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Catholic university of Colombia

David Alejandra Plata Plazas


Industrial engineering

subject: independent English

Teacher: Franky Quintero

Year: 2020
Written task unit 5

Eco-friendly engineering

The job of the industrial engineer in the environment is to think about having few evil

causes in the atmosphere, water, reduce pollution and eliminate any harmful waste to

planet earth.

According to the “Council of supply chain management” in 2009, them defined that the

environmental sustainability that an industrial engineer can perform is in having a lot of

knowledge in energy efficiency (reducing carbon emissions), mobility in urban

transport, development of renewable energies in the countryside, waste management

and finally good management in the exploitation of water which is a benefit that is

increasingly scarce.

In a book made by Womack and Jones in 2018; where there are a lot of data that shows

that more than 50% in waste minimization management are solved by the industrial

engineer because he must have experience in waste management and also the book

shows that Latin America has a lot of solid waste with an average of 430000 tons per


According to Diego Díaz, the entire American continent does not have a good

percentage of recycling since all the American countries recycle less than 30%, which

indicates that America has a low percentage of recycling compared to Europe, which

has a lot of companies, methods and several alternatives for waste reuse and there are

some methods for sorting and separating rubbish, which Europe is the cleanest

continent in the world.

Written task unit 6

Changing lives

Colombian people have decided to lose the tradition of December bonus games due to

the technological advances that engineering has wanted to make.

The Christmas bonus games are competition and betting which one of them is called

"yes and no" which consists in choosing an opponent for agreement who won’t be able

to say "no" and who won’t say "yes" during the whole month of December, You have

to be careful in trying not to say the word that corresponds to you, otherwise you will

lose and the opponent will win the bet and the loser is going to pay for the December


This tradition has been lost due to the emergence of technological devices that people

use frequently today such as computers, smart phones and video game consoles which

these devices cause centennial people to prefer to use as entertainment, causing changes

in social interaction and turning to the most individual people.

However, engineers will want to create more advances to technology because this is a

comfortable tool to facilitate survival activities in people, in production, creation and

adaptation to have a better way of transferring knowledge and comfort that they didn’t

have in the past.

Written task unit 7

Ideal Job

My dream job has been to be a supervisor in any food manufacturing company,

especially in the production area where food is processed from its raw material to its

final transformation, but to be in a food manufacturing company, engineers has needed

skills. and technological knowledge such as machinery and system programs that

control production.

In the machinery part, knowledge of the operation and precautions offered by the

instruction manual is required when the machine has handled the raw material in the

packing, sealing and production process.

In the part of computerized programs, the engineer has needed to have experience in the

management of control programs that provide ordered information on main occasions in

the company such as:

• He has to know the state of food

• distribution of raw materials, finances and machinery in the company's spaces.

• Communication of the administrative area with the production area

• labor control

The use of technology has satisfied the work activities in a food company since it has

reduced the cost of labor, transport times and movements, has produced large quantities

of products for consumption, controls the quality of food and finally the internal and

external communication of the company has improved.

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