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Aeynore Paper

Modelling and Simulation of Grinding Processes

H. K.Tonshoff ( l ) , J. Peters (1). I. lnasaki ( l ) ,T. Paul

This paper describes the state-of-the-art in the modelling and simulation of grinding processes. The kinematics of the grinding process
are characterised by a series of statistically irregular and separate engagements. Topography models are used to describe the structure
of the grinding wheel, taking the quantities of motion and the geometric parameters into account. Chip formation is represented in chip
thickness models. During the process of chip formation, energy is transformed. Additionally, forces are generated. In this paper.
grinding energy models and force models will be presented. In conclusion, the kinematic and energetic processes are taken into
consideration for temperature and surface integrity models as well as for models for describing the surface roughness of the workpiece.
Different approaches to modelling will be compared. Furthermore, the benefits as well as the limits of model application and
simulation will be discussed.

Key Words
Grinding process, modelling, simulation
1 Introduction and Objectives cracks. As a result, material removal is achieved by microcracks and the
generation of chip fragments. When material is removed by fracture, the resulting
The development of wear-resistant abrasives, powerful machinery and adequate surface roughness of the workpiece is highly influenced by the grain size of the
machining technologies has lead to a considerably increased efficiency of the ceramic. While high normal forces are required for the grinding of ceramics in
grinding process. The economical advantages thus achieved consolidate and order to let the cutting edges penetrate into the surface of the workpiece, the
extend the position of grinding technology, the grinding process being a quality- tangential forces are relatively small. This is due to the fact that the generation of
defining finishing method..,High product quality can only be obtained by using fractures and cracks requires much less energy than plastic deformation. The
high-quality processes [TONS91]. However, as grinding is a very complex amount of heat generated during the grinding process is proportional to the
manufacturing process with a large number of characteristic quantities which tangential force, and tends to be smaller than when grinding metal. Given the high
influence each other, the reproducibility is critical [KEGG83]. According to the temperature stability of ceramics, the main problem is not thermal damage, as in
quality demands, the set-up parameters for the machine tool are determined with the machining of metals, but mechanical strain which occurs during material
the aid of grinding tests, which are both time-consuming and costly. In addition to removal. This paper concentrates on the grinding of ductile materials.
this, in practice the grinding process is often not carried out at the limits which
would be technically possible in order to maintain a certain quality level. The 2.3 Abrasives: CBN, Diamond, Corundum
process quality depends to a large extent on the experience of the operator.
Models contribute significantly to the comprehension of the process itself, and Besides the workpiece material. the characteristics and the technological
form the basis for the simulation of grinding processes. They thus create a behaviour of the abrasive used have to be considered, when working out models.
precondition for increased efficiency while ensuring a high product quality at the The abrasive CBN (cubical boron nitride) stands out for a number of
same time. The grinding process has been the object of technological research for technological advantages. In comparison to conventional abrasives such as
some decades now. The necessity to exemplarily describe grinding processes in corundum, it is above all exceptionally wear-resistant. As a result, higher material
models was recognised at an early stage, so that there are numerous models today. removal rates can be achieved, and the necessity for dressing occurs far less
The objective of this paper is to describe the state-of-the-art in the modelling and frequently. Another characteristic of this abrasive is the comparatively low risk of
simulation of grinding processes. Beginning with an unambiguous definition of thermal damage. Compared to diamond, the only material known with higher
terminology. models and different approaches'to simulation will be compared and hardness, CBN offers the advantage of an even higher temperature stability. The
critically evaluated. Furthermore, the benefits as well as the limits of model formation of carbides from the carbon in the diamond is one form of chemical
application and simulation will be discussed. wear. It occurs above all with iron. but also with chromium. vanadium and
For this paper, 40 CIRP members in 13 countries were asked to respond. In tungsten. Thus, CBN is predestined for the processing of alloyed and unalloyed
answer to this, 15 members have supplied a total of 42 papers. We appreciate the metals. Although offering the advantages described. CBN has. like diamond, the
co-operation of Prof. Bouzakis, Prof. Howes. Prof. Konig, Prof. Kruth, Prof. disadvantage of being extremely expensive. The main field of application of
Makin, Prof. Matsuo. Prof. Miyashita, Prof. Rowe. Prof. Salje, Prof. Shaw, Prof. diamond as an abrasive is for grinding brittle materials such as ceramics. Now as
Spur and Prof. Tipnis. Additionally, a literature review with a main emphasis on ever, the abrasive corundum is of great importance for industry. Corundum is
the publications of the past 20 years was carried out. Thus, a total of 236 sources exclusively synthetic, and depending on its purity and on its additives, there is a
was established. The results of this literature study form the basis for a review in wide range of application for corundum. The corundum has to be chosen
which models in grinding technology are summarised. according to the specific machining task.
When considering the technological behaviour of different abrasives, wear is
2 Grinding technology of. main importance. The individual components of the wear process are of
2.1 Grinding processes different significance. In the case of corundum, the generation of wear flats on the
grains represents the predominating form of wear. This leads to non-stationary
According to IS0 3002, the kind of surface to be generated, the kinematics of the process performance and to rapidly increasing grinding forces. When using
machining operation as well as the shape or the profile of the grinding wheel are grinding wheels with ceramic bonded CBN, such wear flats can usually only be
characteristic properties of the grinding process. As a result, there are different found to limited extent. As CBN and diamond have a significantly higher
grinding processes: surface grinding, cylindrical grinding and shape grinding. hardness than corundum. bond wear, as a result of the abrasive effect of the chips,
Another factor for subdividing different grinding processes is the position of the is usually the main form of wear. Despite the advantages offered by the abrasives
contact area on the workpiece itself. This criterion is used to distinguish between CBN and diamond, corundum is still being used in most grinding applications.
external and internal grinding. Furthermore, it is possible to differentiate Thus, the models described in this paper are mainly related to the utilisation of
according to the active grinding wheel surface, the feed direction and the control corundum.
method used. The chucking of the workpiece also has to be taken into account. In
order to reduce the large number of grinding models, in the following only 3 Modelling
processes with simple kinematics will be taken into consideration.
Usually, a technological study of grinding processes results in the development of
2.2 Materials: Metal, Ceramics a model which is valid for a closely limited field with given boundary conditions.
A model can, for example, be used to predict the working result of the process.
Apart from the influences of the grinding process itself, the material to be ground On this basis, it is possible to vary the set-up parameters for the machine tool in a
is of basic importance in the modelling and simulation of grinding processes. purposeful manner. The term "model" is not unambiguous, and therefore must
Both chip formation and surface generation are considerably influenced by the first be defined from the manufacturing engineer's point of view:
nature of the material to be. worked. Different methods of material removal
predominate. depending on the ductility or the brittleness. The behaviour of the A model is the abstract representation of a process which serves to link
material is characterised by its fracture toughness, yield point or bending strength, causes and effects.
hardness and modulus of elasticity. These characteristic quantities have to be
considered in close relation to the structure of the material. During chip Thus, a model establishes a relation between input and output quantities in
formation, ductile materials such as metals are first subject to elastic order to describe the dynamic as well as the static performance of each individual
deformations; then the material starts to yield and plastic deformation takes place. process. The simplified formulation of process conditions is referred to as
Ceramics, with their great hardness and a low fracture toughness, can be regarded modelling. Figure 1 shows the general procedure applied in modelling, including
as an example of brittle materials. On the basis of macroscopic examinations it the subsequent application of the model in simulation. The performance of the
can be assumed that ceramics are not ductile at room temperatures. Their real system is used to link causes and effects. i s . question and answer. In the
behaviour during grinding is characterised by cracking and the propagation of same way. the model, as an extract of the real system, links causes and effects in

Annals of the CIRP Vol. 41/2/1992 677

the form of question and result. This result is then verified in a grinding test. In in the development of models. Here, the direction of the data flow is of particul
this sense, a model forms the basis for predicting the working result. The importance. During the development phase, the main objective is to obtain
application of the model in form of simulation meets superior demands such as an model by appropriately linking input and output quantities. The model quality
increase in productivity as well as in quality. determined by comparing the output quantities of the process to those of t
model. For model improvement, a controller would be conceivable which adal
the model parameters to current conditions. These three steps in the developme
phase of models are illustrated in figure 3.

I phase of development 1 1

modelling determinoting OdjuSting model

(process identification) model quality

I phase of application 1 t

I 37/6990 L IFW 8692 I

Figure 1: Modellbig arid Simiilatioii optimisation
113385 G l F W 8691
Models can be subdivided into physical and empirical models depending on
how they have been developed [PROF77]. Figure 2 shows a comparison of these Figure 3: Development arid Applicatioii of Models
two model types. A physical model is deductively derived from basic physical
principles. With specific objectives in mind, relevant physical processes are 4 Simulation
selected pn the basis of process knowledge and experience, and a qualitative
model is worked out. Then, the physical model is established, based on the The application phase of the models is shown in the bottom part of figure
conformity to physical laws, using a mathematical formulation of the qualitative Understanding the process obtained with the aid of models allows to give advic
model. for process control. Another possible application of models can be seen in t
An empirical model. on the contrary, is established by means of measured quantitative adaptation of the set-up parameters for the machine tool. Tt
values which have been obtained in grinding tests. According to the objectives, optimisation is done using the model. A third possible application of models is t
grinding tests are carried out, and all input and output quantities have to be simulation of grinding processes. Here, the model is used to predict the outp
registered. The results of these tests are evaluated. one model type is chosen, the quantities of the process on. the basis of its input quantities.
coefficients are determined. and then the empirical model can be verified in The term "simulation", too, has to be defined from the manufacturii
further grinding tests. In literature, other possibilities for subdividing models can engineer's point of view:
be found [PROF77]. Among these are combinations of the two model types
mentioned above. However, in grinding technology in particular. the distinction Simulation is the imitation of discrete values of time of a dynamic
between physical and empirical mddels seems to be most appropriate. process on the basis of a model.
Every model represents a compromise between the obtained model quality on
the one hand, i.e. the accuracy of the model itself, and the efforts which were Compared to the improvement of process understanding or to the optimisatic
necessary to obtain this model on the other hand. The main advantage of physical of input quantities, simulation is characterised by the fact that discrete values
models is that the results can easily be transferred to other machining conditions time are used. Thus, simulation allows for a clear definition of the state of t
and other grinding processes. Due to the fact that the physical interrelationships in process at any moment. According to this, a model using discrete values of time
grinding cannot be accurately defined, purely physical modelling is seldom used. the precondition for process simulation. The quality of any simulation depen
One common application of physical models is to determine the temperature of exclusively on the quality of the model used.
the contact area in grinding. On the basis of a moving heat source model,
temperature distributions can be determined with the aid of material constants. 5 Modelling of Grinding Processes
The limits of physical modelling are. determined by the underlying assumptions.

- I

The kinematics of the grinding process represent a series of irregular and separa
engagements which depend on the microstructure of the grinding wheel, on t
quantities of motion as well as on the geometric parameters. These. dependenci
are taken into account by topography and chip thickness models. During ch
formation, energy is transformed. Additionally, forces are generated which a
described in force models. Together with these forces, the separate engagemer
of the kinematic cutting edges cause wear on the grinding wheel. This process
described in wear models. There are considerable interrelationships between tl

physical temperature
model Iype roughness

I 37/6991 L I F W 8 6 9

Empirical models are only of a very limited quality. In empirical modelling,

the model parameters are determined with the aid of regression analysis methods
on the basis of numerous measured values. Every empirical model can be used for
the accurate description of one machining application only. When mnsfemng
empirical models to applications with changed boundary conditions, a
significantly worse reproduction of the grinding process is to be expected. The
grinding tests which have to be carried out in order to determine the model
constants increase exponentially to the number of variables included in the
respective empirical model. This relationship demonstrates the advantages that
empirical models offer when used for series production, but at the same time, it
clearly shows the limits of model application for frequently changing machining
tasks. However, compared to physical models, the development of empirical
models requires minimum efforts. Consequently, empirical models are used in all 37 / 8507 E IFW 8736
fields of grinding technology.
Independent of the modelling method, there are three steps to be distinpished Figure 4: Grinding Models a d their Ititerrelutionships

topography of the grinding wheel, the forces, and the wear (see figure 4). Due to These machining parameters are included in the basic model. A comparison of the
these interrelationships, the grinding process is time-dependent and variable. exponents clearly shows that the influence of the speed ratio predominates.
Many of the existing models neglect this non-stationary performance of grinding The topography model by Werner [WERN71] is based on Kassen's model.
processes. For example, they are based on the assumption that the state of the Taking the measured values of the stylus into consideration, Werner formulates an
grinding wheel does not change. The consideration of time dependency, however. exponential approach for the static grain count. Here, the grain count is presented
leads to complex models with a great number of influencing parameters. Models as a function of the cutting edge density and the depth of the grinding wheel
which describe the real non-stationary grinding process should not lead to more profile. Werner's topography model for determining the kinematic grain count
unavoidable errors than static models. Therefore. this paper mainly concentrates includes coefficients which have to be determined empirically. This leads to an
on static models. On the basis of topography and chip thickness models, the increase in the experimental efforts required. Werner's results are directly
surface roughness of the workpiece can be predicted. Apart from force and comparable to Kassen's model. This also applies to the influences of the
energy, the topography of the grinding wheel influences the temperature and the machining parameters. Lortz [LORTI51 generalises the topography models of
changes underneath the work surface, described by surface integrity models. Kassen and Werner. His model, too, can be reduced to the basic model. The
In this paper, basic models have been developed in order to compare different parameters of the model have to be determined empirically.
models in grinding technology. With this objective, models by different authors
have been extricated from the relevant literature and their common aspects as well
as the main influences, the respective ranges of values, the scopes and the
boundary conditions such as restricting preconditions have been determined.
From the subsequent evaluation of these criteria, basic models which are
formulated in a general form have been derived. This comparison gives a clear
idea of the current knowledge of modelling in grinding technology and, at the
same time, allows for evaluation the individual approaches to modelling. Also,
the benefits and limits of model application can be illustrated.

5.1 Topography Models

The modelling of grinding processes requires the consideration of the grinding

wheel topography. Understanding the combined action of the cutting edges, which
are stochastically distributed on the grinding wheel, and the chip formation speed ratio q
process explains influences both on the grinding forces and the surface roughness
of the workpiece.
(basic model IN~,. I 74.7 (4) a.0? (&Jo'33 I OLC LO112
3717598 L IFW 8689
The microstructure of the grinding wheel is composed of numerous individual
cutting edges which are stochastically distributed in all six degrees of freedom. Figure 6: Illustration of a Topography Model
First theoretical investigations have been made by Peklenik [PEKL57]. The
number of cutting edges per unit of length or surface unit and their distribution While Kassen, Werner and Lortz investigated conventional grinding wheels,
belong to the characteristic quantities of a grinding wheel. One grain can have Yegenoglu [YEGE86] worked out a topography model for CBN grinding wheels.
more than one cutting edge. However, according to Verkerk [VERK77]. it This topography model is based on grains in the shape of an octahedron. A factor
appears to be sufficient to consider the cutting edges that belong to the same grain is used to define the cutting edge density on the bond level. The shape of the
as one cutting edge. When there are more cutting edges on one grain. there is no cutting edge is taken into consideration in the form of constants. Yegenoglu's
space for the chip between the cutting edges. Consequently, the cutting edges can model can also be reduced to the basic model. The influences of the machining
no longer be active. As a result, the grain acts as one cutting edge. Lortz parameters correspond to the results obtained by Kassen. Werner and Lortz.
[LORTIS] and Heuer [HEUE92] state that one kinematic grain can have more Figure 6 illustrates the influences of the basic model of grinding wheel
than one kinematic cutting edge. While static cutting edges or grains are the sum topography three-dimensionally. based on Lortz' grinding tests.
of all cutting edges (grains) on the surface of the grinding wheel, active, dynamic On the basis of physical obsekations, Osenberg and Biittner [BU'IT68]
derived a topography model for diamond grinding wheels which determines the
or kinematic grains are only fhose grains which actually take part in chip static grain count on the surface of the grinding wheel (see figure 7). The
formation. Depending on the measuring method, grains can be counted, as it is geometric representation of the abrasive grain is assumed to be ellipsoidal with a
possible when using scanning electron microscope photos, or a statistical circular cross section. The actual diamond grain is taken into consideration by a
distribution of cutting edges can be obtained by using the stylus method. In the shape factor which has to be determined empirically. The model additionally
relevant literature, a large number of possible measuring methods is stated. D k c t includes the diamond density and the mesh size. Based on Osenberg's and
measuring methods such as the taper print method or the stylus method are used Biittner's model, Tiinshoff and Triemel [TRIE75] have developed a topography
as well as indirect measuring methods. Verkerk gives a survey of the most model for CBN grinding wheels. The kinematic grain count can be derived by the
important methods [VERK77]. Apart from the grain count, the shape of the distribution of grains over the penetration depth taking the speed ratio and the
individual cutting edge tips is also a characteristic factor of a grinding wheel. working engagement as well as the equivalent diameter into account.
However, neither the measured grain count nor the measured shape of the cutting
edge tips can be used to draw direct conclusions on the characteristics of the
I, I

grinding wheel topography. Therefore, a topography model is required, which Buttner
I. ' "m'
allows evaluation of the combined action of the grains which are stochastically

distributed on the grinding wheel surface. Tonshofl.
I/ II 1975


Figure 1: Topography models (212)

The topography models quoted have the common feature that many
measurements are required to determine the model parameters. Furthermore, the
statistical geometric distribution of the grains is not taken into consideration.
None of these models uses discrete values in time, i s . the change with time of the
grinding wheel topography is not taken into account as it is done in Weinert's
model [WEIN76]. Weinert uses the effective surface roughness as a characteristic
quantity to predict the surface roughness of the workpiece. In other words, he
assumes a replica generation on the workpiece. The practical application of the
topography models presented so far can be expected to be time-consuming, due to
Figure 5: Topography Models (112) the measuring efforts necessary.

Figure 5 shows four topography models, and their reduction to one basic 5.2 Chip Thickness Models
model. All authors suggest separate models both for the kinematic grain count and
the static grain count. The topography model by Kassen [KASS69] is based on a Chip formation and material removal depends to a large degree on the
cutting edge having the shape of an obtuse-angled, isosceles mangle. The shape microstructure of the grinding wheel, the quantities of motion and the geometric
of the cutting edge is taken into consideration via the rake angle of the grain (all parameters. On the basis of the topography models already discussed, models for
symbols are included in chapter 8). The cutting edge density has been determined maximum and for equivalent chip thickness will be compared. In figures 8 and 9,
with the aid of the stylus method. The static grain count takes the shape of the models by different authors and the reduction of those models to a basic model
cutting edge into consideration with a constant. The kinematic grain count has a are shown.
factor which is independent of the boundary conditions. Furthermore, the speed The chip thickness model by Kurrein [KURR27], Peters [PETE671 and
ratio, the working engagement and the equivalent diameter have been considered. Colding [COLD591 for determining the equivalent chip thickness is based on the

equation of continuity. The material feed into the contact area, with a given only consider the set-up parameters for the machine tool and the geome
working engagement due to the workpiece peripheral speed. equals the material proportions, but also includes a factor for describing the microstructure of
flow which is determined by the cutting speed and the equivalent chip thickness. grinding wheel. Consequently, many measurements are necessary, similai
Consequently, the equation of continuity can be used to determine the equivalent topography models. Thus, the application of these chip thickness model!
chip thickness. This characteristic quantity represents the sum of all individual complicated and time-consuming. None of these models takes the ela
chip thicknesses in the contact area between grinding wheel and workpiece. deformation of the grinding wheel and workpiece into account, nor the pla
yielding of the material. In addition to this, the workpiece material is
explicitly considered either. Figure 10 shows the application of the basic mo,
'Kurrein 1927
Peters 1967 hsq I + a@ based on grinding tests carried out by Werner, and compared to the equiva
chip thickness model.
The simple model which was developed by Kurrein. Peters and Colding
1 4 I oc1/2
i 1
determining the equivalent chip thickness offers advantages in pract
application, as the characteristic quantities of the grinding wheel topography
not have to be determined. As a result, however, the microstructure of
ll I I grinding wheel is neglected. The equivalent chip thickness is used to detern
the set-up parameters for the machine tool to meet the quality demands relei
for specific machining applications. To achieve this aim. Peters [PETE
developed grinding charts, an example of which is shown in figure 11.

I 37 16908 L IFW 8697

Figure 8: Chip Thickness Models (112)

001 003 01 0 3 prn 10

equivalent grinding thickness h,
SOWC. Pel.,* 37/ (1317 0 IFW 8691
Figure 11: Example of a Grinding Chart

5.3 Grinding Force Models

I I After having discussed the chip formation and material removal in grinding
means of topography models and models for determining the maximum and
Figure 9 Chip Thickness Models (212)
The other seven chip thickness models quoted are based on the consideration equivalent chip thickness, the resulting normal and tangential forces will
of single grains. The maximum chip thickness equals the maximum thickness of considered in the following. The relevant literature offers many approaches to I
the theoretical chip. The generation of this theoretical chip is assumed to start at field of modelling. Figures 12 and 13 compare models by different authors i
the moment the abrasive grain enters the workpiece and ends when it emerges these, too, will be reduced to one basic model. No distinction has been mi
from the workpiece. The single-grain approach is based on the assumption that between models for describing normal forces and those describing tangen
during chip formation, no plastic deformation and no plowing occurs at the edge forces, as these forces an brought into relation to each other via the grind
of the trace. Furthermore, splintenng of the grains is neglected, and it is assumed force ratio. This would correspond to a multiplicative factor in the basic mo
that all grains in the contact area take part in chip formation and that no which differs considerably depending on the material of the workpiece.
overlapping of traces occurs. The individual authors presuppose dfferent gram
shapes, taken into consideration by constants.
Pahlitzsch [PAHL43] and Inasaki [WAS891 describe the gnnding wheel
topography in one-dimensional form by using the distance between cutting edges.
Shaw, Reichenbach and Mayer [REIC56], and Malkin [MALK89], too, consider
the grinding wheel topography in two-dimensional form by determining the grain
count, for example by means of the taper print method. On the basis of their own
topography model. Kassen [KASS69] and Werner [WERN71]. however, include
the grinding wheel topography in three-dimensional form. determining the static
cutting edge density. The chip thickness model by Lierath [LIER90] can be
directly compared to Werner's model. All these models take the m a n influencing
quantities into consideration. Among these an the speed ratio, the working
engagement and the equivalent diameter. Furthermore, these models have in
common that, according to the exponents, the speed ratio has the most important
influence on chip formation. The basic model derived from these models does not

Figure 12: Grinding Force Models ( I N )

The comparison of these. grinding force models shows clearly that they i
composed of a physical part which includes the speed ratio. the worki
engagement and the equivalent diameter, as well. as of an empirical additi
which figures in the basic model as a constant for the grinding wheel and
constant for the workpiece.
SaljC [SAM531 considers the shear strength as a specific paramem for I
workpiece material. The model parameters are taken ?om characteristic diagran
which consider the influences of the respective combination of the material a
the grinding wheel. Furthermore, a constant represents the influence of the gri
size on the grinding forces. Using a grinding wheel with a fine grain size, mc
grains are engaged with the material, and the resulting grinding forces increa.
According to SaljC. an unchanging and time-independent surface and sharpness
the grinding wheel as well as the unvaried use of the coolant are the preconditio
Figure 10: Comparrron of Chip Thickness Models for the reproducibility of the results. This shows the limits of the model.

combinations of different materials and grinding wheels. Nevertheless, the
practical application of these empirical grinding force models requires high
efforts because of the large number of exponents which have to be determined.
Figure 16 shows an example of the application of a force model which takes the
grinding time into consideration.

I Peters I 1 I 1


Figure 13: Grinding Force Models (213)

Shaw, Reichenbach and Mayer [REIC56], [SHAW71] take the gnnding wheel
topography into consideration in two-dimensional form. Ono [ON0611 considers
the average gram distance, Bruckner [BRUC62] the distance between cutting 1 3716912 L IFW 8701

edges. For the description of the gnnding wheel topography, Werner [WERN73]
uses the static cutting edge density and a constant for the shape of the cutting Figure 15: Grinding Force Models (313)
edge, taking it into account in three-dimensional form. Ernst [ERNS65], however,
uses exclusively an empmcal constant for descnbing the grinding wheel
topography. Lindsay [LMD71] offers two gnnding force models for the specific
normal force, one for matenals which are easy to gnnd, and one for matenals
which are difficult to gnnd Peters [PETE741 suggests a model for determining
the specific tangential force in grinding. This model is closely related to his
equivalent chip thickness model. The model developed by SaljC and Bock
[BOCK871 is dmctly comparable to Peters' model. Additionally, Sdj6 and Bock
relate the equivalent chip thickness to the contact length. This characteristic
quantity has already been used by Konig [KONI69] Tonshoff and Grabner
[GRAB88], too, use the equivalent chip thickness related to the contact length for
determining a load limit for ceramic bonded CBN gnnding wheels. This load
limit is independent of the set-up parameters for the machine tool, the equivalent
diameter and the grinding process used. Also, the model conceived by Spur
[SPUR841 is comparable to the approaches just quoted Figure 14 shows a
companson of two force models The graphical representation is based on
grinding tests carried out by Konig and Werner as well as by Peters and Decneut
The dominating influences of both speed ratio and working engagement can be Figure 16: Application of u Grinding Force Model including the
clearly identified. Grinding Time
However, the practical application of torce models which take the 5.4 Grinding Energy Models
microstructure of the gnnding wheel into consideration is hampered by the high
amount of measuring efforts necessary. Those gnnding force models which The work performed during chip formation is the mathematical product of the
include an emplncal additive require extensive grinding tests in order to mechanical power input and the grinding time. In grinding, the mechanical power
determine the model parameters. All the models shown in figures 12 and 13 have equals the grinding power, which is the product of tangential force and cutting
the &sadvantage that neither the coolant nor the grinding time is faken into speed. The work performed during chip formation is transformed into other forms
consideration. Figure 15 shows grinding force models which aim at of energy. The most important part of the energy input is uansformed into
compensating for these disadvantages thermal energy, which is distributed on the workpiece, the grinding wheel, the
chips, the coolant and the surroundings. A smaller part of the energy input is
required for surface generation, and as potential energy residing in the chips and
the workpiece in form of residual stresses. Figure 17 shows the generation of
mechanical and thermal effects in cutting and grinding.

Figure 14: Comparison of Grinding Force Models

- \

1 work of detormation.shearing zone 3 surface work .cutting edge

2 friction work, rake face L friction work. flank
Battler [ B 6 l l 7 9 ] used Werner's model as the basis for further developments, 5 friction work, bond ,,,",,(h,cu ,Ti?L1

extending it by including the influences of the gnnding hme in form of the

specific material removal. In his model. Battler thus interprets the non-stationary Figure 17: Mechanicul and Thermal Effects in Cutting and Grinding
behaviour of the gnnding force as a result of the increasing wear of the grinding
wheel. Averkamp [AVER82]. Netterscheid [NETT841 and Knop [KNOP89] have The mechanical and thermal effects in cutting and grinding are :omparable,
successively developed purely empincal grinding force models. These models, with the reservation that the geometric proportions differ at least by GLLLorder of
too, include the gnnding hme in form of the specific matenal removal. In magnitude. This diagram shows the main processes in which mechanical energy is
addihon to this, Averkamp and Netterscheid include an addiuve constant in order uansformed into heat. Here, the friction work of the flank is of particular
to take the threshold forces [HAHNSl] into account. Furthermore. Netterscheid importance. Apart from this, friction work at the rake face as well as the work of
has inveshgated the influences of the coolant. The constant included in the deformation performed in the shearing zone play an important part in the heat
gnnding force model for the use of oil assumes a higher value, corresponding to generation within the workpiece. Further heat sources are those points where
the gnater threshold forces. In addihon to this, Knop considers the influences of friction is produced between the bond and the surface of the workpiece. They are,
the dressing conditions of the gnnding wheel by integrahng the theorehcal initial however, of reduced importance. Based on the amount of energy which is
effective surface roughness. In order to compensate for the disadvantages of transformed during grinding, considering the heat source allows for determination
empincal models. Netterscheid and Knop offer model parameters for numerous

5.5 Temperature Models

In grinding, the mechanisms which take place in the contact area, i.e. pla:
author kind 01 model ~ considered comment deformation, friction and surface generation result in an almost compl
quantities 1
PeInm. empmcd model ID calculate Ihe E. vfi simple equation deduced from rasults to conversion of mechanical energy into heat. Thus, all components which take I
Mans spealic energy Imm E.mOdUIus deleimine the temperalure dislnbutlon in chip formation are subject to thermal loads. Among these components are
1977 and lend speed
eval 01 SpBCIlC energy using F'l, heq rim@ equalion workpiece, grinding wheel, chips and coolant. In order to avoid thermal dam;
equtvalent grinding thickness and to the workpiece, heat dissipation is of major importance. Ideally, all of the h
tangenlid gnndmg foica
Mdkm math. B Y P I U ~01 cnlical
IIO ~ speolic O. 1,pe. vC. assumption 01 cntical burning lemp , generated should be transferred to th; surroundings via chips and cool:
1978. 1989 energy: lemp dslnbulion based on YW,
valid lor external and sudaca grmdmg However, as the workpiece often has the highest thermal conductivity of
Rowe 0.a. eval. 01 cnllcai upper and lower a, p, c., consideralion 01 neat lransler Wilh Chips components which take part in chip formation, this ideal case cannot be uansla
1988 IpenOc mergy levels 10, them ". 4. I. and cOolant l o detefmtne upper llmil I into reality.
InaSakl eval. Dl specificenergy lor grinding y, 1. ag. vC. valid lor ddlerenl grinding prOCeSseS and
1989 01 advanced ceramics bared on dlllersnl Ceramics
average crass ~echonalarea 01

Table 1: Grinding Energy Models

wheel A S 0 17 OR 100 8 5 6 - 3
," 104 n surface grinding

1 I
J/mm3 ~ 1 ~ 0 , o cylindracal grinding

A internal grinding
0, 8 surface grinding
103 Sir, s cylmdrica; grinding
?8 A internal grinding

Exp [A, ot6 v7: dz: z 1

.-u 37169800 C IFW870!

lo Figure 20: Temperuture Models (112)

m In today's industrial application, it is not possible to measure the workpie
1 temperatures during grinding. Lowin [LOW1861 and Choi [CHOI86] presi
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 pmZ measuring methods for grinding temperatures. The shorter the grinding time, a
average cross sectional area o f chip a, the thinner the layers of material heated are, the more difficult it is to carry (
the measurements. Apan from the experimental determination of temperatur
there are also approaches to determine temperatures analytically. He
temperature models have been developed which bring the temperatures in I
contact area and in the workpieke in relation to the set-up parameters of I
machine tool and the process quantities. These models can thus be used
,ource Inosaki 37/6993 t IFW 8703 describe the temperature distribution within the workpiece per unit of depth a
time. On the basis of a comparison of numeric and calculated temperatures of t
Figure 18: Exuniple of u Grinding Energy Model (112) contact area, Tonshoff and Wobker [WOBK91] have investigated temperatt
In table 1. four grinding energy models are compared. Peters and Maris distribution when grinding ceramics. Figures 20 and 21 give five examples
[MAR1771 developed two simple empirical models for calculating the specific temperature models.
energy. While one model takes the modulus of elasticity and the workpiece
peripheral speed into account, the other model is based on the equivalent chip
thickness and the tangential force. The grinding energy model by Malkin
[MALK78] is based on Jaeger's temperature model. Malkin determines the critical
specific energy which causes workpiece bum. The grinding energy model by
Rowe [ROWE88] is comparable to Malkin's model, but Rowe additionally takes
the flow of heat into the chips and the coolant into account. On this basis, he
evaluates critical upper and lower specific energy levels for thermal damage. The
model for the evaluation of the specific grinding energy by Inasaki [INAS891 has
been developed for the grinding of ceramics. The grinding energy is evaluated on
the basis of the theoretical cutting edge spacing. Figure 18 shows exemplary
results obtained from Inasaki's model for the evaluation of the specific energy.
Here, not the generation of heat. but the process of chip formation is of decisive
importance. The model is valid for chips with an average cross-sectional area of
more than 0.1 wm2. Figure 19 shows another example of a grinding energy Exp. [A2.a:6 'v: d:. z 1
model. In this model, Malkin brings the specific grinding energy in relation to the
371698OD CIFW8706
working engagement, the peripheral speed of the workpiece and the equivalent
diameter. Figure 21: Temperuture Models (212)

Most of the temperature models quoted in literature are based on the moc
I r I worked out by Carslaw and Jaeger [JAEG42], [CARS59]. This physical moc
allows an analytical description of the temperature distribution in a workpiece il
heat source of defined intensity is moved along its surface. The temperatu
model by Carslaw and Jaeger is based on restricting assumptions. According1
the flat heat source has a constant and equally distributed heat flux densii
Furthermore, the heat source moves in a straight line with constant speed alo~
the surface of the workpiece, and is of infinite dimension perpendicular to t
moving direction. The workpiece which is heated is assumed to be limited in o
sense. Furthermore, it is assumed that the whole heat input stays in the workpiec
i.e. an adiabatic surface is considered. In addition to this, the conditions a
assumed to be quasi-stationary, as an accordingly long period is taken in
account. Below the temperature model suggested by Carslaw and Jaegc
dimensionless quantities are given. These are used to define the two-dimension
d.sV' .;ut vw.l/2
temperature distribution underneath the work surface. Figure 22 shows a grindii
source Hdkm
wheel acting as a heat source and the temperature distribution in the workpiec
39/7033 F IFW 870L
taking the distance to the surface and the contact length into account.
As it requires many efforts to calculate the integral. some of the authors quor
Figure 1 9 Exumple of u Grinding Energy Model (212)
determined it by means of approximation methods. Takazawa [TAKA661 h
example, avoided the problem by developing an approximation formula. Thus,
is possible to determine the maximum temperatures occurring on and undernea
the work surface. which decrease exponentially with increasing distance to tl

surface. In Takazawa's model, too, all calculations are based on dimensionless 5.6 Surface Integrity Models
quantities. some of which can be determined with the aid of characteristic
diagrams. The influences of mechanical and thermal effects from grinding on the material of
the workpiece underneath the work surface are described by surface integrity
models. The plastic deformation and the thermal influences on the microstructure
grinding wheel which occur during grinding can be revealed by changed degrees of hardness on

aulhor kind 01 model I considered Commenl



- workpiece
L 1
-1.1 -21 -:
I referred to contact length 1
SOUICC Prlt,l MOMS Lowin 37 I8530 C IFW 8708

Figure 22: Illustration of u Temperuture Model

When calculating the temperatures on the basis of the models mentioned

above, the assumption that the total heat input stays in the workpiece represents a
serious problem. In practical application, the heat flux has to be subdivided into
components for the chips, the coolant and the grinding wheel. Tanshoff and
Wobker [WOBK91] consider these effects in their temperature model, which is
based on calculations using the finite element method. The models by Carslaw
and Jaeger and by Takazawa stand out for the fact that these include only one set-
up parameter for the machine tool explicitly, that is the speed of the workpiece
which equals the speed of the heat source. As a heat-characteristic quantity, the
heat flux density, i.e. the amount of heat which is transferred into the workpiece malend, 011 sel on gnnding pr&s and
per unit of time and area, is included. In order to calculate the temperatures, it is
necessruy to know the heat flux density, the length of the heat source, i.e. the
contact length as well as the two coefficients of the workpiece which are related corundumwheels bul lo1 CBN; d!lllcull

to temperature: the thermal conductivity and the thermal diffusivity. Thus, the
accuracy of the model is influenced considerably by the extent to which the initial
and boundary conditions of the model are similar to the real process.
On the basis of the models worked out by Carslaw and Jaeger, and by
Takazawa, further models have been developed by Peters and Decneut [DECN74]
and Maris [MARI77], as well as by SaljC and Brandin [BRAN78]. These Table 2: Sicfuce Integriv Models
temperature models include the following set-up parameters for the machine tool:
working engagement, workpiece peripheral speed, the cutting speed as well as the
equivalent diameter as a geomemc quantity. In addition to this, Peters and and underneath the work surface, as well as by metallographic examinations. In
Decneut include thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. Maris, on the other the most unfavourable case, grinding may even lead to cracks which have
hand, adds density. Additionally, these models include an empirical parameter particularly negative effects on the characteristics of the workpiece. The
which serves to take the combination of different workpieces and grinding wheels generation of textures leads to directional surface integrity characteristics. The
into account. Both models have in common that the temperature decreases residual stresses in the workpiece are the best indicators of thermal and
exponentially with growing distance to the surface of the workpiece. In the same mechanical influences on the surface integrity. Residual stresses allow
way as the model by Peters and Decneut, the temperature model by SaljC and conclusions regarding changes in hardness and phase transformations [BRIN90].
Brandin takes thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity into account. But The mechanical effects of grinding and the resulting plastic deformation of the
Saljc's and Brandin's model additionally includes the specific tangential force. workpiece lead to the generation of compressive residual stresses. But apart from
Figure 23 shows an application of a temperature model plastic deformation, thermal disturbances of the surface integrity may also occur.
A third cause for the generation of residual stresses are changes in volume due to
structural transformations. In table 2, thirteen surface integrity models for the
. EK 60 L6 Ke
characterisation of the zone underneath the work surface are compared. Here, the
consideration of temperatures according to the model by Carslaw and Jaeger is
usually the basis for describing the thermal influences on the surface integrity.
Honscheid [HONS75] proposes a model for the evaluation of thermally
induced residual stresses on the basis of the temperature model by Carslaw and
Jaeger. The surface integrity model by Malkin [MALK78], too, uses the
temperature model to obtain a mathematical equation for critical specific energy
(see figure 19). Thus, Malkin is able to determine critical specific energy and the
critical burning temperature. Skalli [SKAL82]. Mishra [MISH85], and Tonshoff
and Choi [CHOW61 use the finite element method to determine the residual
stresses. The surface integrity model by Skalli is based on the consideration of
temperature gradients, while the model by Mishra as well as that by Tonshoff and
Choi are based on the temperature model established by Carslaw and Jaeger.
Mishra includes mechanical and thermal effects on the surface integrity. Tiinshoff
and Choi distinguish between thermal and mechanical effects. However, they do
not combine the thermal and the mechanical model. If the model by Tonshoff and
Choi is to be applied, it is therefore necessary to know whether the thermal or the
mechanical effects predominate. Furthermore, the model considers the influence
that the varied thermal conductivity of different abrasives and bonds have on the
temperature distribution.
A comprehensive model for the quantitative prediction of residual stresses due
to thermal influences is offered by Vansevenant [VANS87]. In order to improve
the model quality, not only the input quantities of the process, but also the
ource Lowin 37/8531 CIFW 0767 measured grinding forces are included in the calculation. Vansevenant's model,
too, is based on the temperature model by Carslaw and Jaeger. The surface
Figure 23: Application of u Temperature Model
integrity model by Rowe [ROWE88] can be compared to the model by Malkin.
Rowe evaluates critical upper and lower specific energy levels for thermal
All the temperature models presented so far have in common that the fraction
damage to the workpiece. Li and Chen [LI89] have developed a surface integrity
of generated grinding power which is transferred into the workpiece in the form
model based on the consideration of thermal gradients, similar to the model
of heat can only be determined on the basis of resmctive assumptions.
conceived by Skalli. However. the model by Li and Chen additionally considers
Consequently. the results of such temperature models are rather inaccurate. Up to
the phase transformations of the material.
now, no temperature model of universal validity has been developed which allows
a reliable prediction of temperatures.

Tonshoff and Hetz [HETZ87], as well as Brinksmeier [BRIN90]. [BRIN91]
suggest a model for the evaluation of residual stresses and the state of surface
integrity on the basis of thermophysical observations. They include the specific
grinding power as a characteristic quantity. The evaluation of the influences on
the surface integrity is done with the aid of thermophysical transfer functions.
These are the results of grinding tests, and they relate the residual stresses of the
workpiece to the specific grinding power. Thus, this model takes the mechanical Shaw . I

as well as the thermal effects of the process into consideration. In figure 24. some Reichenbach. R, = N.,
developed transfer functions are shown. Mayer .1956 I

Orioka R, = 0.328 .(+p .1 ($4 ! 0,h !(if@

Brown. Peters I
= A
1969 197L R, I
s, : I i 1.. v: I
5 , : I I 0:.v. a* 1. I
s, i I lo: I. 1
4Ll I
Figure 25: Sutface Roughness Models ( I / ? )

Saljc's roughness model [SALJ52] includes a constant for the material. TI

characteristics of the microstructure of the grinding wheel, however, a
neglected. The surface roughness model by Sato assumes the distance betwet
cutting edges to be constant, and the height of the cutting edges to be uniforr
I I I I I I Just as the model by Yang and Shaw, Sato's model does not include the workir
0 100 200 300 Wlmm2 500 engagement. Thus, these surface roughness models only apply to cases when
sp.echc grinding power 115777 (c IFW 8L15
small working engagement is chosen. The model by Shaw, Reichenbach ill
Mayer is based on their chip thickness model. This surface roughness model
Figure 24: Transfer Futictiotis in Grinding only valid for small working engagements, too. Furthermore. it is assumed th
the distance between cutting edges is uniform in cutting direction, and that tt
The use of different grinding processes as well as of different grinding wheels speed ratio assumes a high value. Orioka does consider the differing height I
with different specifications and diameters has no influence on the basic cutting edges, he assumes however the distance between them to be uniform. A
dependencies. The temperature distribution is much more favourable when CBN the models presented so far have in common that much measuring effort
is used than with the use of corundum. This is caused by the fact that CBN has necessary to determine the microstructure of the grinding wheel. As a result, tt
not only a higher thermal conductivity, but is also more resistant to wear than practical application in today's industry requires an excessive number of effort
corundum. In the case of a stationary process with unchanging temperature too.
dismbution, quantitative results can also be obtained. The relevant transfer Brown [BROW691 and Peters [PETE741 choose another way to predict tt
function can be described mathematically by means of an exponential approach. resulting surface roughness in grinding. They bring the surface roughness i
If the heat generated in the contact area is not distributed equally, for example relation to the equivalent chip thickness. Additionally, this model includes a
due to a change in the workpiece peripheial speed, the consideration of the empirical factor. As this model does not describe the microstructure of tt
specific grinding power alone is not sufficient for evaluating the thermal grinding wheel, it can be used in industrial applications (see figure 11).
influences on surface integrity. On the basis of the model just mentioned, All the models discussed here can be reduced to one basic model. It should t
Tonshoff and Heuer [HEUE92] have developed an extended model which can be mentioned that only the model by Saljt includes a parameter which takes th
applied with changing temperature distribution between grinding wheel,
workpiece and coolant. Based on the models by Carslaw and Jaeger. the workpiece material into account. Brown and Peters add a constant to their modt
temperature of the contact area is determined for CBN grinding at various cutting which has to be determined empirically. Whenever the geometric proportions at
and workpiece peripheral speeds. This results in a model for the evaluation of taken into account in form of the equivalent diameter, its influence is alwaq
residual stresses on and underneath the work surface. inferior to that of the speed ratio. The majority of the authors quoted consider th
Kruszynski and v.Luttervelt [KRUS91] propose a simple empirical model for influence of the working engagement to be negligible, as usually small workin
the evaluation of residual stresses within the workpiece. Similar to the surface engagements are used to generate the surface roughness. The surface roughnes
integrity models by Tonshoff. Hetz. Brinksmeier and Heuer, this surface integrity models mentioned above are based on the assumption of a stationary grindin
model is also based on results obtained from grinding tests with different grinding process. The influence of the grinding time, and the resulting changes in th
wheel specifications and different grinding processes. Lavine [LAVI90], grinding wheel topography is taken into account by the models shown i
[LAVI91] devgloped a surface integrity model for grinding with CBN. This figure 26.
model is based on Malkin's approach. The model by Lavine requires much work
to evaluate the model parameters. Tonshoff and Wobker [WOBK91] developed a I /
surface integrity model for the evaluation of residual stresses in ceramics, based
on a chip thickness model for face grinding. This empirical model is valid for
different grinding wheel specifications.
Except for the models by Tonshoff. Hetz. Brinksineier. Kruszynski and
v.Luttervelt and by Wobker. all models are based on the temperature model by
Carslaw and Jaeger, or on the consideration of temperature gradients. Three I

models also use the finite element method. When working with these models,
many tedious calculations have to be carried out, as the physical mechanisms are
extremely complex. As a result, these mathematical approaches can only be
transferred within close limits. In practical application, all physical surface
I Konig.
19AL I
R, =Al t A2 .I
I ' I
(p. l v ~ l . ~ ?

integrity models mentioned fail because of the multitude of characteristic

quantities and boundary conditions which have to be taken into account. The
empirical models by Tdnshoff, Hetz, Brinksmeier. Kruszynski and v.Luttervelt
offer simple methods for predicting the residual stresses in the workpiece.
I [p I
oos,c model R, = A + C W p cgwa: I v? IV;.'.
However, the practical application of these models requires much experimental
37 16909 L. IFW 8710
and measurement effort.
Figure 26: Sutfuce Roughness Models (212)
5.7 Surface Roughness Models
Weinert [WEIN761 assumes that the change with time in the surface roughnes
Apart from modelling the surface integrity, the surface roughness is a of the workpiece is due to a change in the gnnding wheel topography On tk
characteristic quantity which determines the quality of the workpiece and thus is basis, Saljt and Weinert suggest a model for the effecuve surface roughness of thi
of major importance. In figure 25. several surface roughness models are shown. gnnding wheel The influence of the grinding time is taken into consideratior
There is an obvious relationship between surface roughness models and the with the specific matenal removal Furthermore, this model takes the dnssinj
topography models discussed before. Except for the models by Brown, Peters and conditions of the gnnding wheel into account, in the form of initial effectlvc
Saljt, the surface roughness models are mainly characterised by the description of surface roughness This model pnsupposes that the change, with tlme. in tht
the microstructure of the grinding wheel. This is taken into account in the basic gnndmg wheel topography can be approximated with a transfer function of tht
model, using a constant. Sato [SAT0551 includes the microstructure in one- first order According to this. the effective surface roughness aspues to bc
dimen6onal form, taking the grain distance, the width of the cutting edge and the quasi-stationary The investigations camed out by Saljd and Fruhling pRUH76
grain diameter into account. Yang and Shaw [YANG55] as well as Shaw, establish a correlatlon between the effective surface roughness and the surfacc
Reichenbach and Mayer [REIC56], and Orioka [OR10611 include the roughness of the workpiece Their model assumes that after several axial tablt
microstructure in two-dimensional form by considering the grain count and the feed mouons, the surface generated on the workpiece is the result of overlapping
ratio of width of cut vs. depth of cut.

roughness profiles. There is only one arbitrary parameter in the surface roughness at a working engagement of approximately 10 pm. Only at increased working
model by SaljC and Friihling, i.e. the working engagement. The constants serve to engagements do they follow the tendencies described in Werner's models. On the
take the combination of grinding wheel and material into account. Apart from a left-hand side of the maximum value, the kinematic grain count decreases, as with
quantification of the grinding wheel effective surface roughness, the practical lower working engagement values the number of static grains available decreases.
application of this model also requires that the ratio of working engagement to too. In an extreme case, only one single grain touches the workpiece.
surface roughness is known. However, much effort is necessary in order to
determine the effective surface roughness at the machine tool, so that the practical Igrinding wheel E K 8 O G I l K. I
application of these models is hampered.
Konig, Netterscheid [NElT84] and Knop [KNOP89] developed surface
roughness models which have the same structure as their grinding force models.
The models take grinding time into consideration in the form of specific material
removal. Knop additionally includes the theoretical initial effective surface
roughnac? :3 the grinding wheel in order to take influences of the dressing
condimns into .account. These two surface roughness models are purely
empirical, and they include the corresponding disadvantages. The practical
application of these models requires many grinding tests. In order to compensate
for these disadvantages. Konig and Netterscheid have developed a data pool for
fundamental combinations of workpiece and grinding wheel, and Konig and Knop
have worked out a modification algorithm.
Upon close reflection on all surface roughness models, it is obvious that none working engagement a,
of them takes the influence of the coolant into account. This is done indirectly by 1600aoo LOO 200 100 50 25 12.5 a . m / , ~ . 1 2 5
the empirical determination of the model parameters. Figures 27 and 28 show IDY~CC K o n q Slcllcn
tangential toble feed speed vll ,7,BLo(1 IFWBbgl
examples of the application of surface roughness models, with and without taking
the influences of time into consideration.
Figure 2 9 Simulation Results for Sutface Grinding

81 I 1 I I On the basis of this simulation of the kinematics in grinding, Konig and

Steffens [KONI84]. [KONI82], [STEF83a]. [STEF83b], [STEF87] present a
closed-loop simulation method. Here, it is presupposed that a thermomechanical
equilibrium is established during the grinding operation. The closed-loop
simulation is based on iterative calculations. The simulation programme requires
the following input quantities: the grinding wheel topography which has to be
measured. the physical characteristics of the system, set-up parameters for the
machine tool, and temperature-dependent workpiece material properties such as
yield stress, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. Among the output
quanJities are the normal and tangential forces, as well as the temperatures which
have to be expected in the workpiece, and the surface roughness of the workpiece.
In figure 30, the ksults of simulation and grinding tests are compared. These
working engagement a, results have been obtained with a constant overlap ratio and a constant specific
material removal rate, the specific material removal, however, assuming different
values. Thus, the underlying model uses discrete values of time. Simulation with a
grinding wheel wh,ich has previously been dressed shows that at the beginning of
the grinding operation, relatively high cutting forces occur. Due to the fact that
Figure.27: Exumple of u Sitrfuce Roughness Model grains are removed from the bond, the cutting force decreases with increasing '

grinding time and eventually reaches a minimum value. Then the kinematic grain
count changes only insignificantly. The renewed increase in forces is above all
due to the dulling of the remaining kinematic grains. The simulation clearly
follows the tendencies of the real process. As, concerning the kinematics, the
simulation programme by Konig and Steffens is based on the measurement of the
microstructure of the grinding wheel, the applicability of this programme is
accordingly restricted.

spec. material removal VL

Figure 28: Example of u Surfuce Roughness Model including Influence of


6 Simulation of Grinding Processes

sDec. material removal Vt spec. material removal VL
After having compared different approaches to the modelling of grinding
processes, and having assessed the benefits of these models as well as the efforts
required in their application, in the following, some examples of simulation in Figure 30: Closed-Loop Simulation of Grinding Processes
grinding will be presented. Simulation (see figure 3) requires models which use
discrete values of time. Comparable simulation programmes which require the grinding wheel
Kassen [KASS69] uses his topography and his chip thickness model and topography as an input quantity can be found. in [YOSH68], [YOSH70],
simulates the overlapping of the traces of the grains with the aid of a computer. [LAW73], [SUTO81]. Here, too, the output quantities are: the distribution of the
Due to the limited capacity of the computer systems at that time, the grinding kinematic grains, the chip thickness, the surface roughness of the workpiece and
wheel had to be described on the basis of restrictive assumptions. Based on the cutting forces.
vectorial quantities, Steffens [STEF83a] developed a mathematical concept for Peters and Aerens [PETE74], [PETEIO], [AERE90] developed a programme
the numerical description of the kinematics. In his simulation programme, the for the simulation of grinding processes based on the calculation of the equivalent
single engagement of the kinematic grains during the grinding operation is chip thickness. This simulation programme combines the chip thickness, force
described. Figure 29 shows simulation results for surface grinding. Here, and surface roughness models by Peters, and the temperature and surface integrity
idealised kinematics have been assumed, i.e. it was presumed that no plowing of models by Maris and Decneut. A three-phase peripheral plunge grinding cycle
the material occurs, and that each kinematic grain completely removes the with a roughing, finishing and sparkout phase is simulated. This programme aims
material volume available to it. The specific material removal rate was maintained at reducing both the grinding time and costs, while at the same time considering
constantly while the table feed speed and the working engagement were varied in quality demands such as surface roughness, permissible variations in diameter,
opposite senses. Afterwards, Steffens compared the results he obtained to the shape accuracy and surface integrity. The set-up parameters for the machine tool
topography and chip thickness models by Werner. According to his results, the such as the feed speeds and the workpiece rotational frequency are determined
kinematic grain count and the maximum chip thickness assume maximum values with the aid of grinding charts (see figure 11). The timing of each phase. is also

determined. On this basis. an algorithm adapts the coefficients of the models grinding time is directly taken into account in the fonn of specific materi
which have been deduced from the grinding charts. After the third application, the removal; the dressing conditions and the temperature distribution, however, a
simulation results are satisfactory. This system has already been tested in industry. not taken into consideration. The empirical models by Netterscheid require
Compared to the simulation programme by Steffens. this programme does not tedious determination of the model parameters. In order to reduce the necessill
require a measurement of the grinding wheel topography, and is thus suited for number of grinding tests, a data pool containing fundamental model paramete
industrial application. for specific combinations of material and grinding wheel was realisei
Makin uses his grinding energy model to simulate a peripheral plunge Furthermore, a modification algorithm was developed for adapting the mod'
grinding process. Due to mechanical, geomemc and thermal aspects, as well as parameters to a new and comparable machining task.
due to the wear of the grinding wheel and the interrelationship of these factors, K6nig and Knop [KNOP89] use Netterscheids models and his simulatic
the system simulates process quantities and quantities of the working result programme as a basis. and additionally include the influence of the dressir
according to the specific machining task. Among these factors are forces, burning conditions and the calculation of temperatures. The output quantities of the
power threshold, burning temperatures, thermal damage depth, wheel wear as simulation are the surface roughness of the workpiece. the specific normal ar
well as surface roughness and roundness [MALK78]. [MALKIO], [MALK89]. As tangential forces, the grinding power, the grinding wheel wear and tt
an additional input, Malkin's model requires the present feed speed and the temperature in the contact area. Additionally, an algorithm for mod,
grinding power. Unlike Steffens' model. it does not include the explicit modification was developed, which adapts the existing empirical models I
description of the grinding wheel topography. According to this, simulation using considerably changed machining tasks with the aid of teach-in procedures. Thu
the model by Malkin can be carried out in a simple way. the modification algorithm requires a minimum of grinding tests to derive mob
coefficients for an increased model accuracy. Figure 32 shows an example (
how the modification algorithm works. Although the simulation programmes t:
Konig. Netterscheid and Knop. which are based on empirical models, allow
choice of adequate set-up parameters for the machine tool, which lead I
minimum grinding time and costs, these models are difficult to introduce in1
industrial application.

7 Conclusions

Abrasive machining in general and grinding especially are processes whic

increase in importance with high demands on accuracy of workpieces, and wit
high suength of work materials. Quality and productivity reasons call fc
automated production systems. Thus, grinding processes have to be planned wit
reliability in advance, and the process has to be perfonned with reproducibilit:
Process modelling is the scientific basis for these important objectives.
This paper represents the state-of-the-art in the modelling and simulation c
grinding processes. The approaches to modelling presented refer exclusively t
processes with simple kinematics. and consider above all the machining of ductil
materials with the abrasive corundum. In the case of models,a distinction has t
be made.between physical models which are deductively derived from basi
Y iei physical principles, and empirical models which are developed on the basis c

,ource Vonsevenonl

37/8L09 CIFW 8 7 1 1
grinding tests. For simulation, one example of model application. a model usin
discrete values of time, is of major importance.
The kinematics of the grinding process are characterised by a series c
statistically irregular and separate engagements. A characterisation of th
microstructure of the grinding wheel is done by topography models which tak
Figure 31: Simulation of Thermally-induced Residual Stresses
the speed ratio. the working engagement, and the equivalent diameter int
Based on the temperature model by Carslaw and Jaeger, Vansevenar account. Chip formation is represented in models for the equivalent or maximur
[VANS871 worked out a programme for the simulation of thermally induced chip thickness. During the process ,of chip formation, energy is transformed an'
residual smsses in the workpiece. Figure 31 shows the input and output forces are generated. In this paper, grinding energy models and force models ar
quantities of this simulation programme. Here, simulation is done in three steps. presented. In conclusion, the kinematic and energetic processes are taken int
The frst step determines among others the specific energy, .the grinding power, consideration for temperature and surface integrity models as well as for model
the contact length and the chip thickness on the basis of the working conditions for describing the surface roughness of the workpiece.
(i.e. the set-up parameters for the machine tool and process quantities), and the In order to evaluate the models developed by different authors, the model
characteristics of the grinding wheel, the workpiece and the coolant. Based on were transformed within the framework of unified terminology and reduced t
these quantities, the temperature model by Carslaw and Jaeger and additional basic models. This means that the relations, the principal connections between th
material constants are used to calculate the temperature in the contact area. In the relevant parameters, the machining parameters, the parameters which describe th
third step, the thermally induced residual smsses are determined according to the microtopogaphy of the grinding wheel and the workpiece material, ar
given boundary conditions, and considering further material consfants. commonly in agreement in grinding research. So are the tendential influence!
Ktinig and Netterscheid [NETT841 have established a system for computer- which are described by exponents. in the case of exponential equations. Majc
aided external optimisation of the set-up parameters for the machine tool. This differences appear in the absolute values of derived data. This seems to be main1
simulation programme is based on empirical models. It serves to determine due to the lack of specifications of the workpiece material and the grinding whee
combinations of set-up parameters for the machine tool which allow, minimum It was stated that the complexity of models varies considerably. The questio
grinding time and costs while considering quality demands such as surface which model is suitable for a given application can not be answered in genera
roughness, as well as the required dimensional and shape accuracy. Furthermore, The decision must take into account the required accuracy. But it also has to b
the system includes a self-learning optimisation strategy for a two-phase mentioned that with higher complexity, the number of parameters and the effoi
peripheral plunge grinding cycle (roughing and finishing). The influence of the to determine them increases. Unsharp parameters can deteriorate the models to
great extent, as far as absolute figures are concerned. In practice, it often might b
sufficient to come back to simple and easy-to-handle models. Simulatio
programmes usually include a combination of different models. Whenever th
description of the microstructure of the grinding wheel is required, practici
application demands an accordingly high number of efforts.

D bos& model In this paper, approaches to the modelling and simulation of grinding processe
have been compared and critically evaluated. This shows cleuly that it is possibl
to describe grinding in the form of models in order to make grindin

8 Nomenclature

dressing engagement
working engagement
average cross sectional area of chips
200 300 LOO 500 mm3/mm
A 0
back engagement
specific material removal V-
IDUICC Konig Knop 17/8407 ClFW 8715
Figure 32: Adaptation of the Basic Model with the Aid of a Modification area of contact
Algorithm width of the active grinding wheel profile
width of cutting edge
width of grinding wheel
width of cut

specific heat capacity Z profile depth
static cutting edge density per profile depth z = 1 z dimensionless quantity
static cutting edge density Zex max. exposure of grain
cutting edge density on bond level
constant for grinding wheel a thermal diffusivity
constant for workpiece thermal diffusivity of the fluid
coefficient “fl
Y constant
coefficient E constant
equivalent diameter of grinding wheel Euij strain due to transformation from phase i to phase j
average grain diameter Q temperature of contact area
diameter of grinding wheel @burn burning temperature
diameter of workpiece QZ average temperature of contact area
exponent Qzmax max. temperature of contact area
exponent K rake angle
exponent h thermal conductivity
h, thermal expansion coefficient
exponent P density
exponent PD diamond density
exponent d residual stress
specifc grinding energy =,, residual surface stress
modulus of elasticity 70 shear strength
modulus of elasticity of the wheel u poisson’s ratio
exponent coolant viscosity
dressing infeed Ufl
cutting force grain size of the grinding wheel
normal force
HG hardness grade of the grinding wheel
tangential force initial hardness
tangential force per grain description of the continuous cooling transformation diagram
specific cutting force suucture number of the grinding wheel
specific normal force
specific threshold force 9 References
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