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Guatelli, Gianpietro Apr 13, 2020, 4:02 AM

to Matteo, Matteo, me
Hi Matteo,

It is very interesting the topic reported from the article you chose. Until a few years - or moments - ago it
was something only given to science fiction to talk about a morphing machine. It is fascinating how
technology can evolve and make some of our products of human imagination come true. Another similar
example, even though not so emotional impactful is the one of an object which did not exist a few years
ago and that is now a common - if not must be - equipment for the readers from all over the world: I am
talking about the EBook Reader. It is not that known, but the concept of it comes from a science fiction
novel of the 80s where the theme was about a book able to contain all the knowledge of the universe.
Actually, if we think about the endless possibilities represented by documents and books readable from a
common ebook reader, we can say it is the real thing in the world that better approach such an idea.

Gianpietro Guatelli

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