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Normalisation Renault Automobiles

Service 60201
Section Normes et Cahiers des Charges
5(1$8/7 1234

This document is to be considered as a whole the parts of which must not be separated.

© RENAULT S.A. 1995.

No duplication permitted without consent of the issuing department.
No communication permitted without RENAULT’s consent.


March 1970


April 1984


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This document conforms technically to the PEUGEOT SA test method D45 1234. It must not be
modified without prior consultation with PEUGEOT SA.

It is in accordance with the agreement concluded between the RENAULT and PEUGEOT SA
Standardization Departments in March 1984.


The purpose of this method is to assess the behavior of parts mode of thermoplastic material
during prolonged exposure to dry heat and considered from the point of view of shrinkage,
deformation and appearance modification.

This test must only be carried out for the inspection of mold stresses.

It is applied to all parts comprising plastic elements, assembled on vehicles, part such as instrument
panels, steering wheels, radiator grilles, lights, door handles, etc ...


The method consists of placing parts to be examined inside a ventilated oven, previously raised to a
selected temperature, and for a determined period of time. The temperature and duration of the
test are specified by the documents.


3.1. An OVEN containing a pulsated air forced ventilation device enabling a good temperature
homogeneity to be obtained inside all the usable space and a retention of the selected
temperature throughout the test.

The oven must include a control device so that the temperature does not vary during the test by
more than ± 2 °C from the selected value and by ± 1°C at one or other part extremity.

The internal dimensions of the oven must be such that the tested part in no instance touches the
sides or base of the oven and does not disturb air circulation.

3.2. A GRILLE placed at oven mi-height so as to avoid contact of parts with the base of the

3.3. Calibrated THERMOMETERS graduated in 0.5 °C and placed in Erlenmeyer (conical)

flasks filled with Vaseline oil or thermocouples connected to a temperature recording

3.4. An ASSEMBLY enabling the part to be examined to be fixed in conditions which as closely
as possible resemble the fixing method applied on the actual vehicle.

3.5. The EQUIPMENT required to make visible reference lines on the part to be examined.

3.6. Suitable MEASURING INSTRUMENTS such as : carpenter's rules, marking tools, vernier
calipers, beam compasses and others.

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- Fix the part to be examined onto its possibly in conditions as prescribed by the documents or,
in default, in known service conditions (tightening torques of fastening screws, in particular)0

- Mark on the part on its main directions (i.e. length and width) reference lines at distances of a
given length, measured to almost 0.1 % using an appropriate instrument, the part having been
previously conditioned at 23 °C ± 2 °C for at least 2 hours.

- Measure also, to the nearest 1/2 mm and by using the most suitable instruments according to
the shape of the part, the dimensions of prime importance in good behavior during service (see
note 1) (for example, on an instrument panel : dimensions of the speedometer aperture,
ashtray housing, etc ...)

- Regulate oven temperature to the value defined by the documents. Wait for the temperature to
stabilize before placing the part to be examined in the oven.

- When the part to be examined consists of several areas subjected during service to different
temperatures, successively subject it to a test at each of these temperatures by following, if
possible, a 10 °C graduation in order of ascending temperature.

- In this instance, it is advisable to also carry out a test on another part by bringing it directlty to
the maximum temperature.

- Place the part in the oven in suitable conditions and without subjecting it to stresses which are
incompatible with its function. In the case of parts in free state, position them in such a way as
to reduce the stresses tied to their weight. Not possible defects.

- The duration of the test is that provided for in the documents.

- Take the part out of the oven and allow it to return to ambient temperature.

- Note its appearance, then measure again the dimensions between the reference lines and the
dimensions of the part.

NOTE 1 : If it is desired to evaluate possible deformation of a part between its fixing points, measure
the corresponding dimension using a beam compass.

NOTE 2 : For a post-shrinkage measurement, the minimum time between molding of the part and
testing must be 48 hours.

NOTE 3 : If it is desired to measure the heat expansion of a part, it is necessary to conduct the test
on a part which as already undergone a post-shrinkage treatment at the same


Calculate the dimensional variations in the part in different directions in percentage of measured
initial lengths, elongations being allocated the sign + and shrinkages the sign -.

Calculate the variations in millimetres of the other dimensions measured.

Moreover, note appearance modifications (such as grain, color, brilliance, etc ...) and the
deformation observed.

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In addition of the results obtained, the test report must state :

- the reference of this method,

- the duration and temperature of the test,

- the designation of the part, drawing number and Supplier's name,

- the indication of the material,

- marks indicating the date of manufacture,

- special test conditions where these differ from those indicated by the documents, and the
position of the part in the oven.

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