HRM Report Final

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Table of Contents
CAREER DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................................................0
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................0
CAREER DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................................................0
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................0
Executive Summary:...........................................................................................................................................2
Corporate Entities..............................................................................................................................................6
4 Companies of Production of Thermal Power -GENCOs:.................................................................................6
9 Distribution Companies (DISCOs) are as follows:...........................................................................................7
Literature and findings:......................................................................................................................................8
Ethical practices involving employees:............................................................................................................11
POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS:.........................................................................................................................16

Executive Summary:
This report includes some specific details that revolve around the internal and external activities
and the management’s behavior and dedication towards the employee’s growth throughout their
tenure in the company called WAPDA. A brief introduction and background is given. Among
many government run institutions there is a lot that happens behind closed doors that nobody
knows about.

In this report we will discuss some people who are worth mentioning as well because of their
tremendous work in making Wapda a good place to work. Along with some recommendations
that we think will fix the problems, we provided some feasible solutions as well that be useful at
work and employee’s career growth.

Pakistan Water and Power Development
Authority (WAPDA) came into being in 1958
as a Semi-Independent corporation that was
established with the intentions of organizing
and providing an integrated route for the
development of arrangements in Water and

Power Sectors, that was therefore under the supervision of the respective Electricity and
Irrigation Department of the Provinces.
In October 2007 the decision was taken to split WAPDA into two separate objects that are
WAPDA and Pakistan Electric Power Company in short (PEPCO). WAPDA takes responsibility
for water and hydropower development on the other hand PEPCO is responsible for thermal
“power Production”, transmission, supply &
WAPDA is responsible for
investigating, planning & executing
arrangements for the following: to generate,
transmit and power distribute, to irrigate, water
allocation & drainage, to prevent and
reclaim from water logging & saline lands,
flood controlling & inland course-plotting.

The Authority has a Chairman and three

Members working from end to end with a Secretary. WAPDA is included in the companies
having largest employers of human resources in Pakistan. WAPDA actually revolves around the
three major departments which has there sub departments like any other organization. Every
department has three level of posts under which each officer is hired that are technical,
managerial and clerical.

The grades of the employees are same according to the posts regardless of the department they
are working in WAPDA.

Achieve and maintain the highest degree of efficiency, reliability and responsiveness as a public
service organization foretyvari
of customers. Public and company workers’ safety shall be high
on our priority. Retaining and growing our business, staff and customer base will be of primary
importance. Developing innovative business relationships both inside and outside our local
distribution area will be key to our success.

As the leading electricity distribution company, strive -interrupted
to provide un
electric supply
and quality service to all customers at the minimum possible cost.

The purpose of this report is to identify and analyze the data regarding the word on career expansion
and development of employees and staff at WAPDA. There were a list of issues and discrepancies to
engage in before reaching the conclusion. We had to consider all the facts and figures before carrying
out the research in numerous ways. However, some of them were not effective enough to be
displayed. Following were the basic mechanisms:
1. Quantitative research
The existing data was gathered through several working internet sites. Some of the data was
collected through the company’s upper management. The data was collected in the form of
voice recordings and in soft copies. The data was initially disruptive, but was brought to order

2. Qualitative research:
The remaining data was collected by conducting interviews of two former employees who
were at senior positions at WAPDA. The first interviewee was working as the, “Deputy
director (D.D.)” in the HR department. Being an experienced individual, he provided us with
a lot of legal information regarding the matter. His knowledge regarding the hiring, firing and
other matters regarding the employees came in handy. The second interviewee was working

as the, “Executive Engineer (EXEN)” in the power wing. Being the supervisor of the field
work, he had a lot to offer us as well. His knowledge regarding the employees work on field
and the ways to make them effectively helped us a lot in analyzing the raw data.

WAPDA’s objective is to provide smooth and reliable flow or supply of electricity. In case of
any disturbances with the electricity flow, they intend to restore it as soon as possible so that
locals of Pakistan don’t face any issue because of the interferences. To maintain the supply they
accurately and with time read the meter and go for the billing system. They facilitate the locals in
case of the new connection request in as less time as possible. They are following an open door
policy to make their consumers as comfortable as they can and enjoy every luxury of life. Other
than that in case of in time payments made by the customers they are provided with some special
concessions. To facilitate the consumers there are franchises and WAPDA offices located in
every area of Lahore to deal with day to day issues and emergencies faced by the people and
provide them with solutions, not just this the customer service centers are 24/7 present for the
feedback of their customers. In addition to that they also care for their labors and workmen with
proper training to adopt safety measure while working on lines to avoid any sort of mishap; they
actually take steps for the welfare of the company and creating sense of belonging amongst
company employees that eventually leads to the well-being of the whole country. They also
create aware among consumers with energy saving campaigns through public service messages.
Another objective is of creating and maintaining positive image of WAPDA in the minds of the
consumer with smooth flow of electricity in all over Lahore and other cities of Pakistan.

Corporate Entities
WAPDA, the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, was created in 1958 as a
semiautonomous body for the purpose of coordinating and giving a unified direction to the
development of schemes in water and power sectors, which were previously being dealt with, by
the respective electricity and irrigation department of the provinces.
Since October 2007, WAPDA has been bifurcated into two distinct entities i.e. WAPDA and
Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO). WAPDA takes responsibility for water and
hydropower development whereas PEPCO is in charge for the administration of WAPDA’s
fourteen public limited companies in the parts of thermal power Production, transmission,
distribution and billing. These are as follows:

4 Companies of Production of Thermal Power -GENCOs:
Southern Production Power Company Limited GENCO-1, operating from
Jamshoro district Dadu near Hyderabad, Sindh.

Central Power Production Company Limited GENCO-2, operating from Guddu

district Jacobabad, Sindh.

Northern Power Production Company Limited GENCO-3, operating from TPS Muzaffargarh
district Muzaffargarh. Punjab.

Lakhra Power Production Company Limited GENCO-4, operating from WAPDA

House, Lahore.

1 National Transmission and Power Dispatch Company -NTDC

9 Distribution Companies (DISCOs) are as follows:

1. Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited- LESCO
2. Gujranwala Electric Power Company -GEPCO
3. Faisalabad Electric Supply Company -FESCO
4. Islamabad Electric Supply Company- IESCO
5. Multan Electric Power Company -MEPCO
6. Peshawar Electric Supply Company -PESCO
7. Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Limited -HESCO
8. Quetta Electric Supply Company- QESCO

Literature and finding:

Q. What are the unethical practices, if any, could they jeopardize the
employees career development?
WAPDA is notorious for the bribes meter changing and all kinds of unethical practices. One
the most important public sector organization in our country is one of the most if not the most
corrupt organization in this country. Officer and
the staff are responsible for this. This
organization may not be the one that assures
you stagnant electric supply instead will assure
you that your work will be done only if you
bribe one officer or staff. These people have
brought WAPDA where it is today. Wapda
might have been a successful and should have
sufficient electricity to overcome this load

shedding problem which is Pakistan’s biggest problem. WAPDA being corrupt effects the
Pakistan as a whole not to mention the loss in our economy because of load shedding.
Government intervention has only made this organization weaker in terms of moral and values
as government
officials bribe the employees at WAPDA. This organization might have good clean and just
officers but they are outnumbered by the employees who are corrupt and hence these honest
officers are forced to leave the organization. The customers are tired of this non sense attitude and
want this to end.
Talking to one customer he told us what happened with him. He said
“ A meter reader came and told me if you want lesser bill give me 2000 per month and your bill will lessen
by 50% I refused and said I don’t want lesser bill and I will not pay you any money. To which the meter
reader said okay don’t expect cooperation from me and be ready for the consequences. I knew what he
was going to do so I used to write down the meter readings and when I received my bill I had 100 more
units than the one I wrote. When I complained the person said I’ll correct your bill but you’ll have to pay
5000 rupees. To which I said I won’t and left. After having excessive bills for a long time I paid 3000 to
the meter reader who now has retired”

Talking to another we got to know about another unethical practice that the lower staff at WAPDA
does. He said:

“Everyone in my street has two connections and these connections are illegally fitted by worker of
WAPDA and they take 5000 per connection. These workers used to pressurize me to get the second
connection to which I refused and then sometimes my line was cut I had no electricity for two straight
days. I did accept their offer and then I used to receive excessive bills. I later gave up because of these
workers mafia and got myself a second connection.”

We could get two customers to tell us their stories while others we talked to were not in favor of
WAPDA and were extremely dissatisfied or I must say were finding new ways to get electricity.
Lines laid by WAPDA in many rural areas and smaller cities are uncovered these lines are 1000
volts and if come in contact with a human these will instantly burn and kill the them. One of t
These lines fell down in Muzaffarabad recently killing 5 people at the spot.
The organization is allotted money which is given for development purposes. The federal
government has earmarked a huge amount of Rs272.5 billion for new and ongoing projects in
water and power sector in its upcoming budget 2018-19, a portion of this money is used for
personal purposes and this has made the older projects to have a slow development and hence
Lower electricity production.
The employees who work at WAPDA
recruit employees or lower staff on the
basis of bribe. The one who pays
higher bribe gets the job and they do
not even return money to those who
couldn’t get the job. The bribe varies
from designation to designation higher
the designation higher the bribe.
Sometimes these bribes go up to
500,000 and it has reached above this
amount. Any promotion is also most
of the times subjected to bribe. It is not
necessary but the one who bribes the
senior officer gets the promotion
beaten the one who deserves it on the
basis of merit.
One of the employees who was nominated for to be the member electricity WAPDA was told to pay
250 hundred thousand to be the member.
Some officer along with their subordinate or their personal assistants sell application forms. The
price again varies on the designation higher the designation higher the price of the form. Average
price of the form is 20 rupees and according 2003 stats for one designation there are at least 200
applications. The director along with his subordinate recruited 3000 People in the time span of 2
years and he sold application forms to each applicant hence having 600,000 application he and his
subordinate earned 12,000,000 Rs in span of 2 years.
Moreover, Lower staff is the most corrupt in this organization. The line men, meter readers,
complaint department letter dispatchers. When the bill is unpaid the line men are told to go and cut
the connection. These line men do go to house or the place where they have to cut the connection.
Instead of cutting the connection they ask for bribe and if the other person bribes them they don’t cut
the connection.
Meter readers go to different houses ask them if they want lesser bills they can pay bribe and their
bills will lessen those who accept get lesser bills. And those who do not accept get bills higher as the
meter readers put excessive reading and hence the bills are higher. On confrontation these meter
reader do not accept any of this income and no record of the income is there hence no one can prove
it. The letter dispatchers have the job to dispatch letters, these letters consist of job acceptance letters
as well, these dispatchers can identify these acceptance letters and so to earn money they call the
applicant and promise them a secure job for money. One dispatcher called every accepted applicant
and took 20000 from each applicant with the promise of secure job. And gave them the letter as
money is received.

This wasn’t the only incident he faced. He narrated that

“Then one time shah Mehmed Qureshi called me and told me to give job to one of his family
members. He wasn’t on merit and hence I didn’t not accept
he came to my office and and
gave me a bag filled with money and just said job ho Jani chahiyay and left when I did not
accept the his CV he came again and one of his guards had a gun on me and he said how are you

All of these lower staff workers have a lot of contacts and if they get caught and are transferred or
suspended they use their contacts to get back in the job. These contacts are people who the take bribe
from them and these workers blackmail them to get their work done.
The labor union in WAPDA is very strong they manipulate the employees by threatening them. One
employee was explicitly told he will be killed if the worker whose corruption was caught and was
intern fired didn’t get the job back. These unethical practices have made WAPDA lose a lot of their profit
and hence shortage of electricity is also because of this.

All these unethical practices that take place at wapda have serious consequences and can jeopardize a
employees career, where getting ahead and making money appear to take precedence over ethical
decision making. Furthermore these practices kill the chances of an actual deserving candidate hence
he cannot be promoted further and the lack of credibility brings a lot of damage to the organization as

Ethical practices involving employees:

Leadership Styles of Managers at WAPDA: Within the wapda leader ship styles or managers or
officers vary from person to person but most officers use bureaucratic style. But it is noticed that
some officers have their own judgment or work experience on the basis of how they lead their team.
So in wapda there is no specific leadership style it varies from manager to manager or officer to
officer according to their convenience. Some leaders are strict or use threats or some are kind
hearted or humble and they increase productivity with some incentives or by their social network or
reputation within the organization. Controlling Against Frauds and Illegal Actions: All the rules are
defined in the manual of wapda, if someone does some wrong or takes some illegal actions then bps-
20 officer will take some necessary actions and issue show cause notice and then the person will be
accountable to some higher authorities.

Controlling Against Frauds and Illegal Actions:

All the rules are defined in the manual of wapda, if someone does some wrong or takes some illegal
actions then bps-20 officer will take some necessary actions and issue show cause notice and then the
person will be accountable to some higher authorities. First of all they try to judge their candidates
before the final selection so there will be no chance of such kind of frauds and illegal actions but if
still they are unable to stop and illegal action or fraud then they take very strict action against that
particular person because of any kind of mis commitment or fraud will send a very negative message
to the other employees working in the WAPDA and it can easily work against the career
management policies which are very importantly made for the employees to follow to get what they
want in their careers and to perform good for the organization and to achieve its goals.
Career management:
WAPDA has HR policy regarding retirement, promotions, transfers/postings, regularizations
(contract/DW), deputation and permanent absorptions of employees. They try to maintain and keep
check and balance of all the employees so they can easily made their decisions about the people
which they have to recruit and which to fire by keeping eye on the performance of the individual and
then maximum employees working in WAPDA will be able to get best chances of their career
growth. Career management is very important in terms of career growth of the employees. The more
the employees will try to achieve he will achieve and the employee who will achieve better grounds
for the organization will get better opportunities for their career growth.
Grievances handling:
WAPDA has HR policy regarding managing of grievances of staff under HR & Admin. If an
employee has any grievance related to their performance, seniorities and complaints regarding
discriminative actions than it is duty of HR & Admin to report his grievance according to policy of
WAPDA. Grievances are the main and very important problem of any organization that can easily
affect the career of the employees, in WAPDA there were some of the grievances reported earlier
that were prominently dealt because they were lowering the motivation of some of employees which

was clearly seen because the productivity of the employees were going done and the career
management graph was also falling apart so the HR department solved the existing problems of the
grievances and it helped the employees to get their motivation back and then they were able to
perform well with good career management techniques in their mind.
Disciplinary actions:
WAPDA has HR policy regarding processing of disciplinary action against employees. If any
employee commits any act which is the against the rules of WAPDA than disciplinary action will be
taken according to policy of WAPDA. Rules and regulations are very important to follow in every
department of the WAPDA. They take strict actions against the employees who do not follow the
rules and regulations of the company. By following the rules and regulations of the WAPDA it
makes easy for its employees to work more hard and remain focused to their assigned work so they
will be able to make the organization proceed towards success and the employees will also work on
the individual person career growth accordingly.
Promotion: WAPDA has promotion policy of employees. Promotions of employees having BPS 1-
16 are dealt by HR & admin where promotions of officers having BPS 17 -22 are dealt by career and
management department.


Q) What is the highest probable promotion in next five years?

We have a lot of openings and a lot of promotion opportunities too. We have performance
reviews and we see who deserves to be promoted. But that really depends on how much can we
afford. We cannot obviously promote so many people at one time. It is very much dependent on
the nature of the job to for example someone working in a field has Avery low chance of
promotion as there is someone above him who usually is good at his job and we don’t let them
leave but in the HR department people usually grow very fast. Therefore not everyone gets
promoted but to answer your question usually one employee is promoted once in five years. But
in some cases the employees get promoted within three years and then in the next 3years they are
promoted again.

Q) How does an individual help grow his career at wapda?

Wapda is company that encourages an employee to work hard unfortunately because of our
reputation people who come here think they could have some political influence and they will
not need to work much or hard to get promoted and grow. You might have heard that some pay
for there promotion. Hence with all the unethical practices going on. The ideal way for an
individual to grow his career at wapda is that he must first of be responsible for his work any
work given to him must be done and be done on time. He must be an enthusiast to grow. We can
only help those who help themselves. There are people who do not work and yet expect a
promotion. An employee must make his own career goals and must know what road is he on so
that he could be given a boost by us to help him get to his goals.

Q) How does a manager help his subordinate grow?

We believe in supporting people and not letting a senior jeopardies someone’s career. Our
managers are always on the lookout for for the people who need help. I would share an incident.
I got to be the best employ in our performance review for two straight years my managers made
me help other employees in our team so that they can grow too. And my manager told me that
this is going to be a very crucial point of your career. The following year I my performance fell.
And I was called out by my manager he asked me all sorts of questions that whether I’m not
interested anymore or I have problems at home or anything that is effecting my performance and
since I had a lot of burden I told him that I have a lot of burden and I cannot do my work and
help other people as well. So he cut down a little of my duties and made sure that I help people.
By the time of promotion when my name was up every one in my team came up in my room to
congratulate me and they were very happy to have me as there manager. That is where I realized
that my manager was looking one step ahead of me and I was making me ready for the
promotion. And now that I am a manager I do the same with my subordinates who could be up

for promotion. Managers make development plans for employees and employees knowing that
there is a road that leads to their goal which motivates them to work hard. Basically our
managers show us the right part and all we have to do is to follow it and we’re successful.

Q) Does wapda as an organization help peoples grow in there

Wapda has certain plans which are for all the employees. These are not very effective as what
our managers do but then again it depends of the individual. The company does not help every
employee one by one but the give trainings to all employees which basically are a step up. They
teach some very important skill that are essential for an employee and his career. When an
organization does something they see the long term benefits. And to think more competent
employees means better work.


Following are some solutions we recommended that might help WAPDA in

career development as well as gaining more credibility:
• In order to maintain a regular supply of electricity and power without any fluctuations
and breakdowns, there is a serious need of regular maintenance by skilled workers, which
is achieved by training programs.

• WAPDA has previously made some great innovations but they are no longer sufficient
with the new technological advancements, hence WAPDA needs to come up with new
technology and machineries that support the current hardware.

• In order to use and control the new advancements and to bring out the maximum output
out of those machineries, WAPDA has to either recruit some new skilled workers or train
the older ones to perform efficiently enough.

• WAPDA is a really old company with a very high experience level, yet it lacks behind in
management and contingent actions. WAPDA needs to train their officials and lower
staff and should further on recruit skilled staff.

• There are a lot of fraudulent activities going around in WAPDA and the internal section
which leads to the poor performance and credibility.

• WAPDA needs to go through with their hire and fire procedures in order to maintain
goodwill within the organization.

The following policy approvals are suggested to improve the circumstances:

 Develop the market system to provide the full information to the market participants
including consumers, producers, suppliers, and wage earners. To this end, there is an
instant need to rise the literacy rate and develop the communication channels

 Confirming that resource allocation decisions give the first priority to systems that
develop career self-management skills and career information, and that delivery systems
match levels of personal help, from brief to extensive, to personal needs and
circumstances, rather than presumptuous that everyone needs rigorous personal career

 Working more watchfully with career guidance consultants to shape the nature of initial
and further education and training qualifications in support of the progress of career self-
management skills, improved career information, and more diverse service delivery.

 Evolving sturdier structures for strategic leadership.

 Encouraging learning providers to change the way they work in order to meet the needs
of new learners: for example, by changing their opening hours, modifying their teaching
methods, or developing new courses.

 Vocational programs developed in partnership and involving government, employers and

trade unions.

 The governing structure of WAPDA also needs to be regulated to ensure its effective
operations. WAPDA currently is characterized with several institutional and
organizational anomalies, which impedes its optimal resource allocation. Such

weaknesses comprise a weak governance structure marked by corruption and bribery,
which hinders fair decision making on tariffs and distribution.

 To nurture corporate culture, HRM perceptions need to be fully executed. Its partial
application in WAPDA will never bring any positive change.

 Behind every successful organization there is a great and optimistic leader. Any person
lacking leadership qualities can bring no change. Like is the case with WAPDA, where
energetic personalities are not selected to head the branch/section which is the foremost
need to bring change.

 Every employee must be switched after 3 years, which will not only boost their
performance and capabilities but also result in more idea and inter departmental

 The organization is severely overstaffed which is harmfully effectively the overall

performance. Solid and tough workers in each department are very small in numbers and
the rest are doing nothing and getting salaries. This tendency needs to be restrained and
demands overall review.

 For motivation and enhanced performance, posting of employees at a right place is the
initial step. The policy of the right man on the right job is not being strictly followed
resulting in loose of interest in work and less productivity. Engineers having specialized
Training in specific field are posted on unrelated posts and the result is obvious.

 Bureaucratic approach in WAPDA is adversely effecting communication of directives

requirements down to the level of Line Manager. A Manager can hardly discuss an issue
with concerned Member or Chairman due to hierarchal chain of command.

 Last but not the least, there is an instant need to minimize the unprincipled behavior by
preaching and exercising the Islamic, social and economic values.


The mixed economy of Pakistan lacks the property rights, freedom of choice and full
information, which are the prerequisites of a market system. Moreover, the poor set of skills,
lethargic working capabilities, poor sense of actions and minimal career development activities
are also present at WAPDA as well as other company’s enterprise levels which lead to
suboptimal allocation of economic resources. In order to prevail the right sense of career
development they need to follow the policy framework plus they should continue developing
strong collaboration with higher educational institutions for improvement of its operations.
Recently, WAPDA signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with higher educational
institutions to address the need for effective allocation of resources. After following the
recommendations, it will help to contribute towards the economic growth of the country.




• Pakistan Economic and Social Review Volume XXXVIII, No. 2


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