Analysing The Effects of Different Types of FACTS Devices On The Steady-State Performance of The Hydro-Québec Network

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Published in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Received on 7th May 2013
Revised on 4th July 2013
Accepted on 20th August 2013
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316

ISSN 1751-8687

Analysing the effects of different types of FACTS

devices on the steady-state performance of the
Hydro-Québec network
Esmaeil Ghahremani1, Innocent Kamwa2
R&D Team, OPAL-RT Technologies Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada
Research Institute of Hydro-Québec/IREQ, Power System and Mathematics, Varennes, QC, Canada

Abstract: Hydro-Québec’s electrical transmission system is an extensive, international grid located in Québec, Canada with
extensions into the northeastern United States of America. For large power systems such as this, one of the major issues is to
maintain the steady-state performance of the network. From this point of view, flexible AC transmission system (FACTS)
devices could be effective tools to improve power system security by reducing the power flow on overloaded lines, which in
turn would result in an increased loadability of the power system, reduced transmission line losses, improved stability and
security and, ultimately, a more energy-efficient transmission system. Therefore in this study, the authors will present the
effects of different types of FACTS devices on the performance of Hydro-Québec’s power system. The optimal locations and
rating of these FACTS controllers will be determined with a view to improving network security using an optimisation
algorithm based on a genetic algorithm. The effects of six different FACTS devices including static VAR compensator
(SVC), thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC), thyristor-controlled voltage regulator (TCVR), thyristor-controlled phase-
shifting transformer (TCPST), unified power flow controller (UPFC) and static synchronous compensator (STATCOM)
with energy storage are compared. Using the presented results, the effects of different types of FACTS devices on the Hydro-
Québec network will be analysed and compared with those of a STATCOM equipped with energy storage from the
viewpoints of static loadability and losses.

1 Introduction transmission system, and thus much of Québec’s population

is supplied by a handful of 735-kV power lines. However,
The Hydro-Québec network, comprising of over 33 000 km long lines require extensive control to maximise the transfer
of power transmission lines, is managed by Hydro-Québec capability and maintain system integrity. Hydro-Québec has
TransÉnergie, a division of the crown corporation therefore started to use power grid control components such
Hydro-Québec. The system is unlike any other, with as large synchronous condensers (in the early 1970s) and
electrical transmission lines that stretch more than 1000 km FACTS devices such as static compensators (in the early
from the northern hydroelectric dams and power stations of 1980s) and series compensation (in early 1990s) [2].
the James Bay project and Churchill Falls to the population FACTS devices improve power network efficiency by
centres of Montréal and Québec cities. For this purpose, re-dispatching the power flow on the transmission lines in
Hydro-Québec uses a voltage of AC 735 kV or 315 kV to such a way that the thermal limits are not exceeded, while
transmit and distribute the electrical power it produces [1]. fulfilling contractual requirements between grid stakeholders
Generation is 98% from northern hydro resources with and increasing system loadability [3]. From the steady-state
almost all the load of this winter-peaking grid (38 900 MW) point of view, FACTS devices operate by supplying or
on 24 January 2013) concentrated in the southern part of absorbing reactive power, increasing or reducing voltage
the province. Much of the electricity generated by and controlling the series impedance of transmission lines
Hydro-Québec’s production facilities comes from 60 or phase angle [4]. However, the benefits of FACTS
hydroelectric plants, most of them located in the north, far devices are dependent on their type, size, number and
from load centres such as Montréal. Major expansion of the location in the transmission system [5]. There are several
network began with the commissioning of an approaches, heuristic or analytical methods, to find the
alternating-current (AC) 735-kV power line in November optimal locations for the given FACTS devices in the
1965 to meet the need to transmit electricity over vast power system such as genetic algorithm (GA) [6–10], Tabu
distances from the hydroelectric power stations in search (TS) [11, 12], simulated annealing (SA) [12],
northwestern Québec and Labrador to southern Québec [1, particle swarm optimisation (PSO) [13–15] and
2]. The 735-kV power lines form the backbone of the entire evolutionary algorithm (EA) [16–19].

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249 233
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
In this paper, the optimal allocation of FACTS devices will process is developed in steady-state conditions, the
be developed using an optimisation process based on the GA to modelling of the STATCOM and SVCs will be the same
find the optimal locations and values of a given number of [20, 21].
FACTS devices in the Hydro-Québec network in order to Each of the above six FACTS devices has its own
maximise the power system loadability [20, 21]. Using the properties and could be used for a specific goal [22]. The
optimisation process presented in this paper, we will analyse simplified models of SVC, TCVR, TCPST, TCSC and
and compare the effect of six different FACTS devices on UPFC, presented in [20], will be used for our power flow
the steady-state performance of the Hydro-Québec network. calculations in Matpower [23]. The modelling of the
We will then assess the steady-state effect (if any) of STATCOM associated with energy storage superconducting
including storage in the FACTS devices, namely the static magnetic energy storage (SMES) (Fig. 1f ) is described
synchronous compensator (STATCOM). A key contribution briefly as follows.
is the study of the potential effects of a FACTS device with The symbol and the model of STATCOM with SMES are
storage on a network’s steady-state performance. also presented in Figs. 2a and b, respectively. The model of
The paper is organised as follows. A general description of STATCOM with SMES consists of two parts: a variable
FACTS devices and the optimisation process is given in inductance for absorbing or producing reactive power
Sections 2 and 3, respectively. The optimal allocation of one
and two static VAR compensators (SVCs) in the
Hydro-Québec network is presented in Sections 4 and 5. The
effects of different numbers of SVCs are analysed in Section
6. Section 7 discusses the effects of energy storage devices
on network performance. Section 8 presents the results of the
allocation process for other types of FACTS devices such as
unified power flow controller (UPFC), thyristor-controlled
voltage regulator (TCVR), thyristor-controlled phase-shifting
transformer (TCPST) and thyristor-controlled series capacitor
(TCSC). Section 9 discusses the results, whereas Section 10,
finally, concludes the paper.

2 FACTS devices
Fig. 2 STATCOM with SMES device
The allocation process will be conducted for six different a Symbol
FACTS devices as presented in Fig. 1. Since our allocation b Simplified model

Fig. 1 FACTS devices

f STATCOM with energy storage

234 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316
( −rSMES) for modelling the active-power production and
positive resistance ( + rSMES) for modelling the active-power
The STATCOM with SMES is a device that could be
installed in the network buses in addition to the branches. If
the allocation process inserts the device in the buses, in this
case the device is modelled only as reactive and active
power injected at the bus as presented in Fig. 3.
The reactive power injected or absorbed by the STATCOM
part at a voltage of 1 pu (rated system voltage) could change
between the following values

− 300 ≤ QSVC ≤ 300 MVar (1)

Fig. 3 Equivalent injected active and reactive power for modelling
the STATCOM with SMES device Also, the range of SMES part for injected (produced) or
absorbed active power are

(STATCOM part) and a variable resistance for absorbing or − 300 ≤ PSMES ≤ +300 MW (2)
producing the active power (SMES part). The SMES
resistance has two operating modes: negative resistance Inserting the STATCOM with SMES in the branches changes

Fig. 4 Effects of PSMES and QSTATCOM on branch parameters

a y′kk = y′ii and b′c
b rik′ , x′ik

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doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
the parameters of the classic equivalent π-model. The stops when one of the stopping criteria such as the number
influence of PSMES and QSTATCOM with the above- of generations, time limit and fitness limit, is met [24, 25].
mentioned ranges on the modified parameters of a branch
such as line resistance, x′ik line inductance, y′kk = y′ii line 3.2 Objective function of the optimisation process
admittance and b′c susceptance can be seen in Fig. 4. For
example, it may be observed that, by increasing the value The goal of our optimisation process is to maximise system
of QSTATCOM in capacitive mode in Fig. 4a, the value of b′c loadability (transmitted power) on the network without any
increases. Taking another example, in Fig. 4b, it is shown bus voltage violation or branch loading.
that in the absorption mode of SMES ( + PSMES) in the To achieve this objective, the load factor (λ) of the network
network the value of rik′ decreases whereas in production will be increased in an iterative optimisation process as
mode ( − PSMES) the value of rik′ increases. follows. At initial condition λ is equal to 1 (λ0 = 1).
First of all, the generating powers in generation buses (PG
3 Optimisation process buses) are modified as in the following equation

3.1 Genetic algorithm PGi = l PG0i (3)

The GA is a kind of stochastic method for solving both where PG0i is the initial power generation at bus i and PGi is
constrained and unconstrained optimisation problems based the modified power generation.
on the mechanism of natural selection. The GA repeatedly Then, for the load buses (PQ buses) the active and reactive
modifies a population of individual solutions. At each step, demands (PL and QL) are modified as the following equations
some individuals are randomly selected from the current
population to be parents for the next generation. Over PLi = lPL0i
successive generations, the population evolves towards an (4)
optimal solution [24, 25]. QLi = lQL0i
The GA begins by creating a random initial population. To
take an example, assume the two individuals in Fig. 5a as an where PL0i and QL0i are the initial active and reactive load
initial population. The algorithm then creates a sequence of power at bus i and PLi and QLi are the modified values.
new populations. This is done by ranking the members of At each iteration, according to (3) and (4), the load factor is
the current population according to their fitness values. increased and the optimisation constraints, which are bus
Some of the individuals in the current population that have voltage violation and branch loading, are verified. When it
the best fitness value are chosen as elite children. These is no longer possible to satisfy the constraints, it is
elite individuals are passed on to the next population. In concluded that the maximum loadability has been reached.
addition to elite children, there are two other methods for This is, in fact, a multi-stage greedy algorithm that follows
generating a new child population: mutation and crossover. the solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at
Mutation children are generated by randomly changing the each stage in the hope of finding a global optimum. On
genes of a single individual parent (see Fig. 5b) and the some problems, a greedy sequential strategy need not
crossover children created by combining pairs of parents in produce an optimal solution, but nonetheless, a greedy
the current population as the third type of children (see heuristic may yield locally optimal solutions that
Fig. 5c). approximate a global optimal solution.
Finally, the current population will be replaced with The corresponding objective function which maximises the
selected children to form the next generation. The algorithm power system loadability (λ) could be formalised as follows

J = Max{l} (5)

Subject to the following security constraints

Sl ≤ Slmax : for all branches of the network (6)

DV  ≤ 0.05: for all buses of the network (7)

Pgi ≤ Pgi ≤ Pgi
: for all generation buses (8)

where Slmax is the maximum value for apparent power of the

line l, Sl is the current apparent power of the line l and ΔVbi is
the difference between the nominal voltage at bus i and the
min max
current voltage, Pgi is the generation at bus i, Pgi and Pgi
are the minimum and maximum bounds on Pgi, respectively.
To simplify enforcement of the process constraints while
placing FACTS at random locations, let us define a fitness
function (Fit) to include two terms targeting separately,
branch overloading (OVL) and second term is related to bus
voltage violations (VLB)
Fig. 5 GA begins by creating a random initial population  
a Original individuals  
b Mutation on each single individual Fit = 2 − OVLLine + VLBBus (9)
c Crossover between two original individuals Line Bus

236 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316
with Table 1 FACTS device properties: specific code, number of
variables, variable names and possible location

⎨ 1; if Sl ≤ Sl max Code FACTS Number of Variables Installation
   device variable on
OVLl =  S 
⎩ exp m1 1 − l  ; if Sl . Sl max
Si max 1 SVC 1 QSVC bus/line
1; if DVbi  ≤ 0.05 2 TCSC (SSSC) 1 XTCSC line
VBLi =     3 TCVR 1 kTCVR line
exp m2 0.05 − DVbi  ; if DVbi  ≥ 0.05 4 TCPST 1 δTCPST line
5 UPFC 3 VSE, ISE and bus with
(10) ΦSE adjoining line
6 STATCOM 2 QSTATCOM, bus/line
where Slmax, Sl and ΔVbi were defined in (6)–(8) and the
parameters μ1 and μ2 are constant coefficients.
This means that, if the constraints are fulfilled, each term of
the fitness function in (10) (OVL and VBL) will be equal to 1 locations for each FACTS device is related firstly to the
and the value of the Fit in (9) will be equal to zero. On the bus/line installation and secondly to the selected test network.
other hand, if the constraints are not met, the above-defined Three typical individuals for GA optimisation process are
fitness function penalises the overloaded branches and over- presented in Fig. 6. As is apparent from Fig. 6, the first part
or under-voltage buses. of each individual’s string is related to the FACTS type. In
the examples of Fig. 6, since we have five FACTS devices
(nFACTS = 5), the FACTS types slot shown in the
3.3 Optimisation approach individual’s string has five columns. The number of total
columns of each individual’s (nindividual ) string could be
The optimisation process implemented to find the maximum calculated by nindividual = 3nFACTS + 2nUPFC + nSMES.
loading factor λmax (maximum system loadability) could be The second slot of each individual’s string corresponds to
presented as follows [20]: the locations associated with the first slot in the string. Each
specific FACTS device has its own location. Repeated
Step 1: Initialise λ0 = 1. Select the number and types of locations are not allowed in the optimisation process and
FACTS devices and build the GA individual structure. each line or bus should appear only once in the string. In
Then, based on the individual structure, create the initial GA implementation, the upper and lower limit of locations
population of the GA. should be determined. This is related to test network and
FACTS type. For example, in IEEE 14-bus test system with
The GA individual is built based on FACTS types, FACTS 14 bus and 20 lines; there are 14 possible locations for a
locations and FACTS values as presented in Fig. 6. As shown TCSC for installation and 34 (20 + 14) possible locations
in Table 1, for each type of FACTS devices there are a for SVC.
number of variables and a specific code, namely: 1 for The third and last part of the individual’s string includes the
SVC, 2 for TCSC, 3 for TCVR, 4 for TCPST, 5 for UPFC rating values of the FACTS devices, which are normalised
and 6 for STATCOM with SMES. The possible number of between 0 and 1 with 0 corresponding to the minimum

Fig. 6 Typical example of an individual of multi-type FACTS device allocation

a Without UPFC and STATCOM with SMES
b Including just UPFC
c Including both UPFC and STATCOM with SMES

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249 237
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value of the device and 1 to the maximum. To use these factor for which there is no individual with a Fit equal to
normalised values in the power flow calculations, we need zero. This means that at this load factor, there is no
to convert them to physical real values of the device as configuration of FACTS device which can bring the
follows [5] network voltage level and loading constraints into
acceptable ranges. At this point, we should report the
vreal = vmin + vmax − vmin vnormalised (11) previous load factor corresponding to maximum load factor
(λmax) and previous individual with zero value of (Fit)
where vmin and vmax are the minimum and maximum values which includes optimal locations and values of selected
for each specific device. For example, STATCOM with FACTS device.
SMES device these values were presented in (1) and (2).
In summary, global optimisation (5) is a complex, possibly
Step 2: Increase λ = λ + 0.1, create an initial population of GA untrackable problem which is converted into several simpler
and then verify the constraint satisfaction for each individual sequential optimisation problems. In fact, global problem
by means of the Fit presented in (9). The optimisation solving requires a continuation optimal power flow (OPF)
algorithm (GA) randomly selects the locations and values to find the objective function whereas greedy problem
for all given FACTS devices after setting them into the solving only relies on ordinary power flows to enforce
power system at each generation. The Fit is then calculated security constraints (6)–(8) at each stress level. The pitfall is
for each individual. If the constraints are met, the value of that there is no guaranty of global optimum, only the
the Fit in (9) will be equal to 0; otherwise it will be greater certainty to obtain one solution, at a given stress level.
than 0. Based on the Fit value, the GA performs the GA
operations such as elite generation, mutation and crossover 4 One SVC allocation in the Hydro-Québec
for creating the next generation. network
Step 3: If there is any individual with Fit = 0, it means that at The Hydro-Québec network has 884 buses and 650 branches.
current load factor (λ) we have a configuration that satisfies The MatPower format of this network, which was used for the
the security constraints and as a result we should increase power flow calculations, was obtained from the PSS/E
the load factor. This loop continues until we reach a load version of the network dated 29 January 2010. The total

Fig. 7 Overall plan of Hydro-Québec network

238 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
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load of this network is 33 654 MW and the total power (BCV315), which is located in Boucherville (see Fig. 7) on
production is 35 474 MW. An overall view of the the South Shore of Montréal, the maximum load factor was
Hydro-Québec network is schematised in Fig. 7. determined as λmax = 1.024. This means that, with one SVC
Using the optimisation process described in the previous having the above-mentioned capacity, we would have 2.4%
section, the allocation process for one SVC in the improvement in system loadability, which is equal to
Hydro-Québec network is developed and the following (33 654 × 0.024 = ) 807.69 MW.
results, presented in Table 2, are obtained. As can be seen For each network, there is a load threshold factor (λLRI)
from this table, for the Hydro-Québec network, with one (LRI: loss reduction improvement) above which we observe
SVC of − 592.248 MVar allocated in bus number 10 a reduction in transmission line losses. For one SVC

Table 2 Allocation and effects of one SVC on the Hydro-Québec network

Network test system FACTS devices Values and locations λmax Loss reduction
Location Name Value, MVar Loadability λ Reduction
Region improvement, %

Hydro-Québec SVC Bus 10 BCV315 − 592.24 1.024 0.90 1.000 16 MW (0.047%)

LSERiveSud 2.4 1.024 26.5 MW (0.071%)

Fig. 8 Comparison of voltage magnitudes of all buses in the Hydro-Québec network at maximum load factor λmax = 1.024

Fig. 9 Comparison of voltage magnitudes of all buses in the Hydro-Québec network at another selected load factor λ = 1.08

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249 239
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allocated in the network, the value of λLRI is determined as Hydro-Québec experts. These locations are near the
equal to 0.90 (λLRI = 0.90). From Table 2, it can be seen Montréal area at Chénier (bus 23:CHE315) and
that for the initial condition with λ = 1.00 we have 16 MW Bout-de-l’Ile (bus 51:BDL315) with ratings of −600 MVar
(0.047%) loss reduction in the network whereas at for each. The number 315 refers to the nominal voltage of
maximum load factor (λmax = 1.02) there is 26.5 MW the local buses. Generally, the previous SVCs in Montréal
(0.071%) loss reduction in the network. are installed to solve long term voltage stability problems to
The bus voltages for the networks with and without increase the load of the network without risk of voltage
FACTS devices for two load factors λmax = 1.024 and λ = collapse after a line outage around Montréal. However, we
1.08 are presented in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. As is clear have compared those already installed SVCs with our
from these plots, under the same loadability conditions, the allocated SVC in terms of loadability improvement which
network without FACTS devices has a greater voltage drop means that, the location of the SVC is fixed on a specific
on the buses, confirming the significant influence of FACTS location (here the location of previously installed SVCs)
devices on keeping the bus voltage in the acceptable ranges. and the size is set to −592 MVar. Then, the comparison is
It is an effective demonstration of the significant influence done in terms of loadability improvement between the SVC
of FACTS devices (here SVC) on keeping the steady-state installed physically in the network and an SVC allocated by
voltage of buses in the acceptable ranges. The ‘nominal bus the GA as given in Table 3. As can be seen from this table,
voltages’ curve in Figs. 8 and 9 corresponds to the voltage the influence of the current SVCs at buses 23 and 51
profile without FACTS device at λ = 1. physically installed at Chénier or planned at Bout-de-l’Ile in
To show how far the result of the allocation for one SVC is the Hydro-Québec network is very much the same and
acceptable, let us compare the effects of the allocated SVC similar to the results of the SVC at bus 10. Although the
with the two most recent SVC locations determined by maximum loadability for real SVCs is λmax = 1.022 and

Table 3 Comparison between real installed SVCs on the Hydro-Québec network with SVCs allocated by the optimisation method
No. Network test FACTS Values and locations λmax Voltage Loss reduction
system device deviations
Location Name Value, Loadability λ Abs. λ Reduction
MVar Improvment, % value

1 Hydro-Québec SVC Bus 10 BCV315 −592.248 1.024 0.90 1.024 1.074 1.000 16 MW
(paper (0.047%)
result) LSERiveSud 2.4 1.080 4.949 1.024 26.5 MW
2 Hydro-Québec SVC Bus 51 BDL315 −592.248 1.022 0.90 1.022 1.034 1.000 14 MW
(physically (0.041%)
installed) LSEMontreal 2.2 1.080 4.814 1.024 24.5 MW
3 Hydro-Québec SVC Bus 23 CHE315 −592.248 1.023 0.85 1.023 0.940 1.000 21 MW
(physically (0.047%)
installed) LSELaval 2.3 1.080 3.812 1.024 33.5 MW

Fig. 10 Comparison of the stress level for voltage collapse in the network with and without FACTS at λ = 1.09 the voltage collapse occurs just
for the network without FACTS devices (SVC)

240 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
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Fig. 11 Comparison of the stress level for voltage collapse in the network with and without FACTS at λ = 1.11 the voltage collapse occurs for
both conditions: the network with and without SVC device

λmax = 1.023, for the selected SVC at bus 10, this value is to λ = 1.09, we have voltage collapse in the network
λmax = 1.024. We have similar results also on λLRI values without FACTS and the network with FACTS devices (one
and loss-reduction improvements. SVC) remains stable. However, the scenario for a load
The results presented in Table 3 show that the location and factor equal to λ = 1.11 is quite different. As may be
value obtained by the presented optimisation process are near observed in Fig. 11, at this stress level (λ = 1.11) the
to the case set in reality to find a suitable location for an SVC network will collapse in both conditions: with and without
of approximately −600 MVar near a big load such as an SVC device.
Montréal where we already had the same size of SVC We can therefore conclude that the network with one SVC,
physically installed. We repeated this optimisation (one allocated near the Montréal area, would have better
SVC device) several times from various initial conditions steady-state stability against an increase in the loading level
and in all of them the optimal location was determined in of the network. According to the allocation results, we
the area around Montréal. would have 2.4% loadability improvement in the network
As mentioned before, the objective function of the with one SVC. In the results of the graphs presented in
optimisation process is to maximise the power system Figs. 10 and 11, the loadability improvement is equal to 2%
loadability. Considering a V − P graph of a load bus (Δλ = 1.11–1.09 = 0.02), which, as expected, is close to the
(PQ-bus) in CPF analysis, an increase in the load of a allocation result (2.4%).
PQ-bus would reduce the voltage of that bus until the
critical point is reached, which shows the bus voltage
collapse. Using the same methodology, we made a similar 5 Two SVCs allocated in the Hydro-Québec
study of the Hydro-Québec network in which, instead of network
increasing the load of one specific bus, we increased the
load of all buses while monitoring the voltage level of the We repeated the allocation process for two SVCs on the
entire network. Using this method, we were able to Hydro-Québec network. The optimal locations, regions and
determine the loading level at which the network with and values and also the effects of two SVCs on loadability and
without FACTS devices would collapse. The results are loss reduction are presented in Table 4.
illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11. As can be seen from this table, for the Hydro-Québec
It is clear in Fig. 10 that λ = 1.09 is the critical load factor network, with two SVCs with the size of −581 and −538
for the network without a FACTS device (here one SVC). MVar allocated to bus number 11 (DUV315) in the area of
This means that, when the loading of the network is equal Laval (a suburb of Montréal) and DSOUR1 in the Montréal

Table 4 Allocation and effects of Two SVCs on the Hydro-Québec network

Network test system FACTS devices Values and locations λmax Loss reduction

Location Name Value, MVar Loadability, % λLRI λ Reduction


Hydro-Québec SVC Bus 11 DUV315 − 581.530 1.033 0.88 1.000 26 MW

LSELaval (0.077%)
SVC Bus 552 DSOUR1 − 538.075 3.3 1.033 49 MW
LSEMontreal 1110 MW (0.15%)

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249 241
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Fig. 12 Comparison of voltage magnitudes of all buses in the Hydro-Québec network at maximum load factor λmax = 1.033

region, the maximum load factor was determined as allocated SVCs this value is λmax = 1.033, that is, nearly the
λmax = 1.033. same.
This means that, with two SVCs having the The influence of a two-SVCs group on the total loss
above-mentioned capacity, we have 3.3% improvement in reduction is shown in Table 5 as well. The value of λLRI is
the system loadability, which is equal to (33 654 × 0.033 = ) determined as 0.88 (λLRI = 0.88). Under initial conditions
1110 MW. The bus voltages for the network with and with λ = 1.00, we would have a 26 MW (0.077%) loss
without SVC devices at the maximum load factor λmax = reduction in the network whereas at maximum load factor
1.033 are presented in Figs. 12 and 13. (λmax = 1.033) we have 49 MW (0.15%) loss reduction.
Similar to the previous section, we again compare the If a loss reduction of 26 MW can be sustained throughout
results obtained for two SVCs with the effects of two SVC the year (average value), it will have the same price as the
locations determined by Hydro-Québec experts. The results transfer capacity, which has a price of about $80 /kW a year
are presented in Table 5 where it can be seen that the in the Hydro-Québec system. This means about $2.08 M of
influence of the actual SVCs on buses 23 and 51 physically additional revenue a year could possibly be saved by
installed at Chénier and Bout-de-l’Ile in the Hydro- properly locating the SVC, which is also serving other
Québec network is similar to the results of the allocated network functions. A 300 MVA SVC in Montréal area
SVCs at buses 11 and 552. Although the maximum typically increases the voltage stability limit by 400 MW on
loadability for a real group of SVCs is λmax = 1.032, for the the south interface which is voltage stability limited.

Fig. 13 Comparison of voltage magnitudes of all buses in the Hydro-Québec network at another selected load factor λ = 1.08

242 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316
Table 5 Comparison between allocation and effects of two SVCs on the Hydro-Québec network
Type FACTS Values and locations λmax Voltage Loss reduction
devices deviations

Location Name Value, Loadability λlRI λ Abs. λ Reduction

Region MVar Improvment, % value

Paper SVC Bus 552 DSOUR1 −538.07 1.033 0.88 1.024 0.84 1.000 26 MW
result (LSEMontreal) (0.077%)
SVC Bus 11 DUV315 −581.530 3.3 1.080 2.512 1.033 49 MW
(LSELaval) (0.15%)
Actual SVC Bus 51 BDL315 −538.075 1.032 0.88 1.024 0.84 1.000 30 MW
(LSEMontreal) (0.047%)
SVC Bus 23 CHE315 −581.530 3.2 1.024 2.139 1.032 48 MW
(LSELaval) (0.14%)

6 Comparing the effects of different number The comparison between different number of SVCs for
of SVCs on the Hydro-Québec network power system loadability is presented in Fig. 14a where it
can be seen that by inserting three, four or five compared
In this section, by repeating similar simulations as those in with two SVCs, there is no significant improvement in
previous sections, the effects of different number of SVCs system loadability. Therefore two is the optimum number of
on the Hydro-Québec network are analysed and compared. SVCs for the Hydro-Québec network.

Fig. 14 Comparing the influence of different numbers of SVCs on

a Maximising power system loadability λmax
b Reduction of total voltage deviation (TVD)

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249 243
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014

Fig. 15 Comparing the influence of different numbers of SVCs on

a Loss reduction of transmission lines at initial load factor λ = 1.00
b Loss reduction of transmission lines at maximum load factor λmax

The improvement in the reduction of voltage deviation at a STATCOM without storage. Since our entire optimisation
maximum loadability condition is also presented in process is conducted with the power system in steady-state
Fig. 14b, from which it is clear that, by increasing the condition, the modelling of the STATCOM is the same as
number of SVCs, there would be more reductions in the that of an SVC. The analyses for a single STATCOM
voltage deviation of buses. Also, Figs. 15a and b present without storage and one STATCOM with SMES were
the effect of different number of SVCs on the loss performed for the Hydro-Québec network and for other
reduction of transmission lines. Specifically, Fig. 15b shows IEEE test systems. The results, presented in Table 6, show
the loss reduction for an initial load factor λ = 1.00, whereas quite clearly that, in the Hydro-Québec network when the
Fig. 15b shows the same variable at maximum load factor. STATCOM is associated with energy storage devices
As observed for system loadability, considering also the (SMES), there is not more improvement in loss reduction
loss reduction of transmission lines, the optimum number of whereas the values for the maximum load factor are the
SVCs in the Hydro-Québec network is two. same for both devices.
For other IEEE test systems, the results are a little different.
For example, in the 57-bus test system, with just one
7 Analysing the effects of STATCOM with STATCOM we have 11% improvement in system
energy storage in the Hydro-Québec network loadability however, with one STATCOM associated with
SMES this rate is 14%.
To understand the effect of a SMES in a better manner For the 300-bus test system, though we have λmax = 1.05
(associated with STATCOM), we compare this device with with one STATCOM alone, for one STATCOM associated

244 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316
Table 6 Comparison between the STATCOM with SMES device and a STATCOM alone in different power networks

doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316
Network test One STATCOM One STATCOM with SMES
Location Value, λmax Voltage Loss reduction Location Value λmax Voltage Loss reduction
MVar deviations deviations
Loadabilily λ Abs. λ Reduction Loadability λlRI λ Abs. λ Reduction
Improvment, % value Improvment, % value

9 Bus Bus 4 −130.145 1.45 1.05 1.45 0.005 1.40 0.4 MW Bus 9 −62.540 1.49 0.4 1.49 0.003 3.40 1.5 MW
45 MVar 49
1.80 0.011 1.80 1.5 MW −175.808 1.80 0.010 1.80 4 MW

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249

24 Bus Bus 10 −205.117 1.20 1.03 1.20 0.029 1.20 1 MW Branch 2 −187.540 1.34 1.00 1.34 0.032 1.20 0.1 MW
20 MVar 34
1.70 0.077 1.60 6 MW −86.808 1.70 0.055 1.60 1 MW
30 Bus Bus 6 −111.443 1.32 1.64 1.32 0.015 1.90 0.31 MW Bus 6 −69.548 1.35 0.34 1.35 0.015 1.00 0.5 MW
32 MVar 35
1.90 0.029 2.00 0.50 MW −152.687 1.90 0.032 2.00 2.5 MW
57 Bus Bus 18 −86.872 1.11 0.43 111 0.031 1.00 3 MW Bus 38 −67.528 1.14 0.10 1.14 0.028 1 00 12 MW
11 MVar 14
1.20 0.038 1.40 14 MW −34.575 120 0.037 1 40 29 MW
300 Bus Bus 266 −283.767 1.05 0.88 1.05 0.047 1.00 2 MW Bus 140 −74.299 1.10 1.08 1.10 0.113 1.20 4 MW
5 MVar 10
1.20 0.133 1.20 9 MW −63.039 1.20 0.334 1.30 10 MW
Hydro-Quebec Bus 10 −592.248 1.024 0.90 1.024 1.074 1.000 16 MW Bus 538 −531.103 1.024 0.90 1.024 1.097 1.000 13 MW
2.4 (0.047%) MVar 2.4 (0.038%)
807 MW 807 MW
1.080 4.949 1.024 27 MW −208.371 1.080 4.722 1.024 23 MW
(0.071%) MW (0.068%)

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014

with SMES this value is λmax = 1.10. Using the results of this lSVC
max = 1.024. The TCPST has less effect on maximising
table we could conclude that, generally speaking, using the system loadability compared with other FACTS devices.
energy storage devices (SMES) with STATCOM could Comparisons of the influences of different type of FACTS
result in greater loss reduction and greater loadability devices on the voltage deviation reduction at maximum load
improvement. factor λmax, are also presented in Fig. 16b where it can be seen
that one UPFC and one TCVR are the most effective devices
for reducing the voltage deviation of buses.
8 Analysing the effects of different type of The effects of different types of FACTS devices on the
FACTS devices on the Hydro-Québec network loss reduction of transmission lines are presented in
Figs. 17a and b. Fig. 17a shows the loss reduction at
This section describes the effects of different types of FACTS initial load factor λ = 1.00, whereas Fig. 17b shows the
devices, comparing one and two devices for each of them, on same objective at maximum load factor λmax. As is clear
the Hydro-Québec network. These simulations were from this figure, considering the loss reduction, a UPFC
performed to analyse the effects of different FACTS is the most effective device, which must be related to the
devices on system loadability and loss reduction. fact that the UPFC device actually consists of both shunt
For example, comparisons of the effects of different and series FACTS devices.
FACTS devices on maximising the power system Using the same results presented in Figs. 16 and 17, we can
loadability are presented in Fig. 16a. As is clear from this present as well the comparison between two devices of
figure, allocating one UPFC results in a maximum load different types of FACTS (i.e. 2 SVCs against 2 UPFCs).
factor of lUPFC
max = 1.028, whereas for the SVC, it results in We will then be in a position to compare the effects of

Fig. 16 Comparing the influence of different type of FACTS devices on

a Maximising power system loadability λmax
b Reduction of TVD

246 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316

Fig. 17 Comparing the influence of different type of FACTS devices on

a Loss reduction of transmission lines at initial load factor λ = 1
b Loss reduction of transmission lines at maximum load factor λmax

different FACTS devices (with two units) on the steady-state 9 Discussion

performance of the Hydro-Québec network.
As is clear from Fig. 16a, the maximum load factor with We have identified several research papers aiming at quantifying
two UPFCs allocated is l2max UPFC
= 1.036, whereas for the the benefits, in terms of monetary values, of FACTS devices
two SVCs it is l2max SVC
= 1.033. It is interesting that by when used in deregulated electricity market for congestion
increasing the number of TCPSTs from one to two, there management [26–28]. For example, in [28], using an OPF and
is no improvement in the power system loadability. The GA-based optimisation procedure, different types of FACTS
graph related to the reduction of voltage deviation at devices are optimally placed in a multi-machine power system
maximum load factor is presented in Fig. 16b. We could to reduce the overall costs of power generation. The placement
also mention that by increasing the number of UPFCs methodology considers simultaneously the cost of generating
from one to two, there is no improvement in the active and reactive powers and acquisition cost of selected
reduction of losses in transmission lines. Finally, as FACTS devices for a range of operating conditions. The net
observed in Figs. 17a and b, the TCVR offers the greatest present value (NPV) method is used to assess the economic
improvement in loss reduction by increasing the number value of the proposed methodology. The NPV is an
of devices from one to two. Considering the loss engineering economy method to analyse between long-term
reduction, there is no difference between one or two benefits of a project (here FACTS installation on the network)
devices for TCPST as shown in Figs. 17a and b. Using against the initial cost of that project [28].
the optimisation process presented here, these analyses In this paper, our goal was not to perform an
could be repeated for three, four or five units of each investment-based planning study but rather to establish
device, as was done for the SVC in the paper. some basic locations for FACTS to maximise loadability

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, pp. 233–249 247
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0316 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
while hopefully minimising losses and comparing the effects GA-based optimisation method, the optimal locations and
of different FACTS on this goal. Once a good location is values of different types of FACTS devices were
found, a systematic planning study with monetary inputs determined and the performance of the network was
can be conducted to compare a FACTS solution with analysed before and after inserting the FACTS devices. The
alternatives (lines, power plant and other equipment effects of five different FACTS devices including SVC,
upgrades) and further investigate the economic savings TCSC, TCVR, TCPST, UPFC and STATCOM with SMES
resulting from the use of FACTS devices. For example, the were presented. Based on the results, the UPFC was the
price of an SVC installed in the Hydro-Québec network is most effective FACTS device if we want to increase the
typically from 50 to 80 M$ CAD. As we mentioned before, loadability while reducing the losses at the same time, even
with a brief calculation based on our results in this paper, if when the main objective function is maximising power
a loss reduction of 26 MW can be sustained throughout the system loadability. Another contribution of this paper is the
year (average value), it will have the same price as the study of the potential effects of FACTS with storage on
transfer capacity, which has a price of about $80/kW a year steady-state network performance. Although no benefits
in the Hydro-Québec system. This means about $2.08 M of were found on the Hydro-Québec network, which is mostly
additional revenue a year could possibly be saved by radial, STATCOM with SMES was able to improve the
properly locating the SVC, which is also serving other loadability and losses of several highly meshed IEEE test
network functions. As a result, similar to the methods used systems.
in [26–28] other investigation could be conducted to find
out the long-term benefit of installing a FACTS device (e.g.
SVC) by maximising loadability and/or minimising losses 11 Acknowledgment
against the payment for the initial cost of that device.
The authors would like to thank Hydro-Québec Research
Regarding the reason of choosing GA as an optimisation
Institute (IREQ) for offering an internship to the first author
algorithm in our FACTS placement study, let us recall that
in order to perform this work. The authors also would like
in Section 1 of this paper, there are two main approaches
to thank the manager of the Power Systems and
for optimal allocation of FACTS devices in power
Mathematics Department for granting access to the data
networks: heuristic methods and analytical methods.
required for this study.
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process is complex, multi-layer and un-trackable with no
direct algebraic function for the optimal problem, it is not 12 References
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