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Pop-top caravan starts camping (or coffee breaking) in 30 seconds

Guatelli, Gianpietro Tue, Apr 7, 10:18 AM

to Matteo, Matteo, me
Hi everybody,

For this weekly article discussion I chose the article named "Pop-top caravan starts camping (or coffee
breaking) in 30 seconds". It comes from New Atlas web page and deals with Outdoor Activities. As I have
always loved to stay in close contact with Nature - a praxis that implies a very high degree of
sustainability and interest for the environment - I chose this interesting article.

The topic deals with roulottes and trucks to be attached to the car when travelling (they are not campers)
that allows a couple of people to relax and enjoy an experience into the wild without having to do with all
the discomfort that generally is consequent to night out permanence (think about humidity, insects,
irregular ground, rain...). This European product can solve all these problems remaining sustainable and
green at the same time.

I loved the quality which is perceivable from looking at the designs and the actual photos of the truck.
What I also like is the attempt of giving very good design to a product like this. For "good" I mean
aerodynamic as this results in less fuel consumption and therefore less pollution released in the air, but
also a touch that makes the structure more beautiful and pleasant.

Hope you find it interesting too. What do you think about it?

Gianpietro Guatelli

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