Legal Ethics - Assignment No. 5

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Fariola, Lea Gabrielle M.

– M7

Assignment 5: Write an essay on the effect of media and social media to the legal profession and
the judiciary.

In the teachings of the legal profession, the name of Clarence Darrow will often be
mentioned because of the way he handled his cases during his time; his criminal trials are often
considered to be dramatic. Because of being a good public speaker, debater and writer, the public
tends to be interested in his dealings. When talking about Darrow and how the media has
affected the legal profession, what would be a good illustration is the Scopes Monkey Trial. In
this case, because of the news coverage, the goals of the defendants were achieved – not
necessarily the winning of the case, but paving a way for the acceptance of their cause. True, the
sentiments of the people may not gravely affect the decision in a case; however, it can be a
means in order for new laws to be created or old ones to be revised or amended. The media
served its purpose as connection between the people and the system.

Another effect to the legal profession is the amendment to article two of the Civil Code.
Executive Order No. 200 of 1987 added the phrase “in a newspaper of general circulation in the
country” emphasizing the importance of media. Originally publication of laws shall be done
exclusively in the Official Gazette, but it was probably observed how vast the influence and
reach of newspapers to the people are and it is important that people be informed of laws they
ought to abide by. That is why, it would be convenient for the government to make use of media
since it has become part of the lives of the masses.

In this generation, according to the Foundation of Media Alternatives, majority of

Filipinos are engaged in social media – approximately eighty percent (80%). This is yet another
media who has become part of the lives of the public. To the legal profession, in general, the
great effect of social media is to inform the people. This has become a platform to share
information; could be about past laws, new statutes and ordinances, bills passed for reading, etc.
It has become a place where people discuss their ideas and opinions about different issues and
sometimes, when the conviction of the people are strong enough, it also becomes a method
where they express such convictions to the government which may or may not affect decisions of
the latter.

Another effect would be beneficial personally to the practitioners since the social media
has become a platform where they can build up their reputation. According to Ulep v. Legal
Clinic, Inc., the best advertising possible for a lawyer is well-merited reputation for professional
capacity and fidelity to trust, which must be earned as the outcome of character and conduct.
Such reputation can easily be made known to the people because of articles that are conveniently
circulated in social media.

Also, with the use of social media, it will be easy to find manpower for lawyers. Since
what they would usually ask assistance for are clerical work, being physically present in the
office is not all that necessary since communication could be done through social media and
transferring of files could be through electronic mails, virtual drives and the like.
Though there are a lot of benefits that have been harvested in using any type of media,
bad practices have also come with it. In the discourse among people in the sharing of different
articles, included therein are fake ones which, instead of be helpful, could be misleading and may
even lead to unnecessary arguments.

In the effect of media to the legal profession, it is rightful to make use of its benefits;
however, the use must be with caution; that such use must aid in the development of the legal
system and not in its destruction.

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