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SummaryLine 1

HP 20/20 Perception +4 Hero Points 0
AC 18. For +7 Ref +4 Will +7


Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 14

Acrobatics +6 Diplomacy +5 Intimidation +5 Medicine +4

Religion +4 Dahak Lore +4

Focus Spells +5 15 Pool 1/1

(R) Resist Elf Magic
*attempt save vs. magical effect but haven’t rolled: gain +1
circumstance bonus to that saving throw; if triggering effect is
arcane, you gain +2 instead

(AA) Power Attack

melee Strike; this counts as 2 attacks re: multiple attack penalty;
if this Strike hits, deal an extra die of weapon damage; at level 10,
2 extra dice, 18, 3
(1) Orc Sight
see in darkness as if bright, but in black/white only

(B) Student of the Canon

Use Religion: Decipher Writing, CF —> F; Recall Knowledge
(Sarenrae): F —> S, S —> CS

(1) Shield Block see ep. ability


Half-Orc 8 HP, med, 25’, boosts (Con, Str), Traits (Orc, Human,
Humanoid), Heritage (Half-Orc)

Half-Orc Heritage
has green tinge to skin and other indicators of orc heritage; gain
orc trait, low-light vision; access orc, half-orc, and human ancestry

Low-Light Vision
see in dim light as if bright, so ignoring the concealed condition

Haunting Vision (+Wis +Cha); + Religion, Dahak Lore; Student
of the Canon skill feat

Age 17; Height 6’; Weight 188 lbs
Languages Taldane, Kelish

born Gozran 2nd, 4702 in Ostenso, Cheliax

PP - GP 1 SP 7 CP 9 Bulk 4.5/8

Scimitar 1, Dagger .1, Sheathes 1.1

STATISTICS: U +0, T +2, E +4, M +6, L +8
ACTIONS & REACTIONS: R Reaction, A Action, * Trigger
FEATS: Ancestry, Class, General


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