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RT-52/2018 Based on the deliberation of the General Council no. 24/2018 of 21 May 2018, regarding the
University of Minho's tuition fees set for the international student for the academic year
2018/2019, under the terms of subparagraph g) of paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the University
of Minho Statutes,
I do hereby determine that:
1. The tuition fee amount of €4,500.00, set for Undergraduate degrees whose management
lies in the responsibility of the Pedagogic Councils of the School of Law, School of Economics
and Management, Institute of Social Sciences, Institute of Education and Institute of Arts and
Human Sciences, shall be paid using one of the payment modes available on the Payment
section of the Academic Portal until 12 October.
2. Alternatively, the tuition fee payment mentioned to in the previous item can be made in
eight instalments, using one of the payment modes available on the Payment section of the
Academic Portal, in accordance with the following payment plan:

1 instalment - until 12 October

2 instalment - until 30 November
3 instalment - until 31 January
4 instalment - until 28 February
5 instalment - until 29 March
6 instalment - until 30 April
7 instalment - until 31 May
8 instalment - until 28 June

3. The tuition fee amount of €6,500.00, set for Undergraduate and Integrated Master's
degrees whose management lies in the responsibility of the Schools of Architecture, Sciences,
Engineering, Psychology and Nursing, shall be paid using one of the payment modes available
on the Payment section of the Academic Portal until 12 October.
4. Alternatively, the tuition fee payment mentioned to in the previous item can be made in
eight instalments, using one of the payment modes available on the Payment section of the
Academic Portal, in accordance with the following payment plan:

1 instalment - until 12 October

2 instalment - until 30 November
3 instalment - until 31 January
4 instalment - until 28 February
5 instalment - until 29 March
6 instalment - until 30 April
7 instalment - until 31 May
8 instalment - until 28 June

5. The amount of tuition fees to be paid by students enrolled in part-time regime, or by

students requiring a maximum of 30 ECTS credits to complete the Undergraduate or
Integrated Master's degree is determined by the following formula:

25% of the tuition fee (1+3x No. of ECTS credits to be completed )

ECTS credits of the relevant year of the study plan

Payment shall be made either once or in eight instalments according to the payment plan of
the degree in question, as provided for in paragraphs 2 and 4 of this Order.
6. The tuition fee amount to be paid by students who, in order to complete their dissertation or
thesis, renew their enrollment in the last year of an integrated Master's degree solely for the
course unit "Dissertation", "Traineeship" or "Project" is proportional to the number of months
elapsed until the delivery of the respective dissertation or thesis, according to the
corresponding number of three-month terms.
7. In case an enrollment extending beyond the statutory deadline is authorised where one or
more instalments of the tuition payment plans defined in the previous items have not been
paid, the amount(s) of the overdue instalment(s) shall be transferred to the instalment due
immediately after the tuition invoice date, thus preventing students from starting off with an
irregular situation on the Academic Portal and e-learning platform.
8. Tuition fee payments after the established deadlines shall bear interest at the legal rate, and
any administrative actions will be suspended, such as registration in the examination periods
and the issuance of certificates, amongst others.
9. The Academic Services will conveniently disclose the payment means as well as the
respective locations.

The Rector of the University of Minho

[Digital signature]

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