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Training course for employees

prevented from sexual harrasment

I-Setting objectives
 Performance:
+ Help employees understand how to deal with sexual harassment situations
+ Learn the process of reporting sexual harassment in the workplace
+ Understand how to intervene if you encounter an instance of sexual harassment
in the workplace
 Conditions:
+Use your existing skills and knowledge to handle unfortunate situations at work
+ Use workplace’s sexual harassment policy/Reporting tips provided by the
 Criteria : Handle the situation as quickly as possible, limited to within 1 day
II-Selecting the trainer
The current manager of the restaurant - who has 5 years of experience in customer
service,knowledgeable about laws and policy procedures and has in-depth
knowledge in restaurant management.
III – Preparing lessons plans:
1.Content to be covered
Customer-care service skills and Handle unexpected-situation skills
2.Selecting methods and techniques
+Instructor-led Classroom Programs
+ Roles Play
+Case study
3.Type of training : Sexual harassment
4.Preparing materials
+ Stationery : paper, notebooks, pens…
+ Devices such as computers, slide projectors must also be tested, fully charged to
ensure efficiency during the meeting.
+ Give employees program announcements and program outlines(In it, specify the
time and specific content for each discussion issue along with a reasonable
schedule) via individual email before the training course.
+ Copies of your workplace sexual harassment policy and reporting procedures for
+ List of discuss questions
5.Scheduling training
+ Training During Normal Working Hours : Staff meeting times (Staff meetings
usually take place every Monday morning, so we will replace the content of two
meetings into the content of the training course. The duration lasts for 1.5 hours
per session, including 30 minutes for lecture presentation, 30 minutes for
discussion and questioning, 30 minutes for creating hypothetical situations, then
making comments and summaries of the lesson)
+ In the training course: Ask discussion questions to generate group conversation.
Be sure to encourage all employees to express their thoughts about the topic
+ After the training course : Actively listen to what your employees said and show
respect for the ideas and opinions expressed.
6.Evaluation methods to be used
+ Short quizzes or practical tests are used to assess what the participants learned
from the training; one before the training, and one afterward.
+ Assess whether the course participants put what they learned into practice on-
the-job by asking supervisors after a particular time.

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