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to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

Getting to know a woman on a deeper level is vital in our dat-
ing world today. Experiencing more than just surface level
conversations is also a challenge. We are so used to going
on dates and just asking the easy questions. No one wants
to come off as too serious, and no one wants to be rejected.
Let’s state the obvious here. Since the internet and dating apps
have taken over our dating world today, it has also caused a
monumental amount of conversational mishaps that end up
putting out the flame between two potential partners. Nothing
progresses. I chose to write this manual because more often
than not, I see that men don’t ask the right questions to get to
know a woman when they begin dating. So, one of two things
ends up happening. One, you get bored easily, and you walk
away without knowing much about the woman in front of you
while wondering, “Why can’t I find a woman I like?” Or two, you
continue to date this woman only to find out much later on
that her true self does not match up to what you are looking
for in a partner.

When a man steps up to the plate and takes the initiative to show what he wants without presenting
any self-pity or self-doubt, a woman can find him irresistible. Women are attracted to the feeling you
leave them with. We women want to feel wanted and when we see a man that delivers this, is open and
upfront, and asks questions to form an emotional connection, we find it utterly captivating.
There are times when you may find it hard to open up to a woman, and that’s why I wanted to help you
by making this manual. You are about to learn what to ask a woman when you’re trying to get to know
the real her.

Let me ask you an honest question. How many people do you know very well in your life? Let me put
it this way. If one of them were on their death bed, would you be able to answer some real-life ques-
tions for them? Maybe only a few or perhaps none! When you’re looking for a healthy and prosperous
relationship the key is getting to know the woman in front of you and who she truly is. Relationships
that are only skin deep are the relationships that develop or maintain a lack of communication. They
aren’t open to the discomfort of asking the hard questions that allow you to truly bond. You cannot get
something great if you don’t pay the price of discomfort from time to time. Discomfort is the price of
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

admission for a meaningful and successful relationship.

Women aren’t all the same, but one thing is for sure. We all look for emotional support when it comes
to a man. We value stability and the feeling of safety. Not all women will be comfortable having this
conversation with you because they may have formed a wall due to some past relationship(s) with ex
partners or family members. You might also find a beautiful woman that is open and wears her heart
on her sleeve. In any case, this manual will help you ask them the right questions to open up, form an
emotional connection, and see if she’s someone you can spend your future with.

Here are the deep questions you can ask a woman in order to discover her true self.

01 “What makes you happy in your life right now?”

When you ask a woman a question like this you can see where she is in her life at that very moment.
You can also get some insight about her values, what she may be aspiring to be, and get to understand
her goals.

02 “If you could predict the future how would you want it to look?”

I love this question because this gives a woman an opportunity to indirectly mention her relationship
goals. Also, it helps you to gage whether she is easy going or someone who likes to stick to scheduled
things or routines. If you are a busy man and you find a woman that says she is ready to have a beau-
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

tiful relationship and is open to options, it’s like music to your ears, right? This question gives you the
opportunity to find out more about her, and the conversations will continue.

03 “What is your biggest fear?”

Sometimes when you ask this question, it could come off as a joke. She might say she fears something
like spiders, snakes, or cockroaches. If she does, take the time to ask her to be more in depth. What
truly frightens her?

04 “How was your childhood?”

When you ask her a question like this it shows that you are trying to get to know her. She might be
surprised by how upfront, real, and honest you are, but the delivery is key when you are speaking to
this woman. Don’t come off aggressive when you ask her this, and avoid sounding like you’re reading
from a script. Try an approach like this: “Where were you born? (Then share something about your
childhood.) “What was your childhood like?”
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

05 “What makes you feel special?”

This will reflect who she is as a woman. If she looks for outside influences to make her feel good (like
buying a purse or getting the next Valentino shoe) this will give you a perspective of the girl that’s in
front of you. She might even ask, “What do you mean?” If she does, you can ask her what makes her
feel special when she is in a relationship or when she is single. You choose! Then you can get a better
idea of how she achieves greatness within herself as a single woman and you can learn a little bit
about her love language when she is in a relationship. (If you are not familiar with Gary Chapman’s
book, “The five love languages,” I highly recommend reading it!)

06 “What is a quality you look for in a man?”

This is another powerful question that allows you to see what her priorities are when it comes to attrac-
tion. She may say something like confidence, stability, loyalty, family oriented, good sense of humor, or
kindness. The list can go on and on. Remember that when you ask these questions you want to stay
away from looks and superficial things. If she begins listing off physical characteristics she looks for in
a man, point her in the right direction and say, “No, I mean in terms of personality and character.”

When you ask a woman this question, pay close attention because you can get a sense of her insecu-
rities as well. Everyone has them so don’t look down on a woman because she may have some. Let’s
just hope she isn’t suffering from too many! I made this for you to properly gage where her mind, body,
and soul are. Anyways, back to insecurities. Example: She may answer, “The #1 thing I look for is sta-
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

bility,” and explain that she grew up in a poor home with parents who struggled throughout her whole
life, so she doesn’t want this for her current life and future. This is a valid response. It shows moral
character and it also shows her strength. She has the ability to grow and learn from her past, and isn’t
afraid to speak about it. When a woman opens up like this, don’t judge her or belittle her thoughts in
your mind. Be appreciative that she felt comfortable enough with you to open up.

07 “If you had a million dollars what would you spend it on and why?”

Her answer will also reveal a lot about her moral character. Yes, we might like cars, clothes, and design-
er things but if she answers something like, “I’d like to give to charities” or mentions a foundation that
she loves, then this will result in something more meaningful and she might be a better person for you

08 “What is your greatest passion?”

You may have already figured out her answer to this question based on her responses to your other
questions, but if you haven’t I would suggested asking this. She might speak about family and friends,
or she might say that she wants to be able to help others and explain how. You can learn so much
about a woman when she speaks about her passions.
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

09 “Are you a spiritual person?”

Religion can be a very touchy subject for some and asking if they are spiritual helps you uncover their
beliefs and even their views of the world. Spiritual people can have a lot of compassion and care deeply
about others.

10 “How often do you see your best friend ?”

Finding out how much a girl values friendships in her life can be revealed with this simple question.

11 “Who is the biggest influence in your life?”

I like this question because the people she is influenced by reveal a lot about the type of person she is.
She might even give you a lesson here or there if you are are unfamiliar with the people she finds to be
influential, which can lead to other great conversations.
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

12 “What do you value most in life?”

This question will get her to think! This question is something that can show you if your values and
your outlooks on life are compatible with one another. Even though this is a deep question, it can be an
eye-opener. Many people have never actually thought about this before…

13 “What’s the hardest thing you have ever been through?”

This is another one that I love because not only will you catch her by surprise, you will also show her
you aren’t only interested in the positive things in her life. This shows a woman that you want to learn
about her values, her past, and what made her the person she is today. These topics can actually help
you to bond and establish an emotional connection, which as I mentioned is what women look for in
potential partners.

14 “What are you grateful for in life?”

This is a question that will show you what is important in her life today.
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

15 “If you could change one thing about the world, what
would it be?”

This gives you an opportunity to see where she stands politically. Not to say that you should dive into
a political conversation or debate, but it shows you where her mind is when it comes to the world as a
whole. My suggestion here is to save political debates until you know each other. By the way, it’s ok for
two people in a relationship to have different opinions when it comes to this. You just don’t want it to
be so far off that it causes serious arguments.

“If you could go back to your childhood, what is one thing you’ve
learned that you would teach another child?”

This question provides answers to some of the things you are curious about. It can show you some-
thing positive or negative that she faced in her life. More often than not you will see that you have
something in common.

17 “What are your top priorities in life right now?”

This is a great way to see what this woman has planned for herself right now and for the future. This
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

will give you some insight on her day to day activities in life and how she manages her career and pri-

18 “How do you react when someone makes you angry ?”

This might sound a bit silly when you ask it but you will get a response. This is another compelling
question because you can see if she is an introvert or an extrovert when it comes to arguments or
expressing anger. She might say she is reactive or might say she avoids them. Who knows! This is for
you to understand her and gage whether or not she matches your reactions in these situations.

19 “What is your favorite attribute?”

This is great if you want to know how she feels about herself and perhaps how important her appear-
ance is to her. This question will also show you her confidence in regards to her appearance or per-
sonality. You can see what is important to her. She may ask, “Do you mean appearance or something
else?” You can just reply and say “Both!”
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

20 “You know you’re beautiful, right?”

I love this!!! Use this after you’ve asked some questions and noticed that you might be compatible.
This shows her that after these informative conversations you’ve been having you’re into her. You like
her! Also, women want to be thought of as the only one that matters to you - especially if you form a
connection. This will leave her feeling amazing after creating an emotional attraction.

Some further advice I would like to give you is to

always make sure the questions are being re-
ciprocated. You don’t want to make her feel like
she’s being interrogated with all these questions.
That would be pretty intense and may scare her
away! Let her ask you questions as well. Gen-
erally speaking, this manual should be used af-
ter the 2nd or 3rd date depending on how close
you feel to her and where you see this heading.

I know how important it was for my clients to ask

the right questions when going out on dates with
women, and I wanted to make this manual for you
because I want you to attract the right woman for
you. I want you to challenge yourself to dig beneath
the superficial gray areas we have in our dating
scene today. One thing I can promise you is if there’s
a mutual connection between you and this wom-
an, she will start to form an emotional connection
with you. This is what’s important when it comes
to Ask a Woman to Get Her to Reveal Her

to captivating a woman’s heart. I know dating can be tiring, complicated, and scary, but I can guarantee
when you find the partner you have been waiting for, it will all have been worth it.

Love is beautiful, and that’s what inspires me to keep giving you content. Please check out my
Apollonia Ponti YouTube Channel and feel free to like my Facebook Page! Also, I would love to hear any
feedback or questions that you have. Feel free to email me at

Happy Dating!!!


Coach Apollonia Ponti

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