Juniarta-2193321059 Conclusion of RPP Components

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Conclusion of RPP components :

Packaging is a container or a place used to package a product that is equipped with labels or
information including some benefits from the contents of the package. Packaging is one way to
protect or preserve food and non-food products. Label is any information regarding Processed
Food in the form of pictures, writing, a combination of both, or other forms that are included in
Processed Food, inserted into, affixed to, or constituting part of Food Packaging. for food or
beverage products themselves must use ingredients that are safe and do not produce toxic and
in accordance with the type of food that is packaged so that the food or drink is not
contaminated by the packaging itself.

The use of permitted and prohibited material for use as food packaging materials has been
regulated in the Head of BPOM RI Regulation No. 16 of 2014 concerning Supervision of Food
Packaging. requirements regarding food labels have been explained in BPOM Regulation 31 of
2018 concerning Processed Food Labels. Whereas for packaging and labeling for IRT food
products, it has been regulated in Regulation of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency Number
22 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for Granting Household Industrial Production Certificate,
Regulation of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia Drug and Food Supervisory Agency Number
Hk. Year 2012 Regarding Good Food Production Methods for Home
Industries, Regulation of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia Drug and Food Supervisory
Agency (BPOM) Number HK. of 2012 concerning Procedures for Examining
Household Industrial Means of Production Means.

In my opinion, the components in this lesson plan are complete and correct, including 10-60
minutes of time allocation, then include learning objectives, so that students are able to
compare social functions, linguistic elements of text and text structure on food and beverage
labels, then include basic competencies and achievement indicators, include learning media
namely laptops and projectors, include learning resources through the teacher and student
experience, learning activities also through 3 stages namely, introduction, core and closing, and
finally the assessment is divided into 3 parts, namely: Aspect Assessment Affective (Attitude),
Cognitive Aspect Assessment (Knowledge), Psychomotor Aspect Assessment (Speaking). I think
these components complete the requirements of the 2013 curriculum, and I think this lesson
plan is also good for use in class IX students.

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