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1. She had the gift of being able to paint songs.

2. The ants enjoyed the barbecue more than the

3. In the end, he realized he could see sound and
hear words.
4. People who insist on picking their teeth with
their elbows are so annoying!
5. He wasn't bitter that she had moved on but
from the radish.
6. They say that dogs are man's best friend, but
this cat was setting out to sabotage that theory.
7. Someone I know recently combined Maple
Syrup & buttered Popcorn thinking it would taste
like caramel popcorn. It didn’t and they don’t
recommend anyone else do it either.
8. They were excited to see their first sloth.
9. I don’t respect anybody who can’t tell the
difference between Pepsi and Coke.
10. She wanted a pet platypus but ended up
getting a duck and a ferret instead.
11. Greetings from the galaxy MACS0647-JD, or
what we call home.
12. I hear that Nancy is very pretty.
13. Fluffy pink unicorns are a popular status
symbol among macho men.
14. In that instant, everything changed.
15. There's a reason that roses have thorns.
16. The truth is that you pay for your lifestyle in
17. The blinking lights of the antenna tower came
into focus just as I heard a loud snap.
18. She wondered what his eyes were saying
beneath his mirrored sunglasses.
19. He learned the important lesson that a picnic
at the beach on a windy day is a bad idea.
20. The sun had set and so had his dreams.
21. Sometimes, all you need to do is completely
make an ass of yourself and laugh it off to realise
that life isn’t so bad after all.
22. Weather is not trivial - it's especially important
when you're standing in it.
23. He had a hidden stash underneath the
floorboards in the back room of the house.
24. She did not cheat on the test, for it was not
the right thing to do.
25. The book is in front of the table.
26. There aren't enough towels in the world to
stop the sewage flowing from his mouth.
27. Just go ahead and press that button.
28. The doll spun around in circles in hopes of
coming alive.
29. He didn't heed the warning and it had turned
out surprisingly well.
30. She only paints with bold colors; she does not
like pastels.
31. There can never be too many cherries on an
ice cream sundae.
32. Not all people who wander are lost.
33. Abstraction is often one floor above you.
34. If any cop asks you where you were, just say
you were visiting Kansas.
35. Various sea birds are elegant, but nothing is
as elegant as a gliding pelican.
36. Her daily goal was to improve on yesterday.
37. Smoky the Bear secretly started the fires.
38. He wondered why at 18 he was old enough to
go to war, but not old enough to buy cigarettes.
39. She folded her handkerchief neatly.
40. The body piercing didn't go exactly as he
41. He invested some skill points in Charisma and
42. Your girlfriend bought your favorite cookie
crisp cereal but forgot to get milk.
43. The light in his life was actually a fire burning
all around him.
44. 8% of 25 is the same as 25% of 8 and one of
them is much easier to do in your head.
45. Truth in advertising and dinosaurs with
skateboards have much in common.
46. Dolores wouldn't have eaten the meal if she
had known what it actually was.
47. As you consider all the possible ways to
improve yourself and the world, you notice John
Travolta seems fairly unhappy.
48. He walked into the basement with the horror
movie from the night before playing in his head.
49. When money was tight, he'd get his lunch
money from the local wishing well.
50. She can live her life however she wants as
long as she listens to what I have to say.

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