Research Log 1

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Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date: 2/5/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure
Point that this Source Proves:   # 3
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 
“Low birthweight also has a long-term impact upon infant health and growth trajectories. Infants who are
born small for gestational age remain shorter and lighter and have smaller head circumferences than their
peers through early childhood”

“Prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation are critical indicators of medical and developmental
risks which not only impact children’s short-term well-being but extend into adulthood where they have
been linked recently to obesity, adult onset diabetes, and risk of cardiac disease”

“The Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedsNSS), a national program run by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, found a 14% prevalence of anemia in 2001 among children under 5 years
old in its sample comprised mostly of low-income, nutritionally at-risk children.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 
Food insecurity is defined as the limited availability of food for a healthy lifestyle that can’t be
obtained by a family due to economic or social reasoning. The cause of food insecurity is mainly poverty
for the lower income families. Although having access to purchase food in local supermarkets nearby,
families struggle to obtain certain foods due to their poverty issues with jobs, being a single parent, or
other economic problems. Since families don’t have the ability to obtain healthy and nutritious food, they
receive short and long-term physical health risks.
With different levels of food insecurity, families that have less severe levels often give up
affordable food for their children. In situations with pregnant mothers, having improper nutrition will lead
to health risks for their future child including height (leads to shorter lifespan), organ growth, and
disproportional growth. Another health risk for children under five years of age is iron deficiency anemia.
With those that don’t receive pediatric help, parents don’t realize when a child is low in their iron
deficiency due to the lack of nutrition they have. In severe cases, some children are hospitalized with iron
deficiency anemia. Another health risk that children will experience as an effect from food insecurity is
obesity. When children are experiencing food insecurity during their toddler years, they lead to higher
risks of obesity in their future years of growing. As a result of lack of nutrition, a lower-weight baby has a
higher risk of being overweight or obese compared to babies that are normal or overweight when they are
born. This will also provide long-term effects as well including cardiovascular problems, diabetes and
other health issues.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

 Cook, John, and Karen Jeng. Child Food Insecurity: The Economic Impact on Our Nation.
Feeding America, Child Food Insecurity: The Economic Impact on Our Nation,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is a report made by Feeding America, an organization
that is nationwide that provide an effort to feed more than 46 million people and it is written by John
Cook who received a PhD.

Progress Check:
I am currently obtaining my materials that I will be using to make my garden. I’ve already collected the
seeds for certain plants, my Styrofoam boxes, plastics, and dirt to make my garden. My grandpa is also
teaching me how to monitor the plants that I’ll be growing as well to have the quickest and best
production of food.
Research Log #2 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 2/5/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point that this Source Proves: #1

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“There are 24 million Americans that suffer from not having enough food to eat. That’s 1 in 7

“Hunger is a basic human need and without it you do some pretty unpredictable things. When you don’t
eat, you can’t think. When you don’t eat, you can’t function. When you don’t eat, you can’t live. “

“Even that experience that you feel of hunger when you haven’t eaten in a long time, just imagine that
coupled by the feeling of anxiety of not knowing when you’ll ever be able to eat again. You’ll begin to do
unrationed things and so you don’t tell someone to pick themselves up by their bootstraps who doesn’t
even have boots in the first place.”

“We’ve been operating in silos as if this is my territory so stay back. I work in food so let me just focus
on the number of people I can feed regardless of the nutritional value, regardless if it affects any other
health elements.”

“We first have to realize that the issue of hunger is complex… It’s a system that makes people hungry…
We have to look at it from the root cause of it... We have to start working in concert with one another…
We then have to be unapologetic about advocating on the pubic’s behalf”

“There are 4 core pillars to household stability. It’s food, health, housing, and employment. If you don’t
have food, you can’t think and function. If you don’t have housing, you can’t expect someone to show up
on the job and give 100%. If you don’t have health care you can’t really expect someone to perform at
their peak. If you’re not employed, you can’t expect to bring in an income and for the rest of your house
to be stabilized. “

“Once we finish hunger, we can go from feeding America to nurturing America. When we do that, new
possibilities arise. Possibilities such as food banks working as food districts to provide pop-up school
pantries. On a monthly basis, schools get provided with food for the families and students of that school
to ensure they have a consistent flow of healthy and safe food. “

“Health care providers working with food pantries to provide diabetic friendly food pantries to ensure that
those facing hunger don’t also lose their health because they aren’t eating to live.”
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This speaker, Rayna Andrews, talks about the issues of food insecurity and the cause they bring.
Not only is food insecurity impacted among parents and children, but they bring mental health problems
that affect the society. When you wake up feeling hungry, you start to grow anxiety and do things that
you can’t imagine. That hunger basically takes control over you and you can’t do anything about it.
People say that you should just get a job to buy food and support yourself and your family, but they don’t
realize that you can’t do that if you don’t have anything to begin with.
She also talks about the four ways for household stability which are food, health, housing, and
employment. With one of those pieces missing, your stability can’t be fixed or altered to be maintained.
People expect you to give it your 100% but in reality, it’s hard to do so when you have sleeping problems
due to hunger and you can’t function throughout the day. Rayna Andrews also talks about how we can
solve this issue and make it bloom from this “benefit”. Instead of donating food, food banks could work
to provide school pantries every once in a while, to give out to the students. They can also provide food
for families every month so they can sustain a healthy and nutritious balance of food.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Andrews, Rayna. “Food Insecurity is a Public Health Concern.” Youtube, uploaded by Tedx

Talks, November 21, 2016

This is a reputable and reliable video because it is a video from Tedx where Rayna Andrews has been
through food insecurity in the past when she was 9 years old and she is currently an executive for
Wisconsin’s largest food bank.
Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 2/21/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point That This Source Proves: #2

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“The authors found that among approximately 28 million food-insecure adults and 13 million food-
insecure children in the United States in 2016, the excess cost associated with food insecurity translates to
approximately $52.9 billion in excess healthcare expenditures.”

“On average, healthcare costs for food insecure adults is $1,834 higher than people who are food secure.”

“The money subsidizes the cost of fresh fruit, produce and other healthy food to be sold at low cost in 37
existing brick and mortar markets and convenience stores.”

"When we start seeing the data and background: one in eight Americans, 40 million adults, 12 million
children struggle with food insecurity"

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Food security is prioritized for those that can’t afford nutritious and sustainable food for them or
their families. With healthy food not being affordable by families, health care costs increase to cover for
their malnutrition, mental, or physical health problems that they encounter. With the effects of food
insecurity, this pertains to the costs of health care which is supported by the state or the U.S. This hurts
the economy as the U.S. has to invest more towards providing health care for those that are food insecure.
When people don’t have nutritious food, they recover from hunger by switching their diets and
intake unhealthy foods that are cheaper which could arise health problems. Although there are non-profit
organizations that help with this issue of food insecurity, it is still not enough to cover families across the
nation. People continue to fundraise for healthy food to be distributed which also doesn’t resolve this
major issue. With arising cases of food insecurity across the nation, health problems occur which would
lead to investment in health care benefits for those that aren’t able to afford it.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Morse, Susan. “SDOH: Food Insecurity Adds $53 Billion Annually to Healthcare Costs.”
Healthcare Finance News, 30 Aug. 2019,

This is a reputable and reliable article because this is an article written by Susan Morse who had written
many articles for HealthCareFinance news.
Research Log #4 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 2/28/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point That This Source Proves: #1

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“Food and housing insecurity are social determinants of health (1). Food insecurity is associated with
poor physical health, diabetes, and hypertension (2,3), and housing insecurity is associated with overall
poor health (4,5) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) (6).”

“Food and housing insecurity also affect chronic disease management (7). In Hawaiʻi, over a quarter of
adults were food insecure and nearly half were housing insecure in one study that used state data from
2010–2011 (8).”

“Hawaiʻi had the highest cost of living in the nation in 2016 (9) and the second lowest median private
sector wages in the country after cost of living adjustment (10). Hawaiʻi imports 85% to 90% of its food
(11), and locally grown foods can be unaffordable.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Food insecurity is one of two determinants for health-related chronic diseases including diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and asthma. While this affects everyone, the main ethnic groups being affected in
Hawaii are Asians, Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. This study indicates the population of Hawaii and
found that although Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders have the fewest population in the sample,
they have the highest risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma due to higher percentages of
food insecurity.
With higher risks of health-related chronic diseases, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders don’t
have the education or are employed to afford and understand the risks of not eating nutritionally. Asians
are mostly employed or attend school, but the other population are normally unemployed and spend
money on drugs or alcohol. Impacted by food insecurity, Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
often correlate with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma and it is proven by this study.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Stupplebeen, David A. “Housing and Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease Among Three Racial
Groups in Hawaiʻi.” Preventing Chronic Disease, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 31 Jan. 2019,
This is a reputable and reliable article because it is a study done by David A. Stupplebeen who has a
professional degree in public health and the study is peer reviewed by many others.
Research Log #5 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 3/6/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point That This Source Proves: #1 Affects mental health of children and their parents

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“Nearly one in three individuals (29.2%) globally experience a common mental disorder during their
lifetime, such as depression, anxiety, and somatic symptom disorders. FI may be a key contributor to
common mental disorders through several different mechanisms” (Jones).

“First, by generating uncertainty over the ability to maintain food supplies or to acquire sufficient food in
the future, FI can provoke a stress response that may contribute to anxiety and depression” (Jones).

“Furthermore, acquiring foods in socially unacceptable ways can induce feelings of alienation,
powerlessness, shame, and guilt that are associated with depression” (Jones).

“FI may also magnify socioeconomic disparities within households and communities that could increase
cultural sensitivities and influence overall mental well-being” (Jones).

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Families across the U.S. and in Hawaii struggle to maintain healthy meals to provide for their
families. According to Andrew Jones, families “generating uncertainty over the ability to maintain food
supplies or to acquire sufficient food in the future can provoke a stress response that may contribute to
anxiety and depression” (Jones). People under the issue of food insecurity always worry about when the
next meal is coming and if they can’t afford it, they can’t maintain their mental state.
Not only do families or people experiencing food insecurity worry about their next meal, but
“acquiring foods in socially unacceptable ways can induce feelings of alienation, powerlessness, shame,
and guilt that are associated with depression” (Jones). In the Pursuit of Happiness movie by Will and
Jaden Smith, they experience food insecurity and many other problems to maintain their lives. The father,
Chris Gardner experiences a feeling of shame and powerlessness when they have to go to a homeless
place to provide food for himself and his son. Although families act like they are powerful and proud to
support their family to others, deep inside, they feel a sense of shame and hopelessness as they won’t
know how long they can continue to support them.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Jones, Andrew D. “Food Insecurity Can Affect Your Mental Health.” Food Insecurity Can
Affect Your Mental Health, ScienceDaily, 27 Apr. 2017,
This is a reputable and reliable news article because the information is grabbed by a study made by a
professor with a PhD in international nutrition and is in the Department of Nutritional Sciences in
University of Michigan.
Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 3/13/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point That This Source Proves: #2 Has a negative impact in the U.S economy

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“Children on average use fewer health care services, and important drivers of health expenditures
(inpatient, specialist, and pharmacy) do not appear to be impacted as much by food insecurity in children
as they are in adults.”

“The adverse impacts of social stressors such as food insecurity on the well-being of developing children
may not become apparent for many years (or decades), whereas in adults, who experience much higher
rates of chronic illness, the consequences may be more rapid.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

With food insecurity being placed on families, they struggle to find health care and other special
needs to support themselves. With their struggles, the government has to dedicate their revenues to spend
on Medicare and Medicaid and support those families. This affects the U.S. economy by increasing the
national debt. With families being affected, different types of health care are being used on children and
adults. However, “Children on average use fewer health care services, and important drivers of health
expenditures (inpatient, specialist, and pharmacy) do not appear to be impacted as much by food
insecurity in children as they are in adults” (Peltz).
With children having lower health risks as adults, this contributes to the amount of money spent
for health care in families. “The adverse impacts of social stressors such as food insecurity on the well-
being of developing children may not become apparent for many years (or decades), whereas in adults,
who experience much higher rates of chronic illness, the consequences may be more rapid” (Peltz).
Children have a lower risk of health diseases and problems compared to an adult.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Peltz, Alon, and Arvin Garg. “Food Insecurity and Health Care Use.” American Academy of
Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1 Oct. 2019,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is a written article and study done by two pediatrics,
Alon Peltz and Arvin Garg.
Research Log #7 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 3/20/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point That This Source Proves: #2 Has a negative impact in the U.S economy

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“Some of the threats would be lack of resources or their medical subsidies not paying for some reason or
another. Some can’t afford and some are not able to qualify through health care insurance plans so we try
to help when can. We offer emergency assistant and have care packages available for needy seniors”

“Some of the seniors meals are through health insurance such as Medicare and Medicaid. If seniors are
eligible through these programs they are able to get meals subsidized” (Baricuatro).

“I think being food insecure for us would be not being able to go shopping or be able to afford food. Not
having the help you need to get food. You can even have money but not be able to get to the store because
you have health problems. Not having the resources needed to get meals” (Baricuatro).

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

With Hawaii’s extreme high costs of living, finding food is another necessity needed for families
across Hawaii. Especially in the elderly, when they are retired and are struggling to afford food. In Meals
on Wheels in Lanakila Pacific is an “umbrella” organization that is a small community place where
volunteers serve food, have job training for people with disabilities, and have daycare for disabled adults.
In an interview with Charisse Baricuatro, she talks about food insecurity being an economic problem in
Hawaii. She would define food insecurity to be, “not being able to go shopping or be able to afford food
or having the help you need to get food. You can even have money but not be able to get to the store
because you have health problems. Not having the resources needed to get meals” (Baricuatro). In their
facilities, Lanakila Pacific house many elderly folks with no family and therefore, they have no one to be
taken care for. Many volunteers provide food for them and they are treated as if they are a family
According to Charisse Baricuatro, “some of the senior’s meals are through health insurance such
as Medicare and Medicaid. If seniors are eligible through these programs, they are able to get meals
subsidized” (Baricuatro). This affects Hawaii’s economy since the government have to provide subsidies
for health insurance and to pay for the elderly’s meals. With governments providing subsidies, their
earnings and the flow of economy drops. Although food insecure elderly obtain their food, the
government has to pay for their food with Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, or subsidies.
Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Baricuatro, Charisse. “Solutionary Project Interview: Food Insecurity.” 16 Mar. 2020.

This is a reputable and reliable interview because Charisse Baricuatro is the office administrator that
has various roles with driving meals out to seniors, assessments, or working with volunteers and clerical
in Meals on Wheels at Lanakila Pacific.
Research Log #8 - Solutionary Project 2020
Date: 3/27/20
Name:  Irvin Lin
Essential Question: How does food insecurity provide a negative impact in families across Hawaii?   
Three Points to Prove: #1:  Affects mental health of children and their parents
                                        #2:  Has a negative impact in the U.S economy
                                        #3: Provides a physical health risk to those that are food insecure

Point That This Source Proves: #1 Affects mental health of children and their parents

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“After multiple risk factors are considered, children who live in households that are food
insecure, even at the lowest levels, are likely to be sick more often, recover from illness more
slowly, and be hospitalized more frequently. Lack of adequate healthy food can impair a child’s
ability to concentrate and perform well in school and is linked to higher levels of behavioral and
emotional problems from preschool through adolescence” (Food Research and Action Center).

“In general, lower food security is associated with higher probability of each of the chronic
diseases examined — hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), hepatitis, stroke, cancer,
asthma, diabetes, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and kidney disease”
(Food Research and Action Center).

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

In 2016, approximately 41.2 million people across the nation suffer issues from food insecurity
which correlates to 11.5% of adults and 17.5% of children. These numbers are being affected by food
insecurity, which causes many health-related problems long term for adults and children. According to
the Food Research and Action Center, “children who live in households that are food insecure, even at the
lowest levels, are likely to be sick more often, recover from illness more slowly, and be hospitalized more
frequently. Lack of adequate healthy food can impair a child’s ability to concentrate and perform well in
school and is linked to higher levels of behavioral and emotional problems from preschool through
adolescence” (Food Research and Action Center). This provides long term health problems for children
involved with sickness and can correlate to education and behavior as they mature or grow.
For adults the long-term effects may occur right after experiencing food insecurity. With
malnutrition and the ability to not afford healthy food, “lower food security is associated with higher
probability of each of the chronic diseases examined — hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD),
hepatitis, stroke, cancer, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and
kidney disease” (Food Research and Action Center). These are few of the many health problems that
adults experience that are long-term and could affect how they live daily. They struggle to find healthy
food to support their family and sometimes, they sacrifice their food to feed their children which leads to
these health risks.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

The Impact of Poverty, Food Insecurity, and Poor Nutrition on Health and Well-Being. Food
Research and Action Center, 2017, pp. 1–14, The Impact of Poverty, Food Insecurity, and
Poor Nutrition on Health and Well-Being.

This is a reputable and reliable report because it is made by the Food Research and Action Center which
is a national non-profit organization that works to get rid of food insecurity, poverty, and malnutrition.

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