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Americans who think muslims are out to get them should look what America is doin

1. Isfake is â so far up America's b*ttâ that all the blood of muslims that Isfake spill
every day in Palestine goes not only onto the hands of Isfake but also heavily
onto the hands of the USA. Facts about this bloody partnership are known by all
the world but neither Isfake nor the USA will act to stop the bleeding they are
causing. Info is being revealed also that Isfake is an impostor who has tricked
USA citizens into thinking that Isfake should be a special nation to the USA bec
ause Isfake is made up of the Children of Israel of the bible. Info is being rev
ealed that even the actual Children of Israel lost God's favor as a chosen group
when they did what they did to the prophet Jesus.
2. India, and the BJP party now "governing" the country of India, and who allies
itself with Isfake, see above, is fully supported by the USA. India's dominant
religion of hinduism yields a known large percentage of fanatical, extremist hin
dus. Americans worship one God, but hindus do not. Hindus go by the false transm
igration of souls doctrine, which is fine if they want to believe that cr*p, but
the trouble is that the fanatical hindus have shown that they can become so ent
hralled with this doctrine that they will start to think that they should slaugh
ter and terrorize those who eat meat. This slaughter and other terrorism at the
hands of Indian hindu extremists is exactly what happened to muslim families in
Kashmir. The muslims know of and comply with the biblical Rainbow Covenant which
authorizes eating meat, but this is why hindus terrorized and killed them, as p
re-emptive strikes to protect cows. The USA continues to support BJP hindu India
and to suppress news of this extremism and instead propagandizes against muslim
3. American and British governments, after having prosecuted and executed German
s for aggressive war, have brought aggressive war on the muslim countries of Ira
q and Afghanistan and continue to perpetuate these illegal aggressive wars. As e
veryone else knows, war is bad, and once it is initiated, bloody bad things keep
happening under it.
4. American say nothing to their partner hindu India regarding the aggressive wa
r that hindu India brought against Kashmir 50 years ago by invading Kashmir wit
h military force.
5. America says nothing to hindu India about the state of war hindu India has ma
intained for over 50 years against the people of Kashmir. India is right now per
petuating a state of war over Kashmir by quartering hundreds of thousands of arm
ed troops in Kashmir. As everyone else knows, war is bad, and once it is initiat
ed, bloody bad things happen.
6. America is killing muslims by remote control. America does not let the ones t
argeted for death have a trial. America does not provide a trial to the friends
and family members who get killed along with the one being executed. America in
itiates these remote controlled summary executions through bills of attainder is
sued by the executive branch without consultation with or objection from the oth
er two branches of government. Bills of Attainder are illegal under the US Const
itution. These targeted killings, pioneered by Isfake such as for example when I
sfake killed the holy man Sheik Yassin and the other innocents attending him in
his wheelchair . Unrighteous conduct is historically completely uncharacteristic
of America. America has turned from its historic noble conduct to the path of a
chickensh*t. . Many citizens of earth say that America has lost its soul and ha
s yielded its sovereignty to Isfake aka the synagogue of satan .
Americans should not worry so much that the conduct of their government irritate
s muslims and everyone else who hates injustice. God is the one who knows everyt
hing we think and do. God is the only one who can deliver us from evil. God is t
he one who permits or denies entry into the sovereignty of his promised kingdom.
Americans should worry more about what God might think of them because of the
shedding of innocent blood by their government.
Hamid Rasool
American muslim

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