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B University of Missouri Mizzou Owned and Operated Apartment Contract 2020-2021 stupenr.__ S2eeda, Miguel student 10;__ 14548998 Test name, Fst name) Contract Term (Date to Date): July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 This contract is made and entered into by and between The Curators of the University of Missouri, on behalf of the University of Missouri-Columbia, hereinafter referred to as “the University” or "MU", and the person identified above, hereinafter referred to as the "Student. This contract is for the time period indicated above, hereinafter referred to as the “Contract Term’. Housing fees are determined annually and adopted by the University’s Board of Curators prior to the beginning of the Contract Term. The University reserves the right to modify by increasing or decreasing the fees charged for attendance and other services at the University, including but not limited to educational fees, at any time when in the discretion of the governing board the same is in the best interest of the University, provided that no increases can o will be effective unless approved by the Board of Curators not less than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the Contract Term to which the fees are applicable, with all modifications of fees to be effective irrespective as to whether fees have or have not been paid by or on behalf of a student prior to the effective date of the modification. With this Contract, MU offers to the Student a space in Mizzou-owned Apartments for the above referenced Contract Term. When the contract is received by MU, a legally binding contract between the Student and MU is established. The University makes no guarantee that it will be able to assign the student to any particular space. Student may cancel this contract during the Contract Term only for academic reasons (see section labeled Cancellation and Termination). itis understood that the Student must be enrolled at MU during the term of this Contract or be enrolled in the preceding (Spring) and subsequent (Fall) academic terms. Termination of this Contract for any reason whatsoever will not relieve Student from liability for payment of all sums, including any charges for damages. ‘The Student and MU hereby agree to all the terms, conditions and provisions set out as part of this Contract and in other documents which are incorporated by reference into this Contract. These documents include the Residential Life Policies and Procedures, Terms Controlling Use and Rights of Occupancy, Roommate Agreements) and the Policies and Procedures of MU which are now, or are hereinafter, in effect. University Agreement: MU agrees to provide the Student a space. These services are provided under the terms and conditions herein and as described in official MU communications. Alterations of this Contract are not recognized by MU. MU will not discriminate in assignment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, and any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. MU reserves the right to assign roommate(s) and/or to consolidate vacancies by requiring students to move from one accommodation to another when deemed appropriate by MU. MU does not purchase property insurance covering any loss of, or damage to, the Student's personal property, and MU assumes no responsibilty for the payment of any such loss. Students are encouraged to obtain individual personal property insurance. MU reserves the right and privilege to: (2) change the assignment and require the Student to move to different accommodations when MU deems it expedient, in which event the Student's account will be credited or charged with any difference in charges; (c) take over and use the assigned space in event of public emergency; (d) in the event that the assigned space is destroyed or otherwise made unavailable and MU does not furnish another space , the Contract shall terminate and all rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall cease and the right of MU and the Student to payments previously made by the Student shall be prorated on the basis of the period for which housing was made available to the Student; (e) change the rate during the Contract Term if changes in economic conditions make it necessary; and (f) inspect the space(s) at any reasonable time and, if there is reason to believe that the Student has violated MU regulations, to inspect the Student's possessions. Student Agreement: The Student agrees to honor this Contract FOR THE ENTIRE CONTRACT TERM and make payment of all charges regularly fixed for the assigned space. The Student agrees that failure to satisfy the financial obligations accrued under this Contract may result in denial of issuance of grade transcripts and/or permission to re-enroll, pursuant to MU Policies and Procedures governing the Imposition of these sanctions. ‘The Student agrees to reimburse MU for all damage to the structure in which the Student is housed and all damage to, or loss of, any MU fixtures, furnishings, or personal property furnished under this. Contract caused by the acts or negligence of the Student and/or their guest(s). If MU has assigned roommate(s) to the apartment, Student shall be jointly and severally liable with such roommate(s) for any and all damages and losses hereunder. ‘The Student agrees to comply with all Terms Controlling Use and Rights of Occupancy, Policies and Procedures of MU and Residential Life, which are now, or are hereafter, in effect. ‘The Student agrees to assume and bear the risk of loss with regard to all personal property which is kept or maintained in the university apartment and/or other areas. Students are encouraged to obtain individual personal property insurance. ‘The Student agrees that this Contract is FOR THE ENTIRE CONTRACT TERM. The Student agrees this Contract cannot be canceled either before or during the Contract Term except under the terms set forth in the Cancellation and Termination sections of this Contract. ‘The Student agrees that the assigned space cannot be reassigned by the Student to another student. Itis understood that the Student must be enrolled at the University at all times during the term of this Contract or be enrolled in the preceding (Spring) and subsequent (Fall) academic terms. Student must vacate within 7 days after the date of graduation, withdrawal from the University or after cessation of eligibility for occupancy. Failure to vacate after Student ceases to be eligible will result in disciplinary action including but not limited to eviction, Prior to and no later than 120 days before the end of the Contract Term, Student will receive a notice about renewing a space for the subsequent Contract Term. f Student desires to reserve a space for the subsequent contract term, Student shall submit written intent to remain in the assigned space by deadline provided in original notification. Failure to renew by deadline provided in original notification will indicate student's intent to vacate at the end of the Contract Term. TES GPT The University makes no guarantee about availabilty for the following contract term, and reserves the right not to assign a space to the Student for any reason, including availability or Student's failure to adhere to conditions herein stated, or no reason at all. CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION 1. Contract Cancellation by Student: If contract is received by MU and student later becomes ineligible for housing and prior to the official tart of the contract term student must send written request to the Residential Life Office oftheir ineligibility and desire to cancel. Students failure to notify Residential Life oftheir ineligibility does not absolve student of their contract and cancellation terms. 2. Contract Cancellation with Payment Option: This Contract does not permit Student to exercise the Contract cancellation with payment option described in this paragraph during the academic year, except for students requesting to move based upon academic program completion needs and approved by the Department of Residential Life. Supporting documentation from department will be required. Under the Contract Cancellation with Payment Option, the Students eligible under the foregoing sentence may cancel this contract, provided the cancellation is made simultaneously with 2 cash payment equal to all outstanding rents fees and charges, incurred through date ofthe cancellation, plus forty percent (40%) of the remainder of the future rents, fees, and charges payable through the original Contract Term ("Cash Payment Amount"). 3. Contract Cancellation without Payment: This Contract may be canceled by the Student without payment of the Cash Payment Amount ONLY for the following reasons: graduation and/or withdrawal from MU. Student must provide notification in writing to Residential Life at least 60 days prior to cessation of eligibility. ‘Student Maintains Occupancy Past End of Contract: If Student maintains occupancy of the assigned apartment past the date of termination, Student shall pay an additional charge of $100 for failure to follow proper check out procedures and Is responsible to the University and/or prospective residents for damages incurred, including but not limited to lost rentals, lodging expenses and reasonable attorney fees, and shall from the date of failure to vacate pay an additional charge equal to 200% of monthly charges under the Contract. University shall have the right to remove Student's possessions from the premises; store same in a reasonable place at Student's expense; and remove Student from the premises. Contract Termination by MU due to Breach by Student: A Student's withdrawal (or suspension or dismissal) from MU for any reason, or a violation of the Policies and Procedures of MU, or of the space in which the Student is a resident, or other conduct on the part of the Student deemed to require the removal of the Student from the space for the best interest of the other residents, or Student's failure to follow any of the terms of this Contract shall constitute a breach by the Student and shall be grounds for the termination of the Contract at the election of MU. In case of such a termination, MU will deliver a written notice of termination to the Student by email, mail, personal delivery or by leaving the notice at the student's space, stating the hour and date the termination takes effect. The student will be charged for all sums due to MU under the terms of the Contract prior to the date of termination and in addition ‘at MU's election, the Student will be charged the Cash Payment Amount. The Curators of the University of Missouri By: Tyler Page Director, Residential Life My signature acknowledges that I have read, understand and agree to be legally bound by the terms of the Contract provided to me by the University of Missouri: Ax 23 Lt (40, af (Signature of student) Date:

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