12 Days of MMH PDF

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THE 12

It’s Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson coming straight to your

email inbox recapping the emails sent out during the festive

This is the start of our hugely popular 13-day series of emails in

PDF format.

We hope you enjoy these!

Become a world class hypnotist. Join the Mike Mandel Hypnosis


On the first day of Christmas MMH sent to me … the agree and repeat

The “Agree and Repeat” strategy is something we’ve been using and
teaching for many years. It’s designed to help you get what you want in a
variety of situations.

You can also use it to shut someone down who’s trying to convince you
to do something you don’t want to do.

The best way to learn this strategy is to


In a nutshell, the strategy is made up of two parts.

The first part is to state your desired outcome. That could be something
as simple as (at a store) “Give me a discount on this”, or (at a hotel) “I’d
like a complimentary upgrade to a better room.”

The second part of the strategy is to simply AGREE and REPEAT. It’s so
utterly simple, and so amazing, you’ll soon realize why this has become a
crowd favourite whenever Mike teaches it.

The above-linked video is the best way to learn the technique. Chris also
wrote this https://mikemandelhypnosis.com/2017/04/19/agree-and-
repeat-in-action-the-credit-card-dispute/ about how he personally put
it into action during a credit card dispute.

We hope you enjoy learning and … USING this technique!

On the second day of Christmas MMH sent to me

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Double Binds:

The double-bind is simultaneously one of the most powerful but least

used methods of influencing someone.

This is too bad, because once you figure out how to use it, it’s really really
easy, and can really help you in your own quest for personal power.

The cool thing about the double-bind is that when it’s used properly, the
other person probably won’t have a clue what you did, or even that you
did anything at all.

That’s because a well-crafted double-bind doesn’t sound like anything

other than a reasonable question. But it’s a question that directs the
other person exactly where you want them. Be careful how you use it…

A double-bind offers only two alternatives, A or B, but that choice is an

illusion. The key is, you craft it in advance so no matter what the other
person chooses, you get exactly what you want.

We have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvbqgY9n1tQ, which

explains double binds in more detail.
On the third day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

We offer you The Clench Induction as a quick and fun way to create a
convincing hypnotic trance in practically any other (willing) person.

This induction comes straight out of our Hypnotic Power Inductions

course, but we’re just giving you the full video training for this particular

Watch the Clench Induction https://mikemandelhypnosis.com/clench-


But wait a second! We said “three clenched hands” and this hypnotic
induction only involves one hand.

Yup. We had to make it fit the song. So we’ll leave it up to you in order to
find three volunteers to practise this on. That works, and it makes us feel
good about squeezing it into the 12 days of Christmas theme :)
On the fourth day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

The English language is the richest language in the world.

There are hundreds of thousands of different words, from Aardvark to

Zipper. But some words have an amazing ability to influence and

We call them Power Words, and they’re one of the things we teach to
corporate clients and government agencies. That’s because Power
Words are amazing!

Our brains have built-in filters that either permit or prevent information
from getting in and influencing us.

Highly gullible people have filters that are not very selective. But even the
most aware and intelligent people can be vulnerable to the power of
certain words. These are words that influence, persuade and break down
communication barriers.

One of these power words is JUST. This is a remarkably powerful word

because it minimizes whatever we’re asking of the other person, making
it seem like nothing! Just use this word, because it’s so easy.

Another great word is TRY. People who just try to do something

usually fail. Has anyone ever told you they’ll “try” to be somewhere or
“try” to get something done by a certain date?

Avoid try. That is unless you’re speaking of a different sort of trying …

like trying a new dish or trying on clothes. That’s OK. To try is perfectly
acceptable in that context.
Here is a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ImnMjcDPjg

Another power word is BUT. Imagine someone tells you “I like you
BUT …”

Whatever comes after “but” serves to invalidate whatever they just

said. Avoid using “but” or consider switching to AND. “I like your
emails … and I’d appreciate it if you just send them a little less

Finally, let’s look at WHY. This is a word that keeps people stuck! We
encourage you to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH6hLN0Y9Ic to
understand what’s better than asking “why”.
On the fifth day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Five golden rules sounds like a great idea, but we’ve never had a list by
this name before, so we made one up. These are five rules that really do
matter for changing lives. Use them wisely.

Rule #1: Ecology First.

The well being, safety and consideration of the person you’re working
with should get top priority. If you’re a stage hypnotist, it means don’t do
stupid and dangerous things for entertainment value. If you’re having a
conversation with someone and your intention is to influence them,
make sure you’re keeping their best interests at heart!

Rule #2: Focus on the Target State.

In any problem solving situation we have the present state or the

problem state, and we have the desired outcome (which we call “target
state”). Always focus on what you do want (the target), not what you
don’t want (the problem state).

Remember the list of things you don’t want is infinite.

You don’t want to be a tin miner on the planet Jupiter. You don’t want to
build bonfires in your bedroom, or be afraid of carpets. And you don’t
want a dozen root canals even if they’re free and performed by Elon Musk

What do you want? Focus on that. When people complain, get them
focused on the target state.
Rule #3: Be at Threshold.

If the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street was ready to make a change,
he’d say, “Me change now”. Remember those three words.

People don’t change unless they are at threshold. And being at threshold
means that you recognize three things. 1) Something has to change; 2)
The change has to come from me; 3) The change has to be now.

Figure out what changes you want to make, and then figure out which
aspect of threshold is stopping you and fix it. Very often it’s the “now” part.
People have a tendency to put off change until it’s too late.

Rule #4: Always Be Calibrating (ABC).

Sales people say “always be closing”, so we’ve changed it to “calibrating”

to fit better with hypnosis.

Calibrating really just means to notice for change. Always be calibrating

so you’ll be aware of when people are showing genuine interest in
something, or losing interest.

If we could watch you reading this email we’d calibrate whether or not to
say more, but we can’t. So we’ll move onto Rule #5.

Rule #5: Future Pace.

If you help someone solve a certain problem that aims them towards a
target state … check your work! You can do this by asking questions and

“So when you walk into your boss’s office on Monday morning to tell him
how you feel about this situation at work, what’s that going to be like?”

If you’re not calibrating confidence and congruence in the reply, there is

more work to do.
On the sixth day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Today we’re talking all about linkages.

Linkages are the ways you connect different words and phrases to
create what we call the never-ending sentence.

Here are six examples of linkage words or phrases:

And as…

But when…


And even..

Which causes ...

And while …

Good linkages permit you to speak hypnotically. By continually linking

concepts and words without ever actually ending your sentence, you
begin to propel your listener into a hypnotic state. The key is to say it
slowly and with intention.


And as you begin..to add the connectives and linkages...to all you
say...and as the brain of the person listening...I mean really
listening...begins to evaluate...the meaning...before the conscious mind is
aware...of the kind of changes you can notice...and even as you do
notice...all the components of what is being said…


And as a gift to you, we have a free course called NUVI, which stands for
Nominalization Unspecified Verb Induction. The course also has a free
companion mobile app (in your app store). These tools will teach you to
speak hypnotically in record time! If you don't yet have this course from
us you can grab it here:

On the sixth day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

Seven swans-a-signalling

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Seven Swans a Signalling - what the heck?

Today we’re referring to something known as ideomotor signals, which

are a pretty easy way to gain access to the depths of the unconscious
mind; often without a deep hypnotic trance. It’s such a useful thing to
know about, that hypnotists of all stripes can benefit from ideomotor
techniques in their toolbox.

The earliest methods were with something called Chevreul’s Pendulum,

which was a simple weight on a string that the deep mind would use to
answer questions by swinging in specific patterns. Ideomotor means
idea produces motion.

TIP: You can make your own pendulum and the hold it still, resting your
elbow on a table. Define "Yes" to be forwards/backwards and "No" to be
left/right. Ask yourself yes/no questions and wait for your unconscious to
begin swinging the pendulum in a way that answers the question. It's
freaky cool.

Finger signals were a refinement on this technique. A hypnotist would

have a subject sitting in a chair with her hands separated. Then
instructions would be given that one finger would lift if the unconscious
wanted to signal YES, and another if the answer was NO.
This was a wonderfully easy way to get answers from within, needed no
pendulum, and was very simple, so naturally some people couldn’t resist
complicating it, adding signals for MAYBE, I REFUSE TO ANSWER, TELL YOU
ON FRIDAY, etc., etc.

And then came The Swan. Our good friend and colleague, Scottish
hypnotist and trainer, Bob Burns developed The Swan, which will give
amazing answers from the unconscious mind; even while the subject is
wide-awake! The name of the technique comes from the shape of the
subject’s hand and arm, which becomes very much like a swan, which
turns its head and looks at the subject.

The strength of Burns’ method is once again, simplicity. By speaking to

the subject and wondering if the unconscious will answer or not, a
hypnotist is able to not only surprise the subject by getting a physical
response, but use it as an actual induction too.

When a client’s hand seems to have a mind of its own and acts like a
living swan that twitches and nods its head to answer questions, the
effect is startling and profound! We personally love this method, and
think it’s as good as ideomotor signalling gets!

Hypnotists have found The Swan to be their favourite go-to technique,

regardless of what the session is for.

We’re bringing Bob Burns to Toronto in April 2020. He's going to teach The
Swan and much more. Details are
On the 8th day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...


Eight pods-a-casting

Seven swans-a-signalling

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Today, on Day 8, I’d like to celebrate that our podcast, “Brain Software”
has been running for over 8 years. In that time we’ve published about 140
episodes that people keep telling us have helped them to make
incredible changes to their lives.

That, and we’ve somehow created a lot of laughs because it’s the only
podcast in the world that focuses on hypnosis and weird made-up
commercials featuring strange characters. Our podcast is a constant
reminder of three guiding principles of life.

Life should be effortless, enjoyable, and vaguely annoying to other


There is no question our podcast meets these criteria!

We’ve dug deep into the archives to personally select one episode each
for you to enjoy again.

From Mike: Episode 93 was our most downloaded episode of all time,
and it’s all about negative emotions and how to deal with them.

Listen here:

From Chris: Episode 128 was all about the Logical Levels model of
change, and living your best life now.

Listen here:


Where else are you going to find a podcast where two best-friend-
hypnotists make fun of each other, share everything they know about
personal development, and make up weird things like ...

The Shyzzjigg Corporation, our fake sponsor, makers of the world's finest
ant-proof casters.

• Gus Grissom sightings (a former NASA astronaut).

• The Honey Hallmark Show (the girl who loves greeting cards).

• You’re Still Just Danny (The son of Danny’s father).

• The Johnnies (now featuring 9 of them).

• Dennis Bryce-Morgan stories (as told by Mike’s Uncle Bud)

• When the Lawn Tree Blooms (it’s now a powerful metaphor!)

• These Are Days of Victory!

• The Guinea Pig Laugh.

• We Are Not Witches!

Seriously … if you’re not yet listening to our podcast you’re missing out on
a bunch of great content mixed with stupidly funny stories and lines.

I hope you listen to our podcast and I hope you’ll whip out your phone,
open the voice recorder app, and email us a well-thought-out question
that we can include in a future episode.\Because these actually are days
of victory! We are legitimately having more fun doing this stuff than we
could have possibly ever imagined, and it's a great reminder that you
should strive to do what you love.
On the 9th day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

(Yeah, you definitely are singing this song ...)

Nine Smokers Quitting

Eight pods-a-casting

Seven swans-a-signalling

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Did you know that there are over a billion smokers in the world? Despite
all the information about smoking and risks to health, there are still 1.3
billion cigarette smokers on our planet.

Our brilliant friend and colleague, Freddy Jacquin has been treating
people hypnotically to quit smoking for many years with an amazing
track record. This email is about his approach.

Would be quitters typically hold three beliefs:

1. I can’t quit (I’ve tried everything!)

2. I am addicted to nicotine...

3. Smoking is doing something for me…

He points out that if these three beliefs are destroyed, the person can
quit forever.

If the beliefs are left intact, then the subject will start again.
This is astonishing, because there’s probably not a smoker in the world
who doesn’t know it’s bad for their health. In fact, statistically, most
smokers are unhappy with their habit and would like to be free of the

It’s an odd thing, but having worked with lots of smokers who apparently
wanted to get off cigarettes, we’ve observed the following nugget of
wisdom: Smokers are looking for a way of quitting…

...without quitting!

It’s as though smokers are looking for a method or technique that will quit
for them.

In fact, although hypnosis can help a person get off cigarettes for good,
here’s the key ingredient:

The desire to change has to come from within the subject; otherwise it’s
not going to work. People who attempt to quit for a spouse or some other
person are not usually at threshold.

Threshold is when you can congruently say:

• Something HAS to change!

• It HAS to be NOW!

• It HAS to be ME!

If you’re at that point, then change is certain.

Freddy Jacquin outlines his method in detail within his latest book



This book is easy to buy on Amazon (Kindle or paperback), or Audible

(audio book) and we highly recommend it.

We've also got https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPg-kGBAct0 showing

Freddy and his son Anthony in action during their Toronto appearance.
On the 10th day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

(It's almost stuck in your head now ...)

Ten Books-a-Reading

Nine Smokers Quitting

Eight pods-a-casting

Seven swans-a-signalling

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

For the beginning hypnotist, resources abound! In fact, the field of

hypnotism is undergoing its greatest growth worldwide, since the 1880s.
There are great online training academies for both hypnosis and NLP,
and tons of videos on YouTube; some excellent...some not so good.

A hypnosis student can also learn from various hypnosis meet-up

groups, or hang out with fellow hypnotists on Facebook. In hypnosis, as in
any field of endeavour, practice makes perfect. And let’s not forget the
Brain Software podcast.

You’ll find well over 100 episodes dealing with hypnosis, NLP, and personal
development. Of course, you can also jump right in with some street
hypnosis, or get certified as a hypnotherapist and spend your time
helping people.

But let’s talk old school for a moment. One of the very best ways to learn
about hypnosis and hypnotherapy is through old-fashioned books.
Now I know that there are digital versions of many classics, but to our
minds, nothing beats the kinesthetic enjoyment of an actual book.

And one of the best ways to assimilate all that cool information is by
highlighting your book. Then a second or third pass through can give you
all the review you need when you study your own interesting highlights
and underlined passages.

When learning the art and science of hypnosis believe it’s best to cover a
broad-base when learning about scientific hypnotism.

To that end, we’re offering a list of some of the best hypnosis books in
existence. You might have your own list, but each one of these is a gem,
and well worth having in your hypnotic library.


It can be either a jump-start to your learning, or excellent review for the

experienced hypnotist.
On the 11th day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

(It's definitely stuck in your head now ...)

Eleven presuppositions

Ten Books-a-Reading

Nine Smokers Quitting

Eight pods-a-casting

Seven swans-a-signalling

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Presuppositions...what the heck do they have to do with hypnosis?


Because when you understand presuppositions, all your hypnosis work

will become easier...and note the presupposition in that statement.

Presuppositions develop a lot of power by being largely unevaluated.

They sort of sneak into the deep mind without the conscious mind
challenging them.

Presuppositions pre-suppose. They imply that something’s going to

happen if certain other things happen or certain beliefs are held, or if
you’re connected to certain people, etc.

Here is a hypnotic example:

And you’ll only come out of trance when you’ve made all those wonderful

Note the presupposed content:

• You will come out of trance

• You will make the changes

• The changes will be wonderful

Presuppositions are useful in formal hypnosis or everyday conversation.

Here are some more examples for you. See if you can notice the

1. As you go deeper into trance, your conscious mind will fade away...

2. When you reach sufficient depth of trance, your head will nod…

3. After you do your laundry, Johnny, I'll help you with that school
project you mentioned.

4. When you have installed the new programs…you will come back to

5. You’ll solve this easily...because the right kind of people always


6. When this burn heals completely, you’ll have a new respect for your
body’s ability to heal anything…

7. When your brain decides you’ve had enough insomnia, you will
sleep through the night again…

8. Once you upgrade your Subaru to a Tesla, you'll never have to buy
gasoline again!

9. Your happiness will return as soon as your relationship quickly

10. You’ll never find that negative thought again, no matter how hard
you look for it…

11. Your unconscious can find the empowering programs hidden

within you…

Experiment with presuppositions. When you do, you’ll find a wealth of

new abilities and resources...Happy Holidays from the MMH Family!
On the 12th day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

(Sing it with me ...)

Twelve Lawn Trees Blooming

Eleven presuppositions

Ten books-a-reading

Nine smokers quitting

Eight pods-a-casting

Seven swans-a-signalling

Six words-a-linking

Five Golden Rules ...

Four power words

Three clenched hands

Two double binds

and the agree and repeat strategy.

Today is the big finale!

It’s Day 12 of our glannatively enjoyable email series designed to make

your life even better.

If you read the theme of today, “12 Lawn Trees Blooming”, you’re in one of
two possible camps.

Either you’re wondering “What the heck is a lawn tree blooming?”

Or … you’re laughing hysterically because YOU GET IT.

Let me explain: If you have not been listening to the Brain Software
podcast, you need to know that we often invent our own commercial
breaks. We do this purely for our own amusement, but sometimes they
become something special.

The latest fake commercial break series has been called “When the lawn
tree blooms”. The main characters are a man and woman, often recently
married, and they are making some sort of big change in their lives.

At the start of the story we always introduce some sort of tree on the
front lawn. The lawn tree is usually wilted, dry, and otherwise uncared for.

During the story, something always goes horribly wrong for the man. We
admit that, usually, there is testicular trauma built into the story.

Remember - I said we do this for our own amusement. I wasn’t kidding.

We’re both about 5 years old on the inside.

Anway, the man goes through surgery, the man heals, and then
miraculously, as if by some mysterious force for good, the lawn tree

Say it with me folks …

“Because everything changes when the lawn tree blooms”

This stupid line has become a metaphor that we draw on repeatedly.

And so as we move at lightning speed towards the year 2020, I want to

ask you to think about what 12 lawn trees in your life will begin to bloom.

Perhaps consider these twelve categories

1. What “lawn tree” needs watering in your personal health?

2. What new skill would you like to learn?

3. What new relationship will you build?

4. What old relationship, that’s not serving you anymore, might you

end? (Remember this could be any kind of relationship at all that’s

holding you back!)

5. What new activity can you begin to enjoy?

6. What old behaviour, that is unhelpful, will you leave behind?

7. Who can you learn from in 2020?

8. Who have you been influenced by in the past, where that influence

is no longer welcome?

9. What new financial plans must you put into action this year?

10. What old financial behaviours must you eliminate to secure your


11. How can you earn an extra income doing something FUN?

12. Who can you help in a way that also makes you feel great about


Because EVERYTHING Changes when the Lawn Tree Blooms

On the 13th day of Christmas MMH sent to me ...

13 Warrington Reversals

Scare ya? Think we were going to keep this going past the twelve days?

Scare ya? Think we weren’t…?

Okay, so it’s only one (1) Warrington Reversal, not 13. And we've added it
purely for our own amusement, as per usual.

Why? Because we can.

Chris is young and healthy and has a family. But he’s largely

Mike is a senior citizen whose parents are dead and is essentially

accountable to no human being. He doesn’t get yelled at or go to
summer school, or have to stand in the corner anymore.

So what’s the Warrington Reversal?

It comes from an old friend by the name of Ken Warrington who hung
around with Mike in the 1980s.

Back then, Mike was doing some early experimenting with strange
humour and saying “Scare ya?” all the time, and always in weird contexts.

Here are some examples:

Mike coughs loudly in a friend’s direction and says “Scare ya? Think I had
bubonic plague?”


Tossing a small pack of sugar at a friend and yelling “Scare ya? Did you
think it was a hand-grenade?” which of course was a ludicrous question
to ask while enjoying a quiet meal in a fancy restaurant.

But Ken Warrington took it further by reversing the comment…

Once when caught stirring someone else’s coffee he said “Scare ya?
Think I was trying to poison you?”

Then he added in quiet and conspiratorial tones: “Scare ya? Think I


The response was generally hilarious and enjoyed by all. Of course we

know that this entire email is ridiculous, but that’s how we live our lives;
swimming in a sea of context-free humour, like you’ll find in our brilliantly
stupid https://mikemandelhypnosis.com/category/podcast/. It’s also
chock full of hypnosis, NLP and self-improvement tips, but we’ll tell you
more about that in tomorrow’s 14th Day of Christmas email.

Scare ya? Think we were still keeping the stupid 12 Days song going?

Scare ya? Think we weren’t…?

Become a world class hypnotist. Join the Mike Mandel Hypnosis


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