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Question 5.1

There are four major area of human resource management that impact knowledge management
consist of staffing, performance management, learning development, and evaluation of human
resource process. Thus, through these process human resource management influences the
knowledge management activities by providing information about organizational culture, work
roles and specifications, performances requirements, rewards system and the learning that are
expected by organization. HRM gain employee commitment to knowledge sharing and act as
useful vehicle for promoting this knowledge transfer through its practices.

Question 5.2

The five principle of human resource management system to support a knowledge-intensive

community are as per below:

I. General communication facilities for all the employees.

II. Equal learning opportunity for all the employees.
III. Regular performance assessment for all the employees.
IV. Regular performance evaluation by including all the employees.
V. On job training, coaching and mentoring for needed skills.

The five principle listed above will ensure new knowledge gain opportunities among employees
and will enhance employees’ commitment toward knowledge sharing. Human resource
management should play an essential role by implementing these principle through its practices.
The commitment and contribution of knowledge leaders and core leaders also necessary to
enacting this principles.

Question 5.4

Alignments of organizational, operational and individual processes are important for knowledge
organization to make sure the knowledge of organizational goals received accurately and
effectively. This alignment will smoothing the process of knowledge transfer without
misinterpretation and will ensure a collective understanding on the received instruction. This
alignment will integrate the organizational interaction and connectivity.

For an example, main process of Citi Group Transaction Company is to maintenance

Singapore’s CitiBank customers however this process not align with Johor branch and India’s
sub company branches. The factors that make this alignment hard is because of different work
environment and different working cultures. To align the process, regular task and performance
assessment should practice by human resource development of the company.

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