Marketing Plan6

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6.1 Marketing Objectives

 The business that will be operating is based on pastry which is cupcakes.
 The major business of our company is basically by providing cupcakes.
 Delivery services to the customer for an event such as birthday party and any

6.2 Descriptions
 Our cupcakes come with variety of flavors by using fresh ingredients direct from the
 For example, strawberry cupcakes that comes with fresh strawberry slices on top with
ice cream icing vanilla.
 We also make a variety flavours cupcakes with variety shape to attract the customer
especially the children to eat our cupcakes.
 We also make chocolate pandan cupcakes.
 The cupcakes are done by our specialist pastry chef and baked using the right ways to
keep the freshness of the ingredients and all the nutrients inside it.
 We also have one special cupcake which is Fererrorocher cupcakes.

6.3 Target Market

Target market is the market a company wants to sell their products and
services to, and it includes a targeted set of customers for whom it directs its
marketing efforts. A target market can be separated from the market as a whole by
geography, buying power, demographics and psychographics. Our target market is
50%, we target customers are those who are most likely to buy from us.
6.3.1 Table of Population at Seri Iskandar, Perak.

Market Segment Population Target Market Target Market

Teenagers 7000 20 1400
Families 2800 13 364
Adult 4200 17 714

Kappukēki target markets focus on:

 Demographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation is market segmentation according to age, race,

religion, gender, family size, ethnicity, income, and education. Demographics can be
segmented into several markets to help an organization target its consumers more
accurately. We are targeting the student represents by teenagers to buy our products
because our shop is located at strategic area surrounded by local university. We also
are targeting the families and adults because these groups of people tend to eat
cupcakes regularly.

6.4 Market Size

6.4.1 Market Size Table

Market Segment Target Market Potential Purchase Total Potential Purchase

(RM) ( monthly) (RM)

Teenagers 1400 35/ week (RM 35 x 4weeks) x 1400

= 196,000

Families 364 16/ week (RM16 x 4 weeks) x 364

= 232,296

Adult 714 51/ week (RM 51 x 4 weeks) x 714

= 145,656

TOTAL 573,952

Market size per year = RM 573,952 x 12 months

= RM 6887424

6.5 Market Share

Market share is the portion of a market controlled by a particular company
or product.

6.5.1 Before entering the market.

Competitors Market Share Market Share / yearly

(%) (RM)
Secret Recipe 50 3443712
Living Bread 30 2066227.2
Bakery Seri Ikhwan Bakery 20 1377484.8
Total 100 6887424

6.5.2 After entering the market.

Competitors Market Share Market Share / yearly
(%) (RM)
Secret Recipe 48 3305963.52
Living Bread 28 1928478.72
Bakery Seri Ikhwan Bakery 18 1239736.32
Kappukēki 6 413245.44
Total 100 6887424

6.6 Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast for three consecutive years

Month Sales Collection
January 206622.72
February 344371.2
March 550993.92
April 688742.4
May 482119.68
June 550993.92
July 757616.64
August 688742.4
September 550993.92
October 619868.16
November 757616.64
December 688742.4
Year 1 6887424
Year 2 (increase by 2%) 7025172.48
Year 3 (increase by 3%) 7235927.65
6.7 Marketing strategy

To ensure there is promotion, marketing strategy is one of the

important parts of the business. Marketing is a process of planning and
executing the conception, pricing, promoting and distribution of goods
and services to exchange the individuals satisfy and organizational
objective. The role of marketing can be considered as one of the most
critical part of the business organization because it generates income to
the business. The success of each business is depending on the
achievements of the company that offers product and services needed by
the consumers.

Marketing is always the strategy that is used by the company to

increase the sales of product or services in the market. The marketing
strategy consists of four keys variable personal. The four keys are
product, pricing, place and promotion.

6.7.1 Product strategy

For the product packaging, we choose to use a paper box for

cupcakes meanwhile we use bottle for cookies. We use a simple
packaging yet classy and easy for customer to recycle and use it for
another purpose. The paper bag is much easier to dispose and
environmental friendly.

6.7.2 Pricing strategy

For the price our product is affordable and based on cost- based
pricing. We also offer promotional price during any special event.

6.7.3 Place strategy

We are selling our products direct to the customer through walk-in

to our shop and online shopping. The customers also can get our products
from our authorized retailers.
6.7.4 Promotion

1. Business card

For our business, we are providing a business card to distribute to the

publics to expose our business to everyone. On the business card is
written our company contact number and address in case if our customer
want to visit our shop

2. Signboard

A larger signboard will be placed in front of our shop so that the people
who are passing by will be alert and noticed the existing of our shop. This
signboard has designated with attractive decorative and using bright
colours to make sure our target our can be achieve.

3. Flyers

We also distribute to people flyers. We will go to a place that have so

many visitors such as shopping mall and anyone who passing by that
place and give them our flyers. On the flyers we are providing and list out
our products and service that our company do in our business

6.8 Organization chart for marketing department



6.9 List of Marketing Personnel

Position No of Personnel

Marketing Manager 1
Sales Assistant 1
Promoter 3

6.10 Task and Responsibilities of Marketing Personnel

Marketing Personnel Task and Responsibilities

Marketing Manager  Managing all marketing for the company and activities
within the marketing department.
 Developing the marketing strategy for the company in
line with company objectives.
 Coordinating marketing campaigns with sales activities.
Sales assistant  Assist manager.
 Brings good communication with manager and promoter
any related works due to any changes.
 Makes a report for manager data ease of access.
Promoter  Demonstrate and explain products and methods to
persuade customers.
 Identify interested and qualified customers which worth
to provide additional information.
6.11 Schedule of Remuneration plan of Marketing Personnel

Position Qty Monthly EPF SOCS Total

Salary (RM) O (RM)
(RM) (A)+(B)+(C)
(A) (B) (C)
Marketing 1 5000.00 550.00 88.80 5638.80

Sales Assistant 1 1000.00 110.00 23.60 1133.60

Promoter 3 1200.00 132.00 28.10 1360.10 x 3

= 4080.30

6.12 Marketing budget

Item Fixed assets Monthly Other
expenses Expenses
(RM) (RM)
Fixed asset
Signboard 3,500

Working capital
- Marketing Manager 56380.80
- Sales Assistant 1133.60
- Promoter 4080.30
Other expenses
Flyers 300
Business cards 75
TOTAL 3,500 61574.70 375

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