1-Deflection: For All Edge Beam

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1- Deflection

Assuming the Building is 3 x 3 bays

And columns are 400 x 400mm

H is the largest of:

Corner, edge panels: Ln = 7.5 – 0.4 = 7.1  H = 7100/30 = 235mm

Interior panels: Ln = 5 – 0.4 = 4.6  H=4600/30 = 153

235 controls and using H = 250mm for the design

2- Flexure

α f for all edge beam:

Width of slab = 7.5/2 + 0.2 = 3.95 m

Is = (3950 x 250^3)/12 = 5.14 x 10^9 mm 4

K = 1.5 (edge beam)

Ib = 1.5 x (300 x 600^3/12) = 8.1 x 10^9 mm 4

α f = 8.1 / 1.76 = 4.6

C1 = (1 – 0.63 x 300/600) x 300^3 x 600/3 + (1 – 0.63 x 250/350) x 250^3 x 350/3 = 4.7 x 10^9 mm3

C2 = (1 – 0.63 x 300/350) x 300^3 x 350/3 + (1 – 0.63 x 250/650) x 250^3 x 650/3 = 4 x 10^9 mm3

C1 controls and will be used for all edge beams

As,min = 0.0018 x 1000 x 250 = 450 mm 2

Max Spacing between bars = 2h = 2 x 250 = 500 mm > 300 using 300 mm

DNS = 250 - 35 = 215 mm

DEW = 250 – 25 = 225 mm

Design for Exterior Strip

Is = (3950 x 250^3)/12 = 5.14 x 10^9 mm 4

l2 = 7.5/2 + 0.2 = 3.95 m

Wt for the slab = 0.25 x 24 = 6 kN/m2

qu = 1.2 x (6 + 3.5) + 1.6 x (14.5) = 34.6 kN/m2

M0, 7.5 = 34.6 x 3.95 x 7.12 / 8 = 861 kN.m

M0, 5 = 34.6 x 3.95 x 4.12 / 8 = 361 kN.m

End span (7.5 m)

Width of CS = 7.5/4 + 0.2 = 2.075m

l 2 /l 1 = 3.95 / 7.5 = 0.53

α f 1 l 2 /l 1 = 4.6 x 0.53 = 2.44 (beam takes 85% of column strip moment)

β t = 4.26 / (2 x 5.14) = 0.41

Portion of Exterior -ve moment to CS = 99%

Portion of +ve moment to CS = 89%

Portion of Interior -ve moment to CS = 89%

Ext. -ve M = 0.30 x 861.0 = 258  MCS = 0.15 x 0.98 x 258 = 38  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.98 x 258 = 215
 MMS = 0.02 x 258 = 5 kN.m

+ve M = 0.50 x 861 = 430  MCS = 0.15 x 0.89 x 430 = 57  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.89 x 430 = 326 
MMS = 0.11 x 430 = 47 kN.m

Int. -ve M = 0.70 x 861 = 603  MCS = 0.15 x 0.89 x 603 = 81  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.89 x 603 = 457
 MMS = 0.11 x 603 = 66 kN.m

Interior Span (5m)

Width of CS = 5/4 + 0.2 = 1.45m

l 2 /l 1 = 3.95 / 5 = 0.79

α f 1 l 2 /l 1 = 4.6 x 0.79 = 3.63 (beam takes 85% of column strip moment)

Portion of +ve moment to CS = 81%

Portion of Interior -ve moment to CS = 81%

+ve M = 0.35 x 361 = 126  MCS = 0.15 x 0.81 x 126 = 15  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.81 x 126 = 87 
MMS = 0.19 x 126 = 24 kN.m

Int. -ve M = 0.65 x 361 = 235  MCS = 0.15 x 0.81 x 235 = 29  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.81 x 235 = 162
 MMS = 0.19 x 235 = 45 kN.m

Design for interior strips

Is = (6250 x 175^3)/12 = 2.8 x 10^9 mm4

l2 = 7.5/2 + 5/2 = 6.25 m

Wt for the slab = 0.25 x 24 = 6 kN/m2

qu = 1.2 x (6+3.5) + 1.6 x (14.5) = 34.6 kN/m2

M0, 7.5 = 34.6 x 6.25 x 7.12 / 8 = 1363 kN.m

M0, 5 = 34.6 x 6.25 x 4.62 / 8 = 572 kN.m

End Span (7.5m)

Width of CS = 7.5/4 + 5/4 = 3.125m

l 2 /l 1 = 6.25 / 7.5 = 0.83

α f 1 l 2 /l 1 = 4.6 x 0.83 = 3.8 (beam takes 85% of column strip moment)

β t = 4.26 / (2 x 2.8) = 0.76

Portion of Exterior -ve moment to CS = 94%

Portion of +ve moment to CS = 80%

Portion of Interior -ve moment to CS = 80%

Ext. -ve M = 0.30 x 1363.0 = 409  MCS = 0.15 x 0.94 x 409 = 58  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.94 x 409 =
327  MMS = 0.06 x 409 = 25 kN.m

+ve M = 0.50 x 1363 = 682  MCS = 0.15 x 0.80 x 682 = 82  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.80 x 682 = 464 
MMS = 0.2 x 682 = 136 kN.m
Int. -ve M = 0.70 x 1363 = 954  MCS = 0.15 x 0.80 x 954 = 115  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.80 x 954 =
650  MMS = 0.2 x 954 = 190 kN.m

Interior Span (5m):

l 2 /l 1 = 6.25 / 5 = 1.25

α f 1 l 2 /l 1 = 4.6 x 1.25 = 5.75

Width of CS = 5/2 = 2.5m

Portion of +ve moment to CS = 68%

Portion of Interior -ve moment to CS = 68%

+ve M = 0.35 x 572 = 200  MCS = 0.15 x 0.68 x 200 = 20  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.68 x 200 = 116 
MMS = 0.32 x 200 = 64 kN.m

Int. -ve M = 0.65 x 572 = 372  MCS = 0.15 x 0.68 x 372 = 38  Beam M = 0.85 x 0.68 x 372 = 215
 MMS = 0.32 x 372 = 119 kN.m

Summer of Reinforcement

N-S Edge Strip Mu b d R Rho As/m Spacing

End Span
Exterior -ve MCS 38 2075 215 0.44 0.0009 450 275
Positive MCS 57 2075 215 0.66 0.0013 450 275
Interior -ve MCS 81 2075 215 0.94 0.0018 450 275
Exterior -ve MMS 5 2075 215 0.06 0.0001 450 275
Positive MMS 47 2075 215 0.54 0.0011 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 66 2075 215 0.76 0.0015 450 275
Interior Span
Interior -ve MCS 29 1450 215 0.48 0.0009 450 275
Positive MCS 15 1450 215 0.25 0.0005 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 45 1450 215 0.75 0.0015 450 275
Positive MMS 24 1450 215 0.4 0.0008 450 275
N-S Interior Strip Mu b d R Rho As/m Spacing
End Span
Exterior -ve MCS 58 3125 215 0.45 0.0009 450 275
Positive MCS 82 3125 215 0.63 0.0012 450 275
Interior -ve MCS 115 3125 215 0.88 0.0017 450 275
Exterior -ve MMS 25 3125 215 0.19 0.0004 450 275
Positive MMS 136 3125 215 1.05 0.0021 451.5 275
Interior -ve MMS 190 3125 215 1.46 0.0029 623.5 200
Interior Span
Interior -ve MCS 38 2500 215 0.37 0.0007 450 275
Positive MCS 20 2500 215 0.19 0.0004 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 119 2500 215 1.14 0.0022 473 275
Positive MMS 64 2500 215 0.62 0.0012 450 275

E-W Edge Strip Mu b d R Rho As/m Spacing

End Span
Exterior -ve MCS 38 2075 225 0.4 0.0008 450 275
Positive MCS 57 2075 225 0.6 0.0012 450 275
Interior -ve MCS 81 2075 225 0.86 0.0017 450 275
Exterior -ve MMS 5 2075 225 0.05 0.0001 450 275
Positive MMS 47 2075 225 0.5 0.001 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 66 2075 225 0.7 0.0014 450 275
Interior Span
Interior -ve MCS 29 1450 225 0.44 0.0009 450 275
Positive MCS 15 1450 225 0.23 0.0004 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 45 1450 225 0.68 0.0013 450 275
Positive MMS 24 1450 225 0.36 0.0007 450 275

E-W Interior Strip Mu b d R Rho As/m Spacing

End Span
Exterior -ve MCS 58 3125 225 0.41 0.0008 450 275
Positive MCS 82 3125 225 0.58 0.0011 450 275
Interior -ve MCS 115 3125 225 0.81 0.0016 450 275
Exterior -ve MMS 25 3125 225 0.18 0.0003 450 275
Positive MMS 136 3125 225 0.96 0.0019 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 190 3125 225 1.33 0.0026 585 200
Interior Span
Interior -ve MCS 38 2500 225 0.33 0.0006 450 275
Positive MCS 20 2500 225 0.18 0.0003 450 275
Interior -ve MMS 119 2500 225 1.04 0.002 450 275
Positive MMS 64 2500 225 0.56 0.0011 450 275
7.5m Span Mu b d R Rho As Bars
Exterior -ve 327 300 535 4.23 0.009 1445 2 No.32
Positive 464 300 535 6 0.0135 2167 3 No.32
Interior -ve 650 300 535 8.41 0.021 3371 6 No. 29 in two layers
5m Span Beams
Positive 116 300 535 1.5 0.003 482 3 No.16
Interior -ve 215 300 535 2.78 0.0057 915 5 No.16

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