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By: Christopher Alamia and Antonio Valenti


Activity: Find the errors made in this email.

Aim: How to write a proper business email?
1. Select whom you are writing to.
6. Avoid abbreviations and jargon.
2. Name the email with a subject.
7. End your email by thanking the person for
3. Use a professional greeting.
their time for reading your email.
a. Ex: “Dear”, “Hello”, “Good Morning”.
8. Lastly, have a signature at the
4. Introduce yourself in the beginning of your email.
a. Ex: “Hello, my name is…”.
a. Ex: “From”, “Sincerely”.

5. When writing your email, be sure to use proper grammar.

a. Punctuation along with spelling is correct.

Proper way to write an email.
Digital Citizenship

❖ Responsible usage of the:

➢ Internet
➢ Email
➢ Documents
❖ Create a good digital footprint and
❖ Follow internet safety.
❖ Be sure to keep your own privacy and
➢ Ex: Do not share passwords.
Procedures To Organized Brainstorming

★ Use designs to create a creative

★ Follow company guidelines.
○ Do not do whatever you feel like
○ Do what you are told to do.
★ Conduct group research:
○ Work as a team to create ideas.
○ Formulate your own ideas and
share to build a better idea.
○ Create an appropriate product.
Proper Communication

● While working in the business setting it is important to have all departments of a

company in coordination with one another.
○ Using Collaborative Platforms is a sufficient way for employees of different
departments to work with one another.
○ Also, it is necessary for all workers to set goals for themselves and for the
company in the future.
○ The acronym, SMART goals is a perfect way to set business goals.
○ It is also necessary for all workers of a company to be taught how to send an
external email.
Collaborative Platforms

When working in a business, it is important for all departments to

work together

1. One way to do this is by using collaborative platforms.

a. One collaborative platform is Google.
b. Google Documents, Google Sheets, and Google Drive
i. Google allows multiple different people to
access documents and work together to share
ideas on them.
ii. This allows for people from different
departments to share their ideas to make the
company bigger, better, and stronger.
Smart Goals

● When setting goals, it is

important to set SMART
○ S: Specific
○ M: Measureable
○ A: Attainable
○ R: Realistic
○ T: Time-bound
External Email

● It is common in the business setting for all workers to know how to

send an external email.
○ External emails can be used to:
■ Advocate for your company to make more sales.
■ Clarify information with other companies.
■ Come in contact with other companies.
○ There is a wide variety of different domains to choose where
you send your email from.
■ Gmail.
■ Aol.
■ Yahoo.

Task: In groups of four, use brainstorming techniques to:

Create a product that is useful to everyone, all ages, all races, and all

When completed, present your product to the class and explain the
techniques you used to achieve your final product.

1. What is one thing necessary in writing a proper business email?

2. What does SMART stand for?
3. What is one collaborative platform?
4. Where should you perform digital citizenship?
5. What is one step in creating a product?
6. Why should a worker set goals for themself?
7. True or False: You should always title your emails.
8. What can external emails be used for?
9. What is a good domain to send your work emails from?
10. Why is working as a team more efficient than working by

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