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Why Big Business Collaborates in

April 27, 2020

In terms of Bezmenov's stages of subversion - this is 'the crisis'

The CoVid Security State is Here to Stay

This is Part Two

Wow! So it's a done deal. Is the entire business establishment

cool with its own destruction?

Linde's answer:
"The goy traitor class of 'our Gentile Masonry' are the overseers
of the vassal state owned as an asset of the Central
Banks....What will be their fate when their usefulness to The
Revolution is ended? Will The Owners be willing to retain them
in the style to which they have become accustomed?"

by Linde

You know I would so like to be wrong about this, but when

people 'read' the present events through the historical
perspective of The Revolution, they come to understand the
ownership of the Revolution through the central banking cartel,
what makes a ZOG a ZOG, the origin of the UN, the role of the
NGOs, the business class - bought and paid for with fiat credit
issue - in squashing the class enemies: namely the small
independent folks, etc. What has been seen can not be
(left, the emblem of the Soviet Union)

The business class is cruising at altitude enjoying their

entitlements on a flight plan that will land at the Gulag
Archipelago of the World Soviet. What will be their fate when
their usefulness to The Revolution is ended? Will The Owners
be willing to retain them in the style to which they have become

The Central Banking Cartel (CBC) is what - eight dynastic

families with their governing class. Then there is the goy traitor
class of 'our Gentile Masonry' who are the overseers of the
vassal state owned as an asset of the CBC.

The services of this group to The Owners are definitely under

appreciated by the minions because they manage the schmo
screen of meaningless ideals (suitable for those without faith or
morals) and the charity spiffs and philanthropy.

The elites of this class - the 'Jim'll Fix It' class are in my opinion
the worst of the lot, the absolute caked on crud at the bottom of
the barrel.
Then there is the upwardly mobile social capital allowed to
prosper from The Revolution across all bases of social influence
because they are the instrument for squashing the class
enemies - the majority demographics (especially of the
European) that would otherwise get themselves organized and
overthrow the ZOG.

These people are the most despised by the racial and class
enemies because they have not thought through the Big

And, of course, the higher up the food chain of this category,

the more 'brother Jews' are utilized as insulation by The
Owners. These are the groups Bezmenov was instructed not to
bother with at all in the work of subversion. They are in place
and The Revolution would swallow them in due course as
Rakovsky testified.

English majors definitely have an edge in this subject if they
have read and appreciated the Great American Novel - namely
"The Godfather" by Mario Puzo. These novels are about real
politk and how power works in the context of a vassal nation - a
ZOG like the US.

Both the overworld and the underworld are controlled by

different poles of The Apex - namely The Owners. The novel is
set in the underworld. But we will discover like Michael
Corleone that the overworld is even more corrupt - for reasons
that people who read your website will understand. Unlike the
film, the novel goes into the 'policy banks' of the five families but
does not penetrate the question of who owns the policy banks.
Here is the one about the 'offer he couldn't refuse"
In the China deal, ZOG East ( the USSR ) pumped the
Warsaw pact weapons, the alphabet soup guerrillas, mad
squirrels and trained insurgents to Mao (a Yalie Skull and
Bonesman) ; the Western support for General Chiang Kai Shek
(a true world hero that every nationalist should appreciate )
somehow went missing and General Marshall told him : "It's
either a UN Charter election or its the Marines".

This looks back to one of the greatest infamies in American

history when Wilson sent the Marines to defeat the Russian
nationalist army and prevent them from marching on Moscow,
to put an end to the Bolshevik Revolution and removing the Red
'Russians' - probably by the testicles.

Naturally the Chinese nationalist army had to surrender their

weapons. The Mao brigades however were free to roam
around and hand out the how to vote cards. The Owners of
The Revolution and the UN, of course, own the voting
apparatus of the UN Charter election.

The Logo of the Third Comintern.

The Fourth Comintern founded by Leon Trotsky 1938 was

founded to continue the objective of the Third Comintern : world
wide Revolution as summed up by the state emblem of the
USSR as fixed in the 1924 Soviet Constitution.

I think a good reading of The Godfather will reveal that the

Soviet Union did not collapse. They went to the mattresses
across the global village and range of projects - all of them now
coming to fruition.
Stay strong for your people Henry; the American and Canadian
honour rolls need more Jews and there are still some Benjamin
Freedmans, Henry H Kleins and Jack Bernsteins out there. It
falls to your lot to fetch them up, dust them off and give them a
talking to.

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