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Section 1: Directed Writing

You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words. Total marks for this part: 30.

 You will be awarded up to 15 marks for following the task instructions.

 You will be awarded up to 15 marks for the language you use.

Task 1
Recently, you have gone on a hike in a forest with a group of friends. Your overseas pen pal has never been on
a hike in a forest before, but is planning to go on one very soon. It was the first time you went on a hike and
some interesting and memorable things happened during the hike.

Write a letter telling your pen pal including the following points:

 what your hike was like

 exactly what you saw and did during the hike
 why would you like to go on a hike again

Cover all three points above in detail. You should make your letter informative and persuasive.

Section 2: Composition
Begin your answer on a fresh page.
Write on one of the following topics.
At the head of your essay put the number of the topic you have chosen.
You are advised to write between 350 and 500 words. Total marks for this part: 30.
Topics 2–6
2. Describe two different places which have special memories for you for different reasons. (Remember you
are describing the atmosphere and your feelings, not just the places.).

3. “Money is the root of all evil.’’ Do you agree with this view? Give reasons and examples to support your

4. ‘’Parents should limit teenagers' use of social media.’’ Do you agree with this view? Give reasons and
examples to support your view.

5. Write a story which includes the sentence: ‘I had never thought about what was inside that shop until
that fateful day.’

6. Write a story in which a text message plays an important part.

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