Research Log 1

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Lucas Stumbaugh

Ms. Nourrie

Section S2-C

5 February 2020

Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date: Feb. 5, 2020   
Name:  Lucas A. Stumbaugh 
Essential Question: How can the community support the homelessness crisis?

Three Points to Prove: #1:  Positive impact on lives

                                        #2:  Promote awareness to higher level policy makers
                                        #3: Provide volunteer work to lessen the severity of homelessness

Point that this Source Proves:   #2

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

When Gallagher begins to explain support systems for homelessness she states, “Quite simply,
not enough government-funded social programs exist to aid the homeless in a meaningful way.”

Later in the articles Gallagher presses the issue that “there will not be lasting, effective change
until policymakers at all levels of government treat homelessness as the national emergency it

To finish Gallagher’s views on homelessness she raises a call to action where she presents the
idea, “Bridging the gap between public policy and the needs of the homeless, this urgent issue
needs attention from every sector possible – individual, public, private and institutional. It's only

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This article helps to prove the point which is community support can promote awareness
to a higher level such as policy makers. Gallagher throughout her articles mentions several
instances where groups within the community have tried to start projects aimed at homelessness.
But without proper documentation of their actions some government officials have neglected and
even shut down these projects. The main idea that she is trying to drive home is the idea that
small group support isn’t enough in order to see results in the homelessness crisis.
Like how Gallagher explains the small group coordination isn’t enough it certainly
doesn’t hurt and with constant action this will turn heads to higher ups and finally get the
recognition this issue deserves. Although some government action has been taken already like
the passing of the H.R. 6157 bill which provides an increase in affordable housing and
educational programs, more can be done. And one of the main points that she is trying to get at is
to get growing support and take the fight to government itself to voice their distress on the issue.
Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

 Gallagher, Therese. “Homelessness Is a National Crisis.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S.
News & World Report, 4 Mar. 2019,
Accessed 4 Feb. 2020.

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published in the US news website where

they take contributions from writers who are professors and up.

Log of Findings/Work

As my partner and I have started to work on our project we have decided to start off and

visit the Kaneohe Joint Outreach Center to formally introduce ourselves to the person who is in

charge of running the facility. And to our fortune we were able to interact already with a couple

of homeless individuals who were there to get help. Also, another beneficial aspect of visiting

the project post was we were able to get information on what we should be asking for in the

donation aspect of our project. We were told to ask for snacks such as cup of noodle and chips

and what not but also one thing that was of major importance was socks. This was we were told

due to those who receive treatment for scars or scratches that they might have which can provide

them with comfort once they leave the center.

As for the project itself we have decided to or will be deciding to hold our donation

drives on the 20th of every month. We are planning advertise our donation drive in some aspect

of wither putting up flyers around campus or even sharing a message on the morning

announcement to spread the word of what we are trying to do. We hope that people in our school

take this project seriously and we really hope they consider how much a small donation can have

such a big impact on someone else’s life. Not only will we be having our donation drive in

school but some of the setbacks we are currently facing is how we plan to promote community

support in our neighborhoods. That to us as a group seems to be the hardest aspect of this project.

Another good aspect of the start of our project is that we already have a date lined up where we

plan to volunteer our time at the center. So, we are hoping that over the course of this project we

are willing to hold donation drives and have at least two appearances in the center to interact and

help out with the cause.

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