Information Teleported3

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Chinnery, Edison <esc4053@njit.

edu> Apr 20, 2020, 12:18 PM (8 days ago)

to Matteo, Matteo, Gianpietro

Hello Matteo
WOW. The implications of this technology is that communication will change. This is a
game changer for the internet and communication as we know it. Internet security will
have to change. If they have successfully teleported information over 1200Km, there
is no doubt that they could be successful over 12000Km (7456 miles). It may be years
before we see this technology, because governments may want to be in control of its
development and access, but wow. This is a huge evolution in communication. I know
that MIT had been working on teleportation of objects. It makes me wonder about their
advancements in that area. Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing.

Edison Chinnery

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