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Support the recruitment, selection

and induction of staff

Assessment 2

Recruitment, selection and induction of staff

STUDENT to complete this section


Student ID 10785


Date Submitted

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 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and
responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and choose to be assessed at this time
 This assessment work is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due
reference is made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or
statement of attainment.

Signed: …………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………….

ASSESSOR to complete this section

Name of Assessor

Date Review Completed

Assessment Sections First Attempt Second Attempt

Task 2  Competent  NYC  Competent  NYC

Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Recruitment, selection and induction process

Elements Addressed
1. Determine job descriptions
2. Plan for selection
3. Assess and select applicants
4. Appoint and induct successful candidate
Assessment Criteria

Before starting this assessment be sure to read,

Appendix 1: Best Practice Guidelines – Recruitment and Selection

as outlined by the Australian Human Rights Commission

You are the Human Resource Manager at Green Builders, a niche market building company
that builds environmentally sustainable premises for a range of businesses. There are a
number of vacancies that need to be filled within the organisation.

1. Obtain Approval

1a. Write a letter to the Director (your assessor) of the Green Builders seeking approval to
advertise for, and recruit the following staff.

1b. Provide the Director with an overview of the role and responsibilities of each position.

1. Management Accountant - permanent - full time

2. Administration Assistant - contract - full time
3. Receptionist - casual - part-time

1c. Outline the time line(s) and procedures for the recruitment process i.e. approval to
induction. Prepare a visual timeline showing the timeframes and include this with your
letter to the Director.

2. Employment Type / Award / Job Description

2a. Research, evaluate and discuss the benefits of employing the employees under the
employment options given. eg. part-time.

2b. Identify the relevant award which applies to each position and its main employment

2c. Prepare a comprehensive job description which reflects the role requirements. Include
‘essential’ and ‘desirable’ qualifications for the position. Ensure that the job descriptions
comply with legislative requirements and reflect the organisations for a diverse

2d. Discuss with director (assessor) about job description and strategy. You may use
Recruitment planning template as per template 5.

3. Advertising the Position

3a. Design job advertisements for each position ensuring they do not breach any relevant

3b. Nominate three (3) different ways of advertising the vacancies. Discuss which talent
pool each method is likely to attract.

4. Interview Procedure

4a. List selection panel members and their status.

4b. Develop suitable interview questions for each position. You may use Template 2 to
record your interview questions/guide. Ensure questions do not breach legislative

4c. Develop suitable questions for referees. Use Template 3 to record your questions.

4d. Develop a checklist to help in short-listing suitable applicants.

4e. Schedule interview and inform panel (assessor). You may use Template 4.

5. Select applicants

5a. Invite four (4) students to apply for one of the positions you have advertised.

5b. After reviewing the applications, short-list two applicants to interview.

5c. Advise the successful applicants of their interview time, place and venue.

6. Conduct the Interview

(This process will be observed by the trainer)

6a. Prepare a suitable environment within the classroom environment and ensure EEO &
anti-discrimination requirement meets during interview.

6b. Use the interview questions and ranking guide you developed in 4b.

6c. Interview your candidate. Record and rate responses using Template 2: Interview
Evaluation Form

6d. Contact nominated referees for feedback – use Template 3: Referee Feedback Form

6e. Together with the other panel members compile the results of the interview.

During the discussion one of the interviewers expresses a preference for one of the
candidates even though their ranking is not the highest on the Essential Criteria for the

Discuss and resolve this situation then select the preferred candidate. Summarise your

6f. After selecting the preferred candidate, one of the panel members (assessor) suggests
the start work immediately and there is now a considerable backlog of work to complete.

This is outside the normal recruiting procedures of the company. Candidates are
required to complete all their paperwork and be properly inducted – especially in
Workplace Safety before they commence.

Discuss and resolve this situation. Summarise your recommendation.

7. Applicant letters

7a. Prepare a letter for the unsuccessful applicant giving appropriate feedback as to why
they were unsuccessful.

7b. Prepare a letter for the successful applicant congratulating then on their success.

7c. Attach a suitable employment contract based on their employment type along with and
terms and conditions of their employment according to the appropriate award which is to
be completed and returned by the successful applicant.

8. Advise management

8a. Prepare a short selection summary for the Director of Green Builders.

 Outline the strengths of the preferred applicant in regards to job description and
personal attributes.
 Discuss the main reason why other applicants were not successful.

8b. Prepare a memo / fax / email to.

- The relevant Manager(s) advising them of the new appointment and asking them
to arrange a suitable induction. Attach an induction checklist.

- The Payroll section for the commencement of a new employee. Give details of
their employment type, award and pay rate.

9. Assessor to Follow

9a. Supervise through the above process

9b. Complete Template 1 during the interview.

Template 1: Active Listening Checklist – Assessor to Complete

BSBHRM405: Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Active Listening Checklist

Area of Observation Yes No

 S - squarely facing the client
 O - openness of posture
 L - leaning forward (slightly)
 E - eye contact,
 R – relaxed.
 Acknowledge: show appreciation for the other person's efforts
 Encourage: Let the other person know that you are interested and want to
hear more
 Paraphrase: Reflect back basic message in your own words
 Clarify information: Use examples or ask for examples, ask for help in
understanding, keep the discussion clear and focused, ask questions
 Check your perceptions: Make sure that you understand accurately what is
being said
 Keep the conversation focused: Appropriately redirect the conversation to
keep it on topic
 Ask questions: Use both open ended and closed questions appropriately
 Reframe information: Paraphrase a statement and draw out the positive or
useful content to help introduce an alternative perspective
 Reflect feeling: Let the other person know that you understand how they are
feeling about the situation
 Reflect meaning; Let the other person know that your understanding is the
same as what was intended
 Prompt and lead: Use prompts or leads like “tell me more about this” to help to
stimulate further discussion, find fuller answers to questions
 Summarize: Review progress and emphasize main points, themes, facts and
 EEO & anti-discrimination: candidate demonstrated the awareness of EEO &
anti-discrimination requirement not asking any questions related to that.
Assessor Comments

Template 2: Interview Evaluation Form

Interview Evaluation Form

Position Name
Permanent: Full-time / Part-time
Status Casual:

Applicant Name

Position Criteria Comments
1 2 3 4 5



Personal Attributes

Template 3: Referee Feedback Form

Referee Feedback Form

Position Name
Permanent: Full-time / Part-time
Status Casual:

Applicant Name
Referee Name

Questions Regarding Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Essential Criteria

Desirable Criteria


Personal Attributes

Template 4: Interview Schedule

Position Title Position or designation of new employee

Interview Date

Interview Time

Interview Venue

Interview Panel and Applicants

Panel Member Shortlisted Applicants

List of short listed applicants (list can be

List of people who will be the member
prepared in separate sheet as an
of the interview board

Schedule Notification
Panel Member  Done  Yet to be done
Venue Organiser  Done  Yet to be done

Schedule Prepared By Person who has prepared the schedule, Like: you

Person who has approved the schedule, Like: your

Schedule Approved By
manager (Trainer)

Template 5: Recruitment Plan

Position or designation of new employee

Position Title

Position Employment
 Full-time  Part-time  Casual
Recruitment Person who will coordinate the recruitment process, like:
Coordinator you
Senior official who has given approval for the
Position Approved by
recruitment, like: CEO, General Manager

Key Jobs and Expected Completion Dates

Key Jobs Person Responsible Date

Developing Job Description

Designing Job
Publishing Job

Applications Short Listing

Expected Interview Date

Expected Joining Date

Expected Joining Date (If different than induction)

Media of  Online  Newspaper  Notice Board 

Advertisement ………………………….

Plan Preparation

Plan Prepared By Person who has prepared the plan, Like: you

Person who has approved the plan, Like: your manager

Plan Approved By

Appendix 1: Best Practice Guidelines – Recruitment and Selection

Australian Human Rights Commission

1. `Best practice guidelines for recruitment and selection

Best practice guidelines for recruitment and selection

Recruiting and selecting the most appropriate person for the job is a complex task which
requires trained staff who are aware of antidiscrimination laws and guidelines.

These guidelines will help you to implement a consistent method of recruitment and
encourage applications from the widest possible pool.

Following are some best practice guidelines for developing selection criteria,
advertising, short listing, application forms, testing, interviewing, referee reports, making
the decision, and medical examinations for recruiting and selecting the most appropriate
person for the job.

2. Developing selection criteria

 Ensure job specification is up-to-date and consistent with requirements of the job.
 Formulate selection criteria which are consistent with the job specifications: (ie,
only includes skills, experiences, etc that are required on a regular basis to carry
out the duties of the position).
 Distinguish between essential criteria (those that the person must satisfy to be
able to do the job) and desirable criteria (those that will help to do the job).
 Assess whether formal qualifications (academic, trade, etc) are essential to the
performance of the job.
 Ensure length of experience, age required, etc are essential and justifiable, for
performance of the job and not set arbitrarily or based on stereotypes.
 Ensure there are no unnecessarily restrictive English language qualifications on
jobs that do not require them.
 Be specific – for instance, does ‘communications skills’ refer to talking on the
phone to customers, writing reports for management, instructing technical
operators, inter-cultural skills or teamwork.
 Determine how criteria will be assessed: interview, referees’ report, work record,
testing, etc.

3. Advertising

 Consider benefits to the organisation of a multi-skilled workforce, by advertising

all positions internally and externally.
 Determine strategies for reaching the widest pool of applicants possible (eg, use
of ethnic media, informal networks, community groups, and organisations,
industry groups, trade journals).
 Ensure the information in the ad matches the selection criteria.
 Do not use stereotyped or discriminatory language or discriminatory
requirements (‘Salesman’, ‘Age 30-45 years’).
 If used, ensure recruitment consultants are fully briefed on your requirements
and have a good understanding of equal opportunity and anti-discrimination

 Include the name of a contact person in the advertisement and ensure they have
information (presented in a clear and consistent way) prepared about the

4. Short listing

 Cull (short list) applicants on essential qualifications first, then on desirable

qualifications, prioritising criteria and determining method first.
 Seek more information if necessary. The aim is to find the best person for the
 Be consistent. Document decisions made and the reasons for them.

5. Application forms

 Ensure language and experience are relevant to the performance of the job.
 Do not include any invasive or irrelevant questions.
 Ensure strict confidentiality.

6. Testing

 Tests match the essential requirements of the job.

 Check that tests are up-to-date and relevant.
 Check for any bias or indirect discrimination (eg, a test for potential trades
apprentices which examine prior knowledge of the trade, rather than aptitude).

7. Interviewing

 Allow applicants to demonstrate what they can offer the organisation, not to
simply confirm expectations or to see how applicants perform under pressure.
 Check if there is a need for any specific arrangements (eg, physical access,
interpreters, etc).
 Have questions prepared in advance.
 Ensure consistency and fairness in questioning.
 Focus on the real needs of the job. Don’t make assumptions or stereotype
 The selection committee is entitled to ask applicants whether they can fulfil the
requirements of the job (eg, travel, work overtime, perform the physical functions)
but such questions must be asked of all applicants.
 It is appropriate to ask people with disabilities whether they require any
adjustments to perform the job.
 Allow the interviewee time to make their point. Allow silence. Rephrase or clarify
if necessary.
 Don’t make assumptions about a person’s ability to do the job based on physical
 Do not ask invasive and irrelevant questions (eg, ‘Do you intend to have a
family?’). If necessary rephrase to gain the essential information you require and
ask of all applicants (eg, ‘Can you commit yourself to the organisation for two
 Keep records of questions and answers.

8. Referee reports

 Applicant provides list of referees, or is able to comment on choice of referees

(eg, supervisor’s report).
 Be consistent in use of referees. Ideally use a standard referee reporting form
which matches the selection criteria.

9. Making the decision

 Focus on the selection criteria.

 Rank applicants according to performance against essential and desirable
 Assess all information; application form, interview, referee’s reports, tests, etc.
 Record decisions made and reasons for them.
 If requested, provide constructive feedback to unsuccessful applicants on their
performance against the selection criteria.

10 Medical examinations

 It is appropriate to have employees medically examined if potential health risks

could be high for employees with particular health problems (eg, jobs which
involve heavy lifting for people with spinal injury or disease).
 The Medical Examiner should have the job specifications so any
recommendation made relates specifically to the job.
 Ensure only information relevant to the position is sought and avoid invasions of
privacy irrelevant to the job requirements.
 Selection Committee and Medical Examiner to be aware of technical equipment
and other reasonable adjustment provisions for people with disabilities.
 Where there is concern about ability to perform a job, the Medical Examiner
should seek expert advice and assessment from vocational specialists in
disability organisations.
 Ensure strict confidentiality.
 Applicants to be advised of results.


1. Obtain Approval

Jose Berlanga
GREEN BUILDERS Hiring Department

14 March 2016

Dear General Manager,

Re: Approval for recruitment

I am writing to request approval to advertise and recruit for three current vacant positions
within the company. The positions are the following:

1. Management accountant – permanent – full time

2. Administration assistant – contract – full time
3. Receptionist – casual – part time

The positions need to be filled by May the 16th. Find attached overviews of roles and
responsibilities of each position along with timelines for the recruitment and selection
I thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Jose Berlanga.



The overview and responsibilities for the position are the following:

 Establish, coordinate and administer, as an integral part of management, an adequate plan for
the control of operations. Such a plan would provide, to the extend required in the business
cost standards, expense budgets, sale forecasts, profit planning, and a program for capital
investment and financing along with necessary procedures to effectuate the plan.
 Compare performance with operating plan and standards, report and interpret the results of
operation to stakeholders.
 Consult withal segments of management responsible for policy or action conserving any
phase of the operations of business as it relates to the attainment of objective, and the
effectiveness of policies, organization structures and procedures.
 Administer tax policies and procedures.
 Supervise and coordinate preparation of reports to Government agencies.
 Compilation of costs of distribution and production costs.
 Preparation and filling of tax returns and supervision of all matters related to taxes.
 Preparation and interpretation of all statistical records and reports of the corporation.
 Maintenance of adequate records of all contracts and leases.
 The approval for payment and countersigning of all cheques and promissory notes of the
company authorized by the by-laws of the company.
 Preparation of month end management reporting pack including variance analysis and
 Work closely with Operational Managers providing analysis around cost centres and projects
 Liaising with Project Managers to update and maintain the project register.
 Maintain integrity of the Fixed Assets Register.
 Provide support to Finance Manager with preparation of annual budgets and rolling forecasts.
 Audit of accounts and records of the company.
 Assist the finance team with year-end reporting and liaising with external Auditors.
 preparing reports, budgets, commentaries and financial statements
 undertaking financial administration and internal audits
 liaising with managerial staff and other colleagues
 developing and managing financial systems/policies
 negotiating and obtaining finance for major projects
 controlling income and expenditure
 creating business strategies to generate shareholder value


Recruitment Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Confirm approval
from GM to recruit

Consult on job
description for
position requirem.

Develop job

Advertise internally
or externally

Develop interview
guides and materials

Arrange interview
dates with

Arrange location for


Conduct 1st round of


Conduct 2nd round of


Conduct reference

Make selection

Make an offer to

Complete all required


Conduct induction

Commence in role


The overview and responsibilities for the position are the following:

 Type correspondence, reports and other documents.

 Maintain office files.
 Open and distribute the mail.
 Coordinate repairs to office equipment.
 Maintain confidential records and files.
 Arrange for payment of honorariums.
 Research and assist with the preparation of motions, policies and procedures.
 Review and edit reports to the Board.
 Prepare correspondence for Board members.
 Prepare documents and reports.
 Coordination of all general administrative tasks of the office i.e. ensuring invoices are paid on
time and purchase orders are created and approved (also: checking of bills).
 Support Sales and Marketing personnel for dispatch of contracts, and marketing goods.

 Organization and be a contact person for internal Facilities Management Team to ensure all
service, maintenances and repair work in office (cleaning company, office supplies, plants,
 Support all Purchase requisition matters for the Management Team.

 Ensures planning, purchase and maintenance of all office equipment for successful ongoing
operation by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs;
maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new office equipment and techniques.
Research, price, and purchase office furniture and supplies.
 Coordination of all office and car park spaces in coordination with departmental heads.

 Coordination of facility related issues between all involved departments.

 Perform general clerical duties to include but not limited to: photocopying, faxing, mailing,
and filing.
 Following up on clients applications and supporting information
 Deliver timely and accurate information to customers regarding the status of their application
 Take ownership of customer applications and aim to resolve them proficiently, proactively
identifying, addressing and tailoring solutions based on customer needs
 Contribute to the performance and growth of the business
 Ensuring you have the ability to encourage clients to send in required documentations promptly
 Respond to customer requests and explain processes in relation to their applications


Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Recruitment activity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Confirm approval
from GM to recruit

Consult on job
description for
position requirem.

Develop job

Advertise internally
or externally

Develop interview
guides and materials

Arrange interview
dates with

Arrange location for


Conduct 1st round of


Conduct 2nd round of


Conduct reference

Make selection

Make an offer to

Complete all required


Conduct induction

Commence in role


The overview and responsibilities for the position are the following:

 General reception duties including welcoming visitors in person or on the phone,

answering or diverting their inquires.
 Creating and maintaining customer records.
 Prepare clients files for sales staff’s appointments.
 Proactively clean and maintain the appearance of the showroom.
 Provide clients with professional customer service.
 Perform other related duties as required.
 Answering phones and making appointments
 Handling incoming and outgoing documents
 Document collation and reproduction
 Organising catering, meetings and preparing meeting rooms
 Ordering office supplies
 Other general office duties and administrative support tasks


Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
Recruitment activity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Confirm approval
from GM to recruit

Consult on job
description for
position requirem.

Develop job

Advertise internally
or externally

Develop interview
guides and materials

Arrange interview
dates with

Arrange location for


Conduct 1st round of


Conduct 2nd round of


Conduct reference

Make selection

Make an offer to

Complete all required


Conduct induction

Commence in role

2. Employment Type / Award / Job Description

2a. Research, evaluate and discuss the benefits of employing the employees under the
employment options given.

Full time employment

 These employees are the most likely to develop company loyalty, and to feel a sense of
ownership within the business. This can result in a committed, hardworking force,
willing to go through any tough times the business may encounter.
 Full-timers also tend to hold only one job, giving the company more control over their
time and efforts.
 Full-time employees provide a sense of security that someone could manage things in
case of someone’s absence.
 Managers can delegate tasks permanently to others. This frees up manager’s time to
do the tasks best suited for him.
 Managers don’t need to continually train staff on how they like things done.
Employees know the manager and can do the work without the need for continual

Part time employment

 Costs. One of the most recognized benefits of using part-time employees is lower
costs. Companies typically pay part-time employees an hourly wage and can schedule
them for whatever number of hours the company desires.
 Flexibility. A second key benefit of using part-time workers is flexibility. The
company has no obligation to schedule part-timers for 40 hours a week if the
workload does not require it. Thus, managers only need to schedule when work is
needed increasing the ability of your business to respond to change and peaks of
demands or helping to reduce the workloads of other workers.
 Less absence. Part-timers are flexible so they usually can fit the rest of their life into
the days they are not at work. They do not tend need time off for dentist, doctors,
hospital appointments etc, and their sickness rates are usually far lower than full-time
 Talent. The company may attract a wide variety of well qualified people with a wealth
of knowledge who simply wants to work fewer hours for a variety of reasons. This
talent should not be overlooked merely because the person does not want to or is
unable to work a full-time schedule.
 Operating/opening hours. Part time workers are able to cover more hours across
the day, allowing you to increase your operating/opening hours.

Casual employment
 On-call without on-call pay. You can call the worker without any need to pay for being
on-call. Casual workers in a hospital do not get on-call pay. Their full time equivalent
would if the employment arrangement called for the worker to remain available for
emergency work.
 No benefit liabilities as most casual workers do not have benefits such as life
insurance and medical insurance.
 Ability to call workers as needed and only when the employer is busy enough to
warrant the extra help. This can be of great benefit to an employer whose work is
seasonal or has busy days.
 Since there is no regular pay the employer can have a pool of casual workers to draw
 When a full time position becomes available there is a pool of qualified workers to
draw on.

Permanent employment
 You are pulling from the employed candidate pool and the unemployed. So this will
include everyone that is actively or passively looking for a job at any given time.
 Training time isn’t in vein. It is an investment with an employee that you know will be
staying there in that position for quite some time. You feel as if you save time to not
have to “ramp” them up and then have them go once the contract is over.
 It can help you grow the business as they get more efficient in their jobs through being
familiar with the processes.
 Permanent employees develop a fondness of commitment to their employer and have
a loyalty usually based on the feeling of job security.
 You can also take a smaller team of permanent employees to train the new hires and
keep the business running smoothly rather than starting over with a new team for
each new project.

Contract Hires
 You can choose to hire a contractor for any amount of period of time.
 Ability to have a “no strings attached” mentality: You can let go or fire the contractor
whenever you deem fit within reason.
 There are no tax cost of payroll, workers comp, state and federal taxes.
 There are no benefits, health, dental, vision, 401K, stock options, pensions that need to
be given.
 Getting a consultant will give you the opportunity to have someone that has worked in
many different types of organizations and industries. Having someone with this
experience can accelerate their job capabilities within your organization.

2b. Identify the relevant award which applies to each position and its main employment

The three positions are included as office staff so Clerks Award applies to them.

2c. Prepare a comprehensive job description which reflects the role requirements.
Include ‘essential’ and ‘desirable’ qualifications for the position. Ensure that the job
descriptions comply with legislative requirements and reflect the organisations for
a diverse workforce.

Management accountants aid managerial planning and commercial decision-making tasks
by providing appropriate financial information and undertaking related accounts
administration. Good maths and computer skills are required for a career as a management
accountant. Any degree is acceptable for entry into the profession, preferred graduates
with qualifications in accountancy or mathematical, management or business subjects.
The candidate must have be an experienced Management Accountant for a full time
contract providing Tertiary qualifications in Accounting of Finance, CP/CPA qualified,
strong Excel skills essential and ability to use initiative with a strong commercial acumen.
This person must also have commercial experienced gained within construction or
engineering preferable, excellent communication and stakeholder engagement skills and be
self-motivated with the ability to work to tight deadlines.

Administrative assistant responsibilities include providing administrative support to
ensure efficient operation of the office supporting managers and employees through a
variety of tasks related to organization and communication. The admin job scope include
communicating via phone and email ensuring that all administrative duties are completed
accurately and delivered with high quality and in a timely manner.
 Proven admin or assistant experience.
 Knowledge of office management systems and procedures.
 Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritise work.
 Attention to detail and problem solving skills.
 Excellent written and verbal communicating skills.
 Strong organisational and planning skills.
 Proficiency in MS Office.
Perform and provide clerical, receptionist, administrative and financial reporting support
for our leadership team. This person will also support all general clerical, administrative
and report compilation in support of the Management Team for day to day business
operations and project based worked as required. Duties may include fielding telephone
calls, receiving and directing visitors, report writing, creating spreadsheets and
presentations, filing, and outbound communications. Extensive MS Office skills (esp in
Excel and PowerPoint) are required, as well as extensive Internet research abilities, strong
communication skills in dealing with internal and external vendors in an mature and
authoritative manner.


As a receptionist the position will be the first point of contact for the company providing
administrative support across the organization. Receptionist handles the flow of people
through the business and ensures that all receptionist responsibilities are completed
accurately and delivered with high quality and in a timely manner.
This role will suit a Receptionist for a casual part-time contract with excellent
communication skills (face to face and over the phone), with a “can do” attitude, a high
attention to detail, ability to adapt to change priorities, the ability to adapt to change
priorities and a positive and proactive approach.
The candidate must have excellent computer skills, advanced knowledge of Outlook & the
calendar function, ability to work independently with a structured team environment and a
stable work history.


 Proven working experience in similar roles.

 Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite.
 Professional appearance.
 Solid communication skills both written and verbal.
 Ability to be resourceful and proactive in dealing with issues that may arise.
 Ability to organise, multitasks, prioritise and work under pressure.
 High school degree.

2d. Discuss with director (assessor) about job description and strategy. You may use
Recruitment planning template as per template 5.



Position Employment
√ Full-time  Part-time  Casual

Position Approved by GENERAL MANAGER

Key Jobs and Expected Completion Dates

Key Jobs Person Responsible Date

Developing Job Description JOSÉ LUIS BERLANGA GÓMEZ 18/03/2016

Designing Job
Publishing Job

Applications Short Listing JOSÉ LUIS BERLANGA GÓMEZ 08/04/2016

Expected Interview Date 18/04/2016

Expected Joining Date 09/05/2016

Expected Joining Date (If different than induction) 16/05/2016

Media of
√ Online √ Newspaper  Notice Board

Plan Preparation





Position Employment
√ Full-time  Part-time  Casual

Position Approved by GENERAL MANAGER

Key Jobs and Expected Completion Dates

Key Jobs Person Responsible Date

Developing Job Description JOSÉ LUIS BERLANGA GÓMEZ 18/03/2016

Designing Job
Publishing Job

Applications Short Listing JOSÉ LUIS BERLANGA GÓMEZ 08/04/2016

Expected Interview Date 18/04/2016

Expected Joining Date 09/05/2016

Expected Joining Date (If different than induction) 16/05/2016

Media of √ Online √ Newspaper  Notice Board


Plan Preparation



Recruitment Plan: RECEPTIONIST


Position Employment
 Full-time √ Part-time √ Casual

Position Approved by GENERAL MANAGER

Key Jobs and Expected Completion Dates

Key Jobs Person Responsible Date

Developing Job Description JOSÉ LUIS BERLANGA GÓMEZ 18/03/2016

Designing Job
Publishing Job

Applications Short Listing JOSÉ LUIS BERLANGA GÓMEZ 08/04/2016

Expected Interview Date 18/04/2016

Expected Joining Date 09/05/2016

Expected Joining Date (If different than induction) 16/05/2016

Media of  Online √ Newspaper √ Notice Board


Plan Preparation



3. Advertising the Position

3a. Design job advertisements for each position ensuring they do not breach any
relevant legislation.

This role will suit an experienced Management Accountant for a permanent full time
contract who has the ability to develop strong relationships with Project and operational
Managers and to provide robust financial reports and effectively communicate to
The candidate must have be an experienced Management Accountant for a full time
contract providing Tertiary qualifications in Accounting of Finance, CP/CPA qualified,
strong Excel skills essential and ability to use initiative with a strong commercial acumen.
This person must also have commercial experienced gained within construction or
engineering preferable, excellent communication and stakeholder engagement skills and be
self-motivated with the ability to work to tight deadlines.
The responsibilities for the position are:
 Preparation of month end management reporting pack including variance analysis and
 Work closely with Operational Managers providing analysis around cost centers and
projects financials.
 Liaising with Project Managers to update and maintain the project register.
 Maintain integrity of the Fixed Assets Register.
 Provide support to Finance Manager with preparation of annual budgets and rolling
 Assist the finance team with year-end reporting and liaising with external Auditors.

The candidate must have be an experienced Administration Assistant for an initial period
of six months contract, with the strong possibility of a further extension for a full time
Perform and provide clerical, receptionist, administrative and financial reporting support
for our leadership team. This person will also support all general clerical, administrative
and report compilation in support of the Management Team for day to day business
operations and project based worked as required. Duties may include fielding telephone
calls, receiving and directing visitors, report writing, creating spreadsheets and
presentations, filing, and outbound communications. Extensive MS Office skills (esp in
Excel and PowerPoint) are required, as well as extensive Internet research abilities, strong
communication skills in dealing with internal and external vendors in an mature and
authoritative manner.
The responsibilities for the position are:
 Coordination of all general administrative tasks of the office i.e. ensuring invoices are
paid on time and purchase orders are created and approved (also: checking of bills).
 Support Sales and Marketing personnel for dispatch of contracts, and marketing goods.

 Organization and be a contact person for internal Facilities Management Team to
ensure all service, maintenances and repair work in office (cleaning company, office
supplies, plants, etc.)
 Support all Purchase requisition matters for the Management Team, (raising PRs to
delivery of goods/services, and acquisition of data/content as directed by
management as it relates to administrative support activities).
 Ensures planning, purchase and maintenance of all office equipment for successful
ongoing operation by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for
repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new office equipment and
techniques. Research, price, and purchase office furniture and supplies.
 Coordination of all office and car park spaces in coordination with departmental heads.
 Coordination of facility related issues between all involved departments.
 Perform general clerical duties to include but not limited to: photocopying, faxing,
mailing, and filing.

This role will suit a Receptionist for a casual part-time contract with excellent
communication skills (face to face and over the phone), with a “can do” attitude, a high
attention to detail, ability to adapt to change priorities, the ability to adapt to change
priorities and a positive and proactive approach.
The candidate must have excellent computer skills, advanced knowledge of Outlook & the
calendar function, ability to work independently with a structured team environment and a
stable work history.
The responsibilities for the position are:
 General reception duties including welcoming visitors in person or on the phone,
answering or diverting their inquires.
 Creating and maintaining customer records.
 Prepare clients files for sales staff’s appointments.
 Proactively clean & maintain the appearance of the showroom.
 Provide clients with professional customer service.

3b. Nominate three (3) different ways of advertising the vacancies. Discuss which
talent pool each method is likely to attract.

A talent pool is a group of suitable candidates who have been assessed against capabilities
at certain levels.
The company decides to post the advertisement on the website such as (internet
recruiting), newspaper (print advertisements), and noticeboard in the company (internal

1. Internet recruiting
The opportunity may be posted on an internet job board, on your own website or on
professional association websites.

Potential benefits of this approach
 Internet recruiting is cost effective – some sites offer free postings
 Internet job postings are available to potential candidates 24 hours a day
 You can minimize the number of unqualified candidates by directing people to
more information on your organization's website
 Greater flexibility to post, amend and remove the ad at your convenience

2. Print advertisements
Print advertisements may appear in national or local newspapers, bulletins,
professional journals, or magazines.
Potential benefits of this approach
 You can reach a large audience in a specific geographic area
 You can reach a large audience with specialized skills

3. Internal recruitment
Internal recruitment gives existing employees and volunteers the opportunity to
apply for the job opening. It is linked to succession planning and career
development. Internal recruitment can include promotions to a higher level position,
and also lateral moves to a same level position. To keep the process positive is very
important to be fair and consistent in how you go about recruiting internally.
Potential benefits of this approach
 Management already has a good idea of the employee’s capabilities
 Rewards the employee/volunteer for past performance
 Gives the employee/volunteer an opportunity for career development
 Retains the organization's investment in the employee/volunteer
 Reduces the amount of time necessary to orient the person to the new position
 Reduces the time and costs of recruitment
 Supports positive morale and retention by signaling the possibility of internal

4. Interview Procedure
4a. List selection panel members and their status.
Interview panels are considered to improve the selection process. Using a panel of
interviewers, who are trained in the selection processes and interviewing techniques
and familiar with the selection guidelines used in the organization, improves
interview validity and reliability. While deciding upon the composition of the panel,
there must be at least:
One or all members should be trained in selection and interviewing technique.

One female member in the panel.

Involve direct supervisors.

Workers representative, if the organization employees belong to minority group.

The panel members chosen are:

-José Luis Berlanga -Katherine Jiang
-Domenico Caserta -Thamara D’Orta

4b. Develop suitable interview questions for each position. You may use Template 2 to
record your interview questions/guide. Ensure questions do not breach legislative

Interview Questions

Position Criteria
1 2 3 4 5
Tell me about your previous work experience as a Management
Why did you leave your last position?

How do you handle stress situations in the workplace?

What do you know about this company and our services?

What made you choose management accounting as a career?

What would your former colleagues say about you?

Tell me about a situation you were involved in that tells me how you
can communicate with people unlike yourself.
What course have you done from educational institution?

How do you plan on investing in your continuing education?

Interview Questions

Position Criteria
1 2 3 4 5
Tell me about your previous work experience as an Administrative
How do you envision an administrative assistant being able to
contribute to our company?
How did you add value to your role as Administrative Assistant?

Why did you leave your last Administrative Assistant position?

Can you work with MS Office? What other software do you work
with on a regular basis?
What would your former colleagues say about you?
Are there any tools, equipment or procedures you would replace or
change at your most recent/current job? If so, what changes would
you make and why?
What special skills do you possess that will help you excel at our
Do you enjoy interacting with the public?

What do you know about this company and our services?

What course have you done from educational institution?

Interview Questions

Position Criteria
1 2 3 4 5
Tell me about your previous work experience as a Receptionist.

Do you enjoy interacting with the public?

How did you add value to your role as Receptionist?

What do you know about this company and our services?

Can you work with MS Office? What other software do you work
with on a regular basis?
What would your former colleagues say about you?

What course have you done from educational institution?

4c. Develop suitable questions for referees. Use Template 3 to record your questions.

Referee Feedback Form


Permanent: √ Full-time / Part-time

Status Casual:

Applicant Name Julianne Price

Company: AMC Australian Builders

Referee Name
Position: Management Accountant

Questions Regarding Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Essential Criteria
During her work with CPA
Australia, she presents excellent
Good oral and written
oral and written communication √
communication skills
skills in staff meeting, customer
As a team leader, she effectively
The ability to work as part of a
manages team members and she √
works professionally.
She is good at numbers, and is
Excellent analytical and
able effectively analyse numbers √
numerical abilities
and relationship between them.

Desirable Criteria
Member of the professional
She is member with CPA Australia. √
accountancy bodies
She is indeed an accounting
Bachelor degree in Accounting bachelor degree holder with the √
university of Adelaide.
Personal Attributes
During her stay, she is honest and
Honesty and Integrity √
Professional Skills and During her stay, she shows

Expertise Professional Skills and Expertise
During her stay, she shows
Leadership Skills Leadership Skills. √

She pays a great attention to

Pay Attention to Detail √

Referee Feedback Form

Status Casual:
Contract: Full-time / √ Part-time

Applicant Name Mark Johnson

Company: Mount Barker Structures Pty. Ltd.

Referee Name
Position: Administrative Assistant

Questions Regarding Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Essential Criteria
Experience working in Local, State or
Well experienced √
Federal Government

 Advanced MS Office skills and TRIM.

Advanced √
 Exceptional administration skills

 High organisational skills.

 Ability to multi-task & prioritise. High level √
 Strong time management skills.

 Exceptional attention to detail.

Very careful and attentive √
 Flexible & accommodating nature

Desirable Criteria

Proven high standard of written & verbal High standard of written

communication skills & verbal comm. skills

Fast & accurate typing Fast & accurate √

Experience dealing with senior

Experienced √

Highly analytic thinker with

demonstrated talent for planning,
initializing and implementing operational Highly analytic √
procedures and streamlining complex
work procedures


Certificate IV in Management Satisfied √

Personal Attributes

Honesty and Integrity Meet requirements √

Professional Skills and Expertise Meet req. √

Leadership Skills Meet req. √

Pay Attention to Detail Meet req. √

Referee Feedback Form


Status Casual: Full-time / √ Part-time

Applicant Name Laura Sterling

Company: Bonifazzi Concreters Pty. Ltd.

Referee Name
Position: Receptionist

Questions Regarding Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Essential Criteria

Customer Service Provide high standard √

Organisational skills Excellent √

Ability to communicate
Communicate √
professionally at all times

Strong computer literacy

Computer literacy skills √
skills (Microsoft Office)

Desirable Criteria
Proven ability to plan,
Time management √
work and manage time

Attitude A "can do" attitude √

Certificate IV in hospitality Satisfied √

Personal Attributes
Honesty and Integrity Meet requirements √

Professional Skills and Expertise Meet req. √

Leadership Skills Meet req. √

Pay Attention to Detail Meet req. √

4d. Develop a checklist to help in short-listing suitable applicants.

We can use the templates provided above.

4e. Schedule interview and inform panel (assessor). You may use Template 4.

Interview Schedule


Interview Date 18/04/2016

Interview Time 10:00

Interview Venue Green Builders Central Building Training Room

Interview Panel and Applicants

Panel Member Shortlisted Applicants
 José Luis Berlanga
 Katherine Jiang
Julianne Price
 Domenico Caserta
 Thamara Dorta

Schedule Notification
Panel Member √ Done  Yet to be done

Venue Organiser √ Done  Yet to be done

Schedule Prepared By José Luis Berlanga

Schedule Approved By Mostofa Sayeem

Interview Schedule


Interview Date 19/04/2016

Interview Time 10:00

Interview Venue Green Builders Central Building Training Room

Interview Panel and Applicants

Panel Member Shortlisted Applicants
 José Luis Berlanga
 Katherine Jiang Mark Johnson
 Domenico Caserta
 Thamara Dorta

Schedule Notification
Panel Member √ Done  Yet to be done

Venue Organiser √ Done  Yet to be done

Schedule Prepared By José Luis Berlanga

Schedule Approved By Mostofa Sayeem

Interview Schedule


Interview Date 20/04/2016

Interview Time 10:00

Interview Venue Green Builders Central Building Training Room

Interview Panel and Applicants

Panel Member Shortlisted Applicants
 José Luis Berlanga
 Laura Sterling
 Katherine Jiang
 John Kennedy
 Domenico Caserta
 Thamara Dorta

Schedule Notification
Panel Member √ Done  Yet to be done

Venue Organiser √ Done  Yet to be done

Schedule Prepared By José Luis Berlanga

Schedule Approved By Mostofa Sayeem

5. Select applicants

5a. Invite four (4) students to apply for one of the positions you have advertised.
I have invited the following persons to apply for the position as a Receptionist:
 Laura Sterling
 Maria Luises
 Robert Zemeckis
 John Kennedy

5b. After reviewing the applications, short-list two applicants to interview.

I have chosen the following persons to be interviewed:
 Laura Sterling
 John Kennedy

5c. Advise the successful applicants of their interview time, place and venue.

Email invitation to Interview for Laura Sterling

Dear Ms Sterling,

Thank you for your recent application for the above vacancy.

I am pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted and you are invited to attend an
interview on April 20, at 10 AM at our office in Adelaide, SA. If you have any particular
requirements in relation to the interview or the prospective job, please let us know
immediately so we can discuss any equipment or facilities you may need. We are
requesting this information to make the process as equitable as possible for each

Please bring with you to the interview evidence of your right to work in Australia and the
originals of your Academic qualifications.

Please telephone Domenico Caserta on 833774521 to confirm whether you will attend.

Yours sincerely,
HR manager
José Luis Berlanga

Email invitation to Interview for John Kennedy

Dear John Kennedy,

As a result of your application for the position of Receptionist, I would like you attend an
interview on April 20, at 10 AM at our office in Adelaide, SA.

You will have an interview with the member of the panel, Katherine Jiang. The interview
will last about 45 minutes. Please bring three references as well as a copy of your driver's
license to the interview.

If the date or time of the interview is inconvenient, please contact me by phone 833774521
or email in order to arrange another appointment.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,
HR manager
José Luis Berlanga

6. Conduct the Interview

6a. Prepare a suitable environment within the classroom environment and ensure EEO
& anti-discrimination requirement meets during interview.

6b. Use the interview questions and ranking guide you developed in 4b.

6c. Interview your candidate. Record and rate responses using Template 2: Interview
Evaluation Form

Interview Evaluation Form

Status Casual: Full-time / √ Part-time


Position Criteria Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Customer Service Provide high standard √

Organisational skills Excellent √

Ability to communicate
Communicate √
professionally at all times
Strong computer literacy skills
Computer literacy skills √
(Microsoft Office)
Proven ability to plan, work and
Time management √
manage time
Attitude A "can do" attitude √

Certificate IV in hospitality Satisfied √

Personal Attributes
Honesty and Integrity Meet requirements √

Professional Skills and Expertise Meet req. √

Leadership Skills Meet req. √

Pay Attention to Detail Meet req. √

6d. Contact nominated referees for feedback – use Template 3: Referee Feedback Form
See 4.c (Page 33).

6e. Together with the other panel members compile the results of the interview.
During the discussion one of the interviewers expresses a preference for one of the
candidates even though their ranking is not the highest on the Essential Criteria
for the position.
Discuss and resolve this situation then select the preferred candidate. Summarise
your discussion.
One of the member is biased because a wrong conception, like an age or gender
discrimination. Then other members realise that the decision is not right, and then
they need to have discussion. Image a scenario, then other interviewers should go
through all the selective requirements.
During the discussion one of the interviewers expresses a preference for one of the
candidates even though their ranking is not the highest on the Essential Criteria for
the position.
Finally according to the order of merit (reflects the comparative merits of the
applicants), for the position of receptionist, Laura Sterling is the person selected.

6f. After selecting the preferred candidate, one of the panel members (assessor)
suggests the start work immediately and there is now a considerable backlog of
work to complete.
This is outside the normal recruiting procedures of the company. Candidates are
required to complete all their paperwork and be properly inducted – especially in
Workplace Safety before they commence.
Discuss and resolve this situation. Summarise your recommendation.

Normally when a person is selected, then he/she needs to complete all the
paperwork, and should be properly inducted. The process is quite a lengthy
process. I suggest sharing the work among the four panel members in order to
speed up the whole process.

7. Applicant letters

7a. Prepare a letter for the unsuccessful applicant giving appropriate feedback as to why
they were unsuccessful.


Dear John,
Thank you for considering us as a potential employer in your recent application for
the above position. We do appreciate the time and effort you spent in applying for the
We had many applications and unfortunately you have not been successful on this
occasion. We would encourage you to apply for any suitable roles we may advertise in
the future.
We wish you well in your future job search activities.
Yours sincerely,
HR Manager
José Luis Berlanga

7b. Prepare a letter for the successful applicant congratulating then on their success.


Dear Laura,
We are pleased to confirm our offer of employment. To help you understand the full
extent of our offer, we have set out below the terms and conditions of your
employment. Your employment conditions are governed and this contract does not
diminish these conditions. The National Employment Standards also contains
minimum entitlements which apply to your employment.
You have been appointed to the position of Receptionist. A full position description is
If you wish to accept this offer of employment, please sign the attached copies of this
letter and the position description and return to me no later than April 29th or within
one week. I also have included the following forms for you to complete. These can be
returned with your acceptance letter or on your first day.
 Personal details form
 Superannuation standard choice form
 Tax File Number declaration
 Code of Conduct Policy
 Privacy Statement
We look forward to seeing you on May 9th, at 10:00 at Human Resources Department.
You are welcome to contact us at any time prior if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely
HR Manager
José Luis Berlanga

7c. Attach a suitable employment contract based on their employment type along with
and terms and conditions of their employment according to the appropriate award
which is to be completed and returned by the successful applicant.

22 April 2016
Private and confidential
Laura Sterling
220 Magill Road

Letter of engagement

Dear Laura,
I am pleased to offer you employment in the position of Receptionist with us at Green
Builders on the terms and conditions set out in this letter.

1. Position
1.1 Your start date will be May 16th 2016 but you are required to start your
induction process on the 9th May at 10:45 am.
1.2 Your employment will be Receptionist.
1.3 The duties of this position are set out in the attached position description.
You will be required to perform these duties, and any other duties the
employer may assign to you, having regard to your skills, training and
1.4 You will be required to perform your duties at 505 Churchill Rd, or
elsewhere as reasonably directed by the employer.

2. Probation
2.1 A probation period will apply for the first 6 months of your employment.
During this time we will assess your progress and performance in the
2.2 During the probation period you or the employer may end your employment
by providing notice in accordance with the table in clause 8.1 below.

3. Terms and conditions of employment

3.1 Unless more generous provisions are provided in this letter or in the
attached Schedule, the terms and conditions of your employment will be those set out
in the applicable legislation. This includes, but is not limited to, the National
Employment Standards in the Fair Work Act 2009.
3.2 The additional terms and conditions set out in the attached Schedule will also
apply to your employment.

4. Ordinary hours of work

4.1 Your ordinary hours of work will be 25 hours per week, plus any reasonable
additional hours that are necessary to fulfil your duties or as otherwise required by
the employer.
4.2 Your ordinary hours of work may be averaged over a 52 week period.

5. Remuneration
5.1 You will be paid fortnightly at the rate of $18,82 per hour.
5.2 The employer will also make superannuation payments on your behalf in
accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992.
5.3 Your remuneration will be reviewed annually and may be increased at the
employer’s discretion.

6. Leave
6.1 You are entitled to leave (e.g. annual leave, personal leave, carers leave,
compassionate leave, parental leave, community service leave and long service leave)
in accordance with the National Employment Standards.

7. Your obligations to the employer

7.1 You will be required to:
(a) perform all duties to the best of your ability at all times;
(b) use your best endeavours to promote and protect the interests of the
employer; and
(c) follow all reasonable and lawful directions given to you by the employer,
including complying with policies and procedures as amended from time to time.
These policies and procedures are not incorporated into your contract of

8. Termination of employment
8.1 Under the Fair Work Act 2009 the employer may terminate your
employment at any time by providing you with notice in writing in accordance with
this table:

Length of continuous service with employer Period of notice

Not more than 1 year 1 week
More than 1 year but less than 3 years 2 weeks
More than 3 years but less than 5 years 3 weeks
More than 5 years 4 weeks

8.2 You are entitled to an additional week’s notice if you are over 45 years old
and have completed at least 2 years of continuous service with the employer on the
day the notice of termination is given.
8.3 If you wish to terminate your employment you are required to provide the
employer with prior notice in accordance with the table at 8.1 above.

9. Confidentiality
9.1 By accepting this letter of offer, you acknowledge and agree that you will not,
during the course of your employment or thereafter, except with the consent of the
employer, as required by law or in the performance of your duties, use or disclose
confidential information relating to the business of the employer, including but not
limited to client lists, trade secrets, client details and pricing structures.
10. Entire agreement
10.1 The terms and conditions referred to in this letter constitute all of the terms
and conditions of your employment and replace any prior understanding or
agreement between you and the employer.
10.2 The terms and conditions referred to in this letter may only be varied by a
written agreement signed by both you and the employer.

If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of employment, please don’t
hesitate to contact José Luis Berlanga on 0427831345.
Employees and employers may also seek information about minimum terms and
conditions of employment from the Fair Work Ombudsman. You can contact them on
13 13 94 or visit their website at
To accept this offer of employment please return a signed and dated copy of this
letter to me by 29 April.

Yours sincerely,

José Luis Berlanga

HR manager

I, Laura Sterling, have read and understood this letter and accept the offer of
employment from Green Builders on the terms and conditions set out in the letter.

Signed: Date: / /
Print name:

8. Advise management

8a. Prepare a short selection summary for the Director of Green Builders.

 Outline the strengths of the preferred applicant in regards to job description

and personal attributes.
 During her work with CPA Australia, she presents excellent customer
service and organisational skills.
 She possesses ability to communicate professionally at all times and strong
computer literacy skills.
 Provided ability to plan, work and manage time.
 She provides minimum desirable qualifications.
 During her stay at the previous company, she showed being honest and
 During her stay, she showed Professional Skills and Expertise along with
Leadership Skills.
 She pays a great attention to details.

 Discuss the main reason why other applicants were not successful.
 Other applicants are not as good as Laura Sterling.

8b. Prepare a memo / fax / email to.

- The relevant Manager(s) advising them of the new appointment and asking them
to arrange a suitable induction. Attach an induction checklist.

Dear staff
Please join me in welcoming Laura Sterling to the role of receptionist. We will
be holding a staff morning tea at 10:45 Laura will be starting her induction on
the 9th of May.
Laura has wide experience as a Receptionist in a building company and
possesses great communication and organisational skills as we required.
Please find attached an induction check list for everyone involved in the process
as I have organised it. If you have any trouble to carry out the induction over
the schedule feel free to contact me asap so we can reorganise the process.
King regards
HR Manager
José Luis Berlanga

Induction Checklist
Prior to your employee starting work
It’s a good idea to start planning early for your employee’s first day, as there are a few things
you’ll need to organise.
Ensure you have:
 told the employee before their first day where, when and who they should report to and whether they
need to bring any tools or equipment
 organised building and IT access as well as any uniforms (if necessary)
 a returned, signed copy of the letter of engagement (or employment contract)
 a completed Tax file number declaration form (unless declined by employee)
 a completed Superannuation choice form
You can get copies of the Tax file number declaration form and the Superannuation choice from the
ATO at
 the employee’s bank account details
 the employee’s emergency contact details
 a copy of any licences held by the employee needed for the job e.g. Drivers Licence, Forklift Licence
 given the employee a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement
 if a working visa is required – a copy of the employee’s passport and visa – you will need to do a visa
It’s a good idea to ask the employee to sign a register or return a signed copy of the Fair Work
Information Statement and any relevant business policies or procedures as proof that they were provided
to the employee. This may help avoid disputes in the future.
Also, make sure you keep all staff paperwork in secure personnel file.

Find out more

For more information about what you need to know when hiring a new employee, as well as inducting
staff, see our ‘Hiring employees’ online learning course at

On the first day (or soon after)

To ensure your employee gets off to a good start, it’s important that they feel welcomed, well-
informed and equipped to do their job.
Orientation and housekeeping:
 Introduce the new employee to other staff
 Show the new employee the kitchen/meal, toilet facilities and where to store personal items (bags,
jackets etc.)
Ensure you have:
 given the employee copies of relevant business policies or procedures e.g. codes of conduct and
work health and safety policies or procedures.
 discussed:
 the history of the business and its role
 who the employee reports to
 the employee’s duties and what training will be provided
 performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
 hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
 meal breaks
 the applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
 the payment method, first pay date and how payslips are distributed
 any workplace policies and procedures including:
o uniform or dress code (if any)
o procedure if the employee is sick or running late
o procedure for applying for leave
o rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
o any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
 completed a workplace health and safety induction
You need to provide your employees with a safe workplace. This can include discussing evacuation
plans, pointing out first aid officers and emergency wardens and briefing staff on safety procedures.
Visit your state or territory’s work health and safety body for information about these obligations. You
can find their contact details at

- The Payroll section for the commencement of a new employee. Give details of
their employment type, award and pay rate.
See pages 43 and 44.


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