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8 m/s 2

Pressure P= inside a liquid P= ρgh+ P atm Buoyant force F B= ρfluid g V immerssed

1 2 1 2
Continuity Q= A 1 v 1=A 2 v 2 Bernoulli’s P1 + ρ v 1 + ρg y 1=P2+ ρ v 2+ ρg y 2
2 2

Wave v=λf v=

wave speed on string v=
√ μ

Standing wave on string with 2 fixed ends λ= (n is an integer)

Standing wave with one open (free) end λ= (n is an integer)

Sound intensity I = A=4 π r 2

Sound intensity level β=10 log ( II ) I =1 0

W /m2

' f ' f
Doppler Effect: Source approaching f = Source receding f =
1−v s/ v 1+ v s /v

vo vo
Observer approaching f ' =f (1+ '
) Observer receding f =f (1− )
v v

P1- A bucket resting on the floor of an elevator contains an incompressible fluid of density ρ. When the
elevator has a downward acceleration of magnitude a, the pressure at a point in the fluid at depth h, is
given by:
Ans (b)
a- ρh ( g +a ) + Patm b- ρh ( g−a )+ P atm c- ρha+ Patm

d- ρhg+ Patm e- ρhag+ Patm

P4- A garden hose of inner radius 0.60 cm carries water at 1.8 m/s. The nozzle at the end has radius R and is held
in a vertical position as shown in the figure. If the water rises a height H = 2 m above the nozzle, what is the
radius R of the nozzle (in cm)?

(a) 0.32 cm
(b) 0.23 cm
(c) 0.16 cm
(d) 0.60 cm
(e) 0.26 cm
P5- Suppose that you release a small stone from rest at the surface in a pool of water near the surface of the
Earth. If the stone drops 10 meters in 2 seconds, what is its specific gravity (i.e., what is ρ stone / ρwater )? Assume
negligible viscous drag between the water and the stone.

(a) 2.04
(b) 3.14
(c) 4.26
(d) 1.34
(e) 5.43

P11- Two identical blocks of ice (A and B) float in water as shown. Then:

(a) The two blocks displace equal volumes of water since they have the same weight.
(b) Block B displaces a greater volume of water since the pressure is less on its bottom.
(c) Block A displaces a greater volume of water since the pressure acts on a smaller bottom area.
(d) Block A displaces a greater volume of water since its submerged end is lower in the water.
(e) Block B displaces a greater volume of water since its submerged end has a greater area.

P12- An object floats in water with 7/10 of its volume submerged (Vimmersed/Vtotal =7/10). Then, the ratio
of the density of the water to that of the object (ρwater/ρobject ) is:
(a) 36/25
(b) 7/10
(c) 25/36
(d) 10/7
(e) 49/100

P13- Water is pumped through the hose shown below, from a lower level to an upper level. Compared
to the water at point 1, the water at point 2:

(a) has less speed and less pressure 2

(b) has greater speed and less pressure
(c) has greater speed and the same pressure
(d) has greater speed and greater pressure 1
(e) has less speed and greater pressure

1- P14- A U-shaped tube is partially filled with mercury. In the left leg we
poor water to 30 cm above the mercury level and in the right arm alcohol,
also to be 30 cm above mercury level. Calculate the height difference between both legs in the
U-shaped tube.
Given density of mercury = 13590 kg/m3 and that of alcohol is 791 kg/m3.
(a) 1.2 cm
(b) 2.5 cm
(c) 0.67 cm
(d) 0.46 cm

2- Water is flowing through a 1.0 cm hole located at the bottom of a wide barrel filled with water
to a height of 66.6 cm. If the top of the barrel is open, the speed of water at the outlet is:
(Assume the area of the barrel is very large)
(a) 3.61 m/s
(b) 8.22 m/s
(c) 1.11 m/s
(d) 5.52 m/s

3- A light spring of force constant k 160 N/m rests vertically on the bottom of a large beaker of
water. A 5.00-kg block of wood (density 650 kg/m3) is connected to the spring, and the block–
spring system is allowed to come to static equilibrium. What is the elongation ∆L of the spring?

(a) 21.1 cm
(b) 16.5 cm
(c) 11.7 cm
(d) 32.2 cm
(e) 5.81 cm

4- An object of uniform density floats partially submerged so that 20% of the object is above the
water. A 3 N force presses down on the top of the object so that the object becomes fully
submerged. What is the mass of the object?
(a) 2.8 kg
(b) 1.9 kg
(c) 0.95 kg
(d) 3.2 kg
(e) 1.2 kg

P15- In order to demonstrate Bernoulli’s principle, we design an experiment to open a container by

blowing air above the lid. If the lid has an area of 50 cm2 and requires a minimum upward force 2 N to
open it, what is the minimum air speed above the lid that causes it to open, assuming the density of the
air is the same inside and outside ρair=1.2kg/m3?
(a) 57.2 m/s
(b) 46.7 m/s
(c) 25.6 m/s
(d) 81.6 m/s
(e) 12.4 m/s

1) In the figure below, a block of density ρ = 800 kg/m3 floats face down in a fluid of density ρf =
1200 kg/m3. The block has height H = 6.7 cm. By what depth h is the block submerged?

ANS 4.47

2) An object weighs 0.25 N in air and its apparent weight is 0.045 N when suspended in oil with
density 847 kg/m3. Calculate the density of the object (in Kg/m3).

ANS: 1032.93
3) Two children (with masses of 40 kg and 50 kg) are pretending to be pirates on a wooden raft in
a freshwater lake (ρwater =1000 kg /m3 ). The raft has a volume of 0.72 m3 and it is made of pine
which has a density of (ρ pine =550 kg /m3). What is the maximum mass of a treasure chest the
children can add to the raft before getting their feet wet (wooden raft barely floats)?

A. 234 kg
B. 66 kg
C. 122 kg
D. 431 kg
E. 90 kg

ANS A – CH 14

4) You place an aluminum (ρAl=2.70×103 kg/m3) cube in water and then let go. What is the
magnitude of the net force on it submerged in water (ρwater=103 kg/m3) if the cube has 1.00 cm
A. 1.70×10-2 N
B. 9.80×10-2 N
C. 1.67×10-2 N
D. 2.65×10-2 N

ANS C – CH 14
5- What is the minimum amount of energy required to completely melt a 7.25-kg lead brick which
has a starting temperature of 18.0 °C? The melting point of lead is 328 °C. The specific heat
capacity of lead is 128 J/(kg · C°); and its latent heat of fusion is 23 200 J/kg.
(a) 1.20 × 105 J
(b) 1.68 × 105 J
(c) 2.88 × 105 J
(d) 4.56 × 105 J
(e) 7.44 × 105 J

6- A length of lead piping is 50.0 m long at a temperature of 20°C. When hot water flows through
it the temperature of the pipe rises to 80°C. Determine the change of length of the hot pipe if the
coefficient of linear expansion of lead is 29 ×1 0−6 /℃ .

(a) 5.75 cm
(b) 7.25 cm
(c) 4.68 cm
(d) 3.60 cm
(e) 8.70 cm

7- An equal amount of heat Q is added separately to materials A, B, and C. The masses of these
three materials are 0.055 kg, 0.032 kg, and 0.016 kg, respectively. The temperature of material
A increases by 5.0 C while the temperature of the other two materials increases by only 3.5 C.
These three materials can be ranked from the largest specific heat capacity to the smallest
value as:

(a) A>B>C
(b) B=C>A
(c) B>A>C
(d) C>B>A
(e) A>B=C

8- Heat is added to a 2.0 kg piece of ice at a rate of 793.0 kW. How long will it take for the ice at
0.0ºC to melt? (For water Lf = 334 kJ/kg and Lv = 2257 kJ/kg.)

B) 530,000 s
C) 0.0 s
D) 670 s
Answer: A

9- A system has a heat source supplying heat at a rate of 187 W and is doing work at a rate of
130.899998 W. At what rate is the internal energy of the system changing?
A) 56.1000022 W
B) 317.900009 W
C) -56.100002 W

10- Which of the following is a FALSE statement?

A) Heat is energy transferred into or out of a system as a result of a temperature difference between the
system and its surroundings.
B) The heat added to an ideal gas during the transition from state 1 to state 2 depends only on the initial
and final states, 1 and 2, and not on the path by which the gas went from one to the other.
C) When a gas goes from one state to another, the work done depends on the path followed.
D) It does not make sense to refer to "the amount of heat in a body."
E) When an ideal gas experiences a free expansion, its temperature doesn't change.
Answer: B

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