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Chapter 1P - Sound synthesis with Max/MSP 1p

'600 ,,, scope-

inspe ctor
@ Appea ra nce

• lng Valut

('} Hide on Look 0
() Includ e in Bacl\grou
nd 0
0 Include in Presentatio n u
) Patching Rectangle 255. 280. 130. 130.
Q Presentation Rectang le 0. 0. 0. 0.
(} RouruJ-ness
of Box Cor ners 8
C) IgnoreClick O
f,.J Back.ground
~ BorderCo«V
® Grid Color
G) Phosphor Color
(') Annolal!on
@ Hint
0 Scripting Name
O Bulfe r Si2e 128
0 Calccou n t - samp les per pi.•. 256
@ Drawing Style o

.l~o!!· _r_ -!a!!!!...
.. l@'',ifu·iii!lffil\ib, '·' w· =-· -----!lftli!iftffil\lli!" 0
Fig_ 1.23a The inspector fo r t he scope- object

Let' s return to th e inspector fo r the oscilloscope. We fi rst click on the "Value"

tab at th e top, in orde r to see t he attri butes that are specific to the scope-
object (as seen in f igu re 1.23b)_

scope- inspector
, All Appenr• n<e Bcffiwior Cofer

...: s.tllng Value

C}j Buffer Size 128
el Cak:cou-,t . samples per pixel 256
ill)! Dra,.,;ng Style 0
ii i Lo and HI Display Range (Y-Axis) ·1. 1.
olOnset Delay 0.
~ITrigger Mode Nor,e i
0 Value for Trigger 0.

Q ,z

Fig. 1.23b The inspector's view of t he "Value" attrib utes for t he scope- object

The fi rst att ributes th at we see are Buff er Size and Calccoun t - sample s per
p ixel. The wavefo rm t hat we see on the screen doesn' t d isplay a po int for every
sample, but instead, each pixel drawn represents a f ixed numbe r of samp les.
Samples to be displayed, th erefor e, are divided into groups of data, and t he size
of each of these chunks can be configu red using t he Calccount attr ibute. It is
also possible to set how many of these groups you w ant to display on th e screen
of the oscilloscope, and therefore how many pixels w ill be drawn , by using th e
Buffer Size attribute . The att ribute th at we modif ied with th e number box con-
nected to t he left inlet of t he scope - is Ca/ccount, or t he numbe r of samples

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