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2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Contact Information:

Foliar fertilization: Dr. Derrick Oosterhuis

Principals and Practices University of Arkansas
Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences
1366 Altheimer Drive
Arkansas 72704
Derrick Oosterhuis
University of Arkansas
(479) 575-3979

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Outline of My Talk:
Plant Nutrition
Characterization of the leaf Surface, Absorption of Foliar-
Chemicals, and factors Affecting the Efficiency of Uptake
¾ Proper plant nutrition for optimal productivity in crops requires
that nutrient deficiencies be avoided.
¾ Requirements of Plant Nutrition
¾ Definition of Foliar fertilization
¾ Absorption of foliar-applied nutrients
¾ However, deficiencies occur for a variety of reasons, most of
which can be rectified by:
¾ Structure and Function of the leaf cuticle
ƒ Use of soil and tissue tests
¾ Factors affecting foliar fertilization
ƒ Timely applications of nutrients
¾ Some new information on the use of EDTA in foliar sprays
ƒ An understanding of crop requirements
¾ Advantages and Disadvantages of foliar fertilization

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Ways in which a Plant gets its Mineral Nutrients

Foliar Fertilizer applied
2 to the Leaves

Fertilizer added
to the Soil

Natural Soil

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

The fruit load of a crop forms while the activity of the root system is
declining, often necessitating additional nutrient requirements supplied
Soil and Tissue
most conveniently and efficiently by foliar fertilization Analysis
100 A successful fertilizer plan
Root Activity
starts with:
Root Activity or Boll Load (%)

80 Boll Load

¾ A soil-based fertilizer program

which necessitates a reliable pre-
40 season soil analysis.
¾ Thereafter any deficiencies can be
detected during the season by
0 tissue analysis
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ¾ Deficiencies can then be rectified
Days From Planting
on a timely basis with soil or foliar
From Oosterhuis (1995) application of the relevant nutrient.

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Definition of Foliar Fertilization Historically

Foliar Fertilization ¾ There is a wealth of literature about foliar fertilization which
was first used as long ago as 1844 to correct plant chlorosis
¾ The application of foliar with foliar sprays of iron (Gris, 1844).

sprays of one or more

¾ Used widely and for many years in horticulture (fruit and
mineral nutrients to plants vegetables)

to supplement traditional
¾ In row-crop agriculture the practice has only caught on in the
soil applications of past two decades, although there is still some speculation about
the benefits and correct implementation of this practice
(Oosterhuis, 2003).

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Mechanism of Foliar Fertilization

¾ In order for a foliar fertilizer nutrient to be utilized by the plant for
The Leaf Cuticle
growth, it must first gain entry into the leaf prior to entering the
cytoplasm of a cell in the leaf. ¾ The leaf Cuticle is is a thin covering on the outside of the leaf and
other organs which protects the plant from the extremes of the
¾ To achieve this the nutrient must effectively penetrate the the outer environment.
cuticle and the wall of the underlying epidermal cell.
¾ The cuticle is dynamic and responds to changes in the environment
¾ Once penetration has occurred, nutrient absorption by the cell is and also to management:
similar to absorption by the roots. e.g. drought stress and extreme temperatures.

¾ Of all the components of the pathway of foliar-applied nutrients, the

cuticle offers the greatest resistance.

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Cross section of a typical leaf showing the position and

relative size of the cuticle The Cotton Leaf Cuticle
Scanning Electron Micrograph showing the adaxial surface

Amorphous cuticle covering

the underlying epidermal



From Bondada and Oosterhuis (1990)

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Transmission Electron Micrograph cross

section showing the Cotton Leaf Cuticle

Waxy leaf

Bondada and
Oosterhuis (1999)

From Oosterhuis et al., 1991

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Internal Cuticle in Cotton

The wax extrusions on
Cuticle Stomatal the cotton fruit can get
Ledge so thick that the
Guard stomates become
cell completely occluded
and thereby stop
transpirational cooling
Epidermal and photosynthetic
cell carbon fixation.


Internal air space From Wullschelger and oosterhuis, 1989

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Movement of Nutrients Through the Cuticle

¾ Originally it was held that movement of solutes occurred in ectodesmata
The Citrus (teikodes). However, it is now believed that cuticles are traversed by
leaf Cuticle numerous hydrophilic pathways permeable to water and small solute
molecules (Marschner, 1995).

¾ These pores have a diameter of <1nm, with a density of about 10 10

pores/cm (Schonherr, 1976), and are lined with negative charges increasing
in density towards the inside, facilitating movement of cations (Tyree et al.,

¾ Actual movement through the cuticle depends on the nutrient

concentration, molecular size, organic or inorganic form, time as a
solution on the leaf surface, charge density across the cuticle etc.

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Changes in the Leaf Cuticle with

Changes in the Composition of the Adaxial Cuticle of
Well-watered and Water-stressed Stressed Leaves of
Water Deficit Stress Field-grown Cotton.

Epicuticular Molecular Epicuticular Wax Composition

¾ Cuticle thickness was increased by 33%. Composition Composition Well-watered Water-stressed
Tricosane C23H48 + -
¾ Cuticle composition changed to predominantly high n-Tetracosane C24H50 + -
molecular weight (longer chain) waxes which Pentacosane C25H52 + +
increased the hydrophobicity. Hexaconsane C26H54 + tr
Octocosane C28H58 + ++
n-Nonacosane C29H60 tr ++
¾ This caused a resultant decrease in uptake of Decasane C30H62 tr ++
agrochemicals (urea, defoliants etc). Octocosanol C28H58O + ++
Fucosterol C29H48O + ++
waxabsent, ‘+’ wax-present,
present, ‘++’ increased
wax absent, quantity,
tr trace ‘tr’ traceof
amount present
(From Oosterhuis et al., 1991)
From oosterhuis et al., 1991

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Select Examples of
Foliar Fertilization Foliar Fertilization
with Nitrogen
to illustrate the

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

The Uptake of Foliar-Applied Urea by Cotton

Importance of Nitrogen Leaves and Movement to the Boll
• Nitrogen (N) is the Nitrogen moved to the closest
element needed in boll in 6-24 hours

the greatest amount Fruiting

and is often limiting
No Nitrogen

No Nitrogen
Movement to Other
• N is a constituent of Movement
to Other

proteins, nucleic
N deficient cotton
acids, hormones and FOLIAR-APPLIED UREA
chlorophyll 30% absorbed in 1 hour
%%absorbed inin
absorbed 1 hour
1 hour
60 % absorbed in 24 hours

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Effect of Time of Day and Water Increased Leaf Wax Decreased 15N Absorption
deficit on 15N Absorption with Leaf Age with Increased Wax
180 70
60 1990 y = -0.34x + 83.33
6 A.M. 160
1991 60 2

Absorption (%)
R = 0.83
50 1 P.M. 140

15N Absorption (%)

8 P.M. 50
40 120
100 40
80 30

20 60 20
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

0 Leaf Age (days) Total Wax (µg cm-2)

Well Watered Drought Stressed

Oosterhuis and Zhu (1989) Bondada and Oosterhuis (1998)

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

The average age of leaves in the

canopy is shown in parentheses.,
Leaf wax increases with age, and
therefore 15N uptake decreases.
Foliar Fertilization
with Potassium

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Reasons for the

Importance of Potassium (K) widespread K deficiency
in the US Cotton Belt
• plant water relations
¾ Occurs in soils not considered low in
K. Cotton is relative inefficient at
• plant metabolism absorbing K from soils compared to
other crops.

• photosynthesis &translocation ¾ The decrease in root activity as the

boll load develops (during peak K
• fiber development and quality
¾ Modern deficiencies are due to the
early-maturing, higher yielding, faster
fruiting varieties.

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

K deficiency Potassium Deficiency

on Cotton Plants with Foliar Feeding with K
a Very High boll Load

• Foliar K is a supplement to soil-applied K

• Timing: 4 weekly applications beginning at early flowering

No K deficiency K deficiency for maximum yield effect
symptoms but (high boll load
lower boll load draining plant)
• Rate: about 4 lb/acre per application
– An average mature cotton crop requires about 100-220 kg K/ha
– Required in large quantities by cotton up to 3-5 lb K/acre/day

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Mid-Season Correction of Foliar Fertilization

Effect of Foliar-Applied KNO3 on Yield

K deficiency less K deficiency symptoms
obvious obvious
Treatment SeedcottonYield
Control 2,800

Foliar Urea 3,089

Foliar KNO3 3,150

Oosterhuis (1973)

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Effect of Low and High Soil K Lint Yield Response to Foliar Application of Various
K Fertilizer Sources at Mid Season, Arkansas 1991-2.
with/without Foliar K on Yield 1250

Lint Yield (kg ha-1)

% of 4
Control 3 1000
1 900

0 850

Low soil High Soil K Low soil + Highsoil +




K Foliar Foliar Ch

•Mean of 3-year 12-state cooperative study. Liquid Fertilizer Applied
•Significant differences from foliar K in 40% of experiments. Miley and Oosterhuis (1995)

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Effect of pH of Foliar K solutions on Leaf Burn

24 hours after application
Effect of Soil and Foliar K on
Cotton Yield and Fiber Quality
Treatment Lint Length
Yield Uniformity
(kg/ha (%)

Control 606 c 85.4 b

Soil-applied K 619 bc 85.8 b
Foliar-applied K 631 ab 87.1 a
Soil + foliar K 649 a 86.0 ab

Similar letters within a column are not significantly different (p=0.05)

Oosterhuis and Wullschleger (1990)

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Foliar Sprays and EDTA

Chelating agents are often recommended to complex Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in
foliar sprays, at considerable expense to the farmer. However, the scientific
literature contains very limited information on the use of chelates in foliar
fertilizers. One recent study shows that chelates slow FE3+ absorption into
leaves (Schonherr et al., 2005).

Remember that the leaf cuticle is a hydrophobic layer, comprised of high

Foliar Sprays and EDTA molecular weight biopolymers such as cutin and suberins, and hydrophobic
C14-C27 epiculticular waxes (Holloway, 1993). Recent physiological studies
have identified the polar aqueous pores which facilitate absorption of
charged ions into the epidermal cells (Schonherr, 2000). Nutrient
absorption via aqueous pores is a relatively slow process, however, as the
cuticle still represents the primary barrier for foliar nutrient absorption.

We hypothesized that the negative charge of metal-EDTA complexes and

their high molecular weight would reduce the rate of trace element
absorption through leaf cuticles. The narrow size and negative charge of
aqueous pores may hinder the diffusion of anionic, high molecular weight
species such as EDTA

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Sorption of Zn and Fe fertilizers

by the Citrus leaf Cuticle Absorption of Zn and Fe Fertilizers by enzymatically
excised Citrus sinensis leaf cuticles


¾Leaf discs were cut with a cork borer

Sorption of leaf cuticle
¾Cuticles were removed from the discs by pectinase solution Fertilizer (μg metal/mg cuticle)
¾Cuticles were rinsed in double de-ionized water Fe Zn
¾Immersed in 1 mM ZnSO4 and FeSO4 solutions for 8 hours Chelate free 10.72±1.47 2.87±0.11
Either as the sulfate or as a chelate (1 mM EDTA) Plus EDTA 0.45±0.57 0.48±0.05
¾Removed, rinsed, , digested and analyzed for the metal

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Sorption of Zn and Fe fertilizers Absorption of Foliar-applied ZnSO4 and ZnEDTA

by Cotton Plants by Cotton Plants

Procedure: 1
R2 = 0.82 NS
0.9 *
* *
¾Plants grown in pots until 5-weeks old

Ratio of Zn absorbed
¾Sprayed with 1 mM Zn fertilizer treatments: 0.6
R2 = 0.93

¾ZnSO4 and ZNEDTA 0.5

¾Simulated rain (12.5 mm/30min) after 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours ZnSO4
¾Leaves harvested, dried, ground, digested in HNO3 and analyzed 0.2


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time after fertilizer application (hr)

* Significant at P=0.05
From Stacey and Oosterhuis 2006

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Advantages of Foliar Fertilization Disadvantages of Foliar Fertilization

• Can react rapidly to symptoms or tissue analysis • Only a limited amount of the nutrient can be
• Rapid plant response for correcting deficiency applied at one time.
• Avoids soil problems • Cost of multiple applications can be prohibitive.
• Relatively low cost • Possibility of foliar burn (with high
• Only use small amounts of fertilizer concentrations).

• No foliar burn (with KNO3 or K2SO4) • Low solubility of some fertilizers especially in
cold water.
• Improved yield and fiber quality parameters
• Incompatibility with certain other

2007 Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings

Concluding statement…………

The complexity of crop growth, and sensitivity to the environment means that
farmers need to:
¾ Understand the development of the crop.
¾ Know the specific requirements for each stage.
¾ Manage the crop according to requirements, environment and yield potential.
¾ Foliar fertilization provides a means of efficiently applying required mineral nutrients
to a crop when tissue tests show a need (or visual deficiency symptoms appear)
¾ However, foliar fertilization will only work if attention is applied to the
basic practice as has been outlined in this presentation


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