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Symantec VIP Access Fix for SidebySide Error

This fix was necessary when the installation was apparently missing necessary files from Microsoft
Visual C++ (2008?) in the Side by Side .dll arrangement. It may fix other applications but may need
other vintages of Visual C++.
1) If DCOMCNFG / My Computer / Default Properties / Default Authentication Level is set to
NONE, change it to CONNECT.
2) Rename C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\5-1-5-8 folder to 5-1-5-8_old
3) Open Services and Stop VIP….. Service
4) Run sxstrace from a command line
a. Sxstrace trace -logfile:c:\tracelog (leave the command prompt window open)
b. Run VIP Access and get the error
c. Sxstrace parse -logfile:c:\tracelog -outfile:c:\parselog
d. Close the command prompt window and open c:\parselog
5) In the parselog, note the following:

6) Note the item highlighted on the right. In this case 9.0.21002.8. Do a Google search on the
version number reported in your parselog file to determine the Visual C++ edition (year)
that has missing files.
7) To avoid errors installing Visual C++, first install KB3045318 (I did both 32-bit and 64-bit
versions) (SQL Server ….) .. may vary with version (year) of Visual C++ that is in question.
8) Install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86
9) Install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 SP1
10) Install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable x86 ATL
11) Reboot the computer
12) Run VIP Access -

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