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Year 2019


*includes environmental, social/ cultural and economic dimensions
School: Saint Michael’s College
Vision Our vision is to develop a culture within our school community that recognises the shared responsibility to reduce our
What will our school/site *environment be like in environmental footprint and promote the educational value of sustainability. We intend to create a balanced and
3-5 years? How will we be living more sustainably?
equitable approach to the development of ecological programs within our curriculum that will enable our students to
become informed, responsible, resourceful and respectful global citizens.
Values Priority Set 1 Catholic Identity and Lasallian Spirituality (Religious Education Curriculum/Social Justice and
Which of our current site values connect with education for Service/Religious Presence)
sustainability and our vision (e.g. care, respect, and equity)?
Priority Set 2 Enhanced Personal and Well Being Outcomes (Pastoral Programs and Physical Environment)
Priority Set 3 Outstanding Learning Experiences for Students (Curriculum Structure/Learning Focus Areas/Student
Support/Visible Learners/Reporting to Parents)
Priority Set 4 An Exceptional Teaching and Support Staff Committed to the Lasallian Vision of Education (Professional
Learning Programs/Recruitment/Lasallian Pedagogy/Culture of High Expectations/Well- Being/Evidence Based Learning
Programs/Professional Partnerships
Priority Set 5 Rich Community of Culture (Parent Engagement/Communication/Co-Curricular/Community
Partnerships/Student Engagement
Priority Set 6 Governance and Administration (Mission and Vision/Future Planning/Leadership/Continuous
Improvement/Environmental Sustainability/Policy Reviews/Data Collection)
*Primary Values implemented in 2019
Rationale In order for our students, staff and wider community to;
Why we want to become more sustainable.  become critical consumers  make sustainable lifestyle choices
 make informed decisions for the benefit of current  empower students to make change
and future generations  follow the example set by the staff
 reduce their ecological footprint
Context  All boys Reception to Year 6
What is unique to our site that we need to consider in  School situated in a semi industrial area of the western suburbs
planning for improvement?
 Our enrolments are drawn from many suburbs in Western Adelaide from West Beach and North Haven, therefore
many students are unable to walk or ride school
Links with other site plans and policies Strategic Priorities – Living the Mission – 2014-2017 Building Masterplan:
e.g. Site Learning Plan Australian Curriculum Development and Planning All existing lighting will be replaced by LED lighting throughout the Campus with
the exception of the areas being redeveloped (approx. 251 fittings will be installed)
Religious Education Curriculum 181 solar panels will be installed on Founder’s Hall roof (56 kilowatt system)
Laudato Si Care for our common home - UP Vertia (the company engaged to coordinate the project) have assured an
investment of $703,000 will return an estimated saving of $129,000 per annum
Care for our common home - EP
(410 megawatt equating to 44% in annual electricity usage. Emissions reduction
Integrated Learning Technology Program per annum 201t and CO2) Following the completion of the project the company
S-Core – Sustainability audit and action plan 2014 will work with key stakeholders to provide pre and post data for analysis.

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 1
Year 2019
Leadership team (working group) SEMP Committee College Leadership Team
The leadership team is ideally representative of the broader Youth Environment Leaders
site community (students, staff, parents, community
members) and reports to governance bodies.
Community groups involved in site Parent Rep Committee Business contributions Estimated volunteer hours
initiatives e.g. NRM Ed, OPAL NRM Education Mercurio Bros Robyn Palmer holiday
City of Charles Sturt Council Adami’s Sand and Metal maintenance
KESAB Peats Soils Parent Volunteers;
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Bargain Steel Supplies - Garden 1hr a week
Program Simon Hutchinson - - Kitchen 4hrs a week
Cleanaway Paid Hours
Robyn Palmer Sustainability
Support Officer 8 hours as of
Jan 2017
12 hours as of January 2018

Core Indicators We have used the Core Indicators to support planning for Education for Sustainability. Yes in 2017 will review 2019

Surveys Survey 1 Yes  Date undertaken Survey 2 Yes  Date undertaken

Indicate when you have undertaken initial and Energy Yes Energy
comparative surveys/audits. Results can be linked to Waste Yes 2014 Waste
Water Water
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Air Quality Air Quality
Transport Transport
Attitudes Yes 2016 SITE Tool Flinder’s Yes February 2019
University Research Project
Action plans Attach action plans (at the end of the SEMP):
Biodiversity: Nature Play/Outdoor Learning
Energy: Carbon Neutral/Greening the school

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 2
Year 2019
SEMP key
(Yellow Background) Introductory section (to be updated approximately yearly)
(Orange Background) Theme section (to be updated approximately termly)
(Green Background) Achievements (to be updated when achievements are met)
(Purple Background) Core Indicators (to be updated approximately termly)
(Blue Background) Action Plans (to be updated quarterly/at every meeting)
Red Text Text to check or change
Green Text Completed items

Energy Water Waste Social/Cultural

(associated action page) (associated action page)
Connections to Curriculum Connections to Curriculum Connections to Curriculum Connections to Curriculum
Students in the following year levels Some Year levels study Investigation Students in most year levels investigate Big Brother Little Brother program
investigate different forms of energy, and Science Units that have ‘Water’ as different forms of waste, how it can throughout the school:
how they are produced, used and ways the major focus: reduced, reused and recycled to  Year 1: Visual Arts Program Torres
to reduce and conserve consumption:  Reception: Living things have basic ultimately reduce waste to landfill: Strait Islander sea art, Milky Way
 Reception: On the Move, exploring needs including food and water  Reception: Go Green Waste formation
energy through Little Scientists (Staying Alive Unit & Animal Challenge, Worm Farm, Nude Food
 Year 3/6 Buddies: Running a
programmes (Water & Air) Habitats), Reception garden box promotion & implementation,
responsibilities education on responsible disposal restaurant business; Indigenous
 Year 1: Infinity and Beyond and Perspectives: Stories of creation and
(solar power) Up, Down and All  Year 1: Water as a basic need for all  Year 1: Go Green Waste Challenge, themes of ‘Stewardship of the
Around living things (Healthy Habits) Healthy Habits ‘waste human’, ‘Funk Planet’
 Year 2: Earth’s resources including Junk’ (PC Look! Listen!), Space Craft
 Year 2: Push Pull, May the Force Be  Year 1: Dreamtime stories of waste,
water are used in a variety of ways STEM
With You (links to Visual Arts Indigenous relationship with natural
(Waterworks Unit) Investigating
Program Kinetic Art) and When We  Year 2: Using the correct bins and materials and the uses for nature
water usage/wastage and ways to
Were Young recycling stations (itty bitty bin), ‘only take what you need’
conserve water
counting the nude food. R.E Caring
 Year 3: Heating Up and Bridging the  Year 3: Lost Forever UOI for God’s creation, Vis Arts Program  Years 4 & 6: World Religions
Gap STEAM Unit studied as part of our Religious
 Year 4: Erosion and our clay Terrace Houses as opposed to
Education curriculum
 Year 4: Sustaining Life and Smooth Landscape/Beneath our feet – plastic When We were Young Unit
Moves effects of water on the landscape
 Year 3: Mini MasterChef, Promoters  Year 4 & Reception Buddies:
 Year 5: Fresh water is an essential Planting in the garden – from Year 4
 Year 5: Careful We Live here of Nude Food Movement
valuable, yet vulnerable resource Plants in Action/Life in Chains unit.
 Year 6: Eco House Project that needs to be carefully managed  Year 4: Sustaining Life, Material
 Year 5: History focus on Pemulwuy
(Sustainable Energy Unit) Catchment Tours World/Package It Better. Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle. Nude food and Indigenous resistance to colonial
 Year 6: Fossil Fuels/Alternative  Year 5: Properties of water in settlement.
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 3
Year 2019
Energy/Renewable Energy/ Energy What’s the Matter Science unit T1 promotion. Year 4 organic waste History focus on impact of people on
audit (Essential Energy Unit)  Year 6: Wetlands / and Water monitors/program, Plastic Free July places and, places on people.
Posters Visual Arts Program
Testing  Year 6: Social Justice – Laudato Si
 Year 6: Maths Investigation  Year 5: Careful We Live Here, – sustainability unit
(Wetlands) Actively Involved in Clean Up
Carnevale/Italian Day and Ristorante
Australia Day – school grounds and
Italiano promoting authentic
local water way
unprocessed Italian Cooking in all year
 Year 6: Support Year 3 buddies in levels
Nude Food Movement, Visual Arts
Program Le Junk artworks and
 Mission Action Day / De La Salle
Day / Harmony Day
 Year 6: Support the recycling  SAKGP: Multicultural Cooking
initiatives of the school (emptying Program
commingled/paper and soft plastics
bins  Nude Food Education
Class and Specialist Teachers: promote  Regular Market Stalls centred
activities that use recycled materials: around whole school events
Funk Junk, Musical Instruments, Eco
 Cambodian Cocoon Project –
Water Well
Whole school actively involved in Waste  Year 2: Rainforest Discoveries,
Management Program and Nude Food informed choices and how it
Movement impacts rainforest conservation eg
palm oil products
Actively promote and encourage all
classrooms yard and oval to be litter free
 Music – Year 6s: create raps/songs
to promote an area of the Primary
Music: Plastic Free July – R-6 focus on Campus e.g. Recycling, Wetlands,
creating songs to raise awareness. With Garden, Chickens
a focus on artists such as Jack Johnson
and the environmental work he does.
Recycling Education

YEL Program – Nature Play Program

Chicken Coop Management, Waste
Warriors, School Greening Project

APAKATJAH – Jonathon and Dion

follow up for future. 2017 program was

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 4
Year 2019
Infrastructure changes Infrastructure changes Infrastructure changes Infrastructure changes
 Solar Panels on Founders Hall  Rainwater Tanks  Replace recycle stations outside  Indigenous Garden
 LED Lighting in all existing  Water saving mural  Sacred Garden
classrooms on both campuses and  Improve signage in yard recycle bins
included in the design of future Designed to suit aesthetics of new
 Stage 1 - Building Works to
commence Term 3 2019
 Green walls
Behaviours/norms/culture Behaviours/norms/culture Behaviours/norms/culture Behaviours/norms/culture
Priority actions Priority actions Priority actions Priority actions
- Energy Audit in conjunction with - Audit of how water is used/saved at - Improve use of comingled yellow - Plan further fundraising from
Lowa Lighting our school bin garden sales
- Highlight and encourage ‘Earth - Install rainwater tanks and low flow - Reduce contamination in soft - Assist at least one charity this year
Hour’ Participation taps where possible
plastics and green bins as per Cambodian Cocoon and
- Create energy metrics to determine - Explore more effective ways to
Brother Al’s garden
current usage, and show recycle and reuse our water
improvements after energy saving - Mural above taps as a reminder to - Ensure planning vision for future
techniques have been not waste water and to turn taps off gardens is adhered to in the
implemented properly development of the nature play
- Calculate amount of greenhouse - Creation of water metrics to assess
gas emitted by school, using current usage and show
carbon calculator improvements
- Quotes for rainwater tanks to be
installed near garden

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 5
Year 2019

Biodiversity Kitchen Garden Program Transport Economic

(associated action page) (associated action page)

Connections to Curriculum Connections to Curriculum Connections to Curriculum Connections to Curriculum

Investigation and Science units that Investigation and Science units that  Reception: Different vehicles for  Reception: Wasting food, bulk
focus on this theme are: focus on this theme are: direct purposes purchasing (eg yoghurt)
 Reception: Animal Habitats and  Reception: Helpers in our
community, Staying Alive.  Year 1: Road Safety School & RAA  Year 1: Many resources are
Staying Alive
visit (Safe travels to and from school recycled in the classroom for
 Year 1: Schoolyard Safari and  Year 1: Schoolyard Safari, Healthy and responsible road users) students to use in construction and
Creepy Crawlies Visual Arts Habits, Creepy Crawlies building tasks. Collection of glue
 Year 2: When We Were Young
Program A-Z Biodiversity stick, milk and yoghurt lids as
 Year 2: Watch It Grow
illustrations. Butterfly Garden  Year 2-3: Investigate forms of Mathematic resources, and for future
 Year 2: Rainforest Discoveries and  Year 3: Mini MasterChef (SAKG transport in the past/present use as an art project
Program) Visual Arts Program Retro  Year 2: ‘When We Were Young’ unit
Watch It Grow!  Year 3: My place history unit
Food Posters looks at evolution of our food system
 Year 3: Lost Forever? and Feathers  Year 5: Careful! We live here.
Fur or Leaves? Visual Arts Program  Year 4: Plants in Action, Beneath and processed foods
Frozen Planet Paintings Our Feet, Erosion and our  Year 6: Sustainability unit,  Year 3: De La Sauce production
Landscape ecological footprint using minimal processed foods
 Year 4: Life in Chains, Sustaining
Life, Go Green Biodiversity  Year 5: Discerning consumers (how cooking program
Challenge food is advertised)  Year 3 / 6: Small business venture
 Year 5: Desert Survivors  Year 5: Healthy eating and choices  Year 4: ‘Package it Better’ unit looks
through Health program at the use and sizes of natural and
 Year 6: Marvellous Microorganisms
 Year 6: Marvellous Microorganisms; processed materials in packaging;
 Music: ‘Listening Walk’ taking notice Restaurant Business Venture Organic waste monitors producing
and being aware of the ‘man-made’ compost; Networking with NRM and
 Italian Program: Ristorante Italiano / Allenby Gardens for future YELS.
sounds vs nature and the balance
between the two Farming in the South of Italy
compared to the Industrial North/  Year 5 Unit: ‘Discerning Consumers’
 Italian Progra- Guided Reading Pack Mediterranean Diet looks at food advertising and
on Lifecycles( M&M) labelling + Personal Household
Year 5s are Garden monitors (8) budget in maths; History – Gold
NB: Buddy system encourages all  Year 6: Embodied Energy of
classes to be involved in the garden. building materials (Eco House
Each year level is rostered in the garden design)
with their year level buddies each term: Selling produce at the school market
to the school community. Money
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 6
Year 2019
Term 1: Year 1 and 3 generated goes back into production
and maintenance
Term 2: Year 2 & Year 5
Recycling of bottles and cans
Term 3: Year 6 supports our Lasallian Foundation
Term 4: Reception & Year 4
Both Resource Centres, Primary &
Secondary, regularly remove outdated
and underutilised resources from the
catalogue in consultation with relevant
staff and redistribute to South Pacific
School Aid
Infrastructure changes Infrastructure changes Infrastructure changes Infrastructure changes
 Extension of butterfly garden  New Science and Sustainability  New carpark should provide  New kitchen will accommodate
 Nature play to provide new habitats Centre (including kitchen and shared improved area for more bike racks projects and programs related to
for native flora and fauna table areas) part of Stage 2 Master “economics”
 Planting bird attracting native flowers
along Hubbard Street
Behaviours/norms/culture Behaviours/norms/culture Behaviours/norms/culture Behaviours/norms/culture
Priority actions Priority actions Priority actions Priority actions
- Continue to green the school - Integrate garden within new - Encourage more car-pooling - Integrate all sustainability
nature play areas amongst families and staff programs with economics and
- Install bird boxes once tree
situation resolved - Public transport incentives business curriculum
- Drop Off/ Pick up zone has been
revamped and safer procedure put
in place
- Increase number of students
catching the bus
- Promote bike riding and bicycle

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 7
Year 2019

Annual Goals and Achievements – (WHOLE SEMP GROUP)

Targets Achieved 2018

- Food Garden: Increased the amount of produce grown to better service the cooking program and reduce the supplementary food expenditure
significantly. Introduction of chickens with eggs supplied to cooking program
- Waste: Reduce landfill waste by more than 50% from 2017 to 2018
- Biodiversity (Wetlands): Wetlands utilised as an outdoor learning area for students in all year levels and for all relevant KLAs for at least ten sessions per
- Biodiversity (Nature Play): Design and Build stage 1 of nature play area – between food garden and back of wetlands NB nature play proposal accepted
and will be a much more substantial development. Finishing date end Term 1 2019

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 8
Year 2019
*can include environmental, social and cultural dimensions

Whole school/site planning for Education for Sustainability

(add further pages as needed annually)

Assessment undertaken in conjunction with Elisia Banks (NRM) and SEMP Committee
Estimated EfS Indicator stage Starting Challenging Committing Transforming

Element Sub-element Focus Core Indicator(s) and strategies Stage Completed?

St/Ch/Co/Tr Yes/No/
Culture Vision and Values Strategies: SEMP vision/values, nude food leading by example, communication to parents via Tr Y
posters, newsletters, school stream, attitudinal survey, Go green challenge, parents displays and
workshops, parents and old scholars assistance
Interconnectedness Strategies: articles in newsletters and facebook, standing item on agenda, YEL program & Co B
ownership of projects, maintenance crew on board & lobbying at senior level
Focus: Continue developing processes & procedures
Whole school/site Strategies: SEMP, regular PD with whole school input, PD with NRM, Robyn feedback in general Tr Y
approach staff meetings, parents/families making changes at home as result of learning in school
Focus: involve students more in decision making processes
Understanding Learning and Strategies: continuous reflection & thought through waste challenge, Robyn & Louise meet Co Y
Change weekly, SEMP committee, Jo head of admin brings a lot of innovation/ideas and communicates it
to community, newsletters, messenger (16/9/17), SA living magazine, future directions SEMP &
STEAM, to gain further enrolments, pushing senior campus, senior campus invited to garden tour,
botanic gardens PD for staff, Louise presented SEMP to senior staff who are keen to start a SEMP
themselves, outdoor classroom day, parent workshops, garden committee meetings with constant
Learning for Strategies: presentation at assemblies, strategic plan – commitment will be even more prominent Tr Y
sustainability in next years, go green challenge taking sustainability to families, every year level has element of
sustainability in at least 2 units (generally across all units), Robyn running teacher workshops to
assists getting sustainability into curriculum, garden monitors, YELs, organic waste team, worm
monitors, YELs attending WED
Focus: waste still needs improvement, wetlands to be better utilised by teachers
A sustainability Strategies: data collection includes waste audit, attitudinal survey, nude food data, online S-CORE Ch Y
inquiry sustainability assessment, waste survey to JP parents, year 3 and 4 nude food data, 10c container
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 9
Year 2019
collection by year 1 and 4, parent volunteer program, garden stall money given to charity
Focus: would like to look at cost savings, students to be more involved in auditing

Learning* Curriculum Strategies: increased number of staff involved in learning, willingness for community to get Co Y
involved but no one wants to put up hand, , plenty of commitment from students
Focus: would like a primary coordinator on SEMP committee, consider ow to involve younger
students in YEL program
Learning Strategies: assisting Cambodian garden and water well, sustainable eco design in year 6, nude Co Y
environment food wrap completion for students next year, lady bird homes, war on waste documentary shown
in many classes, Scinema fix and release animal surgery – boys designed some anchor points to
help repair turtle shells (sent to Amrow), wetlands, garden space, reusable shopping bags
Pedagogy Strategies: YELs being recognised as leaders within the school and presenting at assembly, YELs Co Y
recording and interviewing other students and educators other students in classrooms
Focus: add YEL page to school year book, add one for SEMP re changes being made in community
Community Community Strategies: parent workshops run by Robyn, trialling activities, nude food week (still a lot of yard Co B
connections rubbish), bin audit with students during lunch, mobile muster, printer cartridges, batteries
recycling, building relationships with NRM Ed, Kesab, CCS, AIBS competition – world migratory
bird day, nature play SA – outdoor classroom day, Jeffries composting, The Refresh Project, Trees
for Life, Pete’s Soils, Planet Ark – national tree planting day
Building capacity Strategies: parent workshops, go green app – when running great uptake, when not running hard Co Y
to know, Robyn trialling running challenges with app with certain year levels – working well,
Focus: continue to encourage so habits become the norm
Developing Strategies: attitudinal surveys for whole schools – students, staff, parents, formal partnerships Co B
partnerships NRM Ed documented in SEMP, EFS documented strategic plan
Focus: develop and EFS policy
Managing* Leadership Strategies: Damian B and Robyn YELS, Robyn garden & sustainability support officer, garden Co Y
committee, year 5 garden monitors trained by Robyn, SEMP committee, SAKG staff training,
nature play ed conference, WOW training, little earthies CEO, staff retreat with senior campus,
parent workshops, Louise on all committees as listed above
Governance Strategies: SEMP working group formed, EFS in all documents master plan, EFS on all meeting Co B
agendas, part of wellbeing program, building plan, staff handbook, one note procedures for waste
& gardening
Focus: continue developing EFS procedures in one note, , plan for SEMP board at front office to
have QR code
Planning and Strategies: continually working on SEMP through SEMP committee, time dedicated to this Co B
management process, schools eco impact continually reviewed through SEMP meetings and strategic plan
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 10
Year 2019


*includes environmental, social/ cultural and economic dimensions
Action Plan 2019

Biodiversity: Nature Play/Outdoor Learning

Target/s: Educate 100% staff, parents / caregivers and students in the risk benefits of Nature Play

Action area Location Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe Completed

identified Big idea (core ideas in a topic worth exploring in depth e.g. adaptation, equity) (date or week (date or
Teaching & Learning Inquiry questions or term week or
Curriculum Mapping number) term
Auditing number)

T&L Nature Play Regular Teacher and student education/information on the risk benefits of nature SEMP Reintroduce Ongoing
Developments play Committee T1 2019
Stage 1 YELs
Adjacent Wetlands
2 Staff Members attending workshop- ‘The Transformative Power of Outdoor Play’
Stage 2 March 26th 1-4pm. Follow up with a whole staff workshop 26/3/19
East Avenue Frontage
T&L Nature Play Parent education on the risk benefits of nature play through parent workshops Leadership Program and
Developments Invite Simon Hutchison to run a parent workshop similar to the one he ran in 2014?? & SEMP Plan for in T1
Stage 1 Committee Term 2
Adjacent Wetlands
Stage 2 Workshop
East Avenue Frontage
T&L All Outdoor Outdoor Classroom Day Involvement (3rd year of involvement) Registered for this year All Preparation Outdoor
Areas Teachers and Planning Classroom
and begin in May 23rd T2
Students Term 1 Nov 7th T4
T&L All Outdoor Cubby Building Nature Play excursion as per 2018 Reception Term 3
Areas and Year 1
T&L All Butterfly Extension of butterfly garden and workshop with Jan Forest and showbie contact Year 1, Term 2
gardens Kate &
Communications Nature Play Coordinate with marketing to regularly inform school community through College Marketing , Begin Term 1 Proposed
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 11
Year 2019
Development STAR, School stream and SMC Facebook of the progress of both developments Admin, completion
SEMP beginning
Committee of Term 2
& YELs
Evaluation  Observation of students at play and behaviours documented Leadership
How we will know  Collect, collate and review data on utilisation of the spaces during class time SEMP
we have achieved and how it is impacting on student learning Committee
our goals.  Collect feedback from a cross section of the school community and collate as
a PMI for future action
 Workshop participants to each submit evaluation of workshops

Energy: Carbon Neutral/Greening the school

Target/s: Reduce energy use in school by 20%

Action area Location Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe Completed

identified Big idea (core ideas in a topic worth exploring in depth e.g. adaptation, equity) (date or week or (date or
Teaching & Learning Inquiry questions term number) week or
Curriculum Mapping term
Auditing number)

T&L and All Classes Participation in ‘Earth Hour’ SEMP T2 2019 29/3/19
Communications Resources sent to staff. Committee
Whole school community informed through school stream
T&L and All Classes YELs to promote weekly Power hour and energy saving initiatives YELs & Robyn T2 2019

T&L All areas Research carbon neutral schools eg South Fremantle and revisit action plan SEMP T2 2019
from NRM Carbon Neutral Program involvement in 2018 Committee
T&L/Auditing Year 6 Access Home energy toolkit from Kesab for YELs and Year 6 use Robyn & T4 2019
Damian B
T&L/Auditing All classes Creation of sub groups of students to manage different environmental areas SEMP 2019
ie separate student carbon group Committee
T&L/Auditing All areas Speak to local council about urban heat mapping Robyn 2019
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 12
Year 2019
T&L/Auditing Yard Speak to Environmental consultancy, Seed Consulting regarding itree mapping Robyn 2019
T&L Stage 1 Educate staff and students on the master plan designs for energy efficiency Louise & 2019
Building Damian B
Infrastructure/ Founder’s Hall Lowa Lighting will be installed in existing rooms that are not affected by Business Installation end
Auditing and building works and Solgen to install solar panels on Founders Hall. Manager ( DLB) of Term 1 2019
classrooms Both companies have a curriculum component where they will work with key SEMP
not affected people to provide pre and post data. Committee
by building
Auditing/LT&L Year 6 Use of carbon calculator Year 6 T4 2019
Infrastructure All areas Build small green walls to help with energy reduction on some buildings Robyn & Louise T3 2019
Infrastructure All areas Increase greening near classrooms with introduction of portable garden beds Robyn T1 2019
Infrastructure Founders Hall Research cost of solar panels SEMP 2019
Evaluation Analysis of energy data provided by Lowa SEMP
How we will know we Committee,
have achieved our YELS & Year 6
goals. students

Theme/ Topic: Social/Cultural

Target/s: Raise awareness of Indigenous culture, food and expression

Action area Location Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe Completed

identified Big idea (core ideas in a topic worth exploring in depth e.g. adaptation, equity) (date or (date)
Teaching & Learning Inquiry questions week or term
Curriculum Mapping number)

Infrastructure Nature Play Build an indigenous garden as part of nature play development KT T2 2019

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 13
Year 2019
Stage 1 Kate has put in grant to commission Aboriginal artist to work with students
Infrastructure Nature Play Build a sacred garden space Climbing Tree T2 2019
Stage 1
Infrastructure Entrance to Incorporate primary values into natural spaces SEMP Committee T2 2019
T&L Chol’s garden Bush tucker garden Garden team & T3 2019
and Modboxes Robyn
T&L Kitchen Cooking indigenous foods with our Indigenous community Year 3 T3 2019
T&L Botanic YELS registered for World Environment Day Year 5 & 6 YELs Wednesday
Communications Gardens Robyn & Louise June 5th
T&L Other schools YELS registered for NRM forum where ideas amongst students will be shared Year 5 & 6 YELs 21/11/19
Communications Robyn & Damian
How we will know
we have achieved
our goals.

Theme/ Topic: Economic

Target/s: Develop small business ideas to fund a restaurant

Action area Location Strategies to achieve action Who Timeframe Completed

identified Big idea (core ideas in a topic worth exploring in depth e.g. adaptation, equity) (date or week (date)
Teaching & Learning Inquiry questions or term
Curriculum Mapping number)

Teaching & Year 6 Individually students will learn about types of businesses and the associated Damian Basso Term 1 End of Week
Learning Classrooms costs of creating a product ie direct material, direct labour and manufacturing & Nathan Rose Weeks 2 to 4 4

Teaching & Economics underway, students in year six are calculating the cost of producing Damian Basso Term 1 End of Week
Learning the passata (De La Sauce). This will be then presented in excel format using & Nathan Rose Weeks 5-9 9 -March
formulae to determine a fair sale price. 29th
Teaching & Through the Passata problem they will determine and breakdown the costs of Damian Basso Term 2
Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 14
Year 2019
Learning creating a jar of passata for sale. Based on this they are to determine a fair price & Nathan Rose Weeks 1 to 5
Communication for their product which they then will be tasked to sell. Monies generated will be
collected and tallied for future use in the Kitchen Garden program.
In addition to this students will look at marketing and design a label for their
bottle of passata – the winning design will be reproduced on the remaining
bottles for kitchen use or sale. Organise Market Stall to sell Passata.

Curriculum Plan to develop new business idea for next year. Possible Mother’s Day Stall. 2020
Teaching & Pursue possibility of Year 3 Cooking in the Food Tech Area in the LEC. Would
learning allow Alan to test run the ‘new’ kitchen layout and screens for teaching to better
Infrastructure inform his choices for our Stage 2 Building program
Teaching & Founder’s Hall Year 3 to develop a menu, recipes and cook dishes for a dining experience in Pop Year 3 and 6 Term 3 & 4
Learning Up Restaurant- ‘Al’s Kitchen!’ Teachers
Infrastructure Year 6’s to market event and set up restaurant
Curriculum Incorporation of Future Ready Changemakers units into year 3 & 6 Curriculum By the end of
Mapping 2019
How we will know
we have achieved
our goals.

Established 2013 and continually updated throughout each year- latest update 10/4/19 15

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