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TheCavertonian I toristronre caine | pxsorniy ter rm Cad On behalfafthe Editorial Team, we aedelighted to presentthe Februsry Ealtion ofourchershed Newsletter ‘This ection’ packed full with interesting Articles for your reading delight ranging from the courtesy visit ofthe Chairman COSG tothe Engineering Unit of Caverton Helicopters From the Port Harcourt Operations, we feature the February Base visit to CHL NAF dase and Shell Ay the MD and otherTop Management taf From the Safety Unit we bing youyet anether captivating ead tom the'Sa‘ety Punch article as wellas'Learming from neidens. BL tor Eee] Update tom the Training department on recent Training with NCAT is also featured inthis edition while from SPDC, we have a briefon the Safety Leadership workshoprecently conducied for CHL Wanagement Stat ‘caverton receives award from the Chevron Contractor Line Management Safety Forum, with the Theme ‘Strengthening Safeguards through a LeamingCullure: These and lots more foryourreading delight Feel reetocontact us via ouremail-feedbackeavertonianieaverton-ofshore com WELCOME ABOARD ANDHAPPYREADING!t CHAIRMAN COSG VISIT TO CAVERTON HELICOPTERS me es ee (On Thursday. 215t February 2020, the Chaltman DESC EE 2cP2riment of Caverion Helicopters, The MO, Caverton Hel Staffaccempanied the Chaimanduring the st CT Ol Niele He was received by the Base Maintenance Manager (BMM), Engr Paul Naude, Deputy Maintenance Manager, Engr BITS eB clubode Adowou and otner Senior Teehn eal Saif alongside a goed number of Engineering Personnel who were on PSST cuiycuringthe vis, .COSC. Mr_Aderemi Makanjuola made a courtesy alto the Engineering ters Mr Rotimi Makanjuola and other Top Management Mr. Adorom) Makanjuola used the opportunity te thank the Engineering Unit fr the high level of Safety Consciousness inthe discharge of their duties, He commended the staff members for thei diligence and hard work. He encouraged the Engineering Team to ensure that standards and best practices were rnaintamed 3 alltime, neting that the newly built MRO facility willereate morejob opportunities and career progression fo” the Tearn, The Engineering department expressed appreciation tothe Chairman COSC, MO and other Management Staffforthe visit MD’S BASE VISIT TO NAF BASE AND PHSIA ‘On Monday, February 17, 2020, the MD of Caverton Helicopters. Mr. Retin! Makanjuola in company of Top Management Statf carried out 2 Base Inspection \ist to CHL NAF Base and Sheil LA, where they were received by the Management Teamofboth bases ‘The vist aforcied the MD an oppartunity te have an interactive session with Staff both bases The MD expressed his appreciat and Staff of Shell LA and NAF Manageme Base for their commitment and dedication ta duties He took out time to narrate the present challenges being faced by CHL, andl assured staf that all ssues wil be adresse. by Management, he also assured staff of Managements commitment to Staff Training and evelopment within and outside Nigeria stating that majortyofstaffare beneficiaries already, ISE Committee members were inaugurated into office by the MD, with presentation of letters to selected sta from NAF Base and ShelllAPortHarcourtrespectively, Why you should report safety concerns (Part 1) Hicavertonians, It’s s0 glad being able to connect with you all ence again. We are: Already into 2020, and for most of us with lofty goals for the year. i's abouttimewe tock ourselves seriously and hitthe ground running, Today, 'd like us to consider an essential issue regarding safety reporting carefully While this may not be strange to most of us. we ‘expect that when you are through reading, you will be inspired to participate more actively in the organization's safety dive. of which safety reporting forms. cardinalbedrock. Not too long ago, we received a verbal complaint regarding the likelihood of someone getting injured when entering into our Ikeja aircraft hangar because ofthe way the entrance doors designed. The ‘complainant even went further to suggest what can be done to prevent an accupational incident fram happening, | was particularly glad receiving this feedback because it shows how alert we are to spotting a common workalace hazard. However. when | informed him of the need also torepert what he has: seen in PRISM, he answered affirmatively. Doubtless, that never happenedt The event | just described is not an isolated case. Time and again, relating with colleagues, we had witnessed similar responses when personnel | told to lodge safety concerns in PRISM. The reasons adduced for not wanting to submit safety concerns formally ae as varied as the numbers of staff that were asked! A few of responses received are 2¢ follow."I don't want to be seen as reporting anyone's" cdo not have PRISM log-in details: “others should have seen it and reported it" have seen people come uncier fre by the superior for reporting events ‘my manager/superisor as requested we get Clearance fst from him before putting incicients/concerns in PRISM and we can go en and on. Although these reasons lack fact and ‘material evidence. it has become “gospel truth” in people's minds, ‘making some staffnot amenable to change. Nonetheless, f personnel ate well Informed about the benefits of safely reports, we positive that the desired paradigm change will ‘occur Below are some of the benefits of formally reporting safety Report incidents (minor ones especially) helps prevent serious incidents fromhappening When hazards are identifed and promptly reported. you are not only a conscientious staff you are also helping to prevent serious events from happening, whieh may result in massive property damage, injury to persons. or in a far worse scenario, fatality By giving ‘public visibility’ to your observations through PRISM or Safety cards you will be changing a whole lotthanyau can imagine, ‘More Reports meanmore data te analyse: ‘Aviator neicients or accidents are rate, But when they deceur. it may cont Safety Pune sometimes be fatal Hence, mest airlines especially those with good safety records eles heavily on a proactive and predictive approach to safety Thus. they harvest and crunch extensive peo! safety data, which they analyze ticientify significant patterns and trends. This way. they can identity weaknesses and strengthen safety barriers well ahead of time. When you resolve to file every safety concerns you notice, you will be positively contributing othisimportantdrve We shalltouch on other reasons fr fling safety reportin our next publication Please be on the lookout Here sa parting piece Always ensure that the Golden Rule guides your conduct a all times Comply. Report Intervene. Learn and Share (CRILS) Remain Safe, PON ets tel E ble ey Focus: WhatHappened TRIP gy wwrrmererrmeaen Apersonnel was descending the metal starsat the new hangar ater workon the 10th of nary [ALL STAFFS 2020, and he misjudged the last two steps. He tripped and fell face down. Using his hands to “support his body, one of hs fingers an the right hand got fractured. First Alc was aclministered! by the DFA on site. When the pain persisted he went to the hospital for treatment and the x-ray in the HANGAR. revealed thathisrightfithfingerwas fractured, He had 2 POP on therighthand Whyithappened + Hemisiudged the lasttwo stepsofthe metal stairs He did not pay much attention while descending the stats Heid notuse the hand rallsassupport Lessons learned + Use thehandrallalwayswhile going up andl down themetalstalrcase Maintaina3-point contact, + Payattentiontoyourstepsasyougo sureone ofyourhandsare fee te hold the hana Maintaina fem grip ofyourfeoton the stairsincase of anyliquic on it Recommendations + Handrailsshould always}be used when ascendingordescending stairs Be veryattentive when using the stairs CHL SAFETY PERSONNEL UNDERGOES ‘TRAINING INSTRUCTOR COURSE’ TIC @ DTU ke eal ko COU mia Reta a ay Ui) bean ICAO Certified Instructor for SMS related courses, CHL places premium on Personnel development, enhancing personnel skilland training and the showofcornmitmentte Safety always, As part Staff evelopment initiative, Caverton sponsored one of her Safety Personnel on 2 Training Instructor Course (TIC 142) at the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology NCAT) Zaria, ‘The course framework is designed to stanclardize and complement the training skil that has been acquired by Personnel over the years. ‘The course is divided inte two Phases (units) basic eLearning course for Instructional Competency Certificate and Classroom Base Training atNCATZaria ‘The course is oriented towards mastering the requisite knowledge, skill and attitude recjuired to becerning a certified ICAO instructor it also employs effective techniques and communication tools for ‘Aviation training, which gives the participant the necessary skis to CHEVRON CONTRACT LINE MANAGEMENT SAFETY FORUM AWARDS CAVERTON Chevron Nigeria Limited recently organised the Chevron Contractor Line Management Safety Forum, with the Theme Strengthening Safeguards Peete eee ie Sean eae cae ne eae ee oe ae eee eee eee eater one ee eee ent eo eee ee learning and improving effectiveness of Safeguards Contractor share and Contractor recognition by the Chairman and MD of Chevron Nigeria rcert Theme: Observing and Engaging Differently (changing culture, Behaviours and Safety Performance) ‘The Shell Petroleum and Development Company (SPDC) Nigera, had a Safety Leadership Workshop for Management of Caverton Helicopter the Theme Observing and Engaging Differently ‘The workshop was designed to improve on overall Culture change within the Organization az wel as improving Per chaviour achieving ahigh level of safety Performance ‘Tae session had a field exercise with the Engineering Team at the Ikeja Hangar. where partiipants wore trained on engaging with staff in a more productive manner by observing things differenti, having a better understanding of how we can impact positvely on our colleagues and ubordinates and paying attention to details by getting involved in what's going on atound us We also need to be actively involved at al times by being inthe feid (rontine) to observe things frst handland proffer solutions wherewhen necessary Final, we snould be a role model or leaders who are accountable tous a well a others down the line by building deeper re'ationships and mutual ccormmitment this ean be achieved by coaching our Team members to observe ditferenty, recognize hazards and riske, breathing ife nto e=tablished core safety process and programms Tool box meetings. PUW.MoC ete) tt] UN Ai aE We hope you have a wonderful day and that the year ahead is filled with much love, many wonderful surprises and gives yall Peet areata eset rte earner ne Tn ee et ee or ec ern teen Longe Paul arate pon eens Fee Se Or Soy

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