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MATRIC.NO : 142083

Tutorial 1 – Introduction to Database Concepts

Question 1
Data : Raw facts or unprocessed facts.
Field : A character or group of characters (alphabetic or numeric) that has a specific meaning.
Record : A logically connected set of one or more fields that describes a person, place or thing.
File : A collection of related records.

Question 2
DBMS : A collection of programs that manages the database structure and have controls access to
data stored in the database.
Functions :-
1) Data dictionary management
~Data dictionary: Stores definitions of the data elements and their relationships.

2) Data storage management

~Performance tuning: Ensures efficient performance of the database in terms of storage and
access speed.

3) Data transformation and presentation

~Transforms entered data to conform to required data structures.

4) Backup and recovery management

~Enables recovery of the database after a failure.

5) Database communication interfaces

~Accept end-user requests via multiple, different network environments.
Question 3
Advantages of DBMS :-
1) Better data integration and less data inconsistency.

2) Increased end-user productivity.

3) Improvement in terms of data sharing, data security, data access, and data quality (for
decision making).

Question 4

Data Information
Raw facts that have not been processed yet Reveal the meaning of the data by processed
Building blocks of information Enables knowledge creation

Question 5
i. Data. It is because the student’s English score stated as raw data and nothing had been done
with the score. Just a list of student’s English score.

ii. Information. It is because the average English score of 40 students processed by analysed the
raw data of their score first.

iii. Data. It is because the student’s height stated as raw data and nothing had been done with the
score. Just a list of student’s height.

iv. Data. It is because the student’s first name stated as raw data and nothing had been done with
the score. Just a list of student’s first name.

v. Information. It is because the passing rate for English for the past 5 years processed by
analysed the raw data of the student’s English score for the past 5 years first.

Question 6
Data Redundancy : Unnecessarily storing same data at different places.
Data redundancy implications :-

 Poor data security.

 Data inconsistency (lack data integrity).

 Increased likelihood of data-entry errors when complex

entries are made in different files.
Question 7
The file contains 7 rows of records and 5 columns of fields per record.

Question 8
I cannot produce a listing by city because I will encounter data inconsistency problem. So, this
problem can be solving by altering the file structure which is the full address need to be separated into
some parts. I must separate it into area code, city, state and postcode.

Question 9
I need to alter the file structure by splitting the project manager name into first name, initial name and
last name. Besides, the address also needs to split into area code, city, state and zip code.

Question 10
Holly B. Parker and George F. Dorts are the data redundancies for that file. Those redundancies can
lead to anomalies by whenever we want to update, insert or delete both of those data, either for Holly
or George. Once one of the operations we do on both of them, the changes made just effect the first
record of them that we found first in the file.

Question 11

Type of Database Description Advantages Disadvantages

Centralized database Data is located at a Can access data easily User cannot use the
single site database when system
had problem or failure
Distributed database Data is distributed Very reliable. Just data Lower security as
across different sites at involved site will be multiple site needs to
affected when system be protected
failure simultaneously against
Cloud database Created and Scalability. It can Susceptible to attack
maintained using expand into more as it works via internet
cloud data services spaces if required
that provide defined
performance measures
(data storage capacity
required throughput,
availability) for the
Question 12
Basic Features :-
 Tuples/rows.

 Attributes/columns.
Importance :-
 Tabular view improves conceptual simplicity.

 Isolates the end user from physical-level details.

 Improves implementation and management simplicity.

Question 13
The relational database model is coming with a conceptual table that make user easy to understand it.
It just includes rows and columns. It also allows a logical view of data that easy to maintain. Its
logical structure is different from the network and hierarchical database because that network and
hierarchical database have the physical structure closely resembles the logical structure. This
arrangement makes it difficult to visualize the logical database structure and it requires the database
designer to have a firm understanding of the database’s physical environment.

Question 14
-Entity : Unique and distinct object used to collect and store data.
Eg : Student, customer.
-Attributes : Characteristics of an entity.
Eg : student_ID, customer_ID.
-Relationships : Describe the associations among the entities.
Eg : A student can take many classes. A class can be taken by many students. (Many to many)
-Constraints : Set of rules to ensure data integrity.
Eg : The CGPA must be between 0.00-4.00.
Question 15
Business rules : Brief, precise and unambiguous description of a policy, procedure or principle. It
describes main and distinguishing characteristics of the data and define the basic building blocks of
database. It also needs to be accurate to ensure us transform all the data correctly into database and get
a good database.
Eg : A customer may generate many invoices.
Each invoice generated by one customer.

Question 16
A student can take many subjects. Each subject can be taken by one students.

1 M
Student take Subject

A teacher can teach only one subject. One subject can be teaching by only one teacher.

1 1
Teacher teach Subject

A teacher can teach many students. A student can be taught by many teachers.

Teacher teach Student
Question 17
1) A video game store has many genres of video games. Each genre of video game is own in a
video game store. [One-to-many (1:m) relationships]

2) A genre of video game only has one copy. One copy only has one genre of video game. [One-
to-one (1:1) relationships]

3) A customer can rent many games. A game can be rented by one customer. [One-to-many
(1:M) relationships]

4) An employee manages one store. One store is managed by an employee. [One-to-one (1:1)

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