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Gaiman combines Mythological and modern worlds in these effective

and successful comics for the readers to analyze and think deeply
about inspiration. Stolen inspiration, dream imprisoned the inspration

The Sandman Dream Country starts with the story called Calliope,
and this story make the readers to dive into the concept of dreams.
At the beginnings of the comic book, the story is seemed more about
inspirations than dreams, yet the whole tale intersects perfectly in
the context of ambition, inspiration, and dream with the help of
mythology, legends, historical figures. When we examine the tale
chronologically, the whole tale starts with the need of ideas of
Erasmus Fry who is a famous writer in the comic book. ideas of
Erasmus Fry who is a famous writer in the comic book or the ideas
that he does not have. So human beings stand for mind while
inspiration and dream are represented by anthropomorphic
personifications that are Calliope, the youngest of the nine muses of
Greek Mythology and Dream (Oneiros) who is one of the seven

As it is stated, the story begins with Erasmus Fry as he needs

inspiration to create his novels, poems, plays, etc. He finds out what
would help him and makes his decision: capturing a muse. This sounds
like a good idea to Fry but it is not because what he did is raping the
muse Calliope. Years later, after he gets famous by the inspiration he
stole, he wants to sell Calliope in exchange for a bezoar to Richard
Madoc who suffers from not being able to write anything just like
Erasmus suffered. The interesting thing is bezoar and there could
be several reasons why Erasmus Fry wants a bezoar. It could be
possible that Fry is aware of a trouble. Something mystical would
happen and bezoars possess mystic powers and he has captured one
of the Muses of Greek mythology. Enemy could show up. Also,
Erasmus Fry talks like he has experienced everything that he wants,
and he does not care the world at all, he does not care how he looks
like as he states. He has already a good career as a writer, he got
glory, but these earthly achievements could not help him anymore
because he is very old which means he has not much time in this
world. So, the bezoars could help him because once believed those
things remedy sicknesses. After Richard Madoc

selfish ambitions of fame

Calliope gives inspiration to human beings

There could be two reasons why Erasmus Fry wants a bezoar either he is aware of something
dangerous would happen because bezoars possess mystic powers and he has captured one of the
Muses of Greek mythology. Enemy could show up. or he has already a good career as a writer, he is
famous but these earthly achievements could not help him anymore because he is very old which
means he has not much time in this world. So the bezoars could help him because once believed
those things remedy sickness.

either he has not enough money to find and purchase it or

because he has already what he want as a writer but

it is obvious that fry does not need calliope anymore. may be he cannot fuck her anymore because of
his age. So wants to make a deal to have more bezoar.

may be he wants more money because he has more bezoars so he wants Madoc to persuade a
publisher to bring one of his books back into print

His bad ideas drive him crazy

Their ideas make them stole the inspiration, and stolen

We cannot think Oneiros and calliope sepereatly

2222222222222 Dreams and inspiration connected each other as
it is understood from the comics. Oneiros and Calliope had a son
and they are both imprisoned

11111111111 Characters in the comics can identifies themselves

with another. We can see that in Fry had the same problem
Madoc has, and Oerionos wants helps calliope because what he
has experienced during his imprisonment make him feel her

homer’s muse

writers are liars feminist writer nd they are punished


Madoc gets bezoar

Madoc is stressful because he has not written a word

Erasmus fry talkt like he has experienced everything that he wants so he does not care the world at
all, he does not care how he looks like as he states.

Erasmus fry wants to have a bezoar in exchange for his muse Calliope

Lendin bezoars is very expensive

(((((There could be two reasons why Erasmus Fry wants a bezoar either he is aware of something
dangerous would happen because bezoars possess mystic powers and he has captured one of the
Muses of Greek mythology. Enemy could show up. or he has already a good career as a writer, he is
famous but these earthly achievements could not help him anymore because he is very old which
means he has not much time in this world. So the bezoars could help him because once believed
those things remedy sickness.

either he has not enough money to find and purchase it or

because he has already what he want as a writer but

it is obvious that fry does not need calliope anymore. may be he cannot fuck her anymore because of
his age. So wants to make a deal to have more bezoar.

may be he wants more money because he has more bezoars so he wants Madoc to persuade a
publisher to bring one of his books back into print


may be he cannot fuck her anymore because of his age. So he just wants to make a deal

homer’s muse

writers are liars feminist writer

the reader can easly understand that the ideas could be dangerous. At the beginning Madoc told
himself that she is not a human but he does not want to notice she gets hurt and cries while he is
raping. Madoc does not feel bad morally, he is just afraid of doing something criminal. With the
inspiration he does not have

Madoc says calliope that she is his muse

Although he thinks he moved his most valuable possession, he is not aware of what is coming:

Onerios’s speech is represented in white text in black which gives his words feeling of formality.

Madoc learns that fry poisoned himself.

Onerios threaten Madoc with ideas in abundance

Madoc wakes up after the dream of onerios

Calliope says Madoc enjoy your party

Closures become sharper when Madoc is driven to madness.

XXXXXXXX Gaiman combines Mythological and modern worlds in these effective and successful
comics for the readers to analyze and think deeply about inspiration. Stolen inspiration, dream
imprisoned the inspration

Calliope wants to see Dream again but

Doctor finds a book and that book is Erasmus fry’s book which he wanted Madoc to bring it back into
print. This book is a

A writer named Richard Madoc took her captive, and as a result was given

great ability in writing,

After his own release, Dream goes to rescue Calliope. Madoc, however,
complains that without her, he will have no ideas, so Morpheus causes him to
experience an overabundance of ideas. He cannot concentrate on any one
thing and is nearly driven to madness. Finally, Madoc frees Calliope, who
mercifully asks Dream to release Madoc from his torment. Dream complies.

Dream is one of the seven Endless, who are  powerful beings older than
gods. He is both the personification, as well as the lord over all dreams and
stories, and all that is not in reality (which, in turn, Dream may define by his
existence). He has had many names such as Morpheus, Kai'ckul, Sandman,
and Oneiros.

Morpheus' speech is usually portrayed as white text in black,  He has a formal
manner of speech

Dream can be insensitive, self-obsessed, and slow to forgive or forget what he

perceives as slights.
Morpheus has great pride that does not tolerate damage or embarrassment,
examples inclu

t is implied that before his imprisonment he was in some ways colder and
more blind to his flaws, and much of The Sandman is focused on Morpheus'
desire to atone for his past behavior such as helping past lovers Calliope

 Calliope offered to see him again, implying that their relationship could start
again, but Dream brushed it off as a bad idea. She would later attend Dream's
Wake, and spoke in the trio of his lovers, she regarded it more as remembering
a friend than a lover, and out of gratitude for ending their son's misery.

Specifically, Gaiman challenges the conventional view of male mastery by

illustrating the dualities of masculine creativity and failure, strength and
weakness, virility and impotence, phallus and lack, as the conflicts that
characterize the men of his story. In this way, Gaiman illustrates the
impotence of the male perpetrators, Richard Madoc and Erasmus Fry, who
violently exploit the muse Calliope by raping her and stealing her creativity to
fulfill their selfish ambitions of fame and fortune.

but he has been likewise imprisoned

Morpheus frees Calliope and punishes Madoc by giving him a never-ending

stream of ideas, driving him mad. When Calliope remarks on the change in
Morpheus, he responds he empathizes with Calliope's plight as he himself
suffered much the same.

Stolen ideas

XXXXXX There is always a balance in the story,

Each main character in this series of stories is affected by loss in some way.
Calliope loses her freedom and the ability to govern herself when Erasmus Fry
burns her scroll and captures her. She loses her autonomy and becomes
nothing more than an eternal well of ideas. She is a thing rather than a person.
This mirrors Morpheus's captivity in Preludes and Nocturnes, reminding him
of his own powerlessness in that capacity. He can identify with Calliope and
he helps her for that reason. They both understand what it is like to endure, to
wait, to survive. They are both significantly changed by the experience.

two of the stories included in this collection explore the ideas of creativity
and inspiration. In "Calliope" the Muse has been captured by a writer and
passed off to another, becoming a captive well of inspiration.
When Morpheus visits Calliope after his own imprisonment, he chooses to
punish Richard Madoc with too much inspiration, to the point of near madness.
Both of these instances are the dark sides of inspiration: stolen and
overwhelming. Morpheus is often referred to as the Prince of Stories and he is
indelibly linked to stories through the library in the Dreaming. It is fitting he
enacts a punishment via too many stories to tell. It is also interesting to note
if inspiration can be stolen, it is a male artist stealing from a woman in this
instance. Literary history is rife with examples of husbands mining their wives
for inspiration, at times being accused of outright stealing their ideas. The
question of where do ideas come from gets raised, along with the idea of who
do they belong to. Erasmus Fry reminds Calliope when he is giving her to
Madoc that "writers are liars." In truth storytellers are thieves—or at least
repackagers of the same tale told over and over again.

XXXXXXCharacters in the comics can identifies themselves with another. We

can see that in Fry had the same problem Madoc has, and Oerionos helps
calliope because what he has experienced during his imprisonment make him
feel her despair.

Issu Ast
Title Writer Penciller Inker Colorist Letterer Editor
e Editor

Calliop Neil Kelley Malcolm Robbie Todd Tom Karen

e Gaiman Jones Jones III Busch Klein Peyer Berger

In mythology, the best way to get a muse to grant an artist inspiration was to
woo her; to be humble and gracious, thankful for any and everything she
grants. Fry, had no time for such things, when rape was so much more

Paracelsus, born Theophrastus von Hohenheim, was a Swiss physician, an alchemist, a lay
theologian, and a philosopher of the German Renaissance

Ramon Llull TOSF was a mathematician, polymath, philosopher, logician, Franciscan tertiary and
writer from the Kingdom of Majorca.

XXXXX I am going to a party

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