Assessment in Learning 2: Prepared By: Dela Cruz, Bryan D. 2.4 Bsedeng Presented To: Ms. Althea Sophia S. Palma, LPT

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The National Teachers College



Assessment in Learning 2

Prepared by:
Dela Cruz, Bryan D.

Presented to:
Ms. Althea Sophia S. Palma, LPT

2ND Sem S.Y. 2019-2020

Activity Date Accomplished Grade

Week 3

Week 4
a. Anecdotal Record

b. Checklist

c. Rating Scale

d. Scoring Rubric

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8 Quiz

Week 9

Week 10 Finals


Instructions: Define the following. Encode your answers

Week 3 on the spaces provided on the right column. Do not
forget to cite your sources.
A checklist is a list of all the things that you need to do,
information that you want to find out, or things that you need to
1. Checklist take somewhere, which you make in order to ensure that you do
not forget anything.

A rating scale is a written list of performance criteria that permits

the teacher more than two choices (e.g., good, fair, poor or
2. Rating Scales excellent, good, fair, poor) to judge student performance of each

Scoring rubrics are descriptive scoring schemes developed to

assess any student performance whether it's written or oral,
online or face-to-face.Scoring rubrics are especially well suited for
3. Scoring Rubrics evaluating complex tasks or assignments such as: written work
(e.g., assignments, essay tests, papers, portfolios); presentations
(e.g., debates, role plays); group work; or other types of work
products or performances (e.g., artistic works, portfolios).

an objective, well-ordered method for close examination of some

phenomenon or aspect of behavior so as to obtain reliable data
4. Systematic unbiased by observer interpretation. Systematic observation
Observation typically involves specification of the exact actions, attributes, or
other variables that are to be recorded and precisely how they are
to be recorded.

Instructions: Construct 3 learning objectives and create

Week 4
1 anecdotal record. Include 1 entry.
Topic: Parts of Speech

1. at the end of the lesson, Students will be able to state

the definition of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
2. at the end of the lesson, Students will be able to
recognize and distinguish nouns, verbs, adjectives and
Learning Objectives
adverbs from each other.
3. at the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use
nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs correctly in

Observer: Observation Date:

Observation Time:

Student’s Name: Year and Section:

Description of the Incident:

Description of Location/Setting:



Checklist on Lesson: Part of Speech

Teach students the definition of Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb.

Cite some examples on every definition.

On the examples given to them, let them analyze the sentence which is which.

Let them think what are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs on the given examples.

Give students word example of Part of Speech and let them identify what part of speech it is.

Let them use it to sentence for you to assess their learning.

Instructions: Construct your own Checklist based on the

Week 4 lesson objectives that you have constructed in the
previous activity.

Instructions: Construct 1 Restrictive and 1 Extended

Psychomotor-domain based Learning Objectives.
Week 4
Create 1 Rating Scale for each learning Objectives that
you’ve constructed.

Very Oka Very

Poor Good
Poor y Good
1. able to demonstrate the handling of ball when playing
2. able to perform ball handling when passing the ball to
a teammate
3. can perform dribbling the ball in place
4. can perform dribbling while running around the court
5. able to shoot the ball in the ring in place
6. able to shoot the ball in the ring during the defensive
position of the opponent

RESTRICTIVE LEARNING OBJECTIVE the end of the lesson, the students should be able to demonstrate the handling of ball when playing
basketball, properly.

2. at the end of the lesson, the students can perform dribbling the ball in place, conducively.

3. at the end of the lesson, the students should be able to shoot the ball in the ring in place, perfectly.


1. at the end of the lesson, the student should be able to perform ball handling when passing the ball to a
teammate, properly

2. at the end of the lesson, the student can perform dribbling while running around the court, quickly.

3. at the end of the lesson, the student should be able to shoot the ball in the ring during the defensive position of
the opponent, proudly.

Scoring Rubric:
Instructions: Create a scoring rubric based on the
Week 4 Learning Objective that you’ve constructed on the
previous activity.

Observer: dela Cruz, Bryan D. Observation Date: April 20, 2020

Observation Time: 4:29pm

Student’s Name: Rogelio R. Rogelio Year and Section: Grade 4 - 4

Description of the Incident:

The Student has been over-active in class lately, he won’t stay in his seat. He is growing so fast that he
cannot remain settled.

Description of Location/Setting:

Room 246 of Building 6, The Classroom has 40 chairs and some filing cabinets.


The student needs to have activities that will help him to remain seated and productive.

Bryan D. Dela Cruz


Instructions: Construct your own Anecdotal Record.

Week 5
Include entries.
Instructions: Define the following and answer the
Week 5 question below. Use the right column space for your

A rating scale is a written list of performance criteria that permits

the teacher more than two choices (e.g., good, fair, poor or
a. Rating Scale excellent, good, fair, poor) to judge student performance of each

A Likert scale is a rating scale, often found on survey forms, that

measures how people feel about something. An effective Likert
b. Likert Scale scale include a series of questions that you ask people to answer,
and ideally 5-7 balanced responses people can choose from. It
often comes with a neutral midpoint.

c. Semantic Differential The semantic differential scale measures the connotative

meaning of things. The scale is used in surveys to gauge people’s
Scale feelings towards a particular subject.

A ranking is a relationship between a set of items such that, for

any two items, the first is either 'ranked higher than', 'ranked
d. Ranking lower than' or 'ranked equal to' the secondIt is not necessarily a
total order of objects because two different objects can have the
same ranking.
Sources to-use-it/

As teachers, we are also interested in students’ attitudes towards learning

Question: topics such as science, math and etc. We want to find teaching methods that
encourage students and draw them in. As teachers, we need to be careful
Explain the importance of about our actions that may negatively impact on students’ attitudes which go
measuring the affective straight into the affective domain.
domain of students
Topic Nouns

1. Proper Nouns
Subtopics 2. Common Nouns
3. Count Nouns

1. at the end of the lesson, the student should be able to specify the
different types of nouns.
Learning Objectives 2. at the end of the lesson, the student should be able to choose
(Affective Domain) between proper and common nouns. the end of the lesson, the student should be able to evaluate the
nouns use in the sentences.

Instructions: Choose one topic and come up with 3

Week 6 subtopics. Construct 3 learning objectives under the
Affective learning domain.
Instructions: Define the following and answer the
Week 7
question as articulately as possible below.

highlight the development and improvement of student

learning during a given period of time. It often contains a
a. Documentation range of artefacts from brainstormed lists to rough drafts to
Portfolio finished products.

similar to documentation portfolio, in which it contains all the

evidences required to prove the learning outcomes in the
given time, in addition, it integrates reflection and higher-
order cognitive activities. It emphasizes metacognitive
b. Process Portfolio functioning and encourages students to become active
participants in understanding their own learning. Process
portfolio often contains documentation of reflection such as
learning logs, journals and diaries.
portfolio to demonstrate a student's best work. This type of
portfolio is typically used for interview. It is more of a
summative assessment and has no reflection on the learning
c. Product Portfolio

Portfolio is an assessment method which gives students the

Question: opportunity to be responsible for their own learning. Students often
develop a proud ownership of their work. The self-reflection in each
Justify the need for
step allows students to improve as they see themselves progressing
portfolio over time at the different stages. Portfolio is an authentic
assessment. assessment method, it determines meaningful work and often has
personal relevance.

Instructions: Using the table below, list
Week 9 down the differences and similarities of
Traditional and Authentic Assessment.

Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

Provides teachers a more complete picture of
Provides teachers a snapshot of what the
what the students know and what they can do
students know
with what they know
Measures students’ ability to apply knowledge
Measures students’ knowledge of the content
of the content in real life situations
Provides direct evidence of
learning/competency; direct demonstration of
Provides indirect evidence of learning
knowledge and skills by performing relevant
Hides the test Teaches the test
Flexible and provides multiple acceptable ways
Rigid and fixed of constructing products or performance as
evidence of learning
Needs well defined criteria/rubrics and
Standardized; valid and reliable
standards to achieve reliability and validity

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