Brief For Comdt - Mess B

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1. Intro. Respected Gen and offrs present, Assalamu Alaikum and good
morning. I on behalf of the mess committee of Student Offrs’ Mess-B, welcome you all
for the brief about this mess. Student Offrs’ Mess-B is one of the two student offrs’ mess
of SI&T where usually offrs coming for undergoing tac courses dine themselves. This
mess has the capacity to dine 145 pers at a time. Tac wg took over the resp of this
mess from UCSC wg on 19 Dec 2018 and till today performing the asg resp
2. Aim. The aim of this brief is to apprise of the overview and fun of the Student
Offrs’ Mess-B.
3. Scope. The brief will fol the seq appended below:
a. Composn of Mess Committee.
b. State of Mess Staff.
c. Affiliated Member.
d. State of Upcoming Courses.
e. Financial Auth.
f. Purchasing Procedure.
g. Bal Sheet.
h. Dev Wks Done.
i. Comparative Study on Menu vis-à-vis Monthly Expenditure.
j. Ongoing Dev Wks.
k. Proposed Dev Wks.
l. Challenges and Recom.
4. Composn of Mess Committee. Composn of mess committee is given below:
Ser Appt Rk and Name Br
1. Chief Patron Maj Gen Shakil Ahmed, ndwc, afwc, psc School HQ
2. Patron Col Mohammad Monour Hossain Khan, psc
3. PMC Lt Col Md Mashequr Rahman, psc Tac Wg
4. Mess Secy Maj Md Faisal Amin
5. Messing Offr Maj Md Shihab Uddin Admin Wg


6. Food Member Selected from Student Student Offr

7. Mess NCO
8. Bk NCO
9. Crockeries NCO Admin Wg
10. Store man
11. Mess Clk

5. State of Mess Staff. Present state of mess staffs is shown in the fol table:
Ser Mess Staff Auth Held Sur Emp
1. Mess Waiter 12 15 03 a. 7 x dining duty
b. 2 x fd mess (Tac Wg)
c. 3 x fd mess (UCSC Wg)
d. 1 x fd mess (MIC Coy)
e. 1 x Golf Grd
f. 1 x Dy Comdt’s bungalow
2. Mess Ck 08 08 -
3. Asst Mess Ck 04 04 -
4. NC(U) 03 03 -

6. Affiliated Member. Student offrs incl foreign offrs, offrs from sister svcs, and
para-mil forces of fol courses are the affiliated member of this mess:
a. Unit Comd and Staff Course (UCSC).
b. Jr Comd and Staff Course (JCSC).
c. Offrs Atk Course (OATC).
d. Mech Inf Course (MIC).
e. Sniper Course (SNC).
7. State of Upcoming Courses. State of the upcoming courses will be dined by
this mess is appended below:
Se Course Commencement Dt Completion Dt No of Student Rmk
1. JCSC-63 18-08-19 05-12-19 *104 *10 x foreign offr
2. MIC-20 18-08-19 28-11-19 05
3. SNC-8 18-08-19 05-12-19 10
Total 119


8. Financial Auth. Chief Patron is auth to expend any amount at any time for
the dev and maint of the mess. Patron is auth to expend max upto 5000 tk at a time at
his jurisdiction. Any amount more to that, should be pre-sanc by the Chief Patron. PMC
is only auth to spend money for daily messing, pay different bills i.e. gas bill, washer
men bill, club bill, etc and for misc cutting.
9. Purchasing Procedure. All sorts of reqr for daily messing is met up by placing
dmd to the ‘Daily Needs’ through mess staffs according to the menu. Besides the daily
messing, max up to 5000 tk can be spent for purchasing routing maint items i.e.
toiletries, air freshener, repairing utensils, repairing cutting eqpt, etc by the mess staffs.
State of tentative daily messing for a week is given as Anx A.
10. Bal Sheet. Given as Anx B.
11. Dev Wks Done. Fol dev wks have done for this mess after Tac wg has taken
over the resp:
a. Installing new freeze.
b. Fixing tiles in washing pt.
c. Installing new TV.
d. Repairing dining chairs.
e. Changing water filter.
f. Repairing fountain.
g. Purchasing curtain.
h. Repairing AC.
Details of the total expenditure for different dev wks is given as Anx C.
12. Comparative Study on Menu vis-à-vis Monthly Expenditure. Detailed study
was done by this mess committee to dev the qual of the food vis-à-vis reduce the daily
messing bill of the offrs. Result was eminent during last JCSC-62 and UCSC-29 where
std of the food was better, but mess bill was lesser than previous. A comparative study
on menu and monthly expenditure for last 3 JCSC course is given as Anx D.
13. Ongoing Dev Wks. Fol dev wks are ongoing for this mess:
a. Roof treatment.
b. Dining chair repairing.


14. Proposed Dev Wks. It deems nec to carr out fol dev wks for this mess:
a. Interior designing.
b. Purchasing new TV for ante room.
c. Renovation of sofa.
d. Painting inside ante room and dining hall.
e. Installing new celling fans in dining hall.
f. Fixing tiles in veg cutting pt.
g. Grilling shed.
15. Challenges and Recom. Challenges faced to perform the resp of Student
Offrs’ Mess-B and suggested recom are given below:
a. Challenges.
b. Recom.
16. Concl. Beside a busy schedule of Tac wg DSs and scanty no of sp staffs, resp
of Student Offrs’ Mess-B has been conducted successfully by this mess committee for
last 7 months. No such incident of anomalies in mess bill, misuse of govt property,
misconduct by mess staffs, and mismgt by the mess committee has been reported
during this tenure. No stone will be left unturned to perform this resp smoothly till asg
and cont perseverance will be there to impv than before. Sir, your visionary guidelines
and dynamic suggestions will surely lead us to perform this resp better even than
A. State of Tentative Daily Messing (Weekly Expenditure).
B. Bal Sheet.
C. Total Expenditure of Different Dev Wks.
D. Menu vis-à-vis Monthly Expenditure.

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