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7 Steps to Master Instagram in 2017

In this E-Book, I will teach you the 7 steps to master

Instagram in 2017 and how to grow it
to over 100K followers
First, Why Use
Instagram For
Instagram has amassed a whopping 700M
monthly active users and that number is
only going to get bigger! That means more
potential for you or your company to get
exposure and reach your core market. 2017
is a going to be a game changing year for
entrepreneurs on this platform so get in
1. If you already have one that is perfect; use that niche. If not, find your niche.

Then do your diligent research. Go to the Instagram search tab and type in related
keywords. Now you can look for the top profiles and top posts in your niche.

Look at what the successful people in your niche do and just model them.


1. Choose a short name that catch attention and that is related to your brand/niche.

2. Choose a cool and catchy profile picture or put your brand logo.

3. Your BIO is critical for your success on Instagram. This is your sales pitch. You are
going to be able to put a second name that will appear at the top of your bio. Use this
to put your brand name or website. Keep in mind the most searchable part of your
profile is the text in bold so that is a mini search engine in Instagram itself.
In the bio, use a few brief short sentences to describe what you are doing.
Make it attractive and use your one or two last lines to write a C.T.A.
(Call to Action) with a emoji pointing down to your URL (link).

4. You have only one available space to put your URL (link) so people can click on it
and get redirected to it. Use if effectively; this is the key. This is how you are going
to get leads (potential clients).
Do not put your regular website there thinking people are just going to click on the
link and buy whatever you are selling...

That is the old way of doing things…The 3% conversion way!

You need a sales funnel <== (Click this link or check your email for more info)

Regular website are dinosaurs. You need to use a sales funnel!

– YoungEntrepreneur01
This is like any business or opportunity, it is not happening overnight!
On the other hand, it is not a ton of work either

If you use these 7 Simple Steps to Master Instagram in 2017!

You will have massive success on Instagram…

Now if you are 200% serious about making money online, living the laptop lifestyle,

My Instagram Mastery Course (20 videos in a member area)

You can access it TODAY for $97 only! CLICK HERE<==<==
You need to post at least once a day, and 3–5 times a day is the sweet spot.

It also depends on which niche you are in. You must be extremely picky with what you
post on IG - You cannot post any random pictures!

Now, there is a way to still grow a huge IG account without posting multiple times a day,
but you will need to get into a paid program, and I strongly suggest that you know what
you are doing when using Instagram automation <==

I give all the best software & tips you need to create high quality images and literally put
your Instagram on Auto-Pilot & Steroids!
1. You can use up to 30 hashtags per post. You have to get a good mix of popular hashtags
and some specific hashtags. This way you get a lot of exposure and target the specific
audience you are looking for. You can see how much public posts a hashtag has when
you go into the search tab of Instagram.

Do not use hashtags that have under 10,000 public posts. For a specific one, look for
hashtags between 10,000 and 200,000 posts and between 200,000 and 10 million for
a more general one.

1.2 You can also use the 10/10/10 hashtags strategy,

10 hashtags in the 5 figures (10,000-99,999)
10 hashtags in the 6 figures (100,000-999,999)
10 hashtags in the 7 figures (1,000,000-9,999,999)

2. 2.1 Write an attractive caption

Just one good sentence will get the job done

but Gary Vee recommend starting “mini-blogging”.

2.2 Then put a C.T.A.

■ “Click the link in my bio”

■ “Turn on your post notifications”

■ “Double tap if you agree”

■ “Tag a friend”

Then put a second C.T.A. This time telling people to follow your account or
someone else account if you are doing a shoutout.
2.3 Use location tag

Post with location have 73% more engagement, try to tag the place you are if
available, if not…You can use big city like New York, New York.

2.4 Post

Then go in your note & pick up a set of hashtags that you already have save
there! Put your hashtags in your first comment not in your caption.

Write them in the first comment and post that comment in the first minute after
posting. That way your post is more appealing & look professional.

3. Tag your friends, followers and influencers in some of your posts, but make sure its
not bothering them. If not ask them to do the same!

If you are a local business or want to attract/find people from specific location(s), you
can use geolocation tags! – YoungEntrepreneur01
You can find someone in your niche with a high following and high engagement on his/her
posts and ask him/her to do a paid shoutout or make “shoutout 4 shoutout” post if you
have reached a certain popularity level on your account.

If you are not at this level yet, just reach out to an influencer/micro-influencer.
In my course, I am explaining more in details how and who you should choose to do
business with as Influencer in your niche!

Of course, most of the time, they are going to ask you to pay a certain fee, which is normal.
I’ve seen influencers do shoutout for $5 all the way to $500 and even 1.3 million dollars
if your name is Kylie Jenner!

In general, the price really depends on the influencer and what your agreement is. We can
fairly say that shootout & micro-influencer are under-value right now…So take advantage
of that!

PS. If you think this is a lot, Influencers is going to be & becoming the big thing and prices
are going to SKYROCKET!

If there were an influencers stock I could buy, I would go all in on that in 2017!
– YoungEntrepreneur01

Yes, a lot of people still dont know this, but Facebook owns Instagram. You can connect
your Instagram account to a Facebook Business Page. People can get directions to your
store and contact you by email, phone call, or text. You get to choose what you want and
don’t want to show on Instagram. So it is really a core feature for your business.

When you have an Instagram Business Account, you will be able to see the insights
(analytics) of your account: how many new followers, where are they from, what hours
and days your engagement is higher and a bunch of cool stats that can help you fine-tuned
your account!

You can also use your Facebook Ads Manager to do Instagram Paid Ads.
Instagram Story is a gold mine for businesses because it allows them to connect with
their market and make it more human. – YoungEntrepreneur01

This is a HUGE opportunity to connect with your audience more humanly and send direct
messages or communications. Its also a great way to post picture/video you do not
necessarily want to be on your Instagram forever. Depending on your niche you want to
give a kind of behind the scene of your business/life! *Attention*This is not Snapchat!

Keep it business related unless you are in a niche like health/wellness/ fitness …
In that case showing your lifestyle is a great idea!

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