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A day in the Life of Adrian Jackson

1. The first basic managerial functions is planning. Planning is defining goals,

establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans to integrate and coordinate
activities. Adrian tries to reassure his manager that they will the deadlines, but while
talking, Adrian’s mind wanders to the team meeting that is set to begin in less than
fifteen mifnutes. Adrian stares at the blank sheet of paper entitled “Meeting Agenda”
and quickly writes out what can be remembered from the last meeting. He decides
that it is important to get to the party J.J Jordon had been an important mentor in the
Next basic managerial is organizing. Organizing is arranging and stucturing
work to accomplish organizational goals. Adrian ends the meeting and agrees to meet
with Greg later in the week to discuss his reservations. Adrian had planned to run
some errands over lunch but decides it is necessary to join the lunch meeting. He also
plan a retirement for his best employee.
Then the basic manegerial is leading. Leading is working with and through
people to accomplish goals. Adrian indicates trust in Greg’s knowledge of computers
and software and will defer to his judgement if he does not think the dead line can be
met. Adrian ends the meeting and agrees to meet with Greg later in the week to
discuss his reservations.
The last but not least is controlling. Controlling is monitoring, comparing and
correcting work. Adrian looks at the yawning faces of the group and begins by
thanking everyone.

2. a) Interpersonal roles means that the manager’s responsibility for managing

relationships with organizational members and other constituents. Adrian act in
interpersonal roles when he spent more time to return phones messages and replying
to e-mail and text messages of his clients.
b) Informational roles means that the manager’s responsibility for gathering
information to the stakehlders of the organizations. Adrian act in informational roles
when before the meeting start he make a preparation. He quickly writes out what can
be rememberd from the last meeting and walks into the meeting room.
c) Decisional roles means that the manager’s responsibility for processing
information and reaching conclusions. Adrian act in decional roles when he ends the
meeting and agrees to meet with Greg later in the week to discuss his reservations.

3. Yes he did because he can manage his time wisely. He make a well preparation
before enter the meeting. He also can control how much time needed in a meeting.
The adjustments can be made to be more effective are celebrate the J.J. Jordon party
in the weekend. Next Adrian can hire a worker to answer the e-mail messages from
the clients.

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