Case Study+1

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ISSC351 - Week 7

Your Name: Brian Page

Fill in your name above, put your answer below each question, and then return this
document for grading following the instructions in the syllabus. Use examples from the
readings, or from your own research, to support answers.

Your spouse works at a middle school and reports rumors of a teacher, Zane Wilkins,
molesting some students and taking illicit pictures of them. Zane allegedly viewed these
pictures in his office. Your spouse wants you to take a disk image of Zane’s computer
and find out whether the rumors are true. Write a report outlining how you would tell
your spouse and school administrators to proceed. Also, explain why walking into Zane’s
office to acquire a disk image wouldn’t preserve the integrity of the evidence.

“The fourth amendment states that only warrants “particularly describing the place to be
searched, and the persons or things to be seized” cam be issued.”(Easttom. 2014) Zane
Wilkins has the right to due process and is protected under the fourth amendment.
Searching his computer, even if it is the property of the school, is a violation of his fourth
amendment rights as no warrant has been issued for the search and seizure of his work
computer. If the school has policies in place that inform the suspect of consent to
monitoring, then the school can hire a forensic investigator to monitor his workstation for
illegal or criminal activity. If the school does not have a policy in place, I would suggest
to my spouse and the school administrators that they implement a policy that enforces a
monitoring policy.

Being that my spouse works at the school the suspect also works at, it could be construed
as a conflict of interest if I conducted an investigation. Being that no warrant was
authorized, the schools attorney was not contacted and there is not knowledge that a
monitoring policy is implemented at the school, the integrity of the evidence would be
jeopardized in an off the books investigation was conducted by me. If an investigation
was conducted, the evidence most certainly would be compromised due to the violation
of the suspect’s rights.

References Cited

Easttom, C. (2014). System forensics, investigation, and response (2nd ed.). Burlington,

MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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