marice Sta Maria

Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader
Finance Committee Production Committee Marketing Committee

Jenny Juniora Ajoc

Julia Lee Jenna Hernandez
Sabina Quizon
Member/s Member/s

B. Job Specification

The General Manager of the company is responsible with overseeing the over-all
progress of the company. This person is the one who designates tasks among his or her peers.
The General Manager is also assumed to have leadership skills as he or she is required to be the
one who decides for the company’s betterment. This person is also the one who ensures that
everyone is doing their job properly in order to have the best output they could ever have.

The assistant general manager’s responsibilities are aligned with the general manager’s.
She is to assist the GM in overseeing the processes of all their business operations in order to
keep its efficiency and unity in check. Moreover, her diligence and skills will also be used in the
finance department as she works together with the finance head to manage the company’s
respective funds, assets, and transactions.

The marketing committee’s role is vital in making Cookiecules known to our target
market. By conducting surveys and obtaining information about the latter, they come up with
marketing strategies on how to increase the publicity of our product based on the results. The
committee is in charge of attracting customers through promotions and advertisements that
include posting teasers on different social media platforms in order to create hype for our
The duty of the Production Committee is to make the companies product and to ensure if
its edible and if it looks nice. Their duty is to also make the design and the plan for their store.
By planning where will they put the products, the companies logo, where will the store be
placed, and so much more. Finally their other duty is to think of the design of the packaging by
ensuring if the product will look nice in that packaging.

The roles and responsibilities of the finance committee is to primarily provide financial
oversight over the organization. They are also assigned to monitor the internal controls and
accountability policies. They are tasked with reviewing and providing a recommendation to the
Board for the annual budget and the business plan proposed by the General Manager. They are to
authorize the investment policy and acceptable accounting and disbursement procedures for all
funds under jurisdiction of the Institute.

IV. Marketing Plan

A. Target Market

Our target market includes a wide range of people of all genders aged 13 to 18. Their
daily allowance ranges from 100 pesos to 300 pesos a day. They study from 7:30 in the morning
to 3:30 in the afternoon, and a majority of them get hungry during classes.
A recent survey has shown that a large number of our target market is interested in the
STEM field, an interest in which our product exploits. Our target market is in school from 7:30
in the morning, until 3:30 in the afternoon. Some of them stay in school longer for varsity
trainings and other school activities. A large number of survey respondents stated sweet food and
pastries as their comfort food. For Grade 12 respondents, all of them stated that they are under
more stress due to the added pressure of College Entrance Tests. In the survey, all of them agreed
that food makes them happy.
Because of the workload and stress our target market is subjected to, they are often tired
and hungry during classes. A large number of them study until late at night, taking snack breaks
in between, wherein they turn to their comfort food, or other finger foods, to provide an energy
boost. This gives our target market an incentive to buy our products by providing them with an
efficient way to study and satisfy their cravings and hunger at the same time, a feature in our
product, that other products lack.

B. Business Competition

In terms of product selection, there are countless competitors out there who sell food
particularly sweets such as cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, etc, considering its high demand which
could potentially threaten the company. However, our location provides us with an advantage
since we have delivery services that cater to places outside Miriam College, therefore not
limiting our business to our main location.
C. Marketing Strategies

1. Product

The product is designed to follow a scientific theme. The company offers a range
of edible molecular models with the different cookie flavours representing different elements,
and biscuit sticks acting as bonds, hence the name, Cookiecules, which customers may find
humorous and unique. Pick-up lines, fun facts, puns, and jokes are included in the package, as
well as simple reviewers and information about the molecule being represented. This provides
customers with a fun and light-hearted approach to a chemistry topic that many STEM students
have trouble with.

2. Pricing

The product shall be offered in three sizes: simple, moderate, and complex.
Simple structures (5 elements), cost 55 pesos. Moderate structures (9 elements) cost 65 pesos,
and complex structures (12 elements) would cost around 75 pesos together with a free ice-cream
scoop that is either vanilla or cookies&cream.

3. Promotion

The marketing committee has come up with many way of promoting which could
further help increase the publicity of our product. Our primary method of gaining exposure for
the company and the product is through social media. Considering the fact that majority of the
target market is present on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram,
posting digital posters and regular updates on the aforementioned platforms will be the most
effective way of reaching the target audience and therefore increasing the number of potential
Promotions and discounts are available in order to attract more customers and
therefore increasing our profits. The following are the promotions offered by the company.
Customers who pick up their orders at our booth are offered a chance to get a free scoop of ice
cream if they are able to answer a science-related question correctly. Also, the first ten people to
purchase any of our products would receive 25% off their purchase.

4. Place

Our booth shall be positioned in the MCHS Covered Court where there will be an
abundance of potential customers passing by, increasing exposure and publicity for our product.
Considering the limited time for selling our product while may serve as a disadvantage, the
option of delivery for our product will be made available not only within the vicinity of MCHS
but from different schools in Metro Manila to encourage more people to buy our product, hence
expanding the target market which increases our sales.
D. SWOT Analysis


• It will be sold during recess and lunch when • Manual labor and ingredient used, raises
people are most likely to purchase food. production costs.
• The product is aesthetically pleasing. • There is little nutritional value in the
• It is beneficial because it acts as a learning product.
aid. • Categorized as a desert, it does not cater to
• Our product is ready-made so customers customers who prefer savoury foods.
can grab and go as soon as they pay
therefore long lines will be avoided.


• Delivery service is available and this • Other companies are also selling food items
attracts more customers. which compete with the company.
• The rising popularity of the STEM field • There is direct competition
boosts interest in our product. with
WonkaTails who also sell science-themed
sweets, and Brookies which also sell
cookies and milk as their product.
• The competition has started advertising
earlier, therefore currently having more
exposure than our company.
E. Advertising and Promotion

Digital advertisements will be posted on social media namely Twitter, Instagram, and
Image 1.1 Digital Teaser
Image 1.2 Digital Teaser

Image 1.3 Sample of a teaser on Twitter

Image 1.4 Sample of a teaser on Instagram

Image 2 Digital Teaser 2

Image 3 Printed Flyer

Image 4.1 Meme use (celebrity)

Image 4.2 Meme use (pop culture reference)

More digital posters will be made and distributed over time, containing more information
about our product. This is to create a sense of anticipation and excitement over the product.
Humorous GIFs featuring our product will also be produced and posted online. We will also be
endorsed by teachers in Miriam. There is no direct celebrity endorsement but there will be usage
of memes that feature popular celebrities and popular culture references. These particular form of
advertising will be posted on Twitter, so that potential customers can “retweet” or share it with
others, effectively spreading awareness of our product. Brief, 20 - 30 second videos will be
made, wherein they will be presented with our product, and review them. Printed flyers will also
be posted on bulletin boards throughout Miriam College. This is to maximize our exposure and
make sure that potential buyers are aware of our product.

V. Production Plan

A. Product and Packaging design

B. Product Description

Our product is called a cookiecule in the shape of a molecular structure which consists of
different flavored round-shaped cookie doughs which are connected by pretzels as their bonds. It
also comes with free fresh milk and ice-cream if you pay an additional P10 but you can get it for
free if you answer one of our questions correctly.

C. Description of Production Process

The first thing that we have to do is to buy all the ingredients that we need to use to make
the product. Which are all-purpose flour, butter, white sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla extract,
baking soda, salt, vegetable oil, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, red velvet mix, cocoa
powder, matcha green tea, and ube flavor mix. Then after that we will gather all of the materials
and ingredients in the baking area. After gathering everything we will now proceed to the step by
step process in making the product. When we are done baking the first batch we will taste it if it
is suitable to our taste and if it looks nice to eat the product testing will come in. That process
will be done over and over again until we get the taste and look that we want our product to
come out. Then when we successfully made the product we will now do the packaging of it
which is like a open tray with a cup holder and a ice cream holder. When everything is set up
meaning the product looks fine and tasty, the packaging is well made and it looks neat. Now will
come the selling process of the product.This will be sold to students that wants to buy it or
deliver it to someone or to themselves.

D. Production Schedule

August 10-11 Planning in which descriptions we will put
with the Cookiecules
August 12 Planning and assigning the ingredients and
things that are needed that each member will
August 12-13 Buying of the ingredients and preparing the
things that are needed
August 14 Product Testing: matcha and original cookie
dough flavors
August 19 Product Testing: ube, red velvet flavors, and
the chocolate flavors
August 21 Product testing: forming the product into a
molecular structure
August 23-25 Look at the results of the survey to make the
possible changes and improvements
August 25 Planning the design of the packaging
August 26 Product Testing: Packaging
August 26 The making of the product and packaging
September 11 Selling of the Product
E. Raw Materials


All-Purpose FlouR 10 cups

Butter 5 cups

White Sugar 9 cups

Brown Sugar 3 cups

Eggs 9 eggs

Vanilla Extract 10 tsps

Baking Soda 2 tsps

Salt 2 tsps

Vegetable Oil 2 tsps

Chocolate Chips 5 cups

White Chocolate Chips 5 cups

Red Velvet Mix 4 cups

Cocoa Powder 3 cups

Matcha Green Tea 4 cups

Ube Flavor 2 cups

F. Equipments and Tools


Oven 1

Measuring Cups 2 set

Mixing Bowl 4

Stand Mixer 1

Wax Paper 1 rol

Baking Tray 2

Foil 1 rol

Cooking Rack 2

Plastic Wrap 1 rol

Mittens 2 piece

Spatula 2

G. Waste Disposal

Creating a mess is pretty much inevitable wherever we go. We can’t really run from it
although we can try fixing it. Tinducksitas wants nothing but pure safety, cleanliness and high
quality products for its customers. We want to assure them that all of our ingredients as well as
our working place are clean and tidy. We are to do this by segregating our trashes properly into
different trash cans, one for biodegradable and non biodegradable. We are also going to be
bringing tissues, alcohol, rags, wipes and other materials that are used for cleaning. We will also
be wearing face masks and hair nets during the making of our products to ensure the safety and
cleanliness of our food.

H. Location

At the sports complex in Miriam College High School Katipunan Avenue Loyola
Heights, Quezon City.
I. Layout
VI. Financial Analysis and Projection

A. Project Cost

Direct Materials Quantity Cost

Butter 225 g ₱40.00
White Sugar 1 kg ₱60.00
Brown Sugar 1 kg ₱55.00
All-Purpose Flour 1 kg ₱95.00
Cocoa Powder 8 oz ₱259.00
Matcha Green Tea Powder 330 g ₱400.00
Ube Mix 380 g ₱233.00
Chocolate Chips 350 g ₱110.00
White Chocolate Chips 350 g ₱174.00
Red Velvet Mix 380 g ₱475.00
Estimated Packaging Price ₱300.00

Total Cost ₱2,201.00

B. Project Pricing

Total Cost ₱2,201.00

Unit Cost* ₱22.01
MUP% 150%
MUP ₱33.02
UC w/ MUP ₱55.03
Final SRP ₱55.00

*Total Cost was divided by 100 pieces of Cookiecules to attain Unit Cost.
C. Projected Financial Statements
Assuming that the company produced and sold 100 pieces of Cookiecules:

Sales ₱5,500.00
Cost of Goods Sold
Materials ₱2,201.00
Total COGS ₱2,201.00
Gross Profit ₱3,299.00

Supply Expense ₱100.00
Expense ₱120.00
Interest Expense
(MCHS) ₱150.00
Total OperaGng
Expense ₱370.00

NET PROFIT ₱2,929.00

*Tinducksitas will gain Php 2,929.00 at the end of their business operation, should they
be able to sell all their products.

Balance Sheet

Current Assets

Cash 5,500.00
Ending Inventories
Investment from MCHS 1,500.00
Total Assets 7,000.00

Liabili>es and Capital

Current LiabiliGes
Accounts Payable ₱1,550.00
Total LiabiliGes ₱1,550.00

Paid-in Capital
Owner 1 ₱545.00
Owner 2 ₱345.00
Owner 3 ₱330.00
Owner 4 ₱300.00
Owner 5 ₱300.00
Owner 6 ₱301.00
Owner 7 ₱200.00
Owner 8 ₱200.00
Total Paid-in Capital ₱2,521.00
Accumulated Retained
Earning ₱2,929.00
Total Capital ₱5,450.00

Total Liabili>es and Capital ₱7,000.00

Net Worth ₱7,000.00

D. Source of Capital
Tinducksitas will be receiving Php 1,500.00 pesos from Miriam College as well
as cash donated by the members of the group and their associated families.

Cash Flow

Cash Flow
As of August 2017

Cash Flows from OperaGng AcGviGes 2,929.00

Cash Flows from InvesGng AcGviGes 1,550.00
Cash Flows from Financing AcGviGes 2,521.00

Net Increase (decrease) in cash 7,000.00

Cash at the beginning of the period -

Cash at the end of the period 2,929.00

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