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My sister and I go to our hometown for the spring holiday. We have

a peaceful couple of weeks there and we stay with our childhood
The best thing is that we have pizza cooked by mum. Mum is terribly
(don t tell her I said so!). But, somehow, her pizza is the best in the
Actually, right now I stay on the porch eating it. What a life! This year
is special because our parents are forty years of marriage. How can
you live with someone for forty years? It sounds like a ling time.
We brought our parents a photo frame with a recent photo of them
together. Dad finds for the the best place where to put it. I think he
is a bit too muck time find it. Mum keeps reminding him to take out
the trash and he it.
‘’She is me’’
‘’That’s because I have so many reasons to de so.’’
‘’You keep looking from them, they are you.’’
Yes, I guess forty years really is a long time.

Stanica Alexandra-Mihaela

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