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V c bul r nd Use yo r Engl sh

A Complete the sentences with these prepositions.

down forward from of off on over to
1 We set for the hike at nine o’clock.
2 When I got tired of driving, my brother took .
3 This watch was passed from my grandfather to my father.
4 The new president put some very exciting ideas.
5 Antarctica is the coldest place the planet.
6 My uncle made a success his new business.
7 You can learn a lot your mistakes.
8 News of the discovery of gold in California soon spread nearby states. (___ / 8 marks)

B Match the words in bold in the sentences 1-8 with their meanings a-h.
1 Are you sure this sculpture is authentic? a worth a lot of money
2 The information in the news story was inaccurate. b well-known
3 Is the ring you’re wearing valuable? c neutral
4 Larson is a renowned historian. d real
5 You don’t always get your way when you’re arrogant. e not too proud
6 The pianist gave a flawless performance. f perfect
7 My mother is modest about her cooking. g incorrect
8 Parents should be objective and treat all their children the same. h overconfident (___ / 8 marks)

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1 The news reporter gave a complete of the situation. ANALYSE
2 How did scientists that the world is round? PROOF
3 I think watching TV is a way to spend an evening. SATISFY
4 What did you from this morning’s meeting? CONCLUSION
5 You have to study the before you do the exercises. THEORETICAL
6 Factory work is usually very boring and . REPETITION
7 John won’t give up. He is a very young man. DETERMINATION
8 My mum always wanted to be an . ARCHAEOLOGY
(___ / 8 marks)
D Circle the correct words.
1 Sometimes you need to take / make chances if you want to succeed.
2 I’ve decided I’m going to work / knock my socks off this term.
3 Paul had no choice. He had to take / throw in the towel.
4 I always try to make / do my best when I’m taking a test.
5 My sister and I have decided to do / go into partnership.
6 The football team has set / made its sights on the championship. (___ / 6 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1+ Second Edition

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Progress Test 3

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