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Career Fitness Portfolios

Chapter 1

I am hardworking, nice, caring, intelligent, and athletic.

I need to study more, work harder, and gain more knowledge.

I want money, wealth, happiness, and a family.

Generational preferences that may influence the career I select can be summarized as stereotypical.

The Holland Type that is most like me is Artistic.

Adjectives that describe me are nice, hard-working, dedicated, realistic, and caring.

My favorite school subjects include Physics and History.

Chapter 2

I am proud that I am unique.

Five positive attitudes I bring to the job are responsibility, caring, citizenship, trust, respect, and fairness.

I admire honesty, respect, and kindness.

I am developing the following success qualities: integrity, courage, patience, and optimism.

My affirmations are precious, positive, and eternal.

Chapter 3

My top values are family and money.

A societal issue that concerns me is judgement.

My most important considerations in a job are pay and type of work labor.

I am energized by the following activities: music, sports, driving, earning money.

My ideal job would be an architect or electrician.

My mission statement is: You have to love what you do in order to be happy.

Chapter 4

The term in each of the following pairs describe me as an introvert, intuitive, thinking, and judging.

My top three Holland Interest Environments include realistic, investigative, and artistic.

Strong interest Inventory: Holland Type letters RIA

Administration and sales, business operations, and Technical career

Similar occupation scales include electrician, contractor, realtor, interior designer, and landscaper.

Related job titles that sound interesting are executive manager of a job site, overseer of a job site and
CEO of a company.

After reviewing my interests, a possible major could be architecture and my three tentative career
choices include architect, electrician, or interior designer.

Chapter 5

Three of my accomplishments are getting a job, driving, and doing well in school.

A summary of the skills I most enjoy using are my intelligence, coordination, and understanding of
complex situations.

The skills I want to use in my future career are my understanding of complex situations and my

The skills I plan to develop in the next few years are strength and more knowledge.

Chapter 6

The advantages of my age, sex, race, or physical limitations in looking for a job or working toward my
career goal are my looks and being easy to approach.

The disadvantages of my age, sex, race, or physical limitations in looking for a job or working toward my
career goal is my age because I am only 15 right now.

Occupations that interest me are architect, electrician, or contractor.

Chapter 7

Marketing Executive is the one best job from 7.7.

Newspapers, bulletin boards, magazines include The New York Times.

I couldn’t find a trade journal.

I also couldn’t find a directory.

An internet address I found was and

Career and placements centers were hard to find.

The most useful research resources that I used was the internet and websites that were informative.
Chapter 8

The decision-making strategies I use include importance, time, and relevance to my life.

My limiting beliefs include all the factors involved.

My belief about the future is that I will try to be successful and tend to my parents and other family.

The best use of my time right now is to focus on school and my grades while trying to earn money to pay
for my car.

A long-range goal related to my career is to start a successful company.

A short-term goal related to my career is to save money for my company.

I will complete it by the time I am 35 (2039).

External factors that can affect these career decisions include the time I start the company and how
useful people think it is.

Internal factors that can affect these career decisions include my personal thoughts and outlook on life
at the time.

Chapter 9

My ideal job situation is to be an executive at an electric company and an entry level job related to this
ideal is to be an electrician.

Some opportunities that I have include working part-time with my uncle and gaining more knowledge
from him.

A person who is doing what I want to do is my uncle. He is an electrician and that is a potential job I
would want to do.

My information interview questions are stereotypical and basic.

What I learned from interviewing someone is that they get nervous and tend to studder in their

My contacts and professional associations for this ideal job include my uncle and his bosses.

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