Product Distribution

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Distribution in companies is the set of activities that are carried out since

the product is made by the manufacturer or company until it is purchased

by the consumer. It is important to work to build a good distribution

channel, which gives great security and tranquility to the company,

ensuring that the product will arrive in the ideal and optimal conditions at

the hands of the client. The transport system is the means by

which producers and consumers come into contact.


INTRODUCTION…………………………………PAG 4
GLOSARY………………………………………….PAG 6 – 7
REFERENCES…………………………………….PAG 8
CONCLUSIONS…………………………………...PAG 9

This work is based mainly on how you can access the means of transport and
modes that exist to make the distribution of products and know which is the
best to meet the needs of each company or person who need to make
shipments also know what are the services of each means of transport


In case a business needs to transport a product that it manufactures, it can go to a

transport company that is reliable and for that it is necessary to take into account
the mode of transport it needs and define an investment budget that fist perfectly to
acquire the service in addition, you should be clear about how much you want to
deliver your product and the speed provided by the transport company.

Depending on the product you want to transport, you should contact a company
that covers your needs and agree how you want the service to be provided. In the
same way, find out about the payment methods offered by the company, the
tracking methods to know in which state is your product. There are also means of
transport that facilitate the delivery of products such as road transport, which is the
most economical and the most flexible for the shipment of products, although
delays may occur due to poor road conditions and restrictions of the product to be
transported, by lane that is fast but much more expensive and is recommended to
transport heavy loads “tons”, air transport that is carried out by air cargo lines and
is the fastest way to carry products over considerable distances, also usually be
expensive in addition the value varies depending on the weight, the maritime
transport that is usually cheap although it is relatively slow and consists of
container ships, cargo ships and rolling stock, tankers likewise there are two types
of shipping that are ships that operate with schedules and in fixed ways and those
that operate entirely depending on the demand, you can also go to the courier
since it is reliable and fast but can be a bit expensive and have restrictions to carry
a very minimal weight.

When the decision is made to hire a transport company, it must be assured that
they are providing a good service and have full knowledge and advice from that
company so that the product sent reaches the consumer in optimal conditions and
without setbacks.

1. CONTAINERS: es un recipiente o embalaje grande, de dimensiones y tipos
normalizados internacionalmente, que se utiliza para el traslado de mercancía.
2. NEED: es el estado de un ser que se halla en carencia de un elemento, y su
consecución resulta indispensable para vivir.
3. BUDGET: se refiere a la cantidad de dinero que se necesita para hacer frente a
un cierto número de gastos necesarios para acometer un proyecto.
4. PRODUCT: es todo aquello que ha sido producido, es decir, los bienes que se
trazan en el mercado.
5. TRANSPORT: se utiliza para trasladar algo de un lugar a otro, también
permite nombrar a aquellos artilugios o vehículos que sirven para tal efecto.
6. SERVICE: es un conjunto de actividades que busca satisfacer las necesidades
de un cliente.
7. GROUND TRANSPORTATION: es el responsable de mover la mayor parte
de la actividad económica de un país.
8. VESSEL: es una nave auxiliar capaz de transportar combustible, agua potable,
alimentos etc.
9. COURIER: se refiere a la persona o empresa que ofrece el servicio de llevar de
un lugar a otro correspondencia, cartas o paquetes entre otras.
10. PROVIDER: es una persona o una empresa que abastece a otras empresas con
artículos los cuales serán vendidos directamente o transformados para su
11. CLIENT: es una persona o empresa que utiliza los servicios de un profesional
u otra empresa especialmente lo hace regularmente.
12. RAILWAY TRANSPORT: es un sistema de transporte de mercancías guiado
sobre una guía férrea.
13. LOGISTICS COMPANY: cumplen una labor de intermediarios entre los
productores y los consumidores.
14. FREIGHT: esta vinculado al alquiler de un medio de transporte, se usa
principalmente en los campos semánticos del transporte de mercancías y del
comercio. 7
15. BULKING AGENT: es una persona física o jurídica que presta servicios de
transporte internacional de mercancías.
16. CUSTOMS: oficina publica del Estado ubicada en las fronteras, puertos y
aeropuertos donde se registran las mercancías que se importan o exportan y se
cobran los derechos que adeudan según el arancel correspondiente.
17. PORT: son puntos de distribución hacia el interior y el sistema de transporte
costero, lo que se define como el área de influencia exterior del puerto.
18. COMMODITY: es cualquier producto destinado al uso comercial,
generalmente hace énfasis en productos genéricos, básicos y sin mayor
diferenciación entre sus variedades.
19. PACKING: es el contenedor de un producto diseñado y producido para
protegerlo y/o reservarlo adecuadamente durante su transporte.
20. LOAD: es el desplazamiento de una única mercancía desde un lugar de origen.




 It is important to know that transportation means exist for the

transportation of products.

 There are transportation companies provide the necessary services to

meet the needs of the consumer.

 The mean of transport help to market products that benefit the economy.

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