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Aam Aadmi Party Member’s Code of Conduct


This Code of conduct provides the minimum expected behavior of all members of the party so that we can all work together cohesively in
a mutually uplifting, complementary and effective manner.

Members who do not adhere to the MCC or who consistently fail to perform their volunteer assignments satisfactorily may be subject to
dismissal/reassignment at a more appropriate position. No Member’s involvement will be terminated until the member has had an
opportunity to discuss the reasons for possible dismissal with their supervisor and / or Co-coordinator.

Rights of Members
Members shall have the right to be treated with equality within the organization that is committed to ensuring that volunteers:
* Know what is expected of them and have a clear role description and service agreement * Understand who they are accountable too *
Be informed about the organizations policies and procedures * Have a safe working environment * Have access to training or further
professional development where possible * Be consulted on issues which effect what they do.

* Respecting the rights, dignity and worth of every citizen, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion, shall be the
basis of all interactions with any individual * Suggestions received by the party officials shall be discussed on every Saturday
meeting/other meeting. The suggestions after being deliberated in such meeting shall be either accepted or rejected for the reasons to be
recorded. The members shall not insist on the acceptance of such suggestions, if once rejected * Members shall ensure that organization
funds and assets are used for the organization purpose only * Members shall strive to ensure that any Confidential/detrimental information
about/against the party is sufficiently protected from being made public * Members shall neither take nor pay any bribe and encourage
others to follow the same principle * No member shall engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation *
Members shall abstain from resorting to violence, aggression or hooliganism irrespective of provocation * Members shall not print/display in
any manner any official AAP material unless duly approved by AAP representatives authorized to so approve * Members shall not represent
the party before any media unless duly approved by AAP officials authorized to do so- media interactions are to be exclusively handled
by designated persons * Members shall not use AAP stationary, supplies, identification for their personal or business purpose * No Member
shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her service to / association with AAP * Members shall
refrain from indulging in any Religion based protests or communication * Members shall abstain from taking part in any other political
party’s activitiy/meeting/agitation unless specifically permitted to do so.

Conduct at meetings/ events

* It will be responsibility of member to stay in his own ward/block/district group during event so any miscreants can be easily identified,
who may join our event just to discredit our organization principals * Member shall not act in any manner which is not allowing smooth
functioning of a meeting * Member should speak only after given opportunity by Chair and strive to listen, appreciate and understand all
varied opinions and viewpoints * Members should ensure that they give suggestions alone and not bring personal difference of opinions into
the forum starting/promoting aggressive behavior and breakdown of the meeting.

Communication conduct
* Email, SMS, Facebook post & comments, Twitter, from the official accounts will be treated as the only official mode of communication *
In case where the subject matter is of the nature seeking reply or seeking explanation from a group of individuals whose action or inaction
is in question, only those from whom the reply is sought should be marked and the individuals directly affected/aggrieved and complaining
of such action or inaction shall be marked in CC * Members shall not post irrelevant, inconclusive, provocative remarks just to invite
retaliation * Members shall provide relevant reliable source (not being merely a name of another volunteer) in case of presenting any facts
or news reports

Grievances and complaints

1. For purpose of any COMPLAINT of any other member Members should first and foremost seek a resolution at individual level by
speaking to the person causing the problem and inform them of the behaviour, decision or action that the complaint or grievance
refers to.
2. In case of Complaints, if unresolved at a personal level, a common mediator maybe sought by both parties for advice or possible
solutions and/or intervention.
3. If still unresolved informally, a formal complaint should compulsorily follow following order except in case where the complaint is
against Official Executive. The complaint should be first brought to the notice of Ward/Block secretary in written form only;
4. If not resolved or not satisfied should be reported to GRC of concerned District;
5. If not resolved or not satisfied should be reported to Regional GRC;
6. If not resolved or not satisfied should be reported to State Lokayukt;
7. If not resolved or not satisfied should be reported to Party Lokpal;
8. In case of Official Executive, it should be reported to the GRC
9. In case where the accusation is related to corruption/criminal offence, the same should be directly reported to Party Lokpal
10. In no case can a Complaint can be sent to any other/mass recipient using Facebook/Twitter/ or any such mode of mass
communication- if this is done, the member will be deemed to have withdrawn from his membership of the party.

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