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Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: February 7, 2020

Name: Tessa Domingo
Essential Question:
How does fast fashion negatively impact our environment?
Three Points to Prove: #1: fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change
#2: fast fashion leads to a substantial amount of landfill waste
#3: fast fashion pollutes the ocean with microfibers

Point that this Source Proves: #1: fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change
#2: fast fashion leads to a substantial amount of landfill waste
#3: fast fashion pollutes the ocean with microfibers

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

According to Tatiana Schlossberg, “More than 60 percent of the fabric fibers are now synthetics” which are
made from fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are then sent to landfills but because of the fabric fibers, they will
not decay.

Fast fashion is also pollution our waters with the microfibers that are in the fabric. “[…] The synthetic
microfibers that end up in the sea, freshwater and elsewhere [will not decay]” says Tatiana Schlossberg.

Rather, there should be more focus on trying to accomplish “a circular – or closed-loop – system, in which
products are continually recycles, reborn, reused. Nothing, ideally, should go in the trash.” as said by Dana

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This article provides information about everything wrong with unsustainable fashion, also known as
fast fashion. It addresses how fast fashion contributes to speeding up climate change, how it leads to a
substantial amount of landfill waste, and how it also pollutes the ocean with microfibers. It is addressed that
according to Tatiana Schlossberg, “More than 60 percent of the fabric fibers are now synthetics” which are
made from fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are then sent to landfills but because of the fabric fibers, they will
not decay. Because the clothing items are made with synthetic fabric fibers and are derived from fossil fuels,
it has a major effect on our climate. It is a cause to accelerating climate change with the use of fossil fuels
which is heating up our world. Also, these pieces of clothing are not made to last and may become and
important part of our fossil record.
Fast fashion is also polluting our waters with the microfibers that are in the fabric. “[…] The
synthetic microfibers that end up in the sea, freshwater and elsewhere [will not decay]” says Tatiana
Schlossberg. These microfibers will be found all over, including the highest glacier peaks all the way to the
deepest parts of our ocean. These problems would only be stopped and fixed with a whole new type of cloth
for our clothing. Cloth that is made of other things that could either be lab-grown or some type of recycled
It is also present that there should no longer be specific cloths used in clothing. Some of these would
include polyvinyl chloride or untraceable rayon. Rather, there should be more focus on trying to accomplish
“a circular – or closed-loop – system, in which products are continually recycles, reborn, reused. Nothing,
ideally, should go in the trash.” as said by Dana Thomas. There should also be more focused on what makes
the clothes, fabric, and how they are made.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Schlossberg, Tatiana. “How Fast Fashion Is Destroying the Planet.” The New York Times, The New York
Times, 3 Sept. 2019,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by the New York Times based off of a book.
Tessa Domingo

Mrs. Nourrie

English 11 – C

7 February 2020

Project Journal 1

Currently I have made a good amount of starting progress. I was able to come up with what I am

going to be tackling as a problem for my solutionary project and found a way to do that in my style. I was

also able to make a Weebly website for my project in order to showcase my work. I was also able to

complete a project proposal for my solutionary project. On top of that I had recorded and finished my

elevator pitch video, both which are able to be found at on my website.

I was also able to do some research on my project problem in order to be more knowledge about it

and to have a better idea on all of the effects that unsustainable fashion, also known as fast fashion, has on

our environment. More specifically, how fast fashion is speeding up and accelerating climate change, how it

also adds and causes the micro plastic and microfiber pollution in our oceans and around. I had also found

out how fast fashion is effecting our environment through adding on a substantial amount of waste to our

landfills. I have also found many other websites that I can reference for more information on the problem at


As for my project specifically, I have been able to figure out some of my specifics on how I am going

to approach and execute my project. I was able to get a general idea on where I am going to hold a clothing

drive that is also outside of school since there are many other clothing drives that will be going on, my

parents workplace. I also was able to come up with that I should focus on trying to get denim from the

clothing drive so that I can use them for my upcycling part of my project. I was also able to come up with

where I am going to donate the money that I make from the auction of my pieces.

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