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Republic of the Philippines NUEVA


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 7

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. define proper and common noun
b. differentiate proper noun and common noun;
c. cite examples of proper and common noun;
d. categorize nouns into proper and common noun.;
e. use proper noun and common noun in a sentence; and
f. give the importance of proper and common noun.

I. Subject Matter:
Topic: Nouns
Sub-topic: Proper and Common Nouns
and- proper-noun.html
Materials: Multi-purpose Flip-Board

II. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

a. Prayer
Who is the Prayer Leader for
today? ( the prayer leader will lead the prayer)
Please all rise for the opening

a. Classroom Management

Before you take your seat, please

arrange your chair and pick up
all the pieces of papers and
plastics under your chair.

b. Checking of Attendance

May I ask the class monitor to

check the attendance? Is there
any absent for today? (the class monitor will check the

Very good! Class, Good Morning Class

How’s your day so far?

c. Greetings
That’s good to know
No one is absent for today, Sir.

B. Motivation:

Before we start, may I ask you my dear

students to share your thoughts on what is
the purpose of learning grammar?
Good Morning Sir. It
was great sir.
Yes, James?

Very good, James! Any other ideas?

Alright, so the purpose of learning

grammar is for us to become better
speakers and writers.

Today, we will be learning about what a

Noun is and the types of it. (The students will raise their hands.)

At this point, may I ask you to look

around the room and look for objects.
The purpose of learning grammar is for us to
May I ask anyone to share their object? be more knowledgeable in proper usage.

Yes, Keith?

Very good, Keith. How about you


Very good, Angel.

C. Presentation of the Lesson (The students will stand and look for
Class, all those objects are Nouns which
are the words we use for people, place, (The students will raise their hands).
and things.
This is a chair Sir.
At this point, I will play a song about
nouns for you to be more familiarize Sir, this a table.
about what a noun is.

D. Discussion(Knowledge Twitch)

Again what is noun? Can somebody

pull the the paper that is labeled as
Nouns and read what is written inside.

Yes, Mark!

Nouns are naming words. They name a

person, place, thing or idea.
Can you give an example of a noun that
name a person?
Mark, Sir

Excellent! Mark is a name of a person

so that is a noun.

How about an example of a noun that

name a place or a name of a place?

Yes, Carlo?

Exactly, Carlo! Solano is a name of a Solano, Sir

place so that is noun.

Can you give an example of a noun that

name a thing?

Yes, Seth?

Correct, Chair is a thing so that is noun. Chair, Sir.

How about example of a noun that
names an idea?

Yes, Miggy?

Bravo, Miggy Vacation, Sir

Now look at the words that are listed on

the board, they are all nouns but what
did you observe on the right group of
words? on the left group of words?

Yes, James?

Sir, in the left group are general names of a

How about the left group of words? person, place, things and idea

The right group are specific name of a

person, place, things and ideas
If the left group name a general group of
people, place, and thing? What do you
call them?

Yes, Ichigo?

Bravo! Ichigo Common Nouns, Sir!

Do you have other observations?

Yes, Michael
Very good! Observation ,Michael They are all not capitalized sir.
Common nouns are not capitalized
unless it is the subject of the sentence.

How about the words in the right group?

Yes, Mike?

They are proper nouns and are all


Can you give an example of a proper

Mark, Sir
Very Good! Mark please be seated.

Who can give another example?

Yes, Carlo

Excellent! Carlo Tagaytay, Sir.

Proper nouns include the days of the

week, the months of the year, towns,
cities, streets, states, countries, and
brands. Names are all proper nouns, too!

Now, how will you define Common


Yes, Miriam

A common noun is a generic noun that isn't

Correct! capitalized.

Can give an example of Common


Yes, Maricar

Excellent! ball

Another example of a common noun?

Yes, Shiela

Bravo! snake

Now from the definition and the given

example how will you differentiate
Proper and Common Noun?
Yes, Miggy, you’re raising your hand

Proper noun names a specific person, place,

things and ideas and are always in capital
Magnifico! Exactly letter while Common noun names a general
person, place, things and ideas and are not
capitalized unless it is the subject of the
E. Enrichment Activity sentence.
Nice, Class. I am pleased with your
cooperation and participation. Now let’s
have a short activity before you take the

The class will be divided into five (4)

groups. I will show a picture. You will
identify whether it is proper or common
noun. Each group will be given a sheet
of paper and they will write a sentence
using the noun presented in their group.

1. Each group will be given 5
minutes to finish the task.
2. After the given time, one
representative will present their
3. 2 points will be given for every
correct type of noun. 3 points for
every correct sentences using the
given noun.

G. Generalization:(Knowledge in a

Using a Diagram show the difference

between a Proper and Common Noun
General Specific
Capitalized Not
Cobra snake

H. Valuing
What is the importance of proper nouns
and common nouns in our daily life
Noun names a person, place, thing, and
ideas. It is important to a way that when you
are finding a place , person or thing you will
easily find it or help someone to find it
because proper and common nouns names a
specific and general name of a particular
person, place, thing and ideas.

IV. Evaluation
Categorize the Nouns given whether it is a Proper or Common Noun. Observe the
proper writing of the nouns. Use it in a meaningful sentences. (20 pts.)


V. Assignment:
Give 5 examples of Proper Noun and 5 examples of Common Noun. Use it in a
meaningful sentence. Write it on your Notebook. (10pts.)

Prepared By

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